Website construction

Share the Baidu like reward function used by Zhang Ge's blog

Jager · September 10 · 2016 11908 times read

Before sharing, I must admit that the article reward function is just a chicken ribs and a fancy function in most websites. It's a pity to discard it. However, in order to enrich all aspects of the website, most webmasters are also happy to toss about the function of natural merging eggs.

Well, I don't care whether it is useful or not. I will share it first. I think there must be many station leaders who are happy to toss and turn. Share the Baidu like reward function used by Zhang Ge's blog

1、 Baidu rewards

Friends who often pay attention to Baidu webmaster platform should know that Baidu has launched a reward component, and visual inspection is mainly to promote Baidu Wallet, which is still in the inside state until now. Zhang Ge tried to apply and passed. Share the Baidu like reward function used by Zhang Ge's blog

Its principle is very simple, that is, set a reward QR code image (or Baidu Wallet account) at Baidu webmaster, and then insert a section of js code on the website, Js will generate a reward button on the page, and click it to pop up a reward page with a QR code. Share the Baidu like reward function used by Zhang Ge's blog

Zhang Ge Blog used this gadget when he was still using https, and also used Qiniu to https Baidu rewards. However, there are two drawbacks that drive my DIY:

1. After using Baidu to reward, when you open a blog page, a prompt of connection timeout often pops up, which is very annoying;

2. Baidu rewards because it calls Baidu online resources in real time, and feels that the delay after clicking is obvious, giving a dull feeling.

II DIY version

Knowing its principle, you can DIY a richer and more flexible reward component!

 Share the Baidu like reward function used by Zhang Ge's blog

Ps: For the specific effect and the comparison with the original reward, click the reward button at the bottom of this article and this website【 About Page 】Reward button of.

