Linux builds Google gd utils

1. Preparations: Google server creates a TG robot (BotFather) with one domain name and NS to CF One for the team disk 2. The domain name is resolved to the server through CF ssl and changed to a flexible automatic proxy 3. Use the one click installation deployment script One click script Usage: Just copy the following link to the VPS command line window, paste and enter to execute the gdutils project one click deployment script (including "query transfer" and "TG robot") bash - c "$(curl - fsSL https://raw

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Onedrive+OneManager+Heroku+CFWorkers Sweater New Weaving Method

Demo, do not put it. The website download link is directly There is no 302 jump to Microsoft, nor is there a long chain of reverse Preparations: 1. Onedrive, or Sharepoint, all kinds of A1, E3, E5, century. (Sharepoint defaults to 25T) 2. OneManager, Github Address: https

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Sync Google Drive files to OneDrive using rclone

Although Google is a big company, it has only one copy of data, so it is still afraid. One more backup is not a bad thing. Apple iCloud is good, but it is expensive. Besides, I only have one SE that has been in the water... Then OneDrive, Office 365 has 1T. A few days ago, I saw a blog friend sharing the Office 365 family package in the old company's fleet, which is quite cost-effective, so I got on the bus. 1.1 rclone installation execution command: curl |

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Goo Driver Breaks 750G Copy Limit

1. Open the note and click Open. 2. Click File in the upper left corner -- upload notebook -- select the extracted 750G.ipynb Note: Download and unzip the file address. 3. After the upload is successful, follow the prompts to note the second use: 1. Open the link. 2. Find the Colab Notebooks folder and open it. 3. Right click 750G.ipynb to select Coloratory4. Execute the first step The third step and the last step

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PC access token of GoIndex index

1. Obtain the Rclone download address of the PC version 2. Decompress the file and cmd to the rclone directory 3. Start configuration # Open the menu rclone config # Add a new remote n # Enter the name (fill in casually) Goo # Select GoogleDrive 13 # client_id Keep default carriage return # client_secret Keep default carriage return # Give full permissions 1 # root_folder_id Keep default carriage return # service_account_fil

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GoIndex Index Creation Workers

1. Log in to cloudflare 2. Click Workers on the right 3. Click Create 4. Copy and paste all the contents in the index.js file into the script on the left File address Password: diqh 5. The website name, password and Token are the first 1/obtained from the previous article 6. The root directory ID is xxxxxxxxxxxxx of your go online disk For example: Make sure everything is correct

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Centos Get Token of GoIndex Index

Installing EPEL source yum - y install epel release yum - y install wget unzip screen fuse fuse level wget unzip cd rclone-v1

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