WordPress version 3.0.3 update release

The WordPress official released WordPress version 3.0.3 on December 8, 2010 (US time). I have to say that the WordPress official is really powerful. The update of the WordPress blog program is fast. Even if only one bug is found, it will be immediately updated and released, which can be said to put users first. Unlike some programs in China, you need to wait for a lot of bugs to repair and update them. Every update is like an October pregnancy. (More...)
, 4709 ℃

WordPress version 3.0.2 released

WordPress 3.1 beta version 1 was just released last week. On November 30, 2010, the official version of WordPress 3.0.2 was released. WordPress 3.0.2, which was released shortly after the official release, is a mandatory security update. This update mainly fixes a security vulnerability, which will enable the "author" user to obtain higher permissions, and also fixes other bugs in WordPress 3.0.1. (More...)
, 4396 ℃

WordPress 3.1 beta 1 release

WordPress version 3.0.1 has been released for some time. I heard that the next version of WordPress version 3.1 of 3.0.1 was released on December 1, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes, The WordPress official released the WordPress 3.1 beta 1 version in the last week of November. However, the WP official stressed that it is not recommended that bloggers upgrade WP to 3.1 beta 1 immediately, but test it first. (More...)
, 5598 ℃
 Blog bar: bookmark collection of major websites share ico icon

Blog bar: bookmark collection of major websites share ico icon

When I was working on adding a favorite button to an article last week, I was troubled by the lack of ico icons of related websites. I looked around for them, but I really didn't like many. Finally, I found a set of popular icon icons for bookmarks, favorites, and sharing buttons on websites. I believe many bloggers like me are looking for their favorite icon. Blog Bar will now share it for you to download and use, and share happiness~~(more...)
6013 ℃

Write your own blog, don't lose yourself

Some bloggers will open their own blog traffic statistics every day to see how much traffic their blog has today; Some bloggers will open the account of the alliance website of their blog advertisements every day, and see how many times their blogs have earned today; Many bloggers will adopt the experience of their predecessors every day to see how they can improve the traffic of their websites and how they can make a lot of money with their blogs. The following is an article reprinted by the blog bar on the ZB forum. You may as well have a look at it when you are free. (More...)
, 4113 ℃

Blog: make a blog that can keep visitors

Bloggers think that in order to retain visitors well, a blog is affected by many factors besides its high content quality and readability. For example, the experts of major websites emphasize that "the user experience of a website is very important". A website cannot leave visitors a good feeling. It is difficult for visitors to stop. Blogbar expresses its views and feelings on user experience here. (More...)
, 5228 ℃

How to copy prohibited blog articles

Previously, we introduced the plug-ins that WordPress blog posts prohibit copying, but the technology is often that you have your Zhang Liangji, and I have my own ladder to cross the wall. So often webmaster bloggers spend time to prevent others from copying their own blog content, and soon after that, others think of ways to break the webmaster blogger's ban. Blog Bar introduces a very simple method to copy the prohibited blog articles. (More...)
, 9227 ℃

Nokia Launches Symbian WordPress Open Source Application

There must be many WordPress bloggers among Nokia mobile phone users using Symbian platform, and I am one of them. Before that, Nokia users using Symbian system had relatively trouble publishing articles on their WordPress blog, but now it is different. Nokia has launched an open source WordPress client application, through which Symbian users can directly publish and manage articles through their mobile phones. (More...)
, 4304 ℃

Blog Bar WordPress The WordPress plug-in currently used by the blog

Many new WordPress bloggers read a large number of "WordPress must install plug-ins", "WordPress excellent plug-ins" and other similar plug-in summary recommended article tutorials on the Internet, and then blindly install a large number of plug-ins for their WordPress blogs that they cannot use, thus affecting the speed of blogs and other things. Plug ins should be installed according to your own needs. Here are a few plug-ins installed by Blogbar according to your own needs. (More...)
, 4443 ℃

Blog Bar's Views on the Promotion Means of Blog Comments

At present, in the domestic independent blogosphere, many bloggers are eager to promote their blogs by means of comments and messages. TA people spend a lot of time shuttling back and forth between multiple blogs every day, and then make comments and messages. These efforts have also played a decisive role. Every article in the blog often has hundreds of comments, which is good for life. But is blogging a success? Blog bar is hard to agree with. (More...)
, 8722 ℃

Google employees confirmed that the website PR will not be updated

No webmaster does not know the PR value. PageRank is a page ranking technology calculated by search engines according to the hyperlinks between pages. Google uses it to reflect the relevance and importance of pages. Therefore, webmasters attach great importance to the PR value, often measuring its weight by the PR of a website, but according to the latest news, Google will no longer update the PR value. The latest news released by the Webmaster Central on Google's official website shows that Google will stop updating the PR value. TechWeb reported that on October 13, the Webmaster Central of Google's official website announced that
, 4097 ℃

Mainstream Chinese search engine, blog website submission portal

Most of the most valuable traffic of blogs comes from search engines. To attract traffic from search engines, blogs need to be included by search engines. After the blog has been built, the content has also been published. In order to let the search engine collect the blog content as soon as possible, we took the initiative to submit the blog to the search engine. The blog bar has sorted out several mainstream free Chinese search engine portals to facilitate new bloggers to quickly submit their blogs to the search engine. (More...)
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