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Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy (2 or more) aldehyde (Aldehyde) or Ketones (Ketone) compound, which can become one of the above two after hydrolysis Organic compound
Chemically, because it consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Element composition The chemical formula is similar to the polymerization of "carbon" and "water", so it is also called carbohydrate
Chinese name
Foreign name
White crystals and powders
Main raw materials
Plants, fresh fruits, honey, etc
Main nutrients
Monosaccharides: glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose, deoxyribose, etc.; disaccharides: sucrose, lactose, maltose, etc.; polysaccharides: starch, cellulose, etc
Main edible effects
Provide energy, carbohydrate
Suitable crowd
Suitable for all ages, except for diabetics
side effect
Caries, Hyperglycemia
Storage method
Normal temperature, cool and dry place
Common flavor

History of sugar making

Sugar can
People in prehistoric times have known that they can take sweet food from fresh fruits, honey and plants. Later, it developed into maltose from grain, and then developed into sugar cane beet Chinese sugar, etc. The history of sugar production has roughly experienced early sugar production handicraft industry There are three stages of sugar production and mechanized sugar production.
Early sugar production
China is one of the earliest sugar producing countries in the world. The early sugar mainly includes maltose sucrose Maltose occupies a more important position.
It is a great progress for human beings to use grains to make wine and sugar. China Western Zhou Dynasty Of《 The Book of Songs · Daya 》There is a poem in the poem "Zhou Yuan's tea is as beautiful as tea", which means that Zhou's land is very fertile violet and Endive It is as sweet as caramel. It means that caramel had existed as far back as the Western Zhou Dynasty. Maltose is believed to be the first sugar made in the world. Maltose Starch sugar It can also be said that starch sugar has the longest history.
Figure 1
Maltose is a kind of sugar malt Sugar that has been saccharified and boiled is viscous, commonly known as malt dust Since the creation of the Western Zhou Dynasty, it has been popular among the people and widely eaten. west Zhou Zhi There are records of maltose consumption and production in the history books of the Han Dynasty. Among them, Northern Wei Dynasty Jia Sixie Authored《 Qi People's Essential Skills 》(Chapter 89 "Xing") is the most detailed description. The book describes the methods, steps and key points of maltose production, which will be used by future generations for a long time. This kind of starch sugar Sweetener There is still production and a good market, and it still has a certain position in the sugar industry. However, sugar production usually refers to sugar production from sugar cane and sugar beet.
Sugar production from sugarcane was first recorded in India in 300 BC《 Vedas 》And Chinese《 Poetry of the South 》。 These two countries are the earliest sugarcane planting countries in the world, and also the two major origins of sugarcane sugar production. Made early in the world History of sugar China and India occupy an important position.
Zhou Dynasty to Han Dynasty
In China, the earliest record of sugarcane planting was in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. 4th century BC the warring states During this period, there were records of preliminary processing of sugarcane. Qu Yuan There is such a poem in "Songs of Chu · Evocation": "There are some Zhe plasm in the turtle and the firecracker". The "zhe" here is sugarcane, and the "zhe pulp" is the juice obtained from sugarcane. Explain the Warring States Period, Chu State It has been able to carry out the original processing of sugarcane.
Western Jin Dynasty Chen Shou In the Annals of the Three Kingdoms · Wu Shu · Biography of Sun Liang, it is said that "Liang ordered the Yellow Gate to be covered with silver valonia, and the Central Tibetan officials took it Jiaozhou The description of the "sugar cane..." presented by Jiaozhou is in the area of Guangdong and Guangxi today. Jiaozhou is in the south of China with the Chu State mentioned above. It is the earliest area for sugar production from sugar cane. Sugarcane is a kind of liquid sugar, which is sticky Sugar cane juice Concentrate and process to a higher concentration (viscous) for easy storage and consumption. The processing technology here has been greatly improved.
Eastern Han Dynasty Zhang Heng In the book "Seven Differentiations", there is a sentence of "Shayi Stone Honey". The word "Shayi" here means that the sugar produced has tiny crystals, which can be regarded as the embryonic form of granulated sugar.
Written by Tao Hongjing in the 6th century《 Other records of famous doctors 》It said: "Sugar cane grows in the east of the Yangtze River, and there are also some good ones in Luling. In Guangzhou, it grows for several years, all as big as bamboo, more than ten feet long, and the juice is taken as granulated sugar, which is very beneficial." The sugarcane planting area described here has become wider, and the technology of sugarcane planting has also been improved, and granulated sugar has been produced. The granulated sugar is the sugar with honey by concentrating the sugarcane juice until it crystallizes naturally. It is a step higher than the previous processing technology of sugarcane.
Tang and Song Dynasties
In the stage of handicraft sugar production, since the Warring States Period when sugarcane pulp was obtained from sugarcane, sugarcane planting has become increasingly prosperous, and sugar production technology has gradually improved. After nearly a thousand years of development, by the Tang and Song dynasties, a large-scale workshop sugar industry had been formed.
In 647, Tang Taizong Send people to India to learn how to boil sugar. Ouyang Xiu Song Qi Written《 New Tang Dynasty Book 》It is recorded that in the 21st year of Zhenguan period, envoys were sent to communicate with the Son of Heaven to offer balsam trees and poplar trees. Taizong Dispatch envoys to take the sugar boiling method, that is, to call all sugarcane in Yangzhou, Zha Shen is like a medicine, Color and taste The farther west, the farther away. " It shows that in the frequent cultural, scientific and technological exchanges between China and India, there is also an exchange of experience in sugar technology.
Since the formation of handicraft sugar production in the Tang and Song Dynasties, sugar production technology has gradually developed, and some new technologies and processes have emerged Crystal sugar Some new varieties have also appeared, and some theoretical works on sugar production have also been produced.
In 674 AD, China invented the drip method for extracting white sugar. In this method, a set of funnel shaped pottery, equipped with earthenware vats and other small facilities, is used to boil the sugarcane juice to a certain concentration and then pour it into the tile (funnel shaped pottery), pour yellow mud from the top Adsorption decolorization Prepare native sugar. The appearance of white sugar indicates that sugar production technology has reached a new height. This indigenous sugar production has been used in China for more than 1000 years.
Dali Period of Tang Dynasty (766-779), Sichuan Suining Sugar cane is used to make rock sugar. The production of rock sugar adds unique products to the sugar industry.
