CSS Used: a browser plug-in worth extracting CSS code from Amway

» Technical toss » CSS Used: a browser plug-in worth extracting CSS code from Amway

Through a simple browser, we can get the web page style code more quickly and easily, which is more convenient for us to integrate into our own projects.

CSS Used:一款值得安利的提取CSS代码的浏览器插件-极客公园


Those familiar with Yunluo know that Yunluo also has a website focusing on Google browser plug-in discovery and sharing downloads. A few days ago, Yunluo found a very good plug-in, which can extract the style code of the web page dom with one click.

Why plug-ins are needed

First of all, let's talk about why we need this plug-in. As the first piece of garbage, Yunluo has to admit that sometimes he borrows (copies) the style design of someone else. At this time, we need to extract the style code of the web page. But the style code of general web pages can be divided into many parts, including the internal style, external style, internal style, and possibly computer style, For mobile phone styles, we need to manually exclude a useless style from the style sheet. After all, we only need our own styles. If these styles are manually used, it will consume energy so much that you can discard them. Then you need the CSS Used plug-in.


After installing this plug-in, we also need to give him access to local files.
CSS Used:一款值得安利的提取CSS代码的浏览器插件-极客公园

Open a webpage at random, open F12, select a div, and then a CSS Used tab will be added to the right panel of F12. Click this tab, and the style code of the corresponding div will be automatically searched. If the local file permission is not selected, the permission will be prompted.

There are three buttons below the text box: Copy Preview, Send to, and the third one is not to be seen. We can click Preview. If there is no problem, we can copy the style and use it in our own project.

Plug in download

Plug in download


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