Blog bar: what website do individuals do well?

I have also registered many domain names, some of which have expired without renewal, and some are still idle. In the past, when looking at the domain name registered by myself, I always felt a little upset and impatient because I couldn't figure out what kind of website to use it as. Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, there are websites with all kinds of content, and more than one or two of them are excellent. If you are involved in them, how can you stand out?! Therefore, they are often confused with newly registered domain names. (More...)
, 14974 ℃
 It is said that Z-Blog version 1.9 will support MSSQL database

It is said that Z-Blog version 1.9 will support MSSQL database

Everyone who uses Z-Blog knows that Z-Blog is based on the ASP+ACCESS architecture. But on the Z-Blog official forum, it is often seen that ZBer strongly requests the MSSQL version of Z-Blog, saying that his blog has a large amount of data and ACCESS cannot afford it. When the data reaches more than 10 megabytes, the performance of Z-Blog will decline significantly, and the ZB official has not given an obvious reply. However, after the 1.9 beta came out, I saw on the ZB forum that the moderator said that Z-Blog 1.9 would support MSS
4182 ℃
 Add mail subscription function to blog

Add mail subscription function to blog

Tencent launched a new function of its mailbox service, the mail subscription function. This function can not only send unlimited email messages to your email subscribers, but also add RSS to your blog or website. The email system provides an automatic sending service for RSS updates. When the system checks that there is an update to the website content, it will send an update notification email to subscribers, through which you can send updates to WordPress Independent blogs such as Z-Blog, Typecho and Emlog add RSS mail subscription function. (More...)
13906 ℃

Baidu and Google online index query tool website

Choosing the right keywords will help improve the search engine traffic of the blog, and you can also do half the work when optimizing keywords. When doing blog SEO, it is very difficult to select keywords for blog. I don't know how to select keywords, whether the keywords are popular or not, and I don't know whether good keywords are good or not. At this time, I can use Baidu and Google index query tools to analyze the selected keywords. (More...)
, 14814 ℃

[Transfer] Let's get to know the history of blog

First, make it clear that I reprinted this article, otherwise someone will spray it without seeing the reprint instructions at the bottom of the article. I'm not in a good mood these days, and I can even express it in pain, so I don't bother to update my blog. Fortunately, I keep a little sense in the pain. I can't do without updating my blog, but I don't want to use my brain. So I went to find a good article to reprint and share it. Although many people have blogs, few people know the history of blog development (More...)
, 7739 ℃

WordPress 3.1.1 version update release

The official version of WordPress 3.1.1 has been released. This new version mainly fixes nearly 30 problems of WordPress 3.1, and more importantly, it also includes three security problems. The official recommendation of WordPress is that users who use WordPress 3.1 upgrade to the latest version of WordPress 3.1.1 as soon as possible. The following is the update log announcement of WordPress official blog reprinted by Blogbar. (More...)
, 3662 ℃

W3C International Certification of Blog Bar

This morning when I was surfing the Internet on my mobile phone in bed, I saw an article about SEO, which mentioned that whether the web page passed the W3C international certification has an impact on the web page's SEO. I can say that I know nothing about SEO, so I was surprised to see this view, because the articles about SEO that I saw before rarely mentioned that W3C international certification has an impact on the website's SEO, so I was curious, I also checked the blog bar. (More...)
, 4339 ℃

Z-Blog 1.9 Beta 1 version updated and released

On the 30th of last month, the Z-Blog official forum said that for some reasons, the new version 1.9 of ZB, which was originally to be released at the end of last month, could not be released on schedule, and the specific release time was not specified. I thought it would be a long time, but I was surprised to see the release of Z-Blog 1.9 Beta1 in the latest theme when I logged on to the ZB forum today, It is estimated that the previous news is that Z-Blog played an April Fool's Day joke on ZBer in advance. (More...)
, 2639 ℃

The new version of Z-Blog 1.9 cannot be released as scheduled

According to the official news of Z-Blog, the new version 1.9 of Z-Blog, which is expected by many people, will be released at the end of this month (March 2011), which was originally met with ZBer today. However, when we just arrived at the ZB forum, an announcement popped up at the lower right corner, indicating that ZB 1.9 would not be released as scheduled. It has to be said that this news is very disappointing. It is really unpleasant for ZBer to wait for the new version, but he cannot see it as he wishes. (More...)
, 3714 ℃

Grade examination, stop updating for one week

Finally, we can access the blog normally. The computer room where the website space used by the blog bar is located has a problem these two days, so that we can't access it when the Unicom line is normal. We need to access it through VPN. Fortunately, the VPN in use is very fast these two days. The telecommunication line should be accessible, because the webmaster statistics show that the blog bar has been visited these two days, although less than usual. (More...)
, 8732 ℃ website encounters large-scale DDoS attack provides users with WordPress blog hosting services for free and supports domain name binding services for a fee. It is one of the outstanding free WordPress hosting services. According to the news on March 4, Beijing time, according to foreign media reports, the blog platform is suffering from its largest DDoS (distributed denial of service attack) in history, affecting access to customer websites. (More...)
, 3749 ℃

WordPress blog 3.1 official release

Last year (i.e. 10 years), the official WordPress said that the official version of WordPress 3.1 was planned to be released at the end of the year, but the plan always failed to catch up with changes. The official version of WP3.1 was not released as expected, but today, after more than two months of delay than the original plan, the official version of WordPress 3.1 really met the WPers. Now let's see what changes have taken place in the official version of WordPress 3.1. (More...)
, 6910 ℃

CSS code that crashes IE6 browser, keeping visitors away from IE6

I am bored with IE6. I hate IE6. It is estimated that not only I but also many other web developers do not like IE6. Every time I do a web page, it is IE6's business. But a large number of Internet users do not upgrade or change their browsers, so I have to take care of IE6 when I do a web page. After all, I don't have to be hard on Internet users. The following blog will introduce a few lines of CSS code to bloggers who don't like IE6 browsing. (More...)
, 5590 ℃