Sugar handicraft industry flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and the variety and quality of sugar produced reached a very high level. Sugar products are not only sold all over China, but also exported to Persia, Rome and other places, promoting international trade. The sugar handicraft industry, which is widely emerging, has expanded to many regions of the country, such as Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Sichuan and other places today. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, a large number of people from Fujian and Guangdong immigrated to Taiwan, and at the same time, they also brought the technology of sugarcane planting and sugar production. Because Taiwan's climate is suitable for planting sugar cane, the sugar industry has developed rapidly and become one of the major sugar production bases in China.
In the middle of the 8th century, Chinese sugar technology was introduced to Japan. Around the 13th century, it was introduced Java , becoming the origin of the island's sugar industry. During the 15th and 16th centuries, Chinese expatriates also the Philippines , Hawaii, etc.
In the long-term practice of sugar production, many sugar production methods have been gradually summarized. Northern Song Dynasty Wang Zhuo In 1130, he wrote China's first monograph on sugar production -《 Frosting spectrum 》。 The book is divided into 7 chapters, which are rich in content, respectively recording the history of sugar production in China Planting method Sugar production equipment (including crushing and Scouring Equipment) Process icing Nature, taste, use, sugar economy, etc. Ming Dynasty published at the beginning of 1637 Song Yingxing Written by《 Tiangong Kaiwu 》Volume VI (Gan Yi) describes various methods of sugarcane planting and sugar production《 Frosting spectrum 》A book is more systematic and detailed. These methods were used by Chinese people until the 20th century. The method described in the book is to press the juice for many times with a bullock stone roller (or a wooden roller)( Squeezing method ), similar to the modern multiple crushing principle of sugarcane. In terms of cane juice clarification, the book summarizes the lime clarification process for the first time, and its principle is still used in the modern sugar industry. The systematic handicraft sugar production processes, such as squeezing juice, lime clarification, concentration and boiling, summarized in "Ganyi", have become the technological basis of modern mechanized sugar production.
The spread of sugar making in India
When China's sugar production technology from sugarcane spreads to the outside world, India, another birthplace of sugar production from sugarcane in the world, also continues to spread sugar production technology from sugarcane to other countries. In the 7th century, the Arabs took Indian sugarcane Planting technology Introduced to Spain Italy Since then, mediterranean sea Sugarcane planting began along the coast, and then the planting technology was introduced North America Some countries. At the end of the 15th century, Columbus introduced sugar production technology from sugarcane to West Indies Soon spread to Cuba Puerto Rico In the 1920s and 1930s, sugar production technology from sugarcane was introduced successively Mexico , Brazil Peru Soon, the sugar cane industry will be in the north and south America All developed.
Sugar beet making And mechanized sugar production
Mechanized sugar production stage From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, the success of sugar beet production greatly promoted the development of sugar industry, and directly led to the mechanization of sugar industry.
For a long time, the main raw material for sugar production has been sugarcane, which can only grow in the tropics Subtropical Region, Cold region You cannot plant sugarcane to make sugar. At the end of the 18th century, a new raw material for sugar production -- beet It was finally discovered, bringing a major breakthrough to the development of sugar industry.
In 1747, German chemist A Magraf Discover beets root tuber It contains sucrose, but has not received much attention. In 1786, F K. Ahard is here Berlin The trial planting of sugar beet in the suburbs was successful, which realized the extraction of sucrose from sugar beet and started the selection and breeding of sugar beet. In 1799, Ahard published a paper declaring that sugar could be made from beets. In 1802, Ahard Eastern Europe Silesia The world's first beet sugar factory was built in nearby Kunern. In the same year, Russia A beet sugar factory has also been built. In 1811, another beet sugar factory was built in France. Since then, European countries have built factories one after another, and the sugar beet industry has quickly risen. In 1810, there were 10 beet sugar factories in Russia. In 1824, Ukraine Began to establish sugar beet factories, which have grown to 67 in the following 15 to 20 years, and Ukraine has become the main sugar producing area in Russia.
Sugar production chain in Brazil
The rapid rise and development of sugar beet industry in Europe has important political and economic reasons. At the beginning of the 19th century, Napoleon imposed a blockade on the British Isle, while Britain imposed a blockade on the British Isle from the sea Continental Europe implement Economic blockade , Europe sea transport Because of this, some urgently needed materials and food, such as sugar cane, could not be transported to the European continent by sea, which objectively promoted the rapid development of sugar beet industry in Europe. Soon, the technology of beet sugar production passed Atlantic , spread to America, and then spread to Asia , all over the world.
The development of mechanized sugar industry The origin and production of beet sugar are mainly in Europe, and in the 19th century, Europe capitalism In the era of development, advanced industry and advanced science and technology have provided many favorable conditions for the mechanization of sugar industry. Most of the modern mechanized sugar production processes and equipment began in the sugar beet industry in Europe. The period from the beginning of the 19th century to the 1960s was mechanized Sugar industry During the main formative period of the, many new technologies and equipment for sugar production continued to emerge. During this period, the beet sugar industry has completed the exudation juice extraction and sugar juice ash adding twice carbonic acid Full and clean Multiple effect evaporation Vacuum boiling, crystallization and centrifugation Nectar separation Sugar forming, etc Basic technology
In the early 19th century, good Adsorbent animal charcoal It has been applied to decolorize sugar beet juice and achieved good results. In 1821, Dongbale cut the beet root into thin pieces and soaked it with hot water to extract sugar, which changed the early practice of squeezing beet juice and became the leader of exudation method. By 1830, Dongbale had invented the exudation method. However, because no ideal clarification method has been found, the obtained sugar juice is not easy to be clarified. In 1840, Kurman invented carbon dioxide The saturation method has made breakthrough progress in clarifying sugar juice. In 1843, the invention of the multi effect evaporation tank made the sugar juice evaporate. At the same time, the high-efficient centrifugal molasses separation process is used to completely separate the sugar crystal and molasses in the syrup, and the sugar obtained is no longer the sugar with honey, but clean granulated sugar. In 1849, Rousseau invented the process of making sugar by carbonation. 1849, Application sulfur dioxide Bleached sugar juice replaces bone charcoal with high cost, and the purification technology of sugar juice is further improved. In 1859, Perrier and Posetz improved the carbonation method to the bicarbonation method, which significantly improved the clarification effect, but it was still difficult to remove the precipitated particles of sugar juice. Invented by Denik in 1864 filter So that the precipitates of sugar juice can be separated. In the same year, J. Robert, an Austrian, made a batch type exudation tank group, which was widely used after it was combined with the double carbonation purification process. In the 20th century, the continuous diffuser was developed and gradually replaced Robert's diffuser. So far, a relatively complete process of sugar production by carbonation has basically taken shape, becoming the leader of modern sugar production technology.
