Fulushou Samsung

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The three stars of happiness, wealth and longevity originated from people's natural worship of ancient stars. At the beginning of spring, in the south, there are three stars that are close together in a straight line. Chinese people call these three stars "Lu, Fu and Shou". They regard these three stars as three auspicious stars, respectively in charge of the well-being and life in the world, called "Fu, Lu and Shou Three Stars". As the saying goes, "Three stars shine high, and the New Year is coming!" When three stars hang high in the southern sky at night, it is the time of the Chinese New Year. [6]
The ancients gave them extraordinary divinity and unique personality charm according to their own understanding and feelings. This is a belief belonging to the Chinese people. They have a great influence in the Han people. The three immortals of happiness, wealth and longevity have become a true portrayal of the Han people's secular life ideal. Fu, Lu and Shou become the three most popular Blessing God As a symbol of good luck among the Han people, when the Han people celebrate their birthday, they often hang the two sides of the nave on the wall of the main roof longevity couplets For "Happiness is like the East China Sea, and Longevity is like Nanshan Mountain". [1]
Chinese name
Fulushou Samsung
Fu, Lu, Shou
Originated from
Star nature worship

brief introduction

At the beginning of spring, the starry sky is often the brightest in the year. At about eight or nine o'clock in the evening, I looked up at the starry sky. Due to the south, three stars were very easy to identify. They are close to each other in a straight line, like a shining belt. That's Betelgeuse 1, Betelgeuse 2 and Betelgeuse 3. In the folk, these three stars also have a more familiar name - Lu, Fu and Shou. People regard these three stars as three auspicious star officials, respectively in charge of the blessings and longevity of the world, also known as“ Happiness, wealth and longevity Samsung ". As the saying goes, "Three stars shine high, and the New Year is coming!" When three stars hang high in the southern sky at night, it is the time of the Chinese New Year. [6] Three stars of happiness, wealth and longevity are shining high. People often wish their elders happiness and longevity by saying "Happiness is like the East China Sea, and longevity is like the South Mountain". The image of three stars of fortune, wealth and longevity caters to this wish of people. "Three stars shine high" has become a lucky phrase.


Fu Lu Shou San Xing - Di Shaoying's Traditional Chinese Painting Works [2]
It is common for Fuxing to hold a word "Fu" in his hand and Luxing to hold it Gold ingot , Shouxing holds peach and crutches. In addition, there is also a symbolic painting method, in which bats Sika deer , Longevity Peach, use their homonym to express the meaning of Fu, Lu and Shou. Blessing stars bestow happiness according to people's good deeds. The ancients thought that when the old star (Jupiter, not Taisui) came, it could bring good fortune to the people, so they called it Fuxing. According to another legend, there were gnomes in Daozhou in the Tang Dynasty, Tang Dezong He thought it was interesting and ordered to pay tribute to several famous palace slaves every year for him to watch and play. Yangcheng, the governor of Daozhou, thought that it was inhumane, so he risked the danger of committing crimes and asked Emperor Dezong of Tang to abolish this tribute. People in Daozhou felt grateful for the kindness of Yangcheng and believed that he was a lucky star who came down to earth, so they consecrated him from generation to generation and became the specific personification of lucky star.
Star God of Rank and Affluence In charge of the world's glory, wealth, honor and lowliness, yes Big Dipper The last star in Wenchang Palace before, because Lu meant to make a fortune, the Han people often borrowed the god of wealth Zhao Gongming To describe him: head Wear an iron crown black face Long beard, hand holding Iron whip , riding a tiger.
Shouxing It is also called the Elderly Star. The ancients believed that the Elderly Star was in charge of the life span of the monarch and the country, and it could also increase the life span of people, becoming a symbol of longevity. The longevity star has white hair and childlike face, is full of spirit, is old but not senile, has prominent forehead, and is kind and lovely. As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Han people had the activity of offering sacrifices to longevity stars, which was combined with the ceremony of respecting the elderly. During worship, crutches should be presented to people around 70 years old.

Origin of lucky stars

Fulushou Samsung [3]
The origin of Fuxing is very early. It is said that the Tang Dynasty Daozhou Out dwarf , selected the imperial court as a plaything over the years. Tang Dezong When Yang Cheng, the governor of Daozhou, took office, he abolished this practice and refused the emperor's request to select dwarfs Human feeling His virtue is to worship for Blessing God In the Song Dynasty, Han people generally worshipped. In the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Yangcheng was also said to be Martial Emperor Yang Cheng was a contemporary. More heresy, or respect Tianguan To bless God, or to honor the "gift" of holding a baby Zhang Xian "It is a blessing God.
Fuxing, ancient name Jupiter It is a lucky star, so it is also called lucky star. In Tianguan Astrology, it is said that the kingdom illuminated by Jupiter will be bestowed on the monarch to bless his regime stability. The Song of Li Shangyin in the Northern Qi Dynasty: "Dongyou Green Dragon and White Tiger , including the lucky star Bao Shidu. "
The astrologers have recently extended it to: "When the stars shine, they can bring blessings to the people", which means that where the stars shine, the people can also get good luck and happiness. It seems that since the Western Han Dynasty, people have regarded Jupiter as a blessing star.

