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[Music Duck] For novices, what should we pay attention to when joining milk tea?

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1. Select an appropriate franchise brand: The first step of milk tea franchise is to select a franchise brand. Of course, you can also choose to operate independently, but considering your costs and time costs, it is more suitable for opening milk tea franchise stores.
2. The location of the store should be carefully selected. For the location of the franchise store, entrepreneurs should study and seriously consider several aspects.
3. The decoration has the following characteristics:. Special attention should be paid to the decoration of the store.
4. Brand is essential: brand effect can add value to products, while well-known brands directly affect customers' consumption choices.
5. Price: The price of milk tea franchise stores shall be determined by the headquarters, but attention must be paid not to take the cost price as the product price. The market and consumers determine the price of the product, not the cost and profit. The prerequisite for profit should be the price recognized by consumers. Otherwise, it will backfire.
6. Service: entrepreneurs should not consider shortcuts when opening stores. Proficiency in all products is our top priority. Milk tea is a repurchase industry. As long as your product tastes good, you don't have to worry about repeat customers. In terms of service, you must first adhere to the principle of customers!

IP territory: Hebei 1st floor 2021-02-25 18:17 reply

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