Since most of the sugar beet production processes are also applicable to sugar cane production, they were quickly adopted by the sugar cane industry. However, sugar cane production and sugar beet production are quite different in clarification processes. In terms of juice extraction, cane sugar mills still basically adopt the method of squeezing juice. At the end of the 18th century, three rollers were used in sugar production from sugarcane press
In the early 19th century, Vacuum crystallization (Boiling sugar) can is successfully made. Medium term, already in use steam engine Drive the press and start using centrifugation Honey separator Since then, the sugar industry has entered the stage of large-scale industrial production with the maturing of sugar production technology and the continuous emergence of equipment suitable for industrial production.
History of mechanized sugar production in China
The period from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century was the brewing and exploration period of China's mechanized sugar production. In the 1930s, there was a boom in mechanized sugar production in China, but there was no industrial system for mechanized sugar production, and the sugar industry was still in the stage of handicraft industry. After 1949, it has continuously developed into a complete modern sugar industry system.
In 1878, British businessmen Jardine Matheson Set up China in Hong Kong Refined sugar The machine of the company was purchased from the UK, and refined sugar was produced with native sugar as raw material. It can process 4000 loads of native sugar every day. In 1880, Jardine Matheson was in Guangdong again Shantou Corner stone opened a branch factory. In addition, British businessmen in Hong Kong Taikoo Yanghang It also founded Taikoo Sugar Refining Company. Following the United Kingdom, businessmen from the United States, Japan and other countries also came to China to establish mechanical sugar factories. Sugar processing technology, technology and equipment were introduced from abroad. Due to social unrest Operation management These sugar factories failed to survive for a long time due to poor performance and other reasons.
In 1905, planting began in Northeast China Sugar beet In 1908, a sugar beet factory with a daily processing capacity of 350 tons was built( Acheng Sugar Factory )。
In 1915, another beet sugar factory (Hulan Sugar Factory) with a daily processing capacity of 350 tons of beets was built.
In 1916, the Japanese established "South Manchuria Sugar Manufacturing Co., Ltd." in Northeast China, and Shenyang Set up a sugar beet processing plant in the suburb with a daily processing capacity of 500 tons Fengtian Sugar factory was put into operation in 1917. In 1922 Tieling Tieling Sugar Factory was built, and both sugar factories stopped production in 1926.
In 1920, Beijing Puyi Company built Puyi Sugar Factory in Jinan, Shandong Province, which was put into operation in 1921 and stopped production in 1929.
In 1938, Japan Jilin province Fan Jiatun Establishment“ Xinjing Sugar factory ", later changed to Jilin Provincial system Sugar factory.
Before the 1930s, whether it was a sugar beet factory, a sugar cane factory, or a sugar refinery; Whether it is set up by foreign capital or capital of the national bourgeoisie The sugar factories that were founded were not successful. China's mechanized sugar industry was not formed, and it was still in the stage of handicraft sugar production. The old sugar making method of pressing sugar cane with cattle drawn stone rollers is still popular, Native sugar dumpling , soil Sugar house Small workshops of sugar making are widely distributed in urban and rural areas. The output and quality of sugar are inferior to those of advanced countries. A large amount of imported sugar is still needed. In 1929, the import of sugar reached the peak (740 million kg), worth one million taels of silver, ranking first in China Imported goods The second place of.
Since the 1930s, China has restricted the arbitrary import of foreign sugar to protect the development of domestic sugar industry. From 1929 to 1933, the capitalist world broke out seriously economic crisis Many companies and businessmen are eager to promote unsalable goods and overstocked equipment. China becomes them export of capital A big market of. For example, the Honolulu Iron Factory in the United States, Czech Republic Skoda factory arrived at this time Guangdong , selling their backlog of sugar making equipment. Guangdong Province The warlords of political status And strongly support and set up mechanized sugar industry. Guangdong has a long history of sugar production and rich sugar raw materials (sugarcane), which is also conducive to the development of sugar industry objectively. From August 1933 to January 1936, under the contract of Honolulu Iron Factory and Czech Skoda Factory, the market head Shunde Dongguan , new Huiyang Jieyang 6 mechanized sugar factories. The designed total production capacity is 7000 tons of sugar cane per day and 700 tons of white sugar per day. machinery equipment All are imported from foreign countries, Process technology The scale of equipment is unprecedented. Guangdong has thus become an important base for the national mechanized sugar industry.
The upsurge of setting up mechanized sugar industry in Guangdong has also affected other provinces that can use sugarcane to make sugar, followed by the establishment of mechanized sugar factories. However, due to the turmoil of the current situation and the weak industrial foundation, these new mechanized sugar factories failed to develop and prosper, and many sugar factories were forced to close or close down.
Since the 20th century, Taiwan The mechanized sugar industry in Sichuan has developed rapidly. The earliest mechanized sugar factory was established in 1901. By 1945, there were 42 mechanized sugar factories in the province. From 1934 to 1943, Taiwan's sugar industry developed rapidly, with a sharp increase in sugar output and a large number of exports. During the sugar production period from 1938 to 1939, the output of machine-made sugar reached 1.37 million tons.
After 1949, the sugar industry in mainland China has been developing continuously. The sugar cane industry is mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian, Hainan, Sichuan and other places. Sugar beet industry is concentrated in Heilongjiang Inner Mongolia , Jilin, Xinjiang, etc. The yield ratio of sugar cane to sugar beet is about 4:1. In the 1980s, China has become one of the major sugar producing countries in the world.