Meaning of happiness

The meaning of "happiness" is very broad, including all good wishes and goals in secular life. The so-called "auspiciousness" in Chinese refers to happiness; Therefore, auspiciousness can also be interpreted as blessing: "Zhen Xiang is also a blessing," according to the Word Forest Chinese auspicious culture A very important concept in.

Content of happiness

According to the fashion of the times, the ancients summarized the important content of happiness into five aspects, namely five blessings In different times, the meaning of Five Blessings is slightly different. Shang Shu Hong Fan 》The five blessings are: "One is longevity, the other is wealth, the third is well-being, and the fourth is you Good Virtue The fifth day is the end of the exam. " Han Dynasty Huantan New theory 》He said, "Long life, rich life, noble life, happiness, and numerous descendants." Later generations also said, "Happiness, wealth, longevity, wealth, and happiness". The five blessings are just the big goal of life, and the blessings in people's daily life are much richer.

Blessed priesthood

Fulushou Samsung
Blessing has many meanings, and the god of blessing created by people has a variety of religious duties. From this, the blessing god has gained the function of compatibility with many auspicious gods, but at the same time, it has lost its distinctive characteristics, and its image and function become blurred, so that when people pray for a specific good luck, they often have to offer sacrifices to the auspicious god who specializes in a certain position. The blessing god only becomes the object of worship when the goal of people's prayer is relatively empty. At the beginning of the new year. It's time to pray for the best in the coming year. Everyone should be on the door Paste Fu characters Although happiness is Text symbols It is the symbol of God of Blessing in people's mind, including people's blessing to God of Blessing
A prayer for good fortune. Lucky Character It is often pasted upside down, taking its homonym "Blessed", which implies that the god of blessing is coming to the door.
Blessing God and Many gods Similarly, it also experienced the evolution from natural gods to human gods. The original god of blessing was the stars, called "lucky stars". The lucky star is Jupiter, also called Suixing. It can be said that people regard Jupiter as the god of blessing. After the God of Blessing was personified, a variety of statements were attached.

About Lushen

Fulushou Samsung
God Lu Originally Hoshigami , known as "Wenchang"“ legendary deity of imperial examinations and literary affairs ”、“ Star God of Rank and Affluence ”。 There are six stars above the Big Dipper, which together are called Wenchang Palace The sixth star among them is Lu Xing, whom people worship. The Analects of Confucius 》: "People have their own destiny and their own salary Rich and poor It is also the rise and fall of those who pay. " According to the Records of the Historian, Tianguan Book, "Wenchang Palace: one is the general, two is the second general, three is the prime minister, four is the minister, five is the minister, and six is the minister." The minister is the star of fame and fortune. Sui and Tang Dynasties Imperial examination system After its birth, Lu Xing became the master of the fate of the scholars, and all the scholars in the world worshipped him.
Luxing later evolved from star god to human god. The most influential God of Lu, the God of Man and the God of Man were the God of Zitong in the Song Dynasty Zhang Yazi , said“ Emperor Wenchang ”。
The god in charge of Wen Yun Li Lu. ancient feudal society The imperial examination is used to select talents. Once the scholars pass The imperial examination , you can become an official and get rich. The salary is the salary of officials. High officials and high salaries are what scholars aspire to, so the worship of the god of salary came into being. Because the ancient imperial examination was mainly about writing articles, the worship of the god of Lu also included the prayer for literary luck. Therefore, the god of Lu was not only the dominant god of the scholars, but also the auspicious god favored by the people who generally worship culture and literary talents, or can be called the god of literature.

