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People's Building deems it imperative to reduce emissions and carbon in the real estate industry. Several industry carbon emission standards are expected to be issued this year

09:38, June 1, 2021 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, June 1 (Wang Renhong, intern Wei Xinyi) "To achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, we must vigorously develop green buildings." Recently, Ni Jiangbo, a first-class inspector of the Department of Standards and Ratings of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, said at the "2021 China Real Estate Industry Carbon Peak Development Summit Forum" that in the context of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, real estate enterprises are green living, green work The designers and implementers of the green production mode should take the major responsibility of creating a simple, moderate and green low-carbon mode.

The real estate industry has a high degree of industrial relevance, involving various fields of production, circulation and consumption, and connecting many aspects of the national economy. Several insiders said that the real estate industry will play a key role in helping China achieve the "double carbon" goal, and "energy conservation and carbon reduction" is imperative. At the same time, real estate enterprises are still facing the current situation of large total carbon emissions, low per capita energy consumption, poor energy technology, and still face greater pressure under the requirements of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality".

On the morning of May 26, the "2021 China Real Estate Carbon Peak Development Summit Forum" hosted by China Real Estate Association was held in Beijing. Photographed by Wang Renhong on

An important way to develop green buildings or real estate industry to achieve the goal of "double carbon"

How to achieve the "double carbon" goal of the real estate construction industry? Industry insiders believe that the development of green buildings may become an important hand for the real estate industry to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

According to Ni Jiangbo, China's green buildings and building energy conservation have achieved remarkable development results. Data shows that by the end of 2020, the area of green buildings in China has accumulated more than 2.569 billion square meters. In 2020, the proportion of new green buildings in urban new civil buildings reached 77%, and the new construction area of prefabricated buildings increased from 73 million square meters in 2015 to 630 million square meters.

"Energy conservation is the key to carbon neutrality in the construction field." Chen Yiming, Vice President and Secretary General of China Real Estate Association, interpreted the green transformation of China's real estate industry in the context of carbon peak.

Chen Yiming said that the current situation of building energy use in China is characterized by low energy use level, energy use technology level to be strengthened, etc., which is under great pressure under the current requirements of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Therefore, Chen Yiming believes that the energy conservation, ventilation and heat exchange measures of the building body need to be combined with the measures to achieve the same purpose by using technical products as auxiliary means in the construction field in terms of carbon peak, carbon neutrality and energy conservation, combining behavioral energy conservation with technical energy conservation, and combining the conservation of fossil energy with the utilization of renewable energy, Energy conservation in urban and rural areas should also be considered as a whole.

Changing the energy consumption structure is crucial for the real estate industry to achieve the goal of "double carbon"

Ni Jiangbo believes that changing the energy consumption structure is crucial to achieving the "double carbon" goal of the real estate construction industry. China's modernization cannot follow the traditional energy consumption path of western modernization. The energy consumption that has increased significantly on the modernization path should use renewable energy to replace traditional energy, reduce the use of traditional fossil energy, and change the energy consumption structure. For the construction industry, it is necessary to develop and utilize renewable energy, nuclear energy and other new energy, replace fossil energy with new energy, and significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Ni Jiangbo revealed that at present, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development is stepping up the research on the implementation plan of carbon peak by 2030 in the field of urban and rural construction, focusing on the goal of reaching the peak early, low peak, holding back the tail, short platform, and deep neutralization, including zero carbon building technology standards, building energy conservation and renewable energy utilization general specifications and other regulatory documents on carbon emissions in many industries, which are expected to be released within the year.

Huang Junpeng, general manager of Beijing Lemon Tree Green Building Technology Co., Ltd., said that real estate enterprises should not regard "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality" as pressure and burden, but should seize this opportunity to attract high-value customers and reshape core competitiveness by expanding financing channels, enhancing local auction competitiveness, building hard core product strength and other aspects in advance, Simultaneously help to achieve the goal of "double carbon".

The "2021 China Real Estate Carbon Peak Development Summit Forum" was hosted by China Real Estate Association. The forum simultaneously released the Research Report on Carbon Emissions of Real Estate Enterprises in China 2021, which summarized the characteristics and current situation of carbon emissions of real estate enterprises, and put forward suggestions on accelerating the development of carbon emission accounting standards for real estate enterprises.

(Editor in charge: Li Nanhua, Lv Qian)

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