Simple and atmospheric white responsive zblog enterprise theme suitable for small company websites

Case presentation three hundred and eighty-five

Simple white zblog enterprise theme, responsive adaptive structure, PC computers, mobile phones and other terminals have a good browsing experience. It is designed with large slides, the latest product module, news information module, contact information module and dynamic Baidu map module, with reasonable layout and beautiful atmosphere.

 Simple and atmospheric white responsive zblog enterprise theme suitable for small company websites

Theme features:

  • Developed and produced based on zblog php 1.5.2;

  • Support user-defined classification title, keywords and description;

  • Supports user-defined tags title, keywords, and description;

  • Support user-defined page title, keywords and description;

  • Support user-defined article title, keywords, and description;

  • Built in two kinds of classified list article templates, freely selected;

  • Built in theme configuration panel, easy to operate and set;

  • Responsive structure, adaptive computer and mobile phone terminal equipment;

  • Compatible with IE10+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and other mainstream browsers;

  • ……


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