Legend of Lu God

according to Eastern Jin Dynasty Local chronicle《 Huayang National Records 》According to the records of Zitong, Zitong was actually the god of thunder. However, as the legend of Zhang Yazi's "reincarnation of dragon people and enlightenment of Guanyin" spread among the people, Zhang Yazi's belief began to be popular among the people Zitong County The Thunder God enshrined in Shanban Temple believes that it is the incarnation of Zhang Yazi. In fact, the prototype of Zitong God, the thunder god, was evolved from the snake god of Shu. [4] Northern Dream 》It is recorded that Zhang Yazi, the god of Zitong County, is also the place where five small snakes are pulled out. Or cloud, Junzhou Zhang Sheng's snake is the ancestral temple. People at that time called him Zhang Qizi, who was very clever. The son of the fake Shu King Jianshizi, named Yuanying, is smart, broad-minded and excellent at riding and shooting. Teeth are often exposed, and most of them cover their mouths with sleeves. They dare not look up from left to right. Snake eyes and black, ferocious and obscene, all night Insomnia It was a counter attack. On the eve of the attack, the Zitong Temple Zhu was blamed by the Chalk, who said, "I have been in Sichuan for a long time, and I will return now. Why should I make the temple so filthy?" So the Shu people, Zhiyuan, were regarded as the essence of the temple snake. [5]
It is said that Zhang Yazi, also known as Zhang Qizi, or Zhang Aizi. Huayang National Records 》It is recorded that there is a temple in Zitong County called "Shanban Temple", and the god is Zhang Yazi. Taiping Huanyu 》Also remember the supernatural story of Zhang Yazi's revelation. Zhang Yazi once saw Yao Chang in Chang'an. Zhang Yazi said to him, "Nine years after the earthquake, you should go to Sichuan if you go to Zitong Qiqu Mountain Fortunately, we should find it ". The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Sixteen Kingdoms · The Record of the Later Qin Dynasty added that, Yao Chang In the second year of Jianyuan in the former Qin Dynasty, I came to Zitong Qiqu Mountain and saw a god man. The god man said, "You have returned to Qin as early as possible. Qin has no owner. Is it in you?" Yao Chang asked the name of the god man. The god man said his name was Zhang Evil Son, and then he disappeared. Yao Chang returns Qindi Later, he became emperor, so he set up Zhang Xianggong Temple in the Qin Dynasty to worship Zhang Yazi.
Tang Dynasty An Shi Rebellion At that time, Zhang Yazi was famous. tang xunzong Escape to Shu via Qiqu Mountain , held a grand sacrifice to honor Zhang Yazi Prime Minister Zuo It is said that Tang Xuanzong After staying in Qiqu Mountain, I once dreamed that Zhang Yazi appeared and said that Xuanzong would do it soon overlord There is still Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty in Qiqu Mountain“ Yingmeng Sendai ”Relics. In the second year of Tang Guangming (881), Xizong evaded the Huangchao Uprising and went to Sichuan, passing Qiqu Mountain, and personally worshipped Zitong God, and awarded Zhang Yazi the title of King Jishun And gave his sword to God. Due to the admiration of the Tang Dynasty emperors, Zhang Yazi's influence expanded rapidly and gradually evolved from a local god to a national god.
In the Song Dynasty, the temple of Zhang Yazi has been seen all over the country, and its manifestation became more and more popular. Lu You Notes of Laoxue Temple 》He said that when Li Zhi was young, he prayed for Zitong God. On the eve of the night, the dream came to Chengdu Tianning Temple woman weaver Zhiji Shi said, "If you take Shi as your name, you will be the first!" Li changed the name to Shi and knew how many words to use. Later, he really saved his time.
Song Dynasty《 Tieweishan 》Chang'an goes west roads connecting Sichuan with the outside Zitong shrine , has always been called supernatural. Scholars and officials who pass by Zitong Temple must go to the prime minister if there is wind and rain to see them off; After passing Zitong Temple, Jinshi will be sent off by wind and rain, and will win the first prize. It is said that since ancient times, no one has failed to work. These legends make Zitong a god who dominates fame and wealth. Since then, Zitong God has become the worship of scholars. Southern Song Dynasty Wu Zimu Dream Liang Record 》He said: "The Emperor Zitong, in the Chengtian Temple on Mount Wu, is a god in Shu who specializes in the collection of salaries. All the scholars from all over the world who seek names and choose names have heard the prayer, and have been sealed prince and marquis Yue Huiwen Zhongwu Li Deren Holy King. " From Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, Zitong Wenchangshen Ranran has been granted many titles, and incense is flourishing.

