Working at Milo's Restaurant [...]

Working at Milo's Restaurants

The first part of the second set of IELTS 18 listening questions consists of 5 notes and 5 forms. Although some interference items are set, the overall confusion is not too strong. I hope everyone is right.

Working at Milo's Restaurants

Cambridge IELTS 18 Test 2 Part 1 Analysis of Listening Answers

Answer to question 1: training

Corresponding original text: For example, all employees get training  – even temporary staff.

Answer analysis: The benefits above remind you that the answer is coming. Get corresponds to provided, and training is the correct answer according to the modification relationship.

Answer to question 2: discount

But another benefit of working for a big company like this is that you can get a discount  at any of their restaurants.

Answer analysis: This question has a small interference term. The male first asked the restaurant whether to provide uniforms, and the female said no, and then mentioned that employees can get discounts, which is one of the employee benefits. This determines that discount is the correct answer.

Answer to question 3: taxi

But if you have to do a late shift and finish work after midnight, the company will pay for you to get a taxi  home.

Answer analysis: Listen to midnight and realize that the answer is coming. It is also synonymous with get and provided to help us lock the Taxi.

Answer to question 4: service

We had to make sure we gave a really high level of service

Answer analysis: after hearing the team at the end of the previous line, realize that the answer is coming. The unprecedented word "high standard of" corresponds to "high level of", and the answer is "service" according to the modified relationship between the old roast duck and IELTS.

Answer to question 5: English

So the only other thing that's required is good communication skills, so you'll need to have a certificate in English 

Answer analysis: The conjunction so indicates that the previous question is over and the answer to this question is coming. The unprecedented word qualification is synonymous with certificate, and the unprecedented preposition in remains unchanged, so the answer is English.

Answer to question 6: Wivenhoe

Corresponding original text: Wivenhoe W-I-V-E-N-H-O-E. It’s quite central, just off Cork Street.

Answer analysis: to investigate the spelling of names is basically a question of giving points.

Answer to question 7: equipment

And then things like checking all the procedures for cleaning the equipment  are being followed.

Answer analysis: and then prompts that the answer is coming. The original text has replaced the part of speech of clean, but according to the modification relationship, it can still be determined that equipment is the correct answer.

Answer to question 8: 9.75

Well, to begin with you'd be getting nine point seven five  pounds

Answer: This question has two interference items. But the first 9.50 pounds is the salary of men before, and the last 11.25 pounds is the salary of three months later. Only 9.75 meets the requirement of starting salary on the stem, so it is determined to be the correct answer.

Answer to question 9: deliveries

And you'd be responsible for making sure there's enough stock each week – and sorting out all the deliveries

Answer analysis: Listen to stock and realize that the answer is coming. The unprecedented words organizing and sorting out are synonymous replacement, and the answer is delivery according to the modification relationship.

Answer to question 10: Sunday

But you do get one Sunday  off every four weeks. So would you like me to send off your …

Answer analysis: Some students may take the previous Monday as the answer. However, the recording said that they would have a rest every Monday, which did not meet the limit of once a month on the question stem. On the contrary, every four weeks in Sunday can correspond to a month, so it is determined that it is the correct answer.

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Cambridge IELTS 18Test2Part4 Analysis of Listening Answers Pockets

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