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top Adult men should have sex several times a week

Mr. Xu, a 30-year-old migrant worker in Beijing, married his girlfriend of five years a month ago. Looking at the elegantly decorated and warm new house, and the company of beautiful women day and night, Xiao Xu has to be passionate with his wife every night, and even have sex two or three times a night. Half a month later, Xiaoxu was a little overwhelmed. After getting up, he felt dizzy and his spirit was much worse. A month ago, Xiao Xu and his wife

Sina Sex Happiness Class writing /Male expert Jiang Hui

00:49, April 5 comment | share

top How to control excessive masturbation

In daily life, moderate masturbation is a normal physiological and psychological phenomenon, but too frequent masturbation will have some adverse effects both physically and psychologically. It will also make you tired every day. This will lead to a series of health problems. If you have frequent masturbation habits. Then please be sure to get rid of this bad habit. This determination must not be just a hope

Sina Sex Happiness Class writing /Li Hongjun's Blog

00:47, April 5 comment | share

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