Sacrifice to Lu God

Scholars longed for fame and wealth, and especially worshipped Zitong Wenchang God. annually February in the lunar calendar On the birthday of Emperor Wenchang on the third day of the first lunar month, scholars must go to the local Wenchang Palace to pay homage to Emperor Wenchang and hold candles burn incense , offer a sacrifice and pray that the Emperor Wenchang will bless the success of the imperial examination and grant him fame and wealth. Sacrifice to God Lu has also evolved into a folk activity. Before the official performance of operas in festivals, there is often a“ perform a special dance before the curtain rises ”To wish the host family and guests good luck, win promotion and get rich One person plays the role of God Lu, wearing a red official robe, wearing a white mask with a smiling face and holding a huge Chaohu , wrote "First class in the court", walked around for a few weeks and then left the court. Then take a child with a prop and walk around Weeks later end. In the end, he took a red banner in his hand and showed the words on the banner to the audience: "Increase official positions and promote career", which was also his exit after a few weeks. Tiaojiaguan contains the meaning of praying for the official luck granted by the god Lu.
Mindong In the lunar calendar July 7th Pay homage to God Lu. After the homage, play a game called "taking official positions" to pray for good luck from God Lu. Scholars Longan hazelnut , peanuts Dry Fruits Represent the top scholars, the top ranked scholars and the top three of the Tanhua. One person holds one of the three kinds of dried fruits and throws them on the table. When some kind of dried fruit rolls to someone, it indicates that the person behind the dried fruit is the champion, the top ranked person or the flower. Play the game until everyone has an official position. The game contains the nature of divining official titles from the god of Lu.
The custom of offering sacrifices to God Lu is more typical of the custom of pasting New Year pictures of God Lu. There are two kinds of Lushen New Year pictures. A kind of New Year picture of Lu God painted Wenchang Emperor, also known as Zitong God. It's just Official hat Images like official robes. Interestingly, on both sides of the Wenchang Emperor, two figures of children are often painted, commonly known as“ Deafness ”、“ Ground hoarseness ”, a deaf and dumb servant boy. Why should I paint beside the god Lu deaf-mute What about people as waiters? General Guide to Immortals of Past Dynasties 》Said:
(Zitong Zhenjun) The road is called Liuyang. Every time he drives a white mule, he follows two children, and the sky is deaf and the earth is dumb. Zhenjun is the commander of the article, and is tied by the nobility and inferiority. Therefore, he uses the deaf and dumb on the side, so that those who know him cannot speak, and those who speak cannot know, and the natural mechanism cannot be revealed.
It is said that the imperial examination questions were determined by Zitong God, so Zitong God decided the fate of scholars. The purpose of arranging deaf mutes as attendants is to ensure that the test questions are kept confidential.

Lushen New Year pictures

Another God Lu The folk New Year pictures of the Han nationality adopt the method of homophonic metonymy, and use deer to replace the god of Lu, with a more auspicious color. Deer is a lovely animal, with wonderful stripes on its body and beautiful branches and horns on its head. It has been used as a mascot for a long time. Deer was first considered as a kind of benevolent animal. It's said that when a king Benevolent government When the world is at peace, there will be deer with five colors generated by Yao Guang. This kind of deer is called Tianlu, which means that heaven is blessed. There is also a rare white deer, which is a symbol of longevity. Wei said that white deer can live to more than one thousand years old. White deer are changed from ordinary deer, and 500 year old deer begin to turn white. After the birth of the imperial examination, deer farmers gradually became famous symbolic meaning , become the symbol of the god of Lu. Imperial examination system After its demise, deer is still loved by people for its lively and beautiful image, and it is still a lucky animal that can bring wealth in people's minds.
In the folk New Year pictures of the god of Lu, deer are sometimes the mounts of the god of Lu in official robes, or the objects touched by people who look like officials, in order to highlight the theme of "entering Lu" and official accessibility; Sometimes, the deer, the god of happiness and the god of longevity are painted together. The deer symbolizes Lilu and represents the god of Lu.

Ten Gan Lu

Yuanhaiziping 》It said: "Jia Lu is in Yin, Yi Lu is in Mao, Bing Wu Lu is in Si, Ding Ji Lu is in noon, Geng Lu is in Shen, Xin Lu is in You, Ren Lu is in Hai, Kui Lu is in Zi." The view is mainly based on the daily intervention of the five elements, combined with Year, month, day , temporal and local branches.
If we start from our own heavenly stems, the one who is paid in the year is called Suilu, the one who is paid in the month is called Jianlu, and the one who is paid in the month is called Jianlu Daily expenditure His name is Zuolu, and his name is Guilu. for example any day that bears the seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems A born person who has a good year's salary is a year's salary, a month's salary is a building salary, a day's salary is a sitting salary, and a time's salary is a return salary. Other Japanese cadres see Lu and so on. Lu is the source of life support. When you hit the top, you will never worry about your salary all your life, but you are most afraid of rushing or entering Empty death (See below [Six Jias perish in the air]) If so, the salary will be insufficient.

