1、 Extract

 =IFERROR(MID(A1, FIND("-", A1,FIND("-", A1)+1)+1,LEN(A1)-FIND("-", A1,FIND("-", A1)+1)), "") First line =IFERROR(MID(A2, FIND("-", A2,FIND("-", A2)+1)+1,LEN(A2)-FIND("-", A2,FIND("-", A2)+1)), "") Second line example: 1-5-999 1-22-9999 1-333-99999 Extract from nine hundred and ninety-nine nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine



34-03-E6-A8-1B-3C (, 34-03-E6-A8-1B-3C extracted from 04-0E-3C

Use formula:

 =LEFT(A1,  FIND("(",  A1) - 1)

2、 Calculation

 Open an Excel file. Press ALT+F11 to open the VBA editor. In the VBA editor, insert a new module. Copy and paste the following code into the new module. Function SumColoredCells(rng As Range) As Double Dim cell As Range Dim total As Double total = 0 For Each cell In rng If cell. Interior. Color<>RGB (255, 255, 255) Then 'is modified to the color you want. Here we use white as an example total = total + cell.Value End If Next cell SumColoredCells = total End Function Use: (calculate A1: H1) area colored values =SumColoredCells(A1:H1)
