Wordpress secondary domain name classification directory url plugin WP Subdomains

WordPress plug-in eleven thousand two hundred and eighty-three

Large websites with rich content and many classification directories usually use the sub domain name as the classification address url. Websites with rich content and many classification directories using wordpress can use the WP Subdomains plug-in to use the secondary domain name of the domain name to represent the classification directory url address. This plug-in can realize https://www.boke8.net/wordpress/ The category directory url of becomes http://wordpress.boke8.net/ Subdomain form.

WP Subdomains plug-in functions:

  • Implement the classification directory url sub domain name form
  • Implement the form of page address url sub domain name
  • Implement the form of author page url sub domain name
  • You can select different theme templates for different sub domains
  • You can also adjust widgets and other things

Instructions for using the wp subdomains plug-in:

  • Resolve and bind the subdomain name to the space before using it
  • The category directory sub domain name url can be directly completed in the plug-in setting interface, but the page needs to add a custom field wps_page_subdomain with the value of true, which is troublesome. In fact, the page does not need to use the sub domain name form

be careful: The plug-in author has not updated it since it was developed to version 0.6.9, so the plug-in currently only supports WordPress 2.7 to 2.9.2. Because the plug-in testing is troublesome, the blog bar has not tested it, let alone tested whether it supports WordPress 2.9.2 or above. The blog bar only introduces it. WP friends who are interested in this plug-in please study it independently.

Download the wp subdomains plug-in: DownLoad

PS: This plugin is not recommended for WordPress sites with little content!
