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Guangdong Puppet Opera Enters Xinjiang and Writes Contemporary Chinese Chapter of Ethnic Family

China News Network, Guangzhou, September 14 (Reporter Cheng Jingwei) According to the news of Guangdong Puppet Art Theater on the 14th, the large folk song and dance puppet show "Magic Journey" and the traditional classic play "Lingnan Puppet Collection" created by the theater were recently staged in Urumqi, Xinjiang.

The Magic Journey tells the story of how "Guangzhou Aberdeen" Tian Hao and Xinjiang girl Azi Guli, with the help of Avanti, got out of the story city and reunited with Tian Hao's father again. In the play, Tian Hao's father is willing to leave his young son to participate in volunteer education in Xinjiang in order to help Xinjiang's children get better education. When encountering the sandstorm disaster, he sacrificed himself to protect the safety of students, and explained the national emotion of uniting a family with his actions.

Live performance. Courtesy of Guangdong Puppet Art Theater

The traditional classic play "Lingnan Puppet Boutique Collection" not only has the children's favorite stick fairy puppet play "Monkey King Three Beats White Bone Spirit", but also has a series of exquisite traditional puppet programs such as "Heavenly Power", "Playing Card Fork" and "Doll Love". In the performance of "Happy Dwarfs", the audience was invited to interact on the stage, to work with the actors to manipulate the puppet and experience the fun of puppet art. At the same time, Cui Keqin, a famous puppeteer, was invited to introduce the puppetry on the spot to further deepen the audience's understanding of puppetry art.

Puppet fire blowing performance. Courtesy of Guangdong Puppet Art Theater

In addition, the Guangdong Puppet Art Theater also organized actors to walk into Xinjiang campus to bring intangible cultural feast with the theme of puppet art to teachers and students. In particular, the activity performed the fragments of the red theme puppet show "You Xi", which conveyed the depth of red culture and the length of red blood in the form of puppet shows.

During the activity, the cultural and tourism departments of Guangzhou and Urumqi had in-depth exchanges, which helped Guangdong Puppet Art Theater and Xinjiang Urumqi Art Theater sign a letter of intent for a strategic cooperation agreement. The two sides will continue to strengthen in-depth cooperation. (End)


key word: Puppet Art theatre Puppetry Tianhao Sun Wukong Beats Baigujing Three Times

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