Modern development

Sugar in China sugar Increase in production area
After more than 50 years of construction since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, China's sugar industry has achieved tremendous development. National sugar seeded area It expanded from 1862000 mu in 1949 to 24855000 mu in 2003. Among them, sugarcane increased from 1623000 mu to 21135000 mu, beet From 239000 mu to 3.72 million mu. It is worth noting that sugar beets in China planting area There is a shrinking trend. In the northeast, it competes with grain, that is, soybeans and corn for land. 2004 Price of agricultural products As a result of the overall increase, many sugar farmers switched to other crops, it was difficult for sugar beet mills to obtain orders, leaving a lot of pressing capacity idle.
The per mu yield of sugarcane increased from 1.6 tons in 1949 to 4.27 tons in 2003, and that of sugar beet increased from 0.8 tons to 1.67 tons. On the whole, the sugar yield per mu has been relatively stable in the past 20 years Upward trend The highest sugarcane yield per mu is in Guangxi, with 4.6 tons per mu; The area with the highest sugar beet yield per mu is Xinjiang. Due to the rapid popularization of sugar beet varieties, the yield per mu has reached 3.12 tons. With the increase of popularization speed of high sugar varieties, the per mu yield of sugarcane and sugar beet is expected to further increase.
The output of sugar and sugar fluctuates synchronously with the area of sugar. National sugar output increased from 1949/1950 Squeeze season The output of sugar cane increased from 240000 tons to 9.406 million tons, Beet sugar The output increased from 20000 tons to 1.241 million tons). The output of sugarcane sugar in China has risen all the way, reaching the highest level of 9.44 million tons in the 03/04 pressing season; However, the output of beet sugar has declined, and now it is only 590000 tons, accounting for total output Its share is only 5.9%, which is equivalent to 36% of the historical highest level in 1991.
sucrose Concentrate production in advantageous areas
Since the 1990s, the regional distribution of sugarcane production in China has undergone dramatic changes. Because Southeast coastal areas Industrial structure upgrading And agriculture Structural adjustment The sugarcane production bureau was gradually transferred to the western region. Sugarcane origin such as Guangdong Hainan The planting area in Fujian has declined significantly in the past decade. The sucrose production in Guangdong and Fujian decreased by 46% and 77% respectively. National sugarcane production is further concentrated in advantageous areas. The largest sugar base in Guangxi has more than 10 million mu of planting area, accounting for more than 45% of the total area of the country; Produced in Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong, Hainan and Xinjiang Sugar content 9.6 million tons, accounting for 96% of the total sugar production in China, of which Guangxi and Yunnan account for 58% and 19% of the total sugar production in China.
Sugar manufacturing enterprises in China have also achieved considerable development. The number of national machine-made sugar factories increased from 3 in 1949 to 539 in 2000. In 2000, China's sugar industry carried out an unprecedented structural adjustment, and the country spent more than 12 billion yuan to close and bankrupt 150 sugar manufacturing enterprises. After structural adjustment, we eliminated the backward throughput The number of sugar mills across the country has been reduced from 539 to 359, with a reserved sugar production capacity of 7.8 million tons, including 340 sugar cane and 19 beet sugar mills, 6.95 million tons and 850000 tons respectively, which are mainly distributed in Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong, Hainan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang And other provinces and regions. In the pressing season of 2002/2003, there were 213 sugar manufacturing enterprises (groups) and 315 sugar factories in operation, including 39 beet sugar manufacturing enterprises (groups) and 40 sugar factories; 165 sugarcane sugar production enterprises (groups) and 266 sugar factories; Refining sugar 9 enterprises. There are 20 sugar groups that produce more than 100000 tons of sugar, with a total sugar output of 6.7 million tons, accounting for 67% of the national sugar output.
There are more than 200000 industrial workers in the sugar industry agricultural population Nearly 40 million people; A system including sugar industry teaching, scientific research, design, equipment manufacturing and civil engineering installation has been built, which can independently carry out sugar industry research, development and construction. The comprehensive utilization of sugar plants has also achieved great development bagasse , Waste (vegetable) silk and waste honey as raw materials: paper, pulp board, Fiberboard , edible, medicinal Feed yeast , sugar beet granule meal, citric acid , MSG, molasses Alcohol, etc. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 3000 varieties of food with sugar as raw material or auxiliary material in China.

