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Wang Zhan: Enterprises need more orders than subsidies

February 21, 2020 13:21 | Source: People's Daily Online - Finance Channel
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, February 21 (Reporter Wang Zhe) Under the epidemic, small and medium-sized enterprises face serious challenges. How to turn danger into opportunity and forge ahead? On February 20, the People's Daily Online Powerful Forum held an online "Jintai Round Table" People's War Epidemic? Small and medium-sized enterprises will take measures to focus on the severe challenges and turnaround opportunities faced by small and medium-sized enterprises under the epidemic situation, and invite experts to give advice and suggestions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Wang Zhan, Chairman of Xueleshan, said that as an offline training institution, it had a great impact under the impact of the epidemic. The stores in many places had been closed for nearly a month, and there was no little pressure on rent, special equipment maintenance, and labor costs. "Now the government has introduced a lot of support policies. One is to hope that the policy will be more efficient when it is implemented. At the same time, we prefer to have some government purchase orders and group orders to support it." He said that many enterprises prefer more orders than simple subsidies, and through their products, services and their own efforts to exchange for support, survival and development space, "It's the same with giving people fish."

Wang Zhan also said that small, medium-sized and micro enterprises will have insufficient collateral in the actual financial loans, which is very limited. It is hoped that banks and other financial institutions can provide more financial products for offline service industry to provide support, facilitate SME loans, and overcome difficulties.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Shuang, Xia Xiaolun)

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