space technology

Comprehensive engineering technology
zero Useful+1
Space technology is the comprehensive nature of the exploration, development and utilization of space and the extraterrestrial objects Engineering technology , also known as space technology On October 4, 1957, Soviet Union Successfully launched the world's first Artificial earth satellite , marking that human beings have entered era of space-flight
The space technology arising from this has developed rapidly in the next half century. The development of space technology has freed mankind Gravity of the earth Into the vast outer space At the same time, it also provides a new place for military activities. Outer space has become a new battlefield.
Chinese name
space technology
Foreign name
Space technology
explore , development and utilization Cosmic space Technology of
Economic security military
theoretical basis
Three Cosmic velocity ”Rocket propulsion principle, etc
Key achievements
Artificial satellite
Development trend
space flight military
Jet technology

Definition of days

Space technology is the technology to explore, develop and use space, also known as Space technology And aerospace technology. When talking about aerospace, what is the sky? There are two definitions. One definition holds that the sky refers to the infinite space beyond the earth's atmosphere. Another definition holds that the sky refers to the space from outside the earth's atmosphere to within the solar system. According to the latter definition, navigation outside the atmosphere and within the solar system is called aerospace, while navigation outside the solar system is called aerospace. For quite a long historical period, mankind can only achieve space activities.
Because any kind of navigation activity is closely related to its propulsion technology, only when the propulsion technology advances to a certain extent and the speed of moving objects increases to a certain level, can there be a specific navigation activity. When the aircraft reaches First cosmic velocity (7.9 km/s) Gravity of the earth While flying around the earth without falling back to the earth's surface; Improve to Second cosmic speed (11.2 km/s) can fly away from the earth to other planets in the solar system; Improve to Third cosmic speed (16.7 km/s) can fly away from the solar system. Although the third cosmic speed can theoretically realize navigation activities outside the solar system, the solar system is too large, and modern spacecraft fly at the third cosmic speed, and it takes more than 10000 years to leave the solar system.
For communication outside the solar system, it takes more than one year for signals to go back and forth once. Therefore, it is too early to discuss navigation activities outside the solar system. Today's technology is far from enough. The ultimate goal of developing space technology is to realize space transfer. Therefore, it is more accurate to define aerospace as the navigation activities from outside the earth's atmosphere to within the solar system. The scope of space technology in contemporary research also refers to the solar system.

space resources

For quite a long time, mankind has mainly carried out space activities centered on the earth. To achieve space activities, it is necessary to establish a large space vehicle centered Space system It consists of a specific spacecraft (satellite space station detector ), means of delivery (rockets space shuttle ), Space launch site , ground measurement and control network (ground station, ship), ground application station network and other related system composition , it is a big systems engineering
1. The vehicle accelerates the spacecraft to Cosmic velocity And send it to the predetermined running track. Modern space launch vehicles are divided into launch vehicles and space shuttles. The former is disposable, and the latter can be used for many times. Launch vehicles were first developed and have been widely used. Each space major country has its own carrier rocket and Launch site The launch vehicle is generally composed of 2-3 stages, and each stage has propulsion system , last level Interior decoration Rocket guidance and control , tracking, telemetry, power supply and other systems. At the same time, the transported spacecraft is installed on the top of the last stage.
2. Spacecraft refers to the earth atmosphere By Celestial mechanics Regular flying vehicles include various artificial satellites, manned spacecraft, space stations, planetary probes, etc. Among them, the number of man-made satellites launched is the largest, and they have been widely used, producing huge benefits. There are many kinds of artificial satellites, including Communication satellite Remote sensing satellite Navigation and positioning satellite , scientific satellites, etc.
Communication satellites are used as radio communication Repeater station The satellite has Communication repeater And antenna. Long distance telephone communication Data exchange , you can also broadcast TV programs.
Remote sensing satellites take photos of the earth's surface in space to obtain various information such as weather, ocean, environment, resources and military targets, serving economic construction, scientific research and military activities. Remote sensing satellites are divided into meteorological satellites Ocean satellite , resource satellite Military reconnaissance satellite Etc.
Navigation and positioning satellites are satellites that provide navigation and positioning for ground, ocean, air and space users. It is composed of several satellites and operates in different orbits. The coordinate position of each satellite in space is strictly determined. It transmits a specific radio signal, which the user receives, processes, and determines its position.
3. Space ground station including tracking Measurement and control station (network) and satellite application service station. The former is right Spacecraft launch And the running orbit to monitor the working condition , send various work orders. The latter receives and processes the satellite's Remote sensing image , transmit, forward and receive various information, such as meteorological cloud pictures Receiving station Earth resources Terminal, Communication station , TV receiving station, etc.

Technical characteristics

Space technology belongs to high technology, but Technical updates The progress is very fast, so it is also a new technology. What are the characteristics of space technology?
In the past 40 years, space technological development Soon, it has many characteristics. Here we emphasize three outstanding characteristics.
First, space technology is highly integrated Modern science and technology It is the integration of many new achievements in science and technology, including jet technology, electronic technology Automation technology remote sensing technique material science , computational science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.
Second, space technology is a science and technology that plays a macro role in national modernization and social progress. because spacecraft It can cover the surface of the earth quickly and widely because of its fast flight speed and high altitude. For example, TV networks can cover the whole country and the whole world through satellite; meteorological satellite Can conduct global weather forecast , including long-range weather forecast Reconnaissance satellite Military activities in various regions of the world can be found in time. Many of these cannot be achieved by conventional means.
Third, space activities are characterized by high investment, high efficiency high-risk The cause of. Despite the great risks, the development of space technology has made great contributions to mankind, so it will sustained development