①、 Js code

 /*! *Blog reward component imitating Baidu reward * Date: 2016-09-10 11:00 * *(c) 2013-2016 Zhang Ge Blog All rights reserved * *Add reward components imitating Baidu reward to the blog *Zhang Ge's blog is based on the original function awarded by Baidu. Please reserve the copyright statement for quotation or reprint. Thank you for your cooperation! */ (function($){ var id =; if($("#STYLE_"+id).size()<1){ document.writeln("<style id='STYLE_"+id+"'>@CHARSET \"UTF-8\";*{-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(255,0,0,0)}.box-size{box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box}.ds-hide{display:none}.ds-reward-stl{font-family:\"microsoft yahei\"; text-align:center;background:#f1f1f1;padding:10px 0;color:#666;margin:20px auto;width:90%}#dsRewardBtn {padding: 0; margin: 0;position: absolute;background: #7ab951;left: 110px;top: -7px;width: 50px;height: 50px;font-size: 16px;font-weight: 600;line-height: 43px;display: block;border: 4px solid #fff;border-radius: 40px;color: #FFF;}#dsRewardBtn span{display:inline-block; width:50px;height:50px;border-radius:100%;line-height:58px;color:#fff;font:400 25px/50px 'microsoft yahei';background:#FEC22C}#dsRewardBtn:hover{cursor:pointer}.ds-dialog{z-index:9999; width:100%;height:100%;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;border:1px solid #d9d9d9}.ds-dialog .ds-close-dialog{position:absolute; top:15px;right:20px;font:400 24px/24px Arial;width:20px;height:20px;text-align:center;padding:0;cursor:pointer;background:transparent;border:0;-webkit-appearance:none;font-weight:700;line-height:20px;opacity:.6;filter:alpha(opacity=20)}.ds-dialog .ds-close-dialog:hover{color:#000; text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;opacity:.6;filter:alpha(opacity=40)}.ds-dialog-bg{position:absolute; opacity:.6;filter:alpha(opacity=30); background:#000;z-index:9999;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%}.ds-dialog-content{font-family:'microsoft yahei'; font-size:14px;background-color:#FFF;position:fixed;padding:0 20px;z-index:10000;overflow:hidden;border-radius:6px;-webkit-box-shadow:0 3px 7px rgba(0,0,0,.3);- moz-box-shadow:0 3px 7px rgba(0,0,0,.3); box-shadow:0 3px 7px rgba(0,0,0,.3);- webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}.ds-dialog-pc{width:390px; height:380px;top:50%;left:50%;margin:-190px 0 0 -195px}.ds-dialog-wx{width:90%; height:280px;top:50%;margin-top:-140px;margin-left:5%}.ds-dialog-content h5{text-align:left; font-size:15px;font-weight:700;margin:15px 0;color:#555}.ds-payment-way{text-align:left}.ds-payment-way label{cursor:pointer; font-weight:400;display:inline-block;font-size:14px;margin:0 15px 0 0;padding:0}.ds-payment-way input[type=radio]{vertical-align:middle; margin:-2px 5px 0 0}.ds-payment-img{margin:15px 0; text-align:center}p.ds-pay-info{font-size:15px; margin:0 0 10px}.ds-pay-money{font-size:14px; margin-top:10px}.ds-pay-money p{margin:0}.ds-pay-money .ds-pay-money-sum{margin-bottom:4px}.ds-payment-img img{margin:0 auto; width:185px;}.ds-payment-img #qrCode_1{display:none}.ds-payment-img .qrcode-border{margin:0 auto}.ds-payment-img .qrcode-tip{width:48.13px; position:relative;margin:0 auto;font-size:12px;font-weight:700;background:#fff;height:15px;line-height:15px;margin-top:-12px}#qrCode_0 .qrcode-tip{color:#3caf36}#qrCode_3 .qrcode-tip{color:#e10602}.ds-payment-img #qrCode_3{display:none}.ds-payment-img #qrCode_2{display:none}#qrCode_2 .qrcode-tip{color:#eb5f01}#qrCode_1 .qrcode-tip{color:#6699cc} .wx_qrcode_container{text-align:center}.wx_qrcode_container h2{font-size:17px}.wx_qrcode_container p{font-size:14px}.ds-reward-stl{text-align:left; background:#fff;padding:0;color:#666;margin:0;width:0}#dsRewardBtn span{position:absolute; left:115px;top:-7px;background:#7ab951;width:50px;height:50px;font-size:16px;font-weight:600;line-height:43px;border:4px solid #fff;border-radius:40px}.share-s a{margin-top:-25px} .ds-payment-img .qrcode-border{border-radius: 29.97px;  width: 236.89px; height: 236.89px; padding: 18.05px; margin-top: 25.53px; } </style>"); } function write(){ var content = "<div class=\"ds-dialog\" id='PAY_"+id+"'>" +"   <div class=\"ds-dialog-bg\" onclick=\"PaymentUtils.hide();\ "></div>" +"   <div class=\"ds-dialog-content ds-dialog-pc \">" +"    <i class=\"ds-close-dialog\">&times;</i>" +"<h5>Select reward method:</h5>" +"    <div class=\"ds-payment-way\">" +"<label for=" wechat  "><input type=" radio  "id=" wechat  "class=" reward radio  "value=" 0  "checked=" checked  "name=" reward way  "/>WeChat Red Packet</label>" +"<label for=" qqqb  "><input type=" radio  "id=" qqqb  "class=" reward radio  "value=" 1  "name=" reward way  "/>QQ Wallet</label>" +"<label for=" alipay  "><input type=" radio  "id=" alipay  "class=" reward radio  "value=" 2  "name=" reward way  "/>Alipay</label>" +"<label for=" bdBaifabao  "><input type=" radio  "id=" bdBaifabao  "class=" reward radio  "value=" 3  "name=" reward way  "/>Baidu Wallet</label>" + "    </div>" + "    <div class=\"ds-payment-img\">" + "     <div class=\"qrcode-img qrCode_0\" id=\"qrCode_0\">" + "      <div class=\"qrcode-border box-size\" style=\"border: 9.02px solid rgb(60, 175, 54\">" + "       <img   class=\"qrcode-img qrCode_0\" id=\"qrCode_0\" src=\"\" />" + "      </div>" +"<p class=" qrcode tip  ">Reward</p>" + "     </div>" + "     <div class=\"qrcode-img qrCode_1\" id=\"qrCode_1\">" + "      <div class=\"qrcode-border box-size\" style=\"border: 9.02px solid rgb(102, 153, 204\">" + "       <img   class=\"qrcode-img qrCode_1\" id=\"qrCode_1\" src=\"\" />" + "      </div>" +"<p class=" qrcode tip  ">Reward</p>" + "     </div>" + "     <div class=\"qrcode-img qrCode_2\" id=\"qrCode_2\">" + "      <div class=\"qrcode-border box-size\" style=\"border: 9.02px solid rgb(235, 95, 1\">" + "       <img   class=\"qrcode-img qrCode_2\" id=\"qrCode_2\" src=\"\" />" + "      </div>" +"<p class=" qrcode tip  ">Reward</p>" + "     </div>" + "     <div class=\"qrcode-img qrCode_3\" id=\"qrCode_3\">" + "      <div class=\"qrcode-border box-size\" style=\"border: 9.02px solid rgb(225, 6, 2\">" + "         <img   class=\"qrcode-img qrCode_3\" id=\"qrCode_3\" src=\" \" />" + "      </div>" +"<p class=" qrcode tip  ">Reward</p>" + "     </div>" + "    </div>" + "   </div>" + "  </div> "; $("body").append(content); } $(function(){ write(); var $pay = $("#PAY_"+id).hide(); $pay.find(".ds-payment-way").bind("click", function(){ $pay.find(".qrcode-img").hide(); $pay.find(".qrCode_"+$pay.find("input[name=reward-way]:checked").val()).show(); }); $pay.find(".ds-close-dialog").bind("click", function(){ $pay.hide(); }); }); var PaymentUtils = window['PaymentUtils']={};{ $("#PAY_"+id).show(); } PaymentUtils.hide=function(){ $("#PAY_"+id).hide(); } })(jQuery);

