Enterprise theme

 Free wordpress external chain map bed website template theme media

Free wordpress external chain map bed website template theme media

Because the blog bar has many demo websites and many pictures that are reused, it takes up more server space. In order to save server space, it is decided to use the graph bed to store external chain calls for management. However, it seems that there is no suitable source code for the map bed, so after comprehensive consideration, we decided to use the media function of wordpress to create a wordpress map bed theme. I feel good after using it, and now it is free to share it with webmasters who need it. The theme interface is very simple. There are only two pages: the list page and the details page. The list page displays information such as Banner diagram, search box, picture list and footer description. The detail page displays the picture, title, name, type, size, and label. The function is based on the one click copy picture outer chain function of the clipboard plug-in. Infinite Scroll plug-in based click more list unlimited loading function. The optimization background has eliminated articles, links, comments, plug-ins, tools, update modules, and disabled a series of

 Simple and atmospheric white responsive zblog enterprise theme suitable for small company websites

Simple and atmospheric white responsive zblog enterprise theme suitable for small company websites

Simple white zblog enterprise theme, responsive adaptive structure, PC computers, mobile phones and other terminals have a good browsing experience. It is designed with large slides, the latest product module, news information module, contact information module and dynamic Baidu map module, with reasonable layout and beautiful atmosphere. Theme features: Developed and produced based on zblog php 1.5.2; Support user-defined classification title keywords、description; Support custom tag title