To sum up, there are four aspects:
Economically Space activities have high economic and social benefits. Multiple application satellites Communication broadcasting , resource survey Environmental monitoring Meteorological forecast , navigation and positioning have made great contributions to mankind. According to the research and analysis of some countries, space technology Investment benefit The ratio is more than 1:10. The more profound significance is that space activities will provide mankind with unlimited valuable resources.
Militarily Many military experts believe that who owns Spatial advantages , who has the military Strategic advantages these years, Superpower Are developing Strategic nuclear weapon , in order to select strike target, improve hit accuracy And understand the enemy Military deployment , competing to develop reconnaissance satellites, which are intercontinental missile And has become a supporting project of strategic nuclear weapons. The development of communication, navigation and other satellites has also greatly enhanced the national military force The continuous development of space technology will have a revolutionary impact on the military.
In science and technology Space activities have driven and promoted the development of many disciplines. First, space activities have driven technological development, such as electronic technology, remote sensing technology, jet technology, automatic control technology, etc; Second, yes Basic Sciences There will be great impetus, including important new discoveries in life science and the formation and development of the universe; Third, it has formed many Marginal discipline , such as space technology, space Materials Science Space biology , satellite geodesy Satellite meteorology , satellite oceanography, etc.
Politically , space technology has greatly improved the comprehensive national strength And its position in international activities Major issues Both are related to space, and the summit talks of world powers cannot be separated from this issue. Due to the importance of space technology, more than 60 countries are participating in the development of space technological achievements Our country covers almost every corner of the world.

System and classification

Including jet technology, electronic technology Automation technology remote sensing technique material science Computational science Mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.

Generation and development

The history of human sounding activities has roughly experienced balloons, rockets Artificial satellite Wait several stages.
In the 1880s, scientists used balloons to carry out scientific research. By the 1920s, various balloons (mainly Hydrogen balloon and Nitrogen balloon )Already under scientific investigation Transportation , military reconnaissance, etc. However, the structure of the balloon determines that it can only rise to about 50 kilometers, Atmospheric density The balloon can only look "empty" at the higher space because of its lower height. To carry out scientific exploration in higher space, we must rely on another means of delivery, which is rocket. The rocket was first invented by China. It was used by China during the Yuan and Ming dynasties Rocket weapon It is the ancestor of modern rockets.
In 1903, Russia The scientist Ziolkovsky published a paper entitled "Research on the Space of Space Windows with Jet Instruments", and proposed to use rockets to explore Cosmic space The famous Ziolkovsky formula In March 1926, American physicist Goddard independently studied the propulsion principle of rockets, designed, manufactured and launched the world's first Liquid rocket Since then, scientists in many countries, with the support of the government, have carried out Rocket manufacturing And launch studies. In October 1942, Made in Germany And successfully launched the first military liquid rocket V-2 After the war, scientists used V-2 and its improved version as a new tool to explore the space above 50 kilometers, and obtained a lot of information about high-level space.
By the late 1950s, the launch capability of rockets had reached Artificial satellite In order to implement the Geophysical Year plan, the United States and the former Soviet Union actively planned to launch scientific satellites. On October 4, 1957, the former Soviet Union successfully launched the world's first satellite Artificial earth satellite He marks the real beginning of the "space age". In 1958, the United States launched a man-made earth satellite. In 1970, China also launched a man-made earth satellite. Since then, various artificial satellites have been launched, with more than 4800, including more than 50 in China.
Human beings enter the space mainly by Manned spacecraft and Earth orbit space station Implemented. On April 12, 1961, the former Soviet Union launched the first manned spacecraft, which sent Gagarin into Earth orbit and returned to the ground safely after 108 minutes of operation, opening a new era of human spaceflight and marking a new era of human space technology. On July 16, 1969, the United States successfully used“ Saturn -V "carrier rocket launch Apollo spacecraft , sent astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin to the moon and returned to Earth on July 25.
On May 14, 1973, the United States used the "Saturn V" rocket to transport the 82 ton“ Skylab No. 1 "sent three batches of nine astronauts into the laboratory and carried out more than 20 scientific researches with the Apollo spacecraft as the transportation vehicle. During this period, the former Soviet Union focused on the establishment of the space station to carry out a series of sounding activities. From 1971 to 1986, the first was launched." Gun salute "1 to 7 space stations," Mir "space orbital station. Launch in stages and batches" Soyuz "," Progress "," Cosmos "and other spacecraft docked with the" Salute "space station to deliver various instruments, fuel, household supplies and replace astronauts and researchers for the space station. In 1982, the former Soviet Union had two astronauts in the" Salyut 7 "It took 211 days to create space for astronauts flight time Records of. Except for the United States and the former Soviet Union Federal Germany , UK, France Belgium Wait for 10 Western Europe National participation European Space Agency On November 28, 1983“ Space laboratory No. 1 "space station.
The 47th IAF Congress was held in Beijing in October 1996. The theme of the Congress was to expand space Scope of application The participants recognized that the next century will be the space century, Aerospace Industry will be the entry point of economic growth. many countries and regions , such as the United States Russia , Europe, Japan, etc., all plan to invest a lot of manpower and material resources to develop space shuttles, space stations, space vehicles, etc., and further develop and utilize them Space resources