Copy the above code, replace your corresponding payment QR code image with the following address in the code, and save it as a js file, such as ds.js:

 WeChat: QQ wallet: Alipay: Baidu Wallet:

Ps: I won't talk about how to make or obtain these QR code pictures. I believe everyone can make it.

Finally, upload it to the directory where the js file is stored on the website, such as the WordPress theme directory. Finally, the website foreground can access this js:

For example:

②、 Html section

 <div class="ds-reward-stl"> <button id="dsRewardBtn" onclick="PaymentUtils. show();">Reward</button> </div> <!--  The following js address modification is consistent with the js address saved in the previous step --> <script type="text/javascript" src=" "></script>

After modifying the above html code according to the actual situation, add it to the place where the blog theme wants to place the reward button, such as the bottom of the article. The specific file and different themes are different, so I can't tell you here! Want to toss website always must have certain foundation.

After all is completed, you should be able to see the effect of refreshing the web page. However, the CSS style in the js code above just adapts to the Begin theme. If other websites are square or round after using it, you can only debug the CSS code by yourself.

III Begin adaptation

If you use the same theme as mine, it will be simple. Save the above js code as a ds.js file, drop it into the js directory of the Begin theme, and then modify the begin/inc/social.php file to find the following code:

 <span class="shang-p"> <? php if(zm_get_option( 'alipay_name')=='' ){?> <span class="shang-s"> <a title="<? php echo zm_get_option('alipay_t'); ?> "> <? php echo zm_get_option( 'alipay_name');?> </a> </span> </span> <? php}else{?> <span class="tipso_style" id="tip-p" data-tipso=' <div id="shang"> <div class="shang-main"> <? php if ( zm_get_option(' alipay_h ') == ' ' ) { ?><? php } else { ?>< h4><i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i> <? php echo zm_get_option('alipay_h '); ?></ h4><?php } ?> <? php if ( zm_get_option('qr_a ') == ' ' ) { ?> <? php } else { ?> <div class="shang-img"> <img src="<? php echo zm_get_option('qr_a '); ?> " /> <? php if ( zm_get_option('alipay_z ') == ' ' ) { ?><? php } else { ?>< h4><?php echo zm_get_option('alipay_z '); ?></ h4><?php } ?> </div> <? php } ?> <? php if ( zm_get_option('qr_b ') == ' ' ) { ?> <? php } else { ?> <div class="shang-img"> <img src="<? php echo zm_get_option('qr_b '); ?> " /> <? php if ( zm_get_option('alipay_w ') == ' ' ) { ?><? php } else { ?>< h4><?php echo zm_get_option('alipay_w '); ?></ h4><?php } ?> </div> <? php } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div>'> <span class="shang-s"> <a title="<? php echo zm_get_option('alipay_t'); ?> "> <? php echo zm_get_option( 'alipay_name');?> </a> </span> </span> <? php}?> </span>

Replace with (pay attention to backup the original file!):

 <span class="shang-p"> <div class="shang-s"> <a onclick="PaymentUtils. show();" style="cursor: pointer">Reward</a> </div> </span> <!--  Js Address Self modification --> <script type="text/javascript" src=" ds.js"></script>

4、 Other instructions

Obviously, the reward shared by Zhang Ge's blog not only solves the two problems of Baidu reward, but also can DIY freely. The code defaults Four payment methods are integrated. If you think there are more or less payment methods, you can also use DIY code to deal with the problem. The premise is that you must know a little HTML and js code, otherwise don't spray me if it is wrong!

In addition, whether it is the Begin theme or any other website, it can be used, but the style and location of the reward button can only be debugged by yourself.

Stop nagging, and go to trouble yourself! If you think the article is useful, you can reward those who have money, praise those who don't have money, and don't be afraid of more than 10000 yuan, or even less than one yuan

110 responses
  1. Snow Mountain in the Distance 2016-10-19 · 16:18

    I think it's better to completely customize it. Generally, there are Alipay and WeChat, so the other two can be used. Many Baidu products do not support https access, too OUT.

