Apply for CloudDNS permanent free domain name and host it to CloudFlare

 Apply for CloudDNS permanent free domain name and host it to CloudFlare

Shared before“ Apply for free domain name ”“ Hosting to cloudflare ”'s article. This time we continue to share benefits and dry goods, Apply for a free CloudDNS permanent free domain name and host it to CloudFlare

Cloudns official website (free domain name application) After registration, log in to the background and click Next. Then this interface appears.

Select the last fr [Read More…]

Fully free Google Gemini pro One click local deployment comparable to chatgpt

 Fully free Google Gemini pro One click local deployment comparable to chatgpt

Chatgpt has been really popular for a while, but the few dollars sent for registration will not last long, and only Chatgpt 3.5 can be used. More models can only be used by recharging. Recently, Google Gemini, a large AI model of Google, can be used for free, and can be used without restrictions.

There are two ways to deploy Google Gemini locally with one click: one is through communication [Read More…]

Mourning Zhou Haimei, there is no Zhou Zhiruo in the world

 Mourning Zhou Haimei, there is no Zhou Zhiruo in the world

Zhou Haimei, the favorite Hong Kong actress of the post-80s and post-90s generation, died of lupus erythematosus on December 12, 2023! Forever left the people who like her. Mourning for Zhou Haimei, there is no Zhou Zhiruo in the world, and go all the way!

The dead are no longer here. The living should take care of their health. No matter how much money you have and how much power you have, life is so weak in the face of illness. Cherish the present and the people who love you. [Read More…]

Uncle Bird's blog traffic has reached a new high, breaking a thousand

 Uncle Bird's blog traffic has reached a new high, breaking a thousand

before Uncle Bird Blog The traffic has been hovering at 200-300ip. Since the day before yesterday, the blog traffic has risen directly from 260ip to 960ip, and then to 1538ip. It has completed a qualitative leap, a full six fold increase. I don't know whether it is a flash in the pan or the beginning of stable growth.

Baidu, as the largest search engine in China, has been harassing small and medium-sized sites recently. Uncle Bird's blog is also regarded as a low-quality site without exception [Read More…]

Installation method of TrollStore 2 Troll Store 2

 Installation method of TrollStore 2 Troll Store 2

Shared before“ How to install IPA software in TrollStore ”How long has it been since Troll Store 2 came out again? Are you excited? The biggest change of Troll 2 this time is to fix some small errors that TrollStore will not delete the application data container when uninstalling it, and eliminate the dependency on ldid. Support old users who are using TrollStore on iOS 14.0 – 15.4.1 [Read More…]

(Reprint) One command permanently activates Windows and Office reinstallation automatically activates

Hardware activation is adopted. After reinstalling the system, networking will also be automatically activated

Optional activation mode

Hardware permanently activates Windows

Ohook permanently activates Office

KMS activates Windows until 2038

180 days after KMS activation

Of course, such a powerful tool must be found for everyone [Read More…]