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Real experience sharing of cross-border remittance from ICBC to OCBC

Published on: August 10, 2023 Last updated: March 5, 2024 financial instruments 41 comments 21,021 views
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A few days ago, a netizen shared with me that he sent OCBC Remittance experience and service charges are reasonable. So I decided Reactivate my ICBC account , and has successfully completed the remittance. Now, I would like to share my experience for the reference of friends in need.


RMB foreign exchange purchase

After logging into ICBC APP, search for "foreign exchange settlement and sales" in the search box on the home page, and then select "RMB foreign exchange purchase" to find "SGD"


Continue to select "RMB to purchase SGD", then there is an "Application for Individual Foreign Exchange Purchase", and select "Read, I know the above content". Then fill in the following information:

  • Amount of foreign exchange purchase: the amount of Singapore dollars (SGD) to be purchased
  • The purpose of foreign exchange purchase shall be selected according to its own situation
  • RMB payment account: this needs to check your first class account and ensure that the balance is sufficient (don't choose wrong)


Then a confirmation message will pop up. If there is no problem, click "Confirm", and the foreign exchange purchase will be successful.

Cross border remittance

After ICBC APP, search "cross-border remittance" in the search box on the home page, select "remittance to other overseas banks", and you will be asked to fill in the payee information.


The collection information of OCBC Singapore is as follows:

  • Payee's name: fill in the pinyin. For example, if your name is Zhang San, fill in "ZHANG SAN"
  • Collection currency: select "SGD"
  • Receiving country/region: Singapore
  • Collection account number: fill in your 360 Account/MSA/STS account of OCBC Bank (first activation of deposit suggestion STS account)
  • Payee's address: I directly filled in the address of OCBC Bank: 63 Chulia Street # 10-00, OCBC Centre East, Singapore 049514 (if prompted that special symbols are not supported, remove them)

Others shall follow the prompts.

Arrival time reference

I started the remittance at 20:49 on August 8, 2023-08, and the time of receipt was 09:11 on August 10, 2023-08, less than 2 working days later.

Service charge for remittance

ICBC APP will clearly show:

  • Telegram fee: 0 yuan
  • Service charge: 40 yuan


In addition to this, there is a hidden intermediary fee, which is invisible. I actually remitted 150 SGD, received 142 SGD, and the intermediary bank deducted 8 SGD, so the actual remittance service charge is: 40 yuan service charge+8 SGD (≈ 42 yuan) intermediary bank charge=82 yuan.

In addition, the netizen shared with me that he used ICBC to remit 1100 SGD, and ICBC deducted a service charge of 40 yuan. The OCBC received 1092 SGD. It can be seen from this that the intermediary banks seem to have fixed 8 SGD fees, so if the amount is too small, the remittance service charge is not cheap, and it is not recommended to remit small amounts of money, otherwise the service charge is not cost-effective.

Comparison between ICBC and Panda Express

Introduction to the registration and use of Panda Express:

  • Panda Quick Remittance The remittance will arrive at OCBC in a few minutes on weekdays, faster than ICBC
  • I compared the exchange rate of Panda Express, which is not as cost-effective as ICBC
  • The service charge for a single remittance of Panda Bank is 80 yuan, which can be reduced if there are coupons. The service charge is about the same, but the industrial and commercial exchange rate is more friendly
  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Remittance OCBC shows your name, but Panda Express does not. If the risk control of the receiving bank is relatively strict, it is recommended to use ICBC. After all, the remittance is of the same name, which is not easy to control risk.

matters needing attention

Some small problems were encountered during the remittance, which are summarized as follows.

Your current security authentication media has expired.

This may be because your account has been limited, and then the U Shield has expired. Go directly to ICBC APP "My Security Center Payment Limit" to increase the limit of "Transfer and Remittance".

Insufficient debit account balance

This is because the RMB balance of your ICBC is not enough to deduct the service charges. Just ensure that the account balance is sufficient.

