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The long reportage "Tibetan Mother" was published, and plateau mothers wrote the great love of the world

China News Network, Guangzhou, September 14 (Reporter Cheng Jingwei) According to the news of the Guangdong People's Publishing House on the 14th, the long reportage Mother Tibet, created by Xu Jian, a writer and president of the China Reportage Society, was recently published by the publishing house.

Tibetan Mother was published by Guangdong People's Publishing House. Courtesy of Guangdong People's Publishing House

There are thousands of children orphaned for various reasons in Tibet. They have their own misfortunes. They are welfare homes established by the Party and the government, which give them warm "homes". The staff responsible for the management and education of these children are mostly women, who share the same name "Tibetan mother" regardless of age and experience. These respectable "Tibetan mothers" tied themselves tightly to the orphans, so that the children could regain the happy "maternal love".

Writer Xu Jian has traveled thousands of kilometers on the plateau for several years, went deep into the children's welfare homes in seven prefectures and cities in Tibet, interviewed more than 100 caring mothers, and created the book "Tibetan Mother". The content of the work is detailed, emotional and moving. Through the literature demonstration of non fiction narrative, and with a unique humanistic perspective, it presents the moving picture scroll of "being alone and having little to rely on" in Tibet, so that the world can truly see the moving civilization landscape in Tibet. Respectable "Tibetan mothers" lead the social trend towards goodness and beauty with their simple spiritual quality. They share the same touching maternal love. They calmly tell stories about the fun of getting along with orphans in the book, just like talking about their own children. It is this kind of truth telling that achieves the strong non fiction aesthetic appeal of the works, which is expressive and persuasive, reflecting the historical achievements of Tibetan social undertakings.

Shi Zhanjun, a critic and editor in chief of People's Literature, believes that Xu Jian's spiritual hometown is in Tibet. This writer, known as "Old Tibet", is familiar with the land of Tibet and has deep sympathy for the real feelings of people on this hot land about happiness and rebirth. The book "Tibetan Mother" is a vivid and profound symbolic new achievement of the new era literature's conscious practice of the people centered creative concept.

Ding Xiaoyuan, a professor at the School of Literature of Suzhou University, praised that "Tibetan Mother" is a new and profound literary demonstration of good luck in Tibet. The comprehensive and detailed description of the story of orphan rescue and training in welfare homes in Tibet is an effective literary practice to spread the spirit of great love in the snow and promote the new image of good luck in Tibet. (End)


key word: Literary consciousness Tibetan mother People's Literature Literary Practice nonfiction

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