The "Chengguan Gang" of Chinese overseas students is the "second generation rich" in China

08:37, February 4, 2015    Global Times   micro-blog    Collect this article      

[Tang Niu, Special Correspondent of Global Times in the United States] "At Michigan State University in the United States, there are a group of Chinese students studying abroad [Weibo] Students form a 'urban management gang' and bully Asian students with intimidation and violent threats. "Recently, this disgraceful news spread on Chinese and American websites. The accusation came from the prosecutor in Michigan, the United States. The cause of the incident was that two Chinese students injured another Chinese student, and the latter filed a lawsuit against the former. Does the "Urban Management Gang" exist? What is the truth of the facts? Global Times reporter learned some information at Michigan State University.

According to the VOA report on February 1, the incident originated in January 2014, when two Chinese students at Michigan State University, Li Menglong, 24, and Gao Shan, 21, were accused of injuring another Chinese student, Li Yan, in a concert hall, leading to coma. The two were charged with multiple assault offences, including intentional bodily harm. On January 30 this year, Li Menglong and Gao Shan appeared in court to testify, denying their involvement in gangs and beating people. However, Hess, the US prosecutor and assistant prosecutor, believes that Li Menglong and Gao Shan belong to the "Chengguan" gang composed of Chinese students at Michigan State University. Members of the "Chengguan" gang are known among Asian students on the campus of Michigan State University for using intimidation and violent threats. They also put labels with "Chengguan" on their cars.

The case was heard on January 26 this year. The hearing resumed on February 2, and both parties made final statements. The defendant denied all the charges, saying that there was no so-called "Chengguan Gang" and that the two men were not involved in the beating. Li Menglong said that he did not belong to the "Chengguan Gang", but according to his understanding, this so-called gang is just a group of Chinese students who come together to play basketball or participate in other activities. Gao Shan admitted that he, like many people, stuck a "Chengguan" label on his car, but it was just "for fun". The website of the Michigan State University campus newspaper said in an article on the 2nd that whether the accusation of the "Chengguan Gang" reveals the evil side of the university's international student circle or is just a misunderstanding, it shows the cultural barriers between different groups.

According to Global Times, the news of "Chengguan Gang" has become a hot topic at Michigan State University. Gao Shan is a junior math student and Li Menglong has just graduated. The "Chengguan Gang" is not a gang in the strict sense, but more like a domestic juvenile delinquent gang. Some people who know them say that these people are the "second rich generation" in China, and they are often seen driving around in luxury cars. Some witnesses said that the "urban management vehicles" of these people were very aggressive. Many Chinese students complain that the recent frequent scandals of Chinese students at Michigan State University have affected the image of Chinese students. Last year, Michigan State University reported two cases of sudden death of Chinese undergraduates due to excessive drinking or drug abuse, which caused concern about the self-administration awareness of Chinese young overseas students. However, according to a Chinese student who has studied in the school for two years, before the "Chengguan Gang" incident, he had never heard of the incident of Chinese students ganging up to beat Chinese people.

The annual tuition of Michigan State University is about 40000 dollars. According to the data released by the university last year, the university currently has 4942 international students from China, accounting for more than 60% of international students. In 2013, the university had fewer than 3000 Chinese undergraduates. According to the Global Times reporter, the university has relaxed the admission requirements for Chinese students in recent years, and many Chinese students who could not have entered could come in as long as they were willing to take one year of "English classes" similar to preparatory courses. This English course costs 3500 dollars, at least 6 courses a year, and the tuition exceeds 20000 dollars.

Article keywords: Chengguan Gang overseas student

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