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Talk about nofollow and link jump related to SEO

Website Skills barben Five years ago (2019-04-02) 2384 views 0 comments

The page was blank for a few seconds before I jumped to my blog. When I looked at the address bar of the browser, I found that it was a jump

Next, I clicked on the review element, and immediately had nothing to say to such people!

So far, let me talk about the core of these codes!

The href and rel in the tag a are the key

1、 Let's take a look at the href attribute first

On /go/ The front of is obviously the website address of this guy, so let's take a look at the back aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmFyYmVuLmNu What on earth is it?

First, search Baidu for "base64 online decryption", and you will suddenly understand: yo, this is my domain name!!!

Benefits of using jump links: centralize the weight of a web page; The weight of the page to jump to is reduced to no weight.

There is no SEO weight vote for jump links. Is it necessary to encrypt the domain name of my website again?

2、 Let's talk about the rel attribute again

Yes, I'm going to talk about it now nofollow Yes!

The meaning of this tag is to tell spiders not to enter links that use the nofollow attribute.

Then the search engine will know that this link is not edited by the author himself, so it is not a trust ticket.

Therefore, the voting weight of this link may be reduced or completely cancelled.

The website links have become confused without knowing what they are, and no weight has been given. Do you want the search engine not to enter my site from your "encrypted jump links"?

It's a bit off topic, but I still want to tell this kind of person

Your abacus is very good. To make friends with others is to play your own tricks?

Although making friends should not use SEO to talk about things, no one wants to make such a calculating friend!

Others are willing to give you all the weight. What does it mean that you exchange such friendship links with others? This is very friendly!

Finally, if you take a look at your website, https is not fully configured, and the weight on all search engines is still 0, partner!

Eight blogs that year, we have been
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Talk about nofollow and link jump related to SEO- https://www.barben.cn/skill/397.html
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