theoretical basis

The theoretical basis of space technology includes "three Cosmic velocity "Theory Rocket propulsion Principle Spacecraft return technology Etc.
1. "Three Cosmic velocity ”Theory
To make the aircraft become Artificial earth satellite The aircraft must obtain a certain speed. Its minimum speed V1=7.91 km/s is calculated by using the formula of physics. This speed is called“ First cosmic velocity ". Make the aircraft fly Moon or solar system Other planetary Space probe The aircraft must also obtain a certain speed, and its minimum speed V2=11.18 km/s can be calculated by using the physical formula. This speed is called“ Second cosmic speed ". So called" Third cosmic speed "Refers to the gravity of the aircraft beyond the solar system Scope of action The minimum speed required, its value V3=16.7 km/s.
2. Rocket propulsion principle
The basis for rocket flight is Law of conservation of momentum During rocket launch and flight propellant (fuel and oxidizer) in a very short time Explosive Combustion produces a large amount of high-temperature, high-pressure gas from the tail. The gas ejected has great momentum. According to the law of conservation of momentum, the rocket must obtain momentum with equal value and opposite direction, so there is a continuous reactive movement , fast forward. As the fuel decreases, the speed of the rocket becomes faster and faster. When the fuel burns out, the rocket will continue to fly at the last speed.
famous Ziolkovsky formula Tell people that they are ignoring gravity and air resistance The maximum speed V, the jet speed C, the mass M1 when the rocket takes off, and the mass M2 of the rocket after propellant consumption have the following relations
Where M1/M2 is called rocket mass ratio It can be seen that to increase the speed of the rocket rocket engine The ratio of the jet speed to the mass of the rocket is to use high-performance propellant, develop advanced engines, and minimize the structural weight of the rocket.

Important content

Space technology, also known as aerospace technology, includes carrier spacecraft And ground measurement and control technology.
1. Carrier
Launch vehicles are mainly launch vehicles. The launch vehicle has Arrow body structure , propulsion system and control system. Since the propellant used is Chemical propellant Single stage rockets cannot put satellites and spacecraft into orbit. Used Multistage rocket It is composed of 2-4 stages. When the fuel of the previous stage rocket is used up, it will fall off automatically. At the same time, the ignition of the next stage rocket will continue to work. The spacecraft carried by the rocket is installed in the last stage of the rocket. The largest carrier rocket in the world is American“ Saturn 5 "Rocket. It is composed of three stages. It weighs nearly 3000 tons at takeoff and has a takeoff thrust of 35711 kilonewtons. China's carrier rocket technology is among the world's advanced and has been equipped to launch Manned spacecraft In addition to meeting the needs of domestic satellite launch, it has also entered the international commercial satellite launch service market
Rocket launching sites in the world (also known as Spaceport )There are mainly 12: the former Soviet Union Baikonur Launching Site Plesetsk launch site Kapustinye launch site; American Kennedy Space Center Vandenberg Air Force Base ; French Guiana Space Center overseas $Chinese Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center Xichang Satellite Launch Center ; Japanese Kagoshima Space Center Tanegashima Space Center ; Italy At the San Marco space launch site abroad.
2. Spacecraft
There are many kinds of spacecraft, mainly man-made earth satellites, space stations spacecraft , Space Shuttle Space probe Etc.
Spacecraft is an important means of transportation between the earth and the space station. For example, American Apollo The spaceship is between the earth and the space laboratory; The Soviet Union's Soyuz, Progress, Cosmos and other spacecraft are connected to the Earth and Salute Space Station between. Because spaceships are not ideal enough, people have studied a more advanced tool - the space shuttle. The space shuttle combines the technologies of ordinary rockets, spaceships and aircraft, and has three functions of carrying, spaceflight and returning, which can be reused for many times. The United States first successfully trial produced the space shuttle in 1981, and officially put it into use that year. It has flown dozens of times.
In addition to the United States, the former Soviet Union Western Europe , Japan and France are also developing space shuttles. People have also developed another advanced means of transportation - the aerospace plane. This kind of aircraft is more similar to ordinary aircraft in some aspects, and can be executed like the space shuttle Space missions The launch cost is only 10% to 20% of the cost of the space shuttle.
A space probe is a spacecraft that flies to the moon and other planets, or travels between stars, free from the constraints of the earth. The first space probe was launched in the early 1960s. It flew to Venus. In the 1960s and mid-1970s, it mainly explored Venus, Mars and Mercury; The exploration of the distant large planets Jupiter and Saturn began in the 1970s.
3. Ground measurement and control technology
ground Measurement and control system Tracking, telemetry, remote control and communication of spacecraft on the ground. Through the ground TT&C system, people can obtain various information about the operation of the spacecraft, control the spacecraft, and adjust its running state To achieve people's expectations.

