Inventory of 27 health events in 2014

[Global Network Comprehensive Report] From the Ebola virus outbreak to the suicide tragedy of Oscar winning veteran actor Robin Williams, a series of health problems are involved. On December 9, BuzzFeed, an American news aggregation website, listed 27 health events, which are worth pondering.

1. The Ebola virus outbreak has brought great disasters to numerous West African countries. So far, more than 5000 people have died. The World Health Organization says this is the most serious public health emergency in modern times. The chance of being infected with Ebola virus, even in Liberia, is very small, but once unfortunately infected, it will take away you, including all the people you love.

2. Jimmy Kimmel, an American comedian, host and TV producer, proved that no one really knows what gluten is. Glutenin is a protein found in cereals such as wheat, barley and rye. Some people get sick after eating it.

3. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of lobbying and allowed religious companies to provide medical insurance for their employees that did not cover birth control. The demonstrators were dissatisfied with the decision on birth control. Some people share why they adopt birth control: because birth control is closely related to life and body. This case has triggered heated debates: religious freedom, women's rights, etc.

4. Dr. Oz was reprimanded for weight loss pills at a congressional committee hearing. Oz is an American doctor who discusses healthy lifestyle on his TV show. Dr. Oz admits that the products he sells to the audience have no scientific basis. On Twitter, he made a huge mistake: he asked netizens for questions about healthy life, but they questioned him and satirized him.

5. Robin Williams' suicide inspired depression And psychosis. Robin Williams, a veteran American comedian and Oscar winning actor, died on August 11 at the age of 63. The investigation showed that he had suffocated to death. He suffered from depression all his life.

6. CVS, the second drugstore in Dalian, announced on October 1 that it would stop selling tobacco products. "We consider ourselves a healthcare company. Dr. Troy Brennan, executive vice president and chief medical officer of CVS, said that "smoking is harmful to health, and it is meaningless for the products sold to cause people's health problems." In fact, they did it a month earlier than expected, with very high efficiency.

7. Thirteen Indian women died of infection due to poor sterilization equipment for birth control surgery. The incident occurred in the central Indian province of Chhattisgarh. Local birth control operations are carried out in temporary and poorly equipped health centers, and women may die of poisoning caused by contaminated surgical equipment shock Preliminary reports showed that women died of toxic shock. Then the drug manufacturer was arrested. These unscrupulous manufacturers provide doctors with toxic drugs that are then used on patients.

8. Thanks to the Affordable Medical Care Act, the number of Americans receiving medical insurance increased by about 10 million. The Affordable Medical Care Act was passed in 2010, but played a key role in January 2014. Millions of people receive medical assistance. The medical insurance market is open to consumers. Since this year, some consumer protection has come into effect: based on the existing medical conditions, insurance companies can no longer deny people's insurance coverage, and new plans and existing group plans no longer have annual restrictions on insurance coverage.

9. The "Show Your Belly" campaign encourages people to upload photos of themselves with colon pouches. British model Bethany Townsend uploaded the photos of two colonic pouches on her stomach taken during her vacation, which inspired hundreds of other Crohn's patients to show their colonic pouches.

10. Miss Idaho, Sierra Anne Sandison, wore an insulin pump to participate in beauty contests. Sheila is diabetes Patient, beauty queen chooses her insulin pump to show her beauty.

11. A 21-year-old girl from the UK suffers from hair pulling addiction, which is caused by obsessive compulsive disorder, which causes patients to forcibly pull their hair, often leading to obvious alopecia And social Anxiety disorder Her four minute video tells of her depilatory life for more than six years.

12. American comedian Joan Rivers died of complications during the operation. She underwent throat surgery in Manhattan, then had a sudden cardiac arrest and stopped breathing.

13. In the midterm elections, voters in Oregon, Alaska and Washington, D.C. agreed to legalize cannabis for leisure and entertainment, and voters in Guam agreed to legalize medicinal cannabis. At the same time, Florida narrowly rejected the use of medical marijuana to treat degenerative diseases such as cancer AIDS and Multiple sclerosis Symptoms, etc. It needs 60% support rate to pass, but only 57% support rate is obtained.

14. Doctors successfully implanted lab grown vaginas in four women. The woman who participated in the operation said, "I feel very lucky and thank this operation because I can have a normal life".

15. The World Cup reminds us that, cerebral concussion There will be serious consequences. Uruguayan midfielder Alvaro Pereir suffered traumatic brain injury in the match against England, but he continued to play, although experts agreed that this might lead to extremely serious head injuries. The players' union then accused FIFA of failing to protect Pereira.

16. At the same time, the NFL also filed a sustained concussion lawsuit. In July, a federal judge approved a settlement. More than 5000 former rugby players sued the NFL for its health claims. Many people are dissatisfied with the terms and want to change them. A study shows that people with concussion suffer from many major health problems, ranging from chronic headache dementia To Alzheimer's disease, depression and suicide. The cover story of the New York Times magazine commented, "Will football be the tobacco of the future?"

17. The "Ice Bucket Challenge" is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Patients raise millions of dollars. However, this incredible ice bucket challenge also failed several rounds.

18. The American Academy of Pediatrics officially believes that intrauterine devices and progesterone implantation are the best ways for adolescents to control fertility. Most teenagers use condoms as the main method of contraception, but long-term contraception, such as intrauterine contraceptive devices, should be the "front line" of teenagers' contraception. Both can prevent pregnancy 99% effectively.

19. New York City officials inadvertently hired a liar to disinfect the apartment of Ebola patients.

20. The governors of New York and New Jersey demanded compulsory isolation of anyone who had contact with Ebola patients in the past 21 days. Kaci Hickox, a nurse caring for Ebola virus patients in Sierra Leone. In October, she returned to the United States, was quarantined for a few days, and then released to her home state of Maine. She said that this practice violated her human rights and, out of fear, would make health care workers "untouchable".

21. In fact, the fear of Ebola virus has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

22. The first child born through womb transplantation. A 36 year old woman without uterus in Sweden received donated uterus and gave birth to a healthy child in October.

23. Apple and Facebook announced that they would start paying female employees for frozen eggs.

24. The shredder equipment is very dangerous, and the US Food and Drug Administration issued an important warning against it. The shredder is a conventional tool for hysterectomy. Investigators found that this device actually has a great risk of cancer transmission, which is beyond what doctors previously thought. The FDA no longer recommends that doctors use this device. In July, Johnson&Johnson released a global voluntary recall notice of the powder purifier. At the end of November, the Food and Drug Administration issued another warning. A woman named Martha Montalvo Ariri was diagnosed with cancer after hysterectomy.

  25. measles The regression of. This is a record number of measles cases in the United States since the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the elimination of measles in 2000.

26. Glands plague It also relapsed. In Madagascar, bubonic plague has killed 40 people. Since November, 119 people have been infected with this bacterial disease. The World Health Organization has warned that the capital of Madagascar, Antananarivo, may become a potential source of rapid transmission.

27. Brittany Maynard, a 29 year old woman with terminal brain cancer, spent the rest of her life in the company of her loved ones. She hoped to get rid of the pain as soon as possible, and set up a fund to die with dignity.

As we can see above, 2014 is obviously a story of many health, misery and horror for us. Of course, there are also some encouraging and exciting news. I believe there will be more lucky things next year.

Article keywords: healthy Ebola Frozen egg

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