(1) Determine whether the broadband has an ipv6 address, and enable ipv6 address allocation on the istore

1. Confirm whether ipv6 is enabled
The simplest way is to ping 240c::6666 If it is connected, there is an ipv6 address

2. Configure ipv6 on iStore

① Set wan port

Click: network Interface Wan interface edit advanced setting

Get IPv6 address set to automatic IPv6 allocation length is set to disabled

② LAN port setting

Click: network Interface Lan interface edit advanced setting

IPv6 allocation length: select sixty-four

Then select: DHCP Server IPv6 Settings

RA Service: Selection Server mode

DHCPv6 service: set to Server mode

NDP Proxy: Set to disabled

IPv6 RA settings are as follows

 Please enter a picture description

3. Test and unexpected solutions

By now, istore should have successfully enabled ipv6 dhcp. Visit this website on devices that support ipv6 in the home network: https://ipw.cn/

If the ipv6 address appears, it is successful

If the ipv6 address does not appear, try the following two methods:

First: Manually set the IPv6 DNS server address of the device to: 2400:3200::1 2400:3200:baba::1

The phone can also be set to , this is a dual stack address, which can be parsed in v4 and v6

Second: istore → network Global Network Options

 Clear IPv6 ULA prefix

(2) Configure DDNS

1. Register the cloud resolution server

open https://dynv6.com/ , register an account yourself. Note that this account needs to be authenticated at your registered email address. During the authentication process, you may have to solve network problems yourself.

1. After successful registration, click My Zones , create a new address

2. Get it in instructions after completion token

3. Configure DDNS

Go back to the istore interface, find the dynamic DNS in the service, and select Add New Service

After filling, save and run it. Just remember to start DDNS

After a while (10 minutes at the latest), go to records on dynv6.com and see the ipv6 address corresponding to this domain name. That means DDNS resolution is successful

(3) Soca Set Port Forwarding

1. Download in the istore store Socat

Open Socat and check Enable

New port forwarding: newly added -- Enable --Agreement Port forwarding -- IPv6 -- TCP

Here we will first explain the listening window and the target port

Listening port , Yes Internet port

Either IPv4 or IPv6 can be selected as the target protocol. It is recommended that IPv4 be convenient

Target Port , Yes Intranet port

This is fixed. Generally, the default value for not displaying the IPv4 address is 80. What is displayed is what, for example, Qunhui is 5000, and jellyfin is 8090.

(4) Lucky port forwarding

1. Add forwarding rules

two Random name --Select tcp6 udp6 -- Listening port It is the Internet port -- the target address can be filled in directly IPv4 Address-- Target Port Is the intranet port

3. Firewall Automatic release open

4. If you cannot access after adding, you need to manually add custom rules, such as the release port is eight thousand You need to add ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 j ACCEPT

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