Space resource development

outer space Rich resources, including location resources environmental resource and material resources The development and utilization of these resources have brought many benefits to mankind, and further development in the future will enable mankind to obtain more benefits.
(1) Development of spatial location resources
The spacecraft is located at a high altitude, which can comprehensively observe the situation on and near the earth surface, and can easily complete tasks that are difficult to complete on the ground. For example, the emergence and wide application of communication satellites have brought about fundamental changes in the world's communication system. As an industry, it has achieved great economic and social benefits. The most important communication satellite Synchronous communication satellite The geostationary communication satellite is located 35786 kilometers above the equator. The time for it to rotate around the earth's center is the same as that for the earth to rotate. Seen from the ground, the satellite seems to be hanging in the sky and still. From a region Satellite ground station The microwave signal is sent to the synchronous communication satellite, and then Transponder hold signal amplification And send it back to the satellite ground station in another region, which constitutes the communication between the two places. As long as Synchronous orbit In 1958, the United States launched the world's first experimental communication satellite, and in 1963, the first synchronous communication satellite. Since then, countries around the world have rapidly established a complete international communication system There are many kinds of communication satellites, including fixed communication satellites Mobile communication satellite TV direct broadcast satellite Tracking and Data Relay Satellite , and proposed space information superhighway The orbit of communication satellites has also expanded from a single geostationary orbit to a medium low orbit. Intelsat The international communication satellite has developed to the eighth generation, with a total capacity of 22500 analog channels, 112500 digital channels and 3 television channel It undertakes more than 85% of global commercial communication business. Used in China“ Dongfanghong No.3 "Synchronous communication satellite, with 24 transponders, can transmit 8100 calls and 6 calls at the same time Color TV It basically meets the needs of domestic TV, radio and communication.
Another example is civil remote sensing satellites (including meteorological satellites and Earth resource satellite )It has played an important role in meteorology, resources, surveying and mapping and other fields. The emergence of meteorological satellites has brought about significant changes in meteorological observation. It can use all kinds of weather Detecting instrument , take global cloud pictures, accurately measure the temperature and precipitation around the world, and monitor typhoons, torrential rains, etc Disastrous weather To improve Meteorological forecast Of accuracy , decrease natural disaster Loss to people. The earth resource satellite is equipped with high-resolution TV camera Multispectral scanner Microwave radiometer And others Remote sensing instrument Can be used to complete a variety of tasks, such as surveying the forest, water and marine resources on the earth's surface, investigating underground mineral deposits and Groundwater source Observe the growth of crops, estimate the yield of crops, monitor the diseases and pests of crops and environmental pollution, and conduct geographical surveys.
In the family of satellite applications navigation satellite , military satellites, scientific satellites Technical test satellite They have their own special uses.
(2) Development of space environmental resources
Space has weightlessness high vacuum , strong radiation Ultralow temperature Etc. Although the environment with these special conditions is not suitable for human life, it can bring some rare opportunities. For example, outer space does not atmosphere , high vacuum, astronomical Observation station Set up in this space, you can get clear images of celestial bodies, which is conducive to revealing the true face of celestial bodies. Hubble that has been in orbit for many years Space telescope , with extremely high Resolution And sensitivity, can observe objects 14 billion light years away Observe objects Of the resulting image definition It is 10 times higher than the best telescope on the ground. For another example, the conditions of high vacuum and high cleanliness in outer space can be used to manufacture new materials and Space medicine It can not only ensure the high quality of products, but also ensure the safety and convenience of production.
(3) Development of space material resources
The material resources in the space are mainly Solar energy resources Lunar resources And other planetary resources. Inside the Sun With intense Fusion reaction , release a lot of energy. Set in outer space Solar power station , can fully absorb solar energy and effectively use solar energy. Its main advantages are: power stations set in geosynchronous orbit, Sunshine time Up to 99.98%, which can generate electricity continuously; Without atmospheric interference, the utilization rate of solar energy is more than 10 times higher than that on the ground; There is no need to worry about the attack of wind and rain and the shelter of clouds and mist. Power can be generated every day throughout the year. People's assumption is: use Solar panel Convert solar energy into electric energy, and then convert electric energy into microwave energy and send it to Ground receiving station The ground receiving station converts microwave energy into electric energy for users. If Solar satellite Power stations can be built and put into use, and human beings will get clean, safe and extremely rich power resources. Although there is no life on the moon, it contains a lot of metal and other raw materials. Iron, nickel, aluminum, manganese, cobalt, uranium, thorium and other important metal raw materials are all available, and helium-3 reserves are quite abundant. According to the exploration, if only the resource development It can be used for more than 1000 years. The development of the moon can not only become a new production base for mankind, but also become Space navigation The relay station of. Some countries have planned to establish it on the moon in a few years Space base

Satellite orbit

1、 Track parameters : This is the decision Satellite orbit Shape, size Spatial orientation And where it is at a particular time Basic quantity Three orbital parameters are usually used to determine the position of satellites in space:
(1) Satellite altitude (h) (Satellite to Earth surface Vertical distance It is generally calculated in kilometers. The altitude in orbit from the Earth's Recently position, called Perigee altitude The height of the farthest position from the earth, called Apogee altitude 。)
(2) Operation period (T) (The time required for a satellite to fly around the earth in orbit is generally calculated in minutes. The operation period of the satellite should be ≥ 84 minutes.)
(3) Rail inclination (i) (Satellite Track plane And the Earth Equatorial plane The included angle between. The larger the dip angle, the larger the satellite coverage area; On the contrary, the coverage area is smaller.) According to the inclination, satellite orbits can be divided into three types: Equatorial orbit Polar orbit , inclined track.
2. Common orbit of satellite
The geosynchronous orbit, namely, the operation period and earth rotation Same cycle (23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds) Artificial earth satellite orbit In this orbit, satellites pass over the same place at the same time almost every day. Some people also call the satellite orbit whose operation period is an integral multiple of the Earth's rotation period geosynchronous orbit.
Geostationary orbit It refers to a circular geosynchronous orbit with an operating period equal to the Earth's rotation period and an inclination of 0 ° (in this orbit, the satellite is 35786 kilometers above the ground, running speed Is 3.07 km/s. Because it winds the earth 's axis Of angular velocity And Earth rotation angular velocity The size is the same, the direction is the same, and the satellite is stationary relative to the ground. One satellite in this orbit can cover 40% of the earth's surface, and three satellites are equally spaced over the equator Geostationary satellite It can cover the whole world except the two poles radio and television And the ideal orbit of early warning satellites).
The sun synchronous orbit refers to the rotation direction and period of the satellite's orbital plane around the earth axis, and Direction of revolution Same as the period (this orbit is a kind of retrograde inclined orbit, with an inclination between 90 ° and 100 °, Track height Between 500 and 1000 kilometers. It is characterized by that the track plane and sunlight The included angle of remains unchanged. When the satellite runs along this orbit, it will keep the same space every time it passes over the ground target at the same latitude Local time , the same running direction, the same lighting conditions), Master the goal The dynamic change of, reasonable deployment and utilization of satellite Solar cell Have incomparable advantages. The United States' near Earth reconnaissance satellites Resource satellite and Military meteorological satellite Most adopt this track.
(3) Polar orbit
Polar orbit is an orbit with an inclination of 90 °, passing through the south of the earth arctic A kind of track of. It is characterized by satellite Subsatellite point track It can cover the whole world. It is the most suitable orbit for observing the whole earth, and is the common orbit for navigation, meteorology, resources and reconnaissance satellites.