Chemical classification

Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones, which can be divided into aldose (aldose) and Ketose ketose )。
Sugar can also be Atomic number Divided into Triose triose ), terose, Pentose (pentose)、 Hexose (hexose)。 The simplest sugar is triose( Glyceraldehyde and Dihydroxyacetone )Since most carbohydrate compounds can use the general formula C n (H two O) n That is why people used to think that sugar is a compound of carbon and water, called carbohydrate I found some sugar like Rhamnose (C six H twelve O five )、 Deoxyribose (C five H ten O four )It does not conform to the general formula of carbohydrate; In addition, some Organic compound The ratio of the number of hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the molecule of is exactly 2:1, such as formaldehyde (CH two O)、 acetic acid (C two H four O two ), which meets the definition of carbohydrate, but is not carbohydrate. Therefore, it is not appropriate to call sugar carbohydrate, but it has been used for a long time and is still used by some people.
Sugar can also be Structural unit The number is divided into:
monosaccharide ): cannot be hydrolyzed into more Small molecule Sugar. Common monosaccharides are glucose (CH two OH- CHO H-CHOH-CHOH-CHOH-CHO)、 fructose (CH two OH-CHOH-CHOH-CHOH- CO -CH two OH)、 Ribose (CH two OH-CHOH-CHOH-CHOH-CHO) and Deoxyribose (CH two OH-CHOH-CHOH-CH two -CHO)
also called oligosaccharide oligosaccharide ): From 2 to 10 monosaccharide molecules dehydration synthesis And become. Nutritive oligosaccharide yes disaccharide , also more common. Common disaccharides are:
sucrose It is widely found in roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds of plants, especially sugarcane and beet It is named because it contains the highest content. Sucrose molecule is the condensation of a glucose molecule and a fructose molecule.
malt dust , also called maltose, is about half as sweet as sucrose. Maltose molecule is formed by dehydration and condensation of two glucose molecules.
lactose , because exists in mammal It gets its name from its milk. The lactose molecule is composed of a glucose molecule and a galactose molecule.
Polysaccharide (Polysaccharide) is composed of hundreds or even tens of thousands of monosaccharide Molecular condensation generation, the general formula is (C six H ten O five )n. The most important are starch and cellulose.
Homogeneity Polysaccharides: starch, glycogen, cellulose hemicellulose chitin Chitosan );
Heterogeneous polysaccharides: glycosaminoglycans( Hyaluronic acid chondroitin sulfate Dermatan sulfate Etc.).
Conjugated sugar
Complex sugar Glycoconjugate glycoconjugate): Glycolipids glycoprotein Proteoglycan ), Sugar- nucleotide Etc.
Sugar derivative
Saccharol glucic acid , glycosamine Glycoside

Differentiation of sugar

world health organization Differentiate sugar into Free sugar [1-2] And Endogenous sugar [3] [4-8]
according to World Health Organization The standard formulated in 1990, the daily intake of Free sugar It should not exceed 10% of the total caloric intake of the day. The Guidelines on Sugar Intake for Adults and Children issued in 2015 will Free sugar To further reduce the intake to less than 5% of the total energy intake (conditional recommendation) [3] To reduce overweight, obesity and Tooth decay Risk. [2]
Endogenous sugar Refers to the sugar in fruits and vegetables, which consists of a layer of Plant cell wall Wrapping, digestion is slower, and the time required to enter the blood stream is shorter than Free sugar Longer. [3] There is no evidence that it is harmful healthy. [2]

biological function

(1) Provide energy. Plant starch and animal glycogen are both forms of energy storage.
(2) Material metabolism Of Carbon skeleton , for protein nucleic acid lipid The synthesis of provides a carbon skeleton.
(3) The cytoskeleton of a cell. Cellulose hemicellulose Lignin yes Plant cell wall The main components of, Peptidoglycan yes prokaryote cell wall The main components of.
(4) Intercellular recognition and Biomolecule Identification between. cell membrane surface glycoprotein Of Oligosaccharide Participate in the recognition between cells. Some cells contain sugar molecules or oligosaccharide chains on the surface of cell membrane, which form the antenna of cells and participate in Cellular communication red blood cell surface ABO blood group Determinative cluster Contains Fucose


Decomposition of glucose Metabolic pathway There are three main points. According to the reaction conditions Reaction process And end products:
(1) When oxygen is not needed Anaerobic oxidation Glycolysis );
(2) Aerobic oxidation when oxygen is needed;

Human absorption

Sugar includes sucrose (brown sugar, white sugar, granulated sugar Yellow sugar )、 glucose fructose Galactose lactose malt dust , starch, dextrin and Glycogen Etc. Among these sugars, except glucose fructose and Galactose It can be directly absorbed by the human body, and the rest of the sugar must be converted into basic sugar in the body monosaccharide Only then can it be absorbed and utilized.

major function

The main function of sugar is to provide heat energy. Glucose per gram in human body internal oxidation It generates 4 kcal of energy, and about 70% of the energy needed by the human body is provided by sugar. In addition, sugar is also an important substance to constitute tissues and protect liver function.