Failed to purchase foreign exchange for Apple mobile phone

A small partner reported that there was an additional class I account on his industrial and commercial APP, which led to his failure to purchase foreign exchange. The ultimate reason is that this little partner tied the industrial and commercial debit card to Apple Pay, and Apple Pay automatically generated a virtual account, which was selected when purchasing foreign exchange. In this case, the ICBC debit card can be unbound from Apple Pay. Pay attention to selecting the correct account when purchasing foreign exchange.

Other instructions

At present, the blogger only tested ICBC's remittance of SGD to OCBC, which shows the deposit of the same account, so this method should be used to deposit WISE:

Communication group

In addition, I have created a TG communication group. If you have any questions, you can add group communication

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  1. Hello, blogger! I recently encountered a new problem, let me know about you. My card account and deposit have been completed, and my physical card is on the way. Now my card has deducted fees for related services such as midjournal (the deduction is normal and successful). But when I was just bound to paypal and Gpay, my phone received a message: OCBC: Have you received your new card (- my card number)? If so, please SMS ACT to 72323 before using or adding to any mobile wallet. If you did not receive your new card, please contact us using the numbers listed on OCBC website>Contact us. ", OCBC official website said that this is to require mobile phone to activate the card. Does it mean that I can bind paypal after receiving the physical card for activation? But now my card has been activated (the previous deduction has been successful). I think you are very experienced and professional. Please ask me two questions
    ① Whether the paypal mobile wallet can be used only when the physical card is available (I saw a previous post that whether the physical card is available or not will only affect ATM withdrawal)
    ② Are there other problems that prevent me from binding paypal? Do you have experience to guide me? Thank you

    1. 1. OCBC will give you the virtual card first by default
      2. After receiving the physical card, activate the physical card in APP. Once the physical card is activated, the virtual card will become invalid.
      3. Therefore, it is recommended to receive the physical card and formally bind various services after the APP is activated. The virtual card is for temporary use only.

  2. On April 4, 2024, ICBC remitted OCBC with a cable transfer service charge of 40 yuan, and OCBC with a cable transfer service charge of 8 Singapore dollars. I am a three character name, and there was no failure of remittance due to the same name problem. You can rest assured that OCBC's name format is ZHANG SANFENG, and ICBC's is ZHANG SAN FENG

    1. A few months ago, this was the case for three character names, which may lead to OCBC not recognizing the same name, but two character names.

        1. The first activation of the three names is not recommended to use ICBC for remittance, and customer service may not approve some reviews. Try Bank of China or Industrial Bank.

        2. 2024-05-04 05:31:00
          A few days ago, the remittance was successful. The name of ICBC is three words.
          [Fees] ICBC charges a handling fee of 40 yuan and an intermediary bank charges a handling fee of 8 Singapore dollars. It remitted S $75 and received S $67.
          [Problems encountered, solutions] When a problem was encountered, 4102 error was encountered during the transfer, indicating [insufficient debit balance]. At this time, please note whether there is>=40 RMB in the Class I card used for transfer to OCBC. If there is no>=40 RMB, but Singapore dollars are enough, it cannot be remitted out, because ICBC uses RMB to deduct service fees.
          [Name]: I wrote my name according to the example filled in by ICBC. There is no space in the middle. If my name is [Daniel Wu], I will fill in [WUYANZU].
          [Address] You can see my remittance details.

  3. Teacher, according to your tutorial, the remittance bank requires to provide air tickets and hotel order certificates. How to deal with this, teacher

    1. You said that you were going to Singapore in the second half of the year. Now you are going to prepare in advance and go back. Banks in small places usually break down more frequently.