Aerospace technology composition

Composition of aerospace technology
Space technology consists of launch vehicle technology Spacecraft technology and Space TT&C Technology Three major components.
(1) Launch vehicle technology (launch vehicle technology)
Launch vehicle technology means overcoming Gravity of the earth And the technology of delivery vehicles to send spacecraft to outer space. Space launch vehicle Only rockets, so, Space Launch Vehicle Technology Also called Rocket technology
Rocket, carrying oxidant and Incendiary agent , produced by burning and injecting gas Reaction force Propulsion aircraft. It is composed of Power device guidance system And arrow body. According to the different forms of engine working medium, rockets can be divided into liquid rockets (rockets that use liquid substances as propellants are called liquid rockets. Liquid rocket engine Usually Thrust chamber Propellant supply system And engine control system. Liquid rocket engine Specific thrust Higher, working hours Long, easy to adjust thrust, shut down and restart, easy to realize parallel use of multiple engines) and solid rocket (A rocket that uses solid matter as propellant is called a solid rocket. Solid rocket motor Usually made of shell( combustion chamber )、 solid propellant nozzle Ignition device and Thrust termination Device, etc. The solid rocket motor has a simple and compact structure and is easy to use, Launch preparation time Short, high reliability. However, the specific thrust is low, and the thrust termination accuracy is low, Repeated startup Difficulty) Two.
The more mature launch vehicles developed by countries around the world mainly include: the "Proton" large launch vehicle of Russia (the former Soviet Union), the "Thor" of the United States "Hercules" series carrier rocket , Chinese“ long march ”Series launch vehicles, EU's Ariana liquid rocket, etc.
(2) Spacecraft technology
Spacecraft Spacecraft It is the general name or space system of various aircrafts that operate in space according to the laws of celestial mechanics and complete certain missions.
Spacecraft is divided into Unmanned spacecraft And manned spacecraft:
1. Unmanned spacecraft
Unmanned spacecraft can be divided into Artificial earth satellite And space probes.
2. Manned spacecraft
Manned spacecraft refers to the space shuttle between the earth's surface and space, which can transport people and Payload Spacecraft providing living and working environment for astronauts. Manned spacecraft can be divided into manned spacecraft, space station and space shuttle according to different functions.
(1) Manned spacecraft
Manned spacecraft is a spacecraft that can carry people to the sky and return to the ground at one time. There are two kinds of manned spacecraft: satellite manned spacecraft and moon landing manned spacecraft. China Shenzhou The test spacecraft was successfully launched using the Long March 2F carrier rocket on November 20, 1999.
(2) Space station
The space station is a large spacecraft that can accommodate astronauts to seek, work and live for a long time. The space station is located hundreds of kilometers from the ground Low Earth orbit Run on. It has Docking compartment , used to dock manned spacecraft or space shuttles, and can also be connected with multiple space stations to form a space complex (Space City). On April 9, 1971, the Soviet Union launched the first Space Station "Salute" - 1. On February 20, 1986, the Soviet Union launched a new generation of space station "Peace". 16 countries in March 2002 Co investment Developed International Space Station It has officially operated in space.
(3) Space Shuttle
The space shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that shuttles between the Earth's surface and low Earth orbit to transport payloads and personnel. Generally, solid rockets are used to boost the vehicle into orbit, and the vehicle operates like a spaceship in orbit to complete a variety of tasks Space missions atmospheric reentry Glide and land like an airplane. April 1981, USA Space Shuttle Columbia The test flight was successful. Challenger And“ Discoverer ”The space shuttles have also been put into practical flight.
3. Composition of spacecraft
Spacecraft is composed of several systems and subsystems with different functions, generally consisting of Dedicated system And support system.
(1) Dedicated system
This is a system used to directly perform specific tasks, which is set according to the tasks performed by spacecraft.
(2) Common system( support system
This is necessary equipment for spacecraft to ensure normal flight of spacecraft and normal operation of special systems. Generally including: temperature control subsystem Power supply subsystem Attitude control subsystem Track control subsystem , radio measurement and control subsystem, computer subsystem Return to subsystem
(3) Space TT&C Technology
Space TT&C technology is a technology for telemetry, remote control, tracking and communication between ground and spacecraft to ensure the normal operation of spacecraft in orbit. Space TT&C consists of TT&C subsystem carried by spacecraft and ground TT&C system.