Related research

Many researchers have studied and confirmed that it is beneficial to the human body to grasp the best opportunity of delicious sugar as long as you take it in moderation. For example, when taking a bath, you need to sweat a lot and consume physical strength. You need to supplement water and heat. Eating sugar can prevent Collapse When exercising, you need to consume heat energy. Sugar can provide heat energy faster than other foods; When tired and hungry, sugar can be quickly absorbed to increase blood sugar; When dizziness and nausea occur, taking some sugar can increase blood sugar and stabilize mood, which is beneficial Return to normal Eating some sugar food after meals can make people energetic and energetic when studying and working. According to reports, American scientists conducted experiments on more than 1000 primary and middle school students, and found that only 2% of them dozed off after a meal in 1-2 classes in the afternoon, while 11% of the controls (who did not eat chocolate) did. In addition, logarithm The test of 100 drivers found that when they were required to eat chocolate, dessert or sweet drinks at 2 p.m. every day, the number of accidents was much less.
Moderate consumption does not affect health
As more and more articles report the harm of sugar to human health, some one-sided public opinions make people have serious misgivings about eating sugar, and feel "terrible eating sugar". US Food and Drug Administration The conclusion of the task force's research on sugar is that sugar causes dental caries In addition, there is no basis for causing other diseases. As part of a reasonable diet, eating sugar, like eating other things, will not harm your health as long as you eat a moderate amount.
Energy supply
Sucrose, glucose and maltose are familiar sugars, and they are also directly supplied Human energy Substances. Honey contains fructose and glucose. Fructose is the sweetest sugar. The ratio of fructose, sucrose and glucose is 9:5:4 according to the experimental determination.
Calories related to various sugars
Maltose 100 (g) calories 331 kcal
Sucrose 100 (g) Calories 389 kcal
Soft white sugar 100 (g) calories 396 kcal
White granulated sugar 100 (g) calories 400 kcal
Honey 100 (g) calories 321 kcal
bubble gum 100 (g) Heat 360 Kilocalorie
Toffee 100 (g) heat 407 kcal
spun sugar 100 (g) Heat 321 kcal
chewing gum 100 (g) heat 368 kcal
Horseshoe Fudge 100 (g) heat 359 kcal
Peanut nougat 100 (g) heat 432 kcal
sesame South sugar 100 (g) Heat 538 kcal
Fresh peach juice Sugar 100 (g) Calories 397 kcal
Acid tricolor Sugar 100 (g) Calories 397 kcal
Crisp sugar 100 (g) heat 436 kcal
Crystal sugar 100 (g) heat 395 kcal
Holt Ice hockey Lemon tea flavor Mint (sugar free) 22 (g) calories 8 kcal
Assorted food? candy 100 (g) heat 399 kcal
Chocolates (Viv) [Chocolate wafer ]100 (g) heat 572 kcal
Chocolates 100 (g) calories 400 kcal chocolate 100 (g) calories 586 kcal
Sugar without sweet taste
Are all sugars sweet? no For example, starch, glycogen and cellulose are sugar without sweet taste. On the contrary, is it sugar that tastes sweet? I can't say that. for example glycol glycerol Although sweet, they are not sugar. The most common tasteless sugar is the starch in rice.
Synthetic sugar
August 15, 2023, Academic Journal《 Scientific Bulletin 》The latest research results published show that China has taken a key step in the process of accurately synthesizing sugar from carbon dioxide to sugar. [9]

matters needing attention

Sucrose should not be taken in large quantities
Figure 2
Sucrose is the highest calorific value Excessive intake of carbohydrates can cause obesity Arteriosclerosis hypertension diabetes as well as dental caries And other diseases.
Fasting Not suitable for large consumption
British scientists found that eating a lot of sugar on an empty stomach will suddenly increase the blood sugar in the blood and damage the body acid-base balance The balance with various beneficial microorganisms in the body is not conducive to human health
Excessive consumption affects children's development
Eating too much sugar can affect the consumption of body fat, resulting in fat accumulation; Eating too much sugar can also affect calcium metabolism. Some scholars believe that if the sugar consumption reaches 16-18% of the total food consumption, it can make the calcium in the body Metabolic disorder , interfering with internal Calcification According to a survey in Japan, Pediatric fracture The rate has increased. They believe that too much sugar is caused by fracture Important reasons.
Eating too much sugar will cause Satiety , poor appetite, affecting food intake, which leads to a variety of nutrient The lack of. Children's long-term high sugar diet directly affects children's bone Growth and development , resulting in rickets Etc. Children eat more sugar, if Inattention oral hygiene , which provides good conditions for oral bacteria to grow and reproduce, and is easy to cause caries and mouth ulcer
To avoid dental caries myopia Chondrosis , digestive tract and other diseases, world health organization Appeal: parents should not let their children eat too many sweets.
Sugar is one of the important substances for human survival
Sugar is one of the three major nutrients of the human body and the main source of human energy. The heat energy supplied by sugar to the human body accounts for 60~70% of the total heat energy needed by the human body. Except cellulose, all sugars are the source of heat energy.
Sugar is the most abundant organic compound in nature. Sugar mainly exists in grains, cereals, potatoes peas and beans as well as Rice Noodles Products, vegetables and fruits. It accounts for about Dry matter 80% at Animal food There is little sugar, accounting for about 2% of its dry matter.
Excessive consumption is prone to related diseases
Some experts believe that sugar is more harmful to human body than cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. world health organization Population of 23 countries Cause of death After investigation, it is concluded that sugar addiction is more harmful than smoking sugar content High food will shorten people's life by 20 years. Therefore, world health organization In 1995, he put forward the new slogan of "global sugar free". world health organization The survey found that too much sugar intake will lead to heart disease hypertension Angiosclerosis Symptoms and cerebral haemorrhage diabetes Etc.
Long term high sugar diet will make people's body Environmental maladjustment And then cause various hazards to human health. Because of the sugar genus Acids Eating too much sugar will change human blood PH , acidic constitution, weaken the body white corpuscle To the outside world Viruses The ability to resist makes people vulnerable to various diseases.
People who have long been addicted to sweets are prone to various eye diseases. Relevant experts also proposed that Senile cataract It is also related to too many sweets. They investigated 50 cases cataract The patients found that 34% of them had the habit of loving sweet food. They believed that this was related to glucose Metabolic disorder of
Harm of sugar
As for eating candy, some people like to hold a piece of candy for several minutes, which is actually a bad habit. Because there is a kind of Lactobacillus , can ferment sugar to produce lactic acid The longer the sugar is in the mouth, the more lactic acid will be produced dental caries The greater the opportunity.
Don't eat too much sugar
Generally, "sugar" refers to Free sugar That is, sugar is added, including glucose, sucrose (granulated sugar, brown sugar), syrup, etc, Chemical structure Of monosaccharide and disaccharide Class. Each gram of sugar contains about 4 calories. If you eat too much and cannot consume it in time, the excess calories will be converted into fat. In addition, excessive intake of foods and drinks containing added sugar will make blood sugar rise rapidly, leading to insulin Increase; Insulin can make the body store fat more efficiently, cause obesity, and increase the risk of chronic disease to one's liking vascular disease Risk.

