Release of Z-Blog wap 2.0 mobile browsing interface

Release of Z-Blog wap 2.0 mobile browsing interface

The Z-Blog system supports mobile phone access, but the WAP interface for mobile phone access before Z-Blog is very rough, with simple functions and inconvenient use. At present, Z-Blog has released the Z-Blog wap 2.0 version developed by Yoshiki, which optimizes the original WAP interface of Z-Blog. The interface layout and appearance have been greatly improved, making mobile phone browsing and blog management easier. (More...)
8967 ℃

WordPress 3.2.1 update and release

The update and maintenance of WordPress is still as fast as ever, and the release of WordPress 3.2 is only a few days away, WordPress version 3.2.1 came out, which is also the advantage of WP. If you find a problem, you can fix it immediately. Unlike most domestic program providers, there has been a problem with the system for a long time, and no update or solution has been found. Maybe this is one of the reasons why some domestic source codes are stagnant. (More...)
, 5408 ℃

The new version of WordPress 3.2 was officially released

On July 3, 2011 (US time), the official website of WordPress announced the upcoming release of WordPress 3.2, and explained some properties of the new version of WordPress 3.2. Then on July 4, 2011 US time, WP officially released WordPress 3.2. According to the WP official, today is the Independence Day of the United States applauding freedom. I don't know much about American culture and history, so... (more...)
, 5847 ℃

WordPress version 3.1.4 update release

The update of WordPress 3.1.4 and its Chinese version has now been released. This update is mainly for the maintenance and security update of all previous versions. It fixes some security problems of WordPress, and the most important thing is that the 3.1.4 version fixes a permission vulnerability: users with editor permissions may get higher permissions of the site. So if the blog has user registration or multiple editors, upgrade it as soon as possible. (More...)
, 4371 ℃

WordPress 3.2 Release Candidate 2

The following content comes from the official Chinese blog of WordPress: Ha, the Chinese version of the second candidate release (RC2) of WordPress 3.2 has been released! If you haven't tested version 3.2, come and try it—— Oh, but don't test on the site you are using, unless you love adventure. Since the RC1 version was released, we have made many adjustments, such as some adjustments to the TwentyEleven theme, a new theme support option for the default random top image, and some RTL (left to right) style patches. (More...)
, 4332 ℃

WordPress 3.2 RC1 version updated and released

After the beta phase and before the final version, the WordPress RC1 version was released. In fact, WordPress 3.2 RC1 version was released on the 15th of this month, but as the final exam is approaching, students like me who never listen to classes usually have to read several books from the beginning, which takes a lot of time, so I have updated my blog from time to time in the past half month. The following is the official update of WordPress. (More...)
, 4506 ℃

Description of review of comments and comments on the blog bar and update of the upcoming final exam

Blog Bar has adopted a review system for comments from the beginning, that is, every comment is manually reviewed and approved for display, and then combined with the anti spam plug-in. It was thought that this could effectively reduce the spam comments of the blog, but the reality is far more cruel than ideal. The spam comments are still catching up with each other. It seems that they want me to delete them too much so that they can be approved for display, However, the principle of the blog bar is to treat comments as incomplete rather than excessive. For comments that have no substantive meaning, it is never soft to delete them immediately. (More...)
, 2987 ℃

WordPress 8th Anniversary Review Version and Function Evolution

On the 27th, WordPress celebrated its eighth birthday. Eight years ago today, Matt Mullenweg, the founder of Wordpress, announced that the first version of Wordpress would be available for download. Since then, the blogging program has undergone great changes. WordPress started as a branch of B2, and has now developed into one of the largest open source projects on the network. More than 450000 websites, including Mashable, are powered by WordPress. (More...)
, 3190 ℃

Blog bar link/friendship link description

Recently, some bloggers have said that they want to link with the homepage of the blog bar. Thanks to several bloggers, they look up to the blog bar. But from the beginning to now, the homepage of the blog bar has not exchanged links, only the inner page links. This is also explained on the friendship link page, but no blogger seems willing to read it. Moreover, the blog bar now has no weight, no ranking, no inclusion, no traffic, and no fame. Linking does not bring any value. (More...)
, 12979 ℃

WordPress 3.1.3 and WordPress 3.2 Beta 2 Release

WordPress officially released an update again. This update is quite special. WordPress 3.1.3 and WordPress 3.2 Beta2 were released at the same time. It mainly fixes various minor problems in WordPress 3.1.2 and increases multiple data security. Beta2 makes some changes or additions to Beta1. The following is a description of the relevant updates from WP's official blog. (More...)
, 4168 ℃

WordPress 3.2, Beta 1 release

It seems that WordPress 3.1 has not been released for a long time, right?! About three months ago, but in the twinkling of an eye, WordPress released a new version of its beta version WordPress 3.2, Beta 1, which was so fast that domestic application service providers were embarrassed. The release of WordPress 3.2 beta has brought new functions and surprises to WPer. The following blog will introduce the new functions mentioned by WP. (More...)
, 3455 ℃

Emlog 4.0.1 version update release

On the official emlog forum today, we found that the official version of emlog released 4.0.1, which is a patch version, mainly to fix various bugs found after the release of emlog 4.0.0. This update fixes many problems, including 11 problems. The following is a list of problems about the emlog 4.0.1 update and repair from the emlog official blog bar. Friends who need to know about it: (more...)
, 2681 ℃

WordPress version 3.1.2 update release

On the WordPress official blog time, April 26, 2011, the WP update was released. The WordPress 3.1.1 update, WordPress 3.1.2, was released. This update mainly fixes the error of improper posting by contributors of WordPress 3.1.1 and fixes some other bugs. If the WP blogger's blog has opened contributor level registration, please update it to the latest version. (More...)
, 3678 ℃