Key achievements

Because of the importance of space technology, it has developed very rapidly. Since 1957 Soviet Union After launching the first satellite, the United States launched its first satellite in 1958, France in 1965, and Japan and China in 1970 Artificial satellite , causing a world sensation. The former Soviet Union and the United States have the largest space investment in the world. Of the more than 4000 spacecraft launched, the former Soviet Union and the United States accounted for the vast majority. In addition, the European Union, China, Japan, India Canada They also have a certain scale. Relying on self-reliance, China has successfully developed and launched about 40 different domestic man-made satellites, built a satellite land sea TT&C network and a large number of Earth station And made important contributions to national construction and social progress. Here is a brief introduction World Aerospace The main achievements of.
(1) Space technology
space flight Means of delivery Its development is one of the most important achievements in 40 years. As Spacecraft Of Means of transport Mainly disposable Carrier rocket The most developed countries in this regard are the former Soviet Union and the United States, as well as France, China, Japan and India. Typical large rockets in the world are those of the former Soviet Union Proton number The Hercules of the United States, the Arianna of France, the Long March of China and the HZ rocket of Japan can send heavy satellites 36000 kilometers away Geosynchronous transfer orbit China has developed Long March Series Launch Vehicle And three launch bases have been built, which not only launch domestic satellites, but also provide international launch services. Another vehicle is space shuttle The space shuttle can be used for many times, but it is expensive and risky. The United States was the first to develop the space shuttle, with a carrying capacity of 20 tons, carrying 3 to 7 astronauts, a flight orbit height of 200 to 400 kilometers, and an inclination of about 28 degrees.
Artificial earth satellites are of great value to military and economic construction, so satellite technology has developed rapidly. In addition to the United States and the former Soviet Union, the European Union, China, Japan and India all have the ability to develop satellites and launched a variety of Application satellite Communication satellite With high economy and social results China launched in the 1980s Dongfanghong No.2 The geostationary communication satellite was launched again in the 1990s Communication capability 10 times larger than the former Dongfanghong 3 communication satellite Intelsat It has developed to the eighth generation, and the communication capacity of a satellite can reach tens of thousands Speech path , can forward dozens of TV programs at the same time. Satellite launch Power increase and Spot beam Technological progress has made ground station Miniaturization becomes a reality. The rapid progress of satellite technology has made the satellite's in orbit life up to 12 to 15 years. The typical representative of resource satellite is the United States Landsat And France Sport satellite They have high resolution and multi spectral remote sensing capabilities Resource survey It is of great value. Meteorological satellites have polar orbits and Geostationary orbit Two. Polar orbiting meteorological satellites can fly through all regions of the earth, providing long-range weather forecast According to the data, only the United States, the former Soviet Union and China have developed and launched such meteorological satellites in the world. Geostationary meteorological satellite Relative to the fixed earth surface, it can continuously observe the distribution and change of clouds in the region in real time. China successfully launched the FY-2 satellite It is a geostationary meteorological satellite. The representative of navigation and positioning is the United States GPS Satellite, which is composed of 18 satellites, can be used for global navigation and positioning with an accuracy of meters. can Recoverable satellite It has important economic, military and Scientific value In the world, only the former Soviet Union, the United States and China have the ability to recover satellites. China's recoverable satellites have a very high success rate, and their level is internationally recognized.
Manned spaceflight is an important part of aerospace achievements in the past 40 years. The Soviet Union and the United States launched their first man-made satellite first Manned spacecraft , mainly to compete for the first place in the world. The former Soviet Union was the first country in the world to land astronauts in space, while the United States was the first to land on the moon. Manned spaceflight economic performance It has been argued all the time, but it has great political influence. More than 400 people have entered space, with the former Soviet Union slightly ahead residence time Both exceed the United States. The development path of the United States and the Soviet Union is slightly different, and the development order of the former Soviet Union is spacecraft orbital station—— space station The United States is a spaceship - the space shuttle - the space station. Manned spaceflight technical progress Faster, astronauts can not only move out of the cabin, but also repair failed large spacecraft, and operate spacecraft docking.
Deep space exploration Mainly for the solar system Megaplanets And its environment. More than 100 have been launched in the world Scientific satellite and Deep space detector , there are many important discoveries, including surrounding environment And found that radiation zone , understand the ground Magnetic field distribution , discovery of moon ice lake, etc. Various deep space probes have also investigated the planets and Surroundings , such as Small satellite And atmospheric ring, etc.
In the past 40 years, space technology has developed rapidly. To sum up, the capacity of launch vehicles to transport spacecraft has increased from dozens of kilograms to 100 tons; Satellite acquisition and transmission Information capability The number of telephones for one communication satellite has increased from dozens to tens of thousands; Satellite lifetime From several decades to more than ten years; People's stay in space has increased from several hours to more than one year. In short, the main indicators have been improved by 2-3 Order of magnitude , while the price dropped significantly.
(II) Space applications achievement
The achievements of space technology in the past 40 years have been enormous. It has been rapidly and widely used in many fields. Contemporary space technology Its application is not only in military and economic construction, but also in every family and personal life.
1. satellite communication , Radio. The progress of communication satellite technology has made it widely used in the field of communication and broadcasting. Almost all trans ocean communications in the world have been replaced by communication satellites. A lot of traffic is inconvenient, communication trunk lines are not accessible, and communication satellites at sea, in the air, and in disaster areas show more advantages. Satellite communications can provide information about information transfer More than 100 businesses. Take Intelsat as an example, the benefits of its operational activities reach US $10 billion annually.
satellite Television broadcasting Its application has been well known, which not only enriches people's news cultural life , and for education Has made important contributions education by satellite television Channel, for example, has more than 5000 satellite television education reception stations, with more than 20 million people receiving various kinds of education, and the effect is very good.
2. Satellite navigation and positioning. satellite navigation positioning system Due to its wide range, good timeliness and high precision, it has been widely used in navigation of ships, aircraft, land vehicles, and various engineering construction And positioning in business activities. U.S.A GPS system Of positioning accuracy It can reach meter level. High precision satellite navigation and positioning can improve various transportation industries Transport efficiency And security.
3. Resource survey and mapping. utilize Satellite photograph Investigate land and ocean resources It has been widely used and proved to be an effective method, which not only saves manpower and material resources, but also has a fast time. China has used domestic and foreign satellites to economic region Resources and environment. At the same time, we also used satellite photos to map Topographic map And various professional maps.
4. Meteorology and Disaster forecast Meteorological satellites not only improve the weather forecast Accuracy At the same time, the forecast of typhoon, storm, etc Sea surface temperature Monitoring and marine fishery The development of has played an extremely effective role. Since the advent of meteorological satellites, the typhoon weather forecast has been almost accurate. China uses meteorological satellite data to forest fire , flood and other disasters have played an active role in monitoring.
5. Military applications. In application satellite Military satellite Occupy an important position, including military reconnaissance , missile early warning, military communication command, navigation and Meteorological support Etc. Reconnaissance satellites can not only monitor the enemy's military action And can be important military objective Conduct a detailed survey. Various military satellites not only provide various needs of troops in peacetime, but also play an important role in wartime. Typical application is 1991 Persian Gulf War Central America The use of a variety of military satellites to participate in operations has played an extremely important role.
In addition, space technology has also played an active role in scientific research. Of the advanced countries in the world scientific research institution yes life sciences Cosmic science , Sun and Earth space environment They have made many achievements. China in microgravity Scientific experiments and space plant breeding have made gratifying achievements.

