Job details from employment agent [...]

Job details from employment agency

The first part of the fourth set of IELTS 18 listening questions consists of 10 personal information filling questions. Although a few questions have interference items, they are not too confusing. In addition, the audio speed is slow, and the overall difficulty is lower than the real exam. Below are the answers to each question.

Job details from employment agency

Cambridge IELTS 18 Test 4 Part 1 Analysis of Listening Answers

Answer to question 1: receiver

Corresponding original text: So this is a position for a receptionist

Answer analysis: It can be inferred from the question stem that the specific job name should be filled in the blank. There is no interference item set in the recording. It is better to fill in the blank when hearing the receiver.

Answer to question 2: medical

Well, this job's in Fordham, so not too far away for you, and it's at the medical centre there.

Answer analysis: Some students may take the previous sports center as the answer due to their impatience. But on the one hand, it was several years ago. On the other hand, we haven't heard about Fordham. Therefore, even if you have doubts about sports, you should wait a little later to lock medical.

Answer to question 3: Chastons

Corresponding original text: Chastons Road – that’s C-H-A-S-T-O-N-S.

Answer analysis: to investigate the spelling of names, because the speed of speaking is very slow, there is no continuous pronunciation, and it is basically a question of giving points.

Answer to question 4: appointments

And you'd also be involved in making appointments , whether face to face or on the phone.

Answer analysis: When listening to enquiries, they realize that the answer is coming, and the original word making appears, it is easy to lock appointment.

Answer to question 5: database

And another of your duties would be keeping the centre's database   up-to-date

Answer analysis: another reminds you that the answer is coming. The unprecedented word internal is synonymous with center's, and database is the correct answer according to the modification relationship.

Answer to question 6: experience

I immediately thought of you because one thing they do require is someone with experience

Answer: It is mentioned in the recording that the company specially requires applicants to have experience. The essential in the empty parentheses corresponds to the do in the original text, locking experience as the correct answer.

Answer to question 7: confidential

Corresponding original text: so they want someone who can cover with that and stay calm, and at the same time be confident when interacting with the public.

Answer analysis: When listening to Calm, he realizes that the answer is coming, and at the same time prompts the juxtaposition relationship, so locking confidence is the correct answer.

Answer to question 8: temporary

But I should tell you that this isn't a permanent job, it's temporary

Answer analysis: A small interference term is set with negation. Hear that isn't excludes permanent, and confirm that temporary is the correct answer.

Answer to question 9: 1.15

Corresponding original text: One fifteen

Answer analysis: Check the difference between tens and tens, and pay attention to stress and long and short sounds.

Answer to question 10: parking

Corresponding original text: Oh, one thing .. is there parking  available for staff at the centre?

Answer analysis: online is synonymous with at the center. The original word available appears after empty, so locking is the correct answer.

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Job details from employment agency: waiting for you to sit on the sofa!


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