      1. Teacher, thank you, teacher. Please call 95588 to complain. Teacher, I have sent the thief back many times. The address mentioned above is not up to standard. Later, I asked for my purpose and asked for these

  4. Hello, teacher. After reading your tutorial, you remitted money from ICBC to OCBC, and the money was returned twice. I want to ask the teacher what is the situation. Then the recipient's address, the city and the state wanted to ask the teacher how to fill in. I read many articles from the teacher, and I hope the teacher will reply. Thank you!

    1. Both cities and states should fill in Singapore, which has little impact. Suggest contacting ICBC customer service to find out the reason for the return.

  5. Hello, can OCBC remit US dollars directly for the first time? If US dollars are remitted to STS account or GSA account, which account is better (360 account has not been opened yet)?

    1. Theoretically, yes, but the GSA account can only receive US dollars if the official exchange is 1000 SGD, and STS can only receive SGD

      1. Thank you. Can the first deposit be transferred to the GSA account first and then transferred to the STS account for verification through the purchase of 1000SGD? Mainly to reduce exchange losses, use its GSA account.

  6. Hello, why can I use ocbc to deposit money to wise, but I cannot use wise to remit money to ocbc, and prompted that I need to change the bank information, but my information is correct, and now the money of wise cannot be transferred

    1. Which account do you use WISE to remit money to OCBC? Note that the GSA account cannot receive SGD currency, but STS can receive SGD. It is recommended to check again whether the account and currency correspond.

      1. 360 account and STS account have tried, both of which need to change the bank information. The email sent by wise said that the bank rejected the remittance from wise, and now I don't know what to do

        1. Do you have an account with the same name that has been activated by OCBC? Is the account inactive and frozen? Suggest contacting customer service to ask. I used WISE to transfer several transactions to OCBC before, and it was OK.

          1. OK Thank you. I've emailed you today. It's estimated that we will have to wait a few days

  7. How to transfer domestic money (the exchange limit is exhausted) to OCBC, subject to the control of 5W dollars?

  8. I am also remitted by ICBC
    Beneficiary name: ZHANGSAN
    No space was added to the gold ocbc, and I didn't get a new talent award. I just read the post saying that it was not good to remove the space, and it seems that it is not good either

    1. You don't need to deliberately remove the blank space, just fill in according to the requirements. At present, ICBC can verify the same name if the name is 2 words, but it is estimated that the name is 3 words. In addition, if you have paid more than 1000 SGD, the reward will not be given immediately. It will take several hours.

      1. Boss, I used the three character name of ICBC to deposit money. After the deposit, I received a new talent award of 15 Singapore dollars. Does receiving 15 Singapore dollars count as verification deposit? Did you activate your account successfully?

        1. This cannot be determined. There will be no email notification after successful activation. You can observe whether an email will be sent to you to activate in the next month. If there is no email, it is usually activated.

        2. Hello, I want to ask you something:
          ICBC deposit ocbc
          How to fill in the three character name iban?
          zhang san feng
          zhang sanfeng
          Which one?

          1. Just fill in according to the prompt. The three characters will add spaces to you by default and become zhang san feng

  9. Is it true that individuals who purchase and remit more than 1w $will be investigated by the foreign exchange administration

  10. Please ask the blogger
    The first deposit of ocbc requires an account with the same name. Is Panda Express unable to meet this requirement?

    1. Panda quick remittance is not enough, but you can use panda to import to OCBC, then OCBC to WISE, and WSIE to transfer to OCBC, which is the same name.

      For WISE application, see:

      1. It's called HUCHONG LING in wise
        It's called Ling HUCHONG in ocbc
        If you turn around like this, you don't know if it's the same name

        What is the activated sign? Get a reward of S $15?
        How can I check whether it is activated?

        1. 1. Previously, OCBC could be activated with WISE, but now it is said that WISE transfer is not accepted
          2. There is no sign after activation. You can only wait 1 month to see if you will be prompted to complete activation. It is the first time to use BOC to remit money to OCBC as suggested by netizens
          3. Reward and activation seem to be separate. You can get 15 rewards with 1000 SGD, but it does not mean activation