Development trend

In the next 30 years, the world's aerospace technology will continue to develop rapidly. The investment of major aerospace countries will mainly focus on the following aspects, with the focus of investment having obvious economic benefits Space transportation system And various application satellites.
(1) Space transportation system
Reducing the launch price of spacecraft is the main direction of efforts. Existing Low orbit Transportation price It is about 10000 to 20000 dollars per kilogram, far from the goal of 1000 dollars per kilogram. Therefore, major aerospace countries are studying and developing new worlds Transport system A variety of new aerospace Transport scheme The main point is to develop reusable transportation tools. According to their takeoff and landing modes, they can be roughly divided into three categories:
1. Vertical takeoff and landing. McDonnell Douglas Research Jib sail It is a typical representative. It is Single stage rocket , 8 sets in total Main engine When taking off, all 8 sets will work, and when returning to land, 4 of them will work to slow down and be recycled for reuse. Takeoff weight 463 tons, load weight 4.5 tons, Arrow body The total height is 38.7m.
2. Vertical takeoff and horizontal landing. The typical representative is the existing space shuttle of the United States. However, due to the high maintenance and other costs of the space shuttle, the transportation cost per kilogram is still $10000, much more than the designed $350. In order to reduce the freight rate, Martin is studying the new "Adventure Star" program, code named X-33. Its takeoff weight is 1000 tons, and its load weight is 20 tons. Its transportation price is expected to be significantly reduced.
3. Horizontal takeoff and landing. Typical representatives are being studied abroad Aerospace aircraft The air breathing engine is adopted, and the oxygen in the atmosphere and the self-contained liquid hydrogen As propellant. It can be divided into single stage (US NASP program) and two stages (German Sanger program). The space plane can be used for many times. After sending the satellite into space, it will return to the ground like an airplane for reuse. Due to the technical difficulty and the need for more investment, it is still in the research stage.
Although a variety of reusable transport systems are under research, space launch is still inseparable from one-time launch vehicles for a long time, so the development of new, pollution-free, high thrust, low-cost launch vehicles is still the direction of efforts of space powers. In China's 863 High Technology Plan Round trip transportation system And a new generation of large launch vehicles, have arranged tracking research, concept research and key technology Pre research.
(2) Artificial satellite
Application satellites will be more commercialized due to their high economic benefits. It is estimated that 1700 satellites will be launched in the next 10 years, worth 120 billion US dollars, of which 70% will be Commercial satellite And great benefits. Therefore, countries and companies that develop space technology first concentrate their funds on developing various artificial satellites. Various application satellites will continue to improve their level, reduce their cost and expand their application scope. In terms of remote sensing, in addition to developing land and marine resource satellites, we will strengthen the monitoring of the Earth's environment and disaster reduction activities. The Earth Mission Plan of the United States and the Earth Environment Monitoring Plan envisaged by Japan and Europe aim to environmental change Monitor and make prediction for possible disasters. In terms of satellite communications, in addition to the continuous development of large capacity, multi band, high-power, long-life static Orbital communication satellite In addition, individuals who develop and launch medium and low orbit networks by small satellites Mobile communication system It is an important direction today. For example, the United States Motorola Small satellite group communication system to be built by the company. It is a global network composed of 66 satellites, which can carry out direct personal mobile phone communication worldwide.
It is a trend worth noting that in order to obtain a variety of remote sensing information and navigation positioning at any place in the world in real time High speed transmission , space powers are studying to establish Space-based Integrated Information Network. Its emergence will certainly have a significant impact on economic construction and military applications. UN-SPIDER It will become an important part of the information highway. some Futurist It is predicted that by 2010, satellite feed information will become the most common transmission mode Its cost is low, developing country No need Construction cost Expensive Hardware foundation Facilities.
Various technologies in artificial satellites will continue to innovate. In addition to developing comprehensive large application satellites, Microsatellite The development of Development trend Its characteristics of small quality, low cost and fast development have attracted the attention of relevant units.
In the next 15 years, China's application satellites will reach a big stage. The large communication satellites under development not only have large capacity and long service life, but also have multiple frequency bands to adapt to different uses. The different remote sensing satellites in the plan include multiple uses of resources, meteorology, oceans, environment and disasters. They will not only provide domestic services, but also contribute to the world. With regard to the use of satellites for microgravity scientific research, China has become one of the world's advanced countries, making full use of the favorable conditions on the ground and in space, and with the joint support of relevant parties, it has an excellent development prospect, which is likely to be used in microbial, plant breeding semiconductor material And other aspects.
(3) Large space station
Manned spaceflight It is an inevitable development for human beings to develop the universe. Unlike the 1960s, the core of today's manned space program is to build a long-life large space station in orbit close to the Earth. The main functions of the space station are as follows: (1) scientific research on remote sensing and microgravity; (2) Stop, repair and refuel the satellite; (3) Assembly of parts or complete machine in the space station; (4) Supplies, astronauts and Spacecraft transfer Base.
