[Python] program extracts sound from video

Installation dependency pip install multiprocessing pip install moviepy.editor Python code from multiprocessing import Pool from moviepy.editor import AudioFileClip import os def p (path, path1, item): new_name=item.spli

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Python pyPdf2&pyPdf multi page PDF document processing error

When a pdf file has multiple pages, it will come out to see you! The way to snicker is to directly modify the file generic.py (1) pyPdf path, which is about here:/usr/lib/python2.7/site packages/pyPdf/generic.pyif data. has_key (key): # multiple definitions of key not permitted raise ut

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Github synchronous warehouse (not Fork)

1. Create a new warehouse 2. Click Action 3. Copy and copy code to modify # File:. github/workflows/redo sync. yml name: Automatic synchronization on: schedule: - cron: '0 4,16 * *' workflow_dispatch: watch: types: started repository_dispatch: typ

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Github uploads the project to github using git (the simplest method)

First of all, you need a github account. If you don't have one, go ahead and register first! https://github.com/ To use git, we need to install the git tool first. The download address is given here. After downloading, we can directly install it all the way: https://git-for-windows.github.io/1. Enter Github homepage and click New repository to create a new project. 2. Fill in the corresponding information and click Create to create the repository name: warehouse name Des

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How to clear binlog in MySQL

1) : Execute the "reset master;" command, which will delete all the binary du logs. The number of the new log starts from "00000 1". The command is as follows: ABCD MySQL>reset master; (2) : Execute the "Purge master logs to 'mysql bin'" command, which will delete all logs before the "" number, and delete all logs before the "mysql bin" MySQL>purge master l in the following

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Python pyinstaller parameter

Description of optional parameters - Generate a program demo.exe file in the F dist folder, which is applicable to a module without multiple dependencies. py file - D default option. In addition to the main program demo.exe, many dependent files will be generated in the dist folder. It is recommended to use the - c default option, which is only valid for Windows, and the console - w is only valid for Windows, Do not use the console - p Set the import path - i Set a custom icon for the generated demo.exe file -- key followed by encryption parameters

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