national standard

GB 15571-1995 food additives Calcium gluconate
GB/T 15665-1995 peas and beans Determination of glycoside hydrocyanic acid content
GB/T 12496.9-1999 Wood activated carbon Test method Determination of caramel decoloration rate
GB 1445-2000 fine white sugar
GB 8817-2001 food additives Caramel color (ammonium sulfite method, ammonia method, common method)
GB/T 2677.9-1994 Papermaking raw materials Determination of pentosan content
GB/T 10496-2002 Sugar beet
GB/T 4789.24-2003 Microbiological Examination of Food Hygiene candy Inspection of pastries and preserves
GB/T 745-2003 Pulp Determination of Pentosan
GB 15203-2003 Hygienic standard for starch sugar
GB/T 16286-1996 Determination of sucrose in food Method enzyme- colorimetry
GB/T 18932.1-2002 C-4 plant sugar in honey Assay Stable method carbon isotope Ratio method
GB/T 18932.2-2002 Determination of High fructose Starch Syrup in Honey Thin layer chromatography
GB/T 18932.22-2003 Honey Determination of Fructose, Glucose, Sucrose and Maltose Content Liquid Chromatography Differential Refractive Detection
GB 10617-2005 Food additive Sucrose fatty acid ester (propylene glycol method)
GB/T 19464-2004 Alkyl glycoside
GB/T 19566-2004 High yield cultivation of sugar cane in dry land Technical regulations
GB/T 19634-2005 Blood glucose for in vitro diagnostic test system Monitoring system currency technical conditions
GB 7658-2005 Food Additives Sorbitol liquid
GB 13104-2005 Sugar hygienic standard
GB 13509-2005 Food Additives xylitol
GB 15108-2006 raw sugar
GB/T 20379-2006 Starch Derivatives Glucose syrup Fructose syrup And hydrogenated glucose syrup High performance liquid chromatography method
GB 8276-2006 Food additive Saccharifying enzyme preparation
GB/T 20882.2-2007 Glucose Syrup (Powder)
GB/T 20882.4-2021 Fructose syrup
GB/T 20883-2007 Maltose
GB/T 20881-2007 Isomaltooligosaccharide
GB/T 20880-2007 Edible glucose
GB/T 21323-2007 Animal tissue in Aminoglycosides medicine Residue Determination of High performance liquid chromatography -Mass spectrometry/ Mass spectrometry
GB/T 21533-2008 Determination of Starch Syrup in Honey Ion chromatography
GB/T 22221-2008 Determination of fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose and lactose in foods High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 16285-2008 Determination of glucose in foods Enzyme colorimetry and enzyme- Electrode method
GB/T 22222-2008 Food xylitol sorbitol Maltitol High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 16258-2008 Test method for sugar content of cotton fiber Quantitative method
GB/T 9695.31-2008 Meat Products total sugar Assay
GB/T 12033-2008 Determination of Sugar Components in Paper Raw Materials and Pulps Gas chromatography Determination of
GB/T 9695.17-2008 Meat and meat products Determination of gluconic acid - δ - lactone content
GB/T 13211-2008 Canned pear in syrup
GB/T 22428.1-2008 Starch hydrolysis product Reducibility and Glucose equivalent determination
GB/T 22428.3-2008 Glucose Loss on drying determination
GB/T 5513-2008 Inspection of Cereals and Oils reducing sugar and Non reducing sugar determination
GB/T 7702.18-2008 Granular activated carbon from coal Test method Determination of caramel decoloration rate
GB/T 22539-2008 Quality of Sugar Ginseng
GB/T 5009.8-2008 Determination of sucrose in foods
GB/T 22957-2008 Puffer fish Fish Eel and Roasted Eel Determination of nine glucocorticoid residues in Liquid chromatography -Tandem Mass spectrometry
GB 8272-2009 Food additive Sucrose fatty acid ester
GB/T 23495-2009 Food Benzoic acid sorbic acid and Saccharin sodium High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23529-2009 trehalose
GB/T 23528-2009 Oligofructose
GB/T 23532-2009 xylose
GB/T 23747-2009 feed additive Xylooligosaccharides
GB/T 23874-2009 Feed Additives Xylanase Determination of vitality Spectrophotometry
GB/T 23823-2009 Classification of Candies
GB/T 15672-2009 Determination of total sugar content in edible fungi
GB/T 25247-2010 Feed Additives Saccharicterpenin
GB/T 10498-2010 Sugar cane
GB 19176-2010 Sugar beet seeds
GB 8816-1988 Food additive Isomerized lactose solution
GB 8820-1988 Food Additives Zinc gluconate
GB/T 10499-1989 Test Method for Sugarcane

