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Rational discussion, is the balance mechanism of the fist rotten

Just look at the owner Collection reply

Since s7, no team has won the msi championship and s championship consecutively. No team, no matter how strong, has to yield to the version. If the version is not suitable, it is impossible to win the championship. There is no so-called "dominant" championship

IP territory: Beijing come from Android client 1st floor 2023-11-22 17:05 reply
    Including this year's T1, it is actually a version team. Otherwise, why did msi lose to JDG and BLG in succession?

    IP territory: Beijing come from Android client 2nd floor 2023-11-22 17:07

      IP territory: Beijing come from Android client 3rd floor 2023-11-22 17:08
        First of all, make sure whether you are here to express your emotions or really want to discuss them.
        Secondly, it is not particularly easy for the two msi champions, rng and jdg, to win t1. t1's two msi wins against lpl have topped the total number of lpl wins against t1 in s games.
        Finally, t1 won the two games with msi and even took some useless heroes. Last year's captain, the enchantress, and this year's cotton machine, tam kinks, had a chance to win in the jdg decisive game. This shows that t1 is really strong, unlike lpl, which is destroyed directly once it is reversed.

        IP territory: Jiangxi come from Android client 4th floor 2023-11-22 17:13
        Put away the reply
          Even the teams that have entered the finals consecutively only have S7SKT, S10, S11DWG and S12T1

          IP territory: Beijing come from Android client 5F 2023-11-22 17:14
            Including the so-called "five most correct people", which is also the five most correct people in the current version. Once the version is changed, GG

            IP territory: Beijing come from Android client 6th floor 2023-11-22 17:17
              In the two years of s12 and s13, Manya almost reached the finals of all competitions (if the winner of the msi group is also counted), which just shows that he has a strong hard power and a very high lower limit, and he will become a dragon in case of a slightly suitable version.

              IP Territory: Chongqing come from Android client 7th floor 2023-11-22 17:32
                This version is very balanced, right

                IP territory: Hebei come from Android client 8th floor 2023-11-22 18:16
                  Five runners up Do you think the version team of others is a bit humorous? If it is true that the version team can enter the finals again and again? You can only say that his performance in the final is not good

                  IP territory: Liaoning come from Mobile Post Bar 9th floor 2023-11-22 18:36

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