common problem

No input file specified error on Apache server

Find the php5.ini file in the root directory (create one if you can't find it), and add the following content to it

 cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

The Nginx server cannot log in to the background, and the message "405, method not allowed"

Upgrade nginx to 0.7 or above

The Nginx server cannot log in to the background. When you click the foreground link or log in to the background, "404, not found"

Generally, when this happens, The location settings in nginx. conf are similar

 location ~ .*\.php$

To support pathinfo, change to

 location ~ .*\.php(\/.*)*$

In some old versions of PHP, you may also need to open cgi.fix_pathinfo in php.ini

 cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

Nginx server failed to realize pseudo static, and failed to set in the background

This is mainly because the rewrite of nginx is not set

Find the server configuration section of the website in nginx.conf. Generally, we recommend the following configuration

 server { listen          80; server_name; root            /home/yourdomain/www/; index           index.html index.htm index.php;   if (!- e $request_filename) { rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php$1 last; }   location ~ .*\.php(\/.*)*$ { include fastcgi.conf; fastcgi_pass; }   access_log logs/yourdomain.log combined; }

 :!: Please change your domain in the above configuration to your own actual domain name and directory storage address

Inaccurate classification/label count

Solution: Select all categories/labels, and click Selected Items → Refresh.

How to customize attachment upload directory

stay Add a line of the following code in the your_upload_dir Is the directory you want to upload:

 define('__TYPECHO_UPLOAD_DIR__', 'your_upload_dir');

After upgrading, the website prompts 500 errors

  1. Reason 1: The template could not be found. Solution: Enter the background and reselect the template.
  2. Cause 2: Permission problem. Solution: reset permissions on the typecho directory chmod -Rf 644 * , if not, execute chmod -Rf 755 *