Common classification

According to the refining degree, source, shape and color of sugar, it can be roughly divided into the following categories:
1、 Refined white granulated sugar: granulated sugar for short crystal , according to the size of the crystal Coarse sand Medium sand And fine sand. It is characterized by high purity, low moisture and few impurities. The content of domestic granulated sugar is higher than 99.45%, the moisture content is lower than 0.12%, and it can be divided into three grades: excellent grade, first grade and second grade according to the standard. All of them are applicable to bread And pastry production.
2、 Coarse granulated sugar: unrefined raw sugar , low purity, high impurities, high moisture content, light yellow color, such as domestic No. 2 sugar and imported Brazil Sugar Cuba Sugar.
III fine white sugar : Fine and even crystal, white color, soft texture, purity lower than White granulated sugar sugar content About 98%, and the moisture content is less than 2%. Because of the high cost, it is used for high-grade food.
IV Brown granulated sugar : granular crystal, brown yellow color, high impurity, but can be used as Special purpose
5、 Brown sugar( Tablet sugar , brown sugar): It is generally squeezed by local method, with the most impurities and the lowest purity, but it has its special flavor and fast coloring in baking, and also has certain applications.
6、 Brown sugar powder: its purity is higher than that of brown sugar, and it is easy to weigh, which is more used than brown sugar.
VII Crystal sugar and Borneol sugar : It is not convenient to weigh, high cost, less application, and limited to high-grade food.
VIII Glucose powder and Glucose syrup : Passing by starch Enzyme catalysis Or in the presence of acid Hydrolysis The glucose syrup obtained is then spray dried to obtain powdered glucose, generally containing 8% water.
IX malt Block and Malt Syrup : barley Wheat The finished product produced in China is generally called maltose.
X golden syrup : It consists of sucrose and water in hydrochloric acid It is prepared by heating in the presence of. It is characterized by low viscosity and good transparency. Yes Cantonese-style mooncake Necessary raw materials for.
XI Fructose syrup (Isomeric syrup): convert part of glucose in invert syrup into fructose under the action of glucose enzyme. Isomerization of fructose syrup produced in industry Conversion rate At 42%, the sweetness is equal to sucrose. If the conversion rate was increased, higher sweetness could be obtained.
12、 Honey: plant Nectary Its secretion and sweetness are high, 60%~80% of which are monosaccharides easily absorbed by human body and have special flavor.
13、 Molasses mother liquor The impurities are the most. But it has a special fragrance and produces Whole wheat bread Often used.
XIV caramel It is a kind of sugar food. Boil white sugar at a temperature close to or above 115 ℃ to make it light yellow coffee And has a burnt flavor, which is caramel. Generally used as Pudding Only when. Eating more is harmful.

Other information

one kind Sucralose It is characterized by taking sucrose as raw material, adding N, N- Dimethylformamide Solution, at sulfate solid acid catalyst Or sulfate solid acid catalyst adsorbed on polymer carrier ethyl acetate happen Transesterification , producing sucrose - 6- Acetate , sucrose-6-acetate is chlorinated Alcoholysis reaction Sucralose is generated. The invention has simple process, high product purity production costs Low quality, very suitable for industrial production.
As sweet substances, white sugar, brown sugar and Crystal sugar It is often eaten for people. The sugar making method is not complicated, and the sugar cane or sugar beet is pressed Juicing , filter out impurities, and add appropriate amount of Limewater , neutralize the acid contained therein, filter again, remove the precipitation carbon dioxide Fill in filtrate to make lime water precipitate into calcium carbonate After repeated filtration, the filtrate obtained is the aqueous solution of sucrose. Put the sucrose solution in the vacuum Vacuum evaporation After concentration and cooling, reddish brown slightly sticky crystals will be separated, which is brown sugar. To make white sugar, you must dissolve brown sugar in water and add proper amount of Bone carbon or Activated carbon , adsorb colored substances in brown sugar water, and then filter, heat, concentrate and cool the filtrate White crystal ——White sugar appears. White sugar is more pure than brown sugar, but it still contains some water. Then heat the white sugar to an appropriate temperature to remove the water, and you will get colorless and transparent lumps crystal ——Rock sugar. It can be seen that rock sugar is the most pure and sweet.
Speaking of sweet substances, people naturally think saccharin Saccharin is not "the essence of sugar". It is not extracted from sugar, but is made from black and smelly coal tar as the basic raw material. A small amount of saccharin is harmless to human health, but excessive consumption of saccharin is harmful to human health. So saccharin can be eaten, but it can't be used more.
Proper consumption of white sugar helps to improve the absorption of calcium by the body; But too much will hinder the absorption of calcium.

Food nutrition

Food name sugar
Content Reference Amount of food per 100 grams
energy 518 kcal
protein 6.5 g
Fat 26 g
cholesterol 11 mg
Saturated fatty acid 18 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 5.8 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid 0.9 g
carbohydrate 64.6 g
sugar 48.7 g
dietary fiber 1 g
folic acid 18 μg
sodium 54 mg
magnesium 37 mg
phosphorus 135 mg
potassium 231 mg
calcium 125 mg
iron 1 mg
zinc 0.09 mg
vitamin A 24 μg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.12 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.21 mg
Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) 0.5 mg
Vitamin B6 0.02 mg
Vitamin B12 0.56 μg
vitamin E 0.34 mg
vitamin K 5.2 μg