In the 1980s, the United States decided to develop the Liberty, which weighs about 200 tons Permanent Space station. The space station carries 6-8 astronauts. Europe, Canada and Japan participated in the program. The former Soviet Union built Heping 1 Space Station in the late 1980s, and decided to build Heping 2 Space Station in the 1990s, which weighs 115 tons and has six astronauts. However, both the United States and the Soviet Union have made slow progress due to too much investment, and have repeatedly revised and reduced the original scale. The disintegration of the Soviet Union Later, the Cold War ended. The two countries discuss plans for cooperation and joint construction of large space stations( The International Space Station )To save money. A total of 16 countries, including Europe, Japan and Canada, participated. The International Space Station weighs 423 tons, electric power 110 kW, Frame structure , 108m x 88m in length and width, 6 experimental chambers, Sealed cabin The volume is 1202 cubic meters. Six astronauts. The height of the running track is about 400km, and the inclination of the track is 5l. 6..
On orbit service life is 10-15 years. It was originally planned to be completed in 2002, but due to financial and technical difficulties, it is expected that the completion plan will be delayed for 2-3 years. In addition, the operating costs and benefits of the space station are still a major problem.
In space Weightlessness environment And other spaces Environmental effects Lower, manufacturing semiconductor material , special alloys, drugs optical material And plant breeding, etc Product performance The quality is much better than that of ground production, and its value is very high. It will be a new field of space applications in the future, and relevant countries are actively carrying out research work.
In order to adapt to the development of China's space industry in the 21st century, National 863 Program In addition to the concept study of the space station, it also supports the pre research of the key technologies of the space station system and the application of the space station.
It should be mentioned that space robots and Virtual Reality Technology In this way, scientists and engineers can work on the ground to complete some people's actions in the sky. This is an extremely important field, and many countries in the world are carrying out research.
(4) Deep space exploration
In the past 40 years deep space Although great achievements have been made in detection, it is still preliminary. In the future, the United States, Russia, Europe and Japan will continue to conduct in-depth exploration of deep space. There are mainly two aspects. One is Solar system planets The second is astronomical observation. The exploration in the solar system includes the solar and solar terrestrial space environment, as well as the Venus Jupiter , Mars Mercury And its surrounding environment. The primary survey in the 21st century focuses on the moon and Mars. In addition to launching orbiting spacecraft to take photos of the planet's surface, there will also be Lander , walking robots, and plans to build manned bases on the moon and Mars. The United States will launch Mars Global Surveyor several times before 2005. As for astronomical observation, it is expected that there will be several Orbital observatory Working in space. The future plans of American and European Hubble telescopes are promising Galaxy secret , will make astronomical observation enter a new era And the ones that will be launched Infrared observatory , Universe Background radiation Detectors and other projects are of great significance at the end of this century.
In the next 30 years, the world will form more complex international space relations, and the era of space monopoly by superpowers will become a multipolar group competitive development. After the United States and the Soviet Union, Europe will gradually form a larger space system; Secondly, Japan has accelerated its pace of becoming a world space power, and its space investment has increased significantly every year; Many other developing countries will also actively participate in space activities. Future International Space relations can be summarized in six words: cooperation, competition and confrontation. Countries all over the world should be encouraged Joint development Space, but in the real world, cooperation is limited. Projects with common interests in some aspects, such as deep space exploration, Earth environment monitoring, and the construction of the International Space Station, may facilitate cooperation. But there will be no comprehensive cooperation in the space field. There will be fierce competition for launch services of launch vehicles and projects with commercial interests of various application satellites, and the competition will not be fair Commercial competition , inevitable Political intervention However, due to the existence of space military needs, major countries are competing to develop space military systems, so there is a potential confrontation between countries.
Because the development of space technology is of great significance in economy, military, science and technology, and in politics, space technology has greatly improved the country's comprehensive national strength and its position in international activities developed country All put space on their own development strategy Is important. Since the development of space technology involves global interests, many major issues discussed internationally are related to it, and various official and non-governmental organizations have been established, the United Nations Also established Committee on Outer Space To coordinate space activities among countries and formulate various international treaty , laws and regulations.
China's space industry will continue to develop. China is a developing country with limited financial resources. Compared with the world's major aerospace countries, China is a country with low investment in aerospace. Therefore, China can only make contributions in some aerospace fields. In order to make China have a commensurate position in the world aerospace field, we should increase investment. At the same time, China advocates that all countries should work together to develop and utilize space peacefully, with equality and mutual benefit, and jointly contribute to the interests of all mankind.