
How to assess the sexual ability of men and women

   1. Men

Physiologically, it is related to the total number of spermatozoa produced, the total number of spermatozoa discharged, the rate of producing and discharging spermatozoa (that is, the number of spermatozoa produced every day or every week), the level of androgen, the number of sexual activities, the duration of sexual activities, and reaching the best state of the body through sexual activities. Psychologically, a man's sexual ability is related to the intensity of his sexual desire (that is, the psychological intensity when the sexual impulse is generated), the frequency of sexual impulse (that is, the number of times per day), and how many times and how long sexual activities can satisfy his sexual desire. After sexual activity, achieve physical and mental comfort, energy recovery and adjustment to the best degree; The construction and sublimation of psychological structure that sexual ability can reach

From the perspective of women, to what extent do men satisfy women's sexual desire, enable women to reach orgasm, make women comfortable and happy, make women happy and happy, stretch and be energetic after sexual activities, and make women love men, children and family more, etc

From the perspective of social psychology and sociology, his sexual ability includes the contribution to the love between husband and wife and the satisfaction of family life, the ability to rest and recover energy to create material and spiritual wealth for the family and society, and the ability to make contributions to social happiness and stability through the happiness and stability of the family, and so on.

  2. Women

Correspondingly: physiologically speaking: the total number of eggs produced in her life (this has been determined in a woman's fetal period, but the number varies from woman to woman), the total number of eggs discharged, and the rate of egg production and discharge, that is, the number of eggs produced per month (most women have one egg per month, and occasionally have multiple ovulations), His estrogen levels (including progesterone levels).

Psychologically, a woman's sexual ability is the intensity of her sexual desire (the psychological intensity when the sexual impulse is generated, she reaches one or several orgasms to satisfy her sexual desire). From the perspective of men, to what extent do women satisfy men's sexual desires, enable men to reach orgasm, make men comfortable and happy, and make men happy and happy, stretch their bodies and be energetic after sexual activities, as well as make men love women, children and family more.

Expert Consultant of Sex Happiness Class: Hu Hongxia

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