  2. Looking forward to Licoy 2016-10-23 · 16:29

    Jager blogger, The code of the adaptation version of begin is incorrect, so it's OK

     <span class="shang-p">  <span class="shang-s"> <a title="Sponsoring this website" rel="nofollow">Rewards</a> </span> </span>
    • Looking forward to Licoy 2016-10-23 · 16:29

      The main reason is that the style is disordered, The js section is not written

      • CC 2016-10-31 · 13:23

        Does the js address not reference?
        Can you write down the complete code
        I also use the theme of begin 3.0.1
        Sharing is misplaced

    • Seven string zither 2017-2-13 · 14:42

      You are not right. My latest version of the beginning is not good

  3. Microblog 2016-10-29 · 18:52

    Jager can use code without plug-ins. We can use plug-ins to solve problems without code troubles. Ha ha ha

  4. He Xianghui Blog 2016-10-30 · 21:19

    Reward This function is not only popular blog, but also other functions...

  5. CC 2016-10-31 · 13:20

    I used the begin JS code to modify it, but it was misplaced
    Another question is how sharing supports https

  6. Hazaka 2016-11-5 · 10:32

    It's useless to give rewards to our vegetable chicken blogs

  7. Good data,

  8. Liu Guodong's Personal Blog 2016-11-10 · 21:00

    Yes, they usually use Alipay and WeChat..

  9. Eye accessible 2016-11-22 · 12:21

    Personal webmaster essential function ah, support!

  10. Brother, earn blog online 2016-11-22 · 14:48

    Some people are too lazy to use code and plug-ins directly

  11. Songsong Mall 2016-12-7 · 11:37

    However, the problem is that no one gives a reward even after writing the reward code

  12. Yiwu English Training 2016-12-14 · 17:04

    For me, Xiaobai, I feel so profound. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Seven string zither 2017-2-13 · 14:42

    Jager should use the old version of the beginning. My latest version is always misplaced, and it's not good to modify the CSS. I don't know where the conflict is..

    •  avatar
      Jager 2017-2-13 · 18:58

      Begin Version: 4.0

  14. An innocent child 2017-2-21 · 14:25

    Please tell me how to deal with the sharing dislocation after modification. And how to modify the colors of likes, rewards and shares. thank you!

    •  avatar
      Jager 2017-2-21 · 14:31

      Just study CSS

      • An innocent child 2017-2-21 · 14:47

        At present, we haven't reached this level. Is it convenient to be specific

  15. simple life 2017-3-18 · 14:42

    Brother Zhang has been very busy recently. The update is a little slow!

  16. China Fashion Blog 2017-3-20 · 16:43

    Generally, Alipay and WeChat wallets are used. Baidu Wallet always feels that few people use it, which is a bit out of fashion.
    [color=magenta] This is China Fashion Blog , please pay more attention to~[/color]
    Sign in successfully! Sign in time: 4:35:18 p.m., sign in every day, and life will be more wonderful~haha~

  17. long 2017-3-21 · 20:47

    Landlord, why did I click the word appreciation button according to your deployment and there was no response? He didn't pop up the picture window

  18. Interview Skills 2017-4-10 · 13:32

    Good. Try it then

  19. Lei Xiaotian's Blog 2017-5-15 · 14:00

    This can be written by yourself

    •  avatar
      Jager 2017-9-16 · 10:23

      six hundred and sixty-six

  20. Dynamic balancer 2017-7-11 · 11:24

    I don't feel I can use the reward function~~

  21. Zhou Yuanjun's Blog 2017-8-3 · 8:36

    The dynamic effect of typing is good, you can use it for reference

  22. top-each 2017-9-13 · 10:16

    It has good functions and is suitable for authors with originality: grin: There are too many stereotyped blog posts and few rewards. I will give you a hard work if I want to, but I will copy and paste them if I don't want to

  23. Sonic gray line screwdriver 2017-9-14 · 17:05

    Boss, how is your Baidu sharing in https

  24. Yes, my history information website has a history of magic gas It is more suitable to use this reward plug-in. After all, it is still suitable for viewing historical information.
    However, Baidu Wallet is now renamed Xiaoman, and does not support collection codes, nor does JD Wallet. So I added a UnionPay cloud flash payment. Recently, they recommended it very well.

  25. Knowledge sharing network 2019-6-19 · 0:03

    The template used has its own

  26. Tao Xiaotao Blog 2022-8-11 · 22:30

    No one rewards me, hahaha