Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 18Test3Part2 Part 2 [...]

Cambridge IELTS 18Test3Part2 Analysis of Listening Answers

The second part of the third set of IELTS 18 listening questions consists of two multiple-choice and six single choice questions. Although the voice speed of the audio is not fast, the speaker's pronunciation is a little vague, which sounds very awkward, bringing us additional difficulties in problem solving. The following are the answers to each question:

Cambridge IELTS 18Test3Part2 Listening text and answers

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 18 Test 3 Part 2

Answer to question 11: C

Corresponding original text: you should never consume museums picked by friends or neighbors

Answer: The recording mentioned that you should never eat mushrooms picked by friends or neighbors. In option C, eat corresponds to consume, and given to you corresponds to picked by friends or neighbors, which is the correct answer.

Answer to question 12: B

The other thing to avoid is mushrooms growing beside busy roads

Answer: The recording mentioned that another thing that should be avoided is mushrooms growing on busy roads. In option B, near corresponds to beside, and busy roads is the original word, so it is the correct answer.

Answer to question 13: D

Some editable museums are bright red

Answer analysis: Option D just reverses the description in the original text. Some edible mushrooms are bright red, and those that turn to bright red may also be edible, so it is the correct answer.

Answer to question 14: B

Corresponding original text: Finally, just because deer or squirrels eat a particular room doesn't mean that you can

Answer: Just because deer and squirrels can eat certain mushrooms does not mean you can. That is, the mushrooms eaten by some old roast duck IELTS animals may not be safe, so B is the correct answer. Both options A and E are explicitly denied in the recording. In option C, destroy toxins are created out of nothing, so they are all excluded.

Answer to question 15: C

But you need to be there first thing in the morning

Answer analysis: early in option C corresponds to first thing in the morning, so it is determined to be the correct answer. The wrong thing with option A is that the content is incomplete. The recording says that there are many places where mushrooms grow, not just woodlands. Disturb in option B is created out of nothing, so all are excluded.

Answer to question 16: B

Corresponding original text: If possible, you should go with a group led by an expert

Answer analysis: Although the recording mentioned the content related to reading books and using APP, it said that they were unreliable. The best solution is to follow the group. Therefore, determine that B is the correct answer.

Answer to question 17: B

You should never pick all the mushrooms in one area – collect only enough for your own needs

Answer analysis: a limited amount of in option B corresponds to never pick all and only enough for your own needs, so it is determined to be the correct answer. Option A does not correspond to don't train on young musicians in the recording, while option C is wrong with areas.

Answer to question 18: C

But the biggest problem is that so many new homes have been built in this area in the last ten years

Answer analysis: Dan said that the main reason for the decline in the number of mushrooms was the increase in buildings in the past decade. The C option "raise" corresponds to so many new, "building" corresponds to homes, and "locally" corresponds to in this area. Therefore, it is determined to be the correct answer. Although option A is also mentioned, there is a turning point behind it, while option B cannot find a corresponding one, so it is excluded altogether.

Answer to question 19: A

Corresponding original text: Collect them in a brown paper bag and as soon as you get home, put them in the fridge. They’ll be fine for a couple of days

Answer: The recording mentioned that there is no problem to put mushrooms in the refrigerator for two days. The A option "two days" corresponds to "a couple of", from which it is determined to be the correct answer. Option B is wrong in the dark room, and option C is wrong in the period, so all are excluded.

Answer to question 20: A

Corresponding original text: They're great in so many dishes – still friends, risottos, paste

Answer analysis: Different recipes in option A correspond to many dishes, so it is determined to be the correct answer. However, option B and option C cannot be found in the recording, so they are excluded.

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