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Wei Nan, the eighth moral model teacher of the autonomous region: "It is my responsibility to save the masses in distress"

April 17, 2024 11:11 | Source: xinjiang daily
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"The people's police must stand up when the masses are in danger, which is both a responsibility and an obligation." On April 13, Shi Weinan, who has just been rated as the eighth Xinjiang moral model, said.

Shi Weinan, 39 years old, is a police officer of Yining County Public Security Bureau. He joined the public security team after he retired from the army in 2009. "My character is relatively resolute. I think I am suitable to be a policeman, and my family also supports me." In the interview, Shi Weinan's cheerful talk made the reporter understand why she jumped into the river without thinking to save people.

It was July 28, 2022. Shi Weinan and her husband drove home with their 9-month-old daughter. When they passed Gongnais National Forest Park in Hejing County, they suddenly saw many people running along the river and calling for help. The husband braked and stopped the car. She put down her daughter who was eating rice noodles, got off and ran to the river side separately with her husband.

As soon as she got to the bank, Shi Weinan saw a figure in the fast current flowing down the river. She calmly observed that there was a shoal at the lower reaches of the river that could be saved, so she did not hesitate to jump into the river.

The river was freezing cold, and the stones at the bottom of the river were slippery, so she could not stand. Shi Weinan fell when she was just entering the water. She quickly climbed up and grabbed the person who fell into the water. She was a girl. The child had bleeding nostrils and purple lips. With a tight heart, she quickly lifted the child back to the shore, and quickly grasped a woman coming from the upstream.

At this time, relatives of the drowning person and other tourists also rushed over. The two people who fell into the water are mother and daughter. At this time, the 3-year-old girl has lost her breath and her life is in danger. No one around knows how to give first aid. Shi Weinan tried to use the CPR method that she learned when serving in the army.

About two minutes later, the girl finally breathed. When Shi Weinan saw that the child had turned the corner, she was relieved and quietly left with her family.

On February 18, 2023, the family of the drowning person made a special trip to Yining County to thank Shi Weinan, the lifesaver. Shi Weinan and her husband carefully prepared several dishes at home to welcome them. The mother of the child said that she had been having nightmares for more than half a year. She was still frightened when she remembered the shocking scene. She felt more guilty when she learned that Shi Weinan could not swim and was still breast-feeding.

"What if something happens to you? The more you think about it, the more afraid you become." The mother said.

"Let's not assume that we are worried about the past. Now that everyone is OK, you can relax." Shi Weinan's cheerful laughter infected the family.

In fact, Shi Weinan's relatives and friends were also shocked when they learned about this. When they met Shi Weinan, they inevitably blamed her for her "recklessness". Everyone also knew that Shi Weinan would not be her style if she didn't jump into the river to save people. They were proud of her.

In that year, Shi Weinan's story of saving a mother and daughter from drowning was reported by more than 50 media, including People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and CCTV News, with hundreds of millions of viewers, which caused a strong response in the society. In 2023, she was included in the list of "Good people and good deeds of socialist spiritual civilization in Xinjiang".

"It is my responsibility to save the masses in distress," Shi Weinan said.

The reporter learned that Shi Weinan has insisted on voluntary blood donation every year for more than 20 years. She told reporters that it is incumbent upon her to provide some help to others, whether as a soldier or a policeman. (Sui Yunyan)

(Editor in charge: Chen Xinhui, Yang Rui)

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