Conclusion of Lu God

The god in charge of fame and fortune, except Star God of Rank and Affluence And its evolution Emperor Wenchang Zitong Besides gods, there are Kuixing and Kuixing human gods. Kuixing has far less influence than Wenchang Xingjun So big, but also has a certain reputation. Kuixing Ben is The Big Dipper The general name of the four stars of the bucket. The meaning of "Kui Xing is the first" is that all scholars want to be the first in the scientific examination, so they worship Kui Xing, who is the god who gives the first place in the scientific examination, and also takes Kui Xing as the person in charge of the examination Star official Scholars worship Kuixing, which means praying for high school. but The imperial examination It is impossible for everyone to be the first in the exam, so Kuixing's application scope is not as big as that of Wenchang Xingjun, and its influence is much smaller. The image of Kuixing is imagined according to the shape of Kuixing characters. A ghost like god kicks a bucket or holds a bucket with his foot, which is the image of Kuixing often seen in the painting. In addition, there is another kind of Kuixing figure, which depicts a ghost standing on the top, raising his feet to fight, and looking back at it with a pen, called "Kuixing points to fight, and takes the lead". Kuixing is also called Kuixing Gu Yanwu Daily knowledge record 》He said, "I don't know when Kui Xing, whom people worship today, began Mansion Therefore, if we set up a temple to worship him, he can't be like Kui, but Kui is the leader. They can't be like Kui, but take the shape of characters to fight for ghosts. " Kuixing is the four stars of the Big Dipper, and the six stars near the four stars are Wenchang Palace Therefore, there is a saying that Kuixing points to fight.

About Shouxing

Chinese mythology The god of longevity. It is one of the three stars of Fortune, Longevity and Longevity, also known as the Antarctic Elderly Star. First Emperor of Qin After unifying the world, near Chang'an Du County Build Longevity Star Temple. Later, the birthday star became the name of a fairy. Guanxiangyazhan: "Old people are one star sagittal South, the first is the old man in the Antarctic, the first is the longevity test, and the second is the longevity star. " Ming Dynasty novels《 Journey to the West 》Write "Ganoderma Lucidum in Hand", with long head, big ears and short body. Convincing Arguments Warning the World 》There is a mythical story of "Three Stars of Fortune, Longevity and Longevity". In the portrait, the longevity star is an old man with white whiskers, holding a staff and protruding forehead. It is often lined with deer, cranes peach of immortality Etc. symbolizes longevity.
Longevity is also a constellation. Also called Elderly Star , Antarctic old man. twelve Star order one of. Is the second brightest in the sky Sirius It is also the brightest star in the South Pole. In 14000 Vega become Polaris Shouxing will also become Antarctica Longevity stars can shine continuously in the night sky, which is in line with the long-term wishes of life, so they are very popular. Li Yin Said, "Longevity Star covers the Antarctic Old Man Star. See Zetian The temple is used to pray for good fortune. "
Due to the integration of the concept of health care, the image of the birthday star has also changed correspondingly, most notably his huge forehead. The Longevity Star in the murals of Yongle Palace in Shanxi Province may be the oldest living image of the Longevity Star. Among the thousands of immortals in Yongle Palace, we can recognize him at a glance because of his super brain.
The brain of the longevity star is also closely related to the image of longevity created by the ancient regimen. such as Red-crowned crane The head of Peach-Shaped Mantou yes The Queen Mother of the West festival held on 3rd day of the lunar month in honor of the Grand Old Lady of the West Heaven Special longevity fairy fruit. It is said that once it blooms and bears fruit in 3000 years, it will become immortal after eating. Perhaps it is because of the fusion and superposition of these longevity images that the Longevity Star's brain door is finally created.
Longevity Star, also known as the Antarctic Fairy. The birthday star is also transformed from a star. Its name in astronomy is Ship base Alpha star, located in the southern hemisphere South Latitude About 50 degrees, in China Northern region In fact, it's hard to see. Sima Qian According to the Records of the Historian, Tianguan Book, when the Qin Dynasty unified the country, it began to be in the capital Xianyang Build a Longevity Star Temple to worship the Longevity Star.

Longevity walking stick

As we all know, Shouxing has a walking stick in his hand. According to the Book of Han · Etiquette Annals, during the reign of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty, he presided over a birthday ceremony and arranged a special banquet. The participants were all ancient and rare old people. As long as they were over 70 years old, both nobles and civilians were eligible to be guests of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty. After the feast, the emperor also presented Wine and meat Grain and a beautifully crafted cane.
Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty It also gives privileges to the elderly, as evidenced by the royal staff presented at the banquet. Also known as the sceptre a staff with a pigeon-like handle , