The simplest solution to Baidu Share's inability to use https

» Free resources » The simplest solution to Baidu Share's inability to use https

By replacing and calling Baidu sharing link, you can quickly replace the reference link to achieve https Baidu sharing, and achieve one click replacement




Under Baidu Share HTTPS, you will get many solutions to this problem. The core is the same, that is, download the static file shared by Baidu to load locally. This is a method. The bad thing is that you need to download the file yourself. If this solution is used by yourself, then there is no problem, However, it will not work as a main function, so Cloudfall still wants a better solution.

This method is similar to the previous static file localization. However, on the contrary, my method is today's file remoting, and I changed the domain name to remote domain name, and then directly loaded the remote shared js file.


If you need to use the https version of Baidu Share. Directly load the following files.

As shown in the figure


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