Dermatologist Branch of Physician Association Releases Dermatology Application Guide of Skin Care Products

May 25 this year is the ninth National Skin Care Day. This year's theme is "healthy skin care, rational use of skin care products". In order to promote the theme of National Skin Care Day, the Dermatologist Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association issued the "Application Guide of Skin Care Products in Dermatology" and "Application Guide of Moisturizing Medical Skin Care Products in Dermatology" in Beijing.

At the press conference, President of Dermatologist Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Peking University Skin STD Professor Li Ruoyu, director of the Prevention and Treatment Center, said: "According to an online survey of skin conditions of Chinese people, which has nearly 30000 people, only 14% of netizens really believe that they have healthy skin, while 72% of people think their skin is in a sub-health state. Another 13% think that they have obvious skin diseases. It can be seen that skin health is a big problem. For this reason, the Dermatologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association set up the 5.25 National Skin Care Day in 2007, which aims to make people deeply understand the importance of skin health through a series of popular science publicity activities, establish a correct understanding of selecting professional dermatologists for skin care consultation, and thus deal with the serious problems of Chinese people in skin health. "  

It is reported that on the National Skin Care Day on May 25, thousands of hospitals in 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions will carry out free consultation and publicity activities. Vice President Li Li said: This year, we will educate doctors how to use skin care products by issuing the "Application Guide of Skin Care Products in Dermatology"; At the same time, because dry skin is the most common problem in dermatology in clinic, we issued the "Application Guide of Moisturizing Medical Skin Care Products in Dermatology", which aims to publicize to the public and patients why to use skin care products and how to correctly select suitable skin care products, so as to improve the skin health level of the whole people.

When talking about the role of skin care publicity activities, Vice President Xie Hongfu pointed out that "skin care day activities are held every year, hoping that more dermatologists will participate in this public welfare action to achieve skin health for all through medical skin care and scientific skin care. At the same time, we also hope that the media can make more people master scientific skin care methods and promote the concept of scientific skin care to more people through the communication effect of advertising. "

In response to the question of "What is the difference between medical skin care products and ordinary skin care products?", Professor He Li clearly pointed out that medical skin care products have three characteristics: higher safety, clear efficacy and human clinical verification compared with ordinary skin care products. Its raw materials are strictly screened and contain no or as little as possible substances that are easy to damage skin or cause skin allergy; The formula is more concise, and the mechanism of its main ingredients for moisturizing and repairing skin barrier function is clear, which has been confirmed by scientific experimental research; The clinical efficacy and safety of the product are verified through human trials before marketing. It can be seen from this that the medical skin care products themselves have no side effects on the skin and can be used for a long time as appropriate to reduce or alleviate the recurrence of skin diseases. Medical skin care products are not drugs and are generally not sold in hospital pharmacies (except for moisturizing skin care products with device approval), but purchased in supermarkets, shopping malls or OTC pharmacies outside the hospital.

In response to the reporter's question, "Which common skin diseases need to use moisturizing skin care products?", Professor Zhu Xuejun answered that in the treatment of different skin diseases, the methods used for medical skin care products are different. Some skin diseases can be alleviated by moisturizing skin care products alone, and some skin diseases must be combined with the use of moisturizing skin care products on the basis of drug treatment. For example: eczema Atopic dermatitis In the acute phase, it shows swelling, erosion and exudation, and in the chronic phase, it shows dryness and desquamation. Therefore, moisturizing skin care products are the basis for the treatment of such diseases in the chronic phase. For patients with obstinacy or obvious skin lesions, on the basis of moisturizing skin care, they should be combined with drug treatment. After the skin damage is controlled, it can be considered to stop using drugs and continue to use moisturizing skin care products to reduce the recurrence of such dermatitis. For patients with atopic dermatitis, even the skin with normal appearance is relatively dry, so moisturizing skin care products are also needed to reduce its onset. Others such as: Psoriasis Erythroderma , dryness skin Itch Disease, congenital Ichthyosis keratosis follicularis , exfoliative keratolysis and other skin diseases with dry skin can be treated with moisturizing skin care products.

Article keywords: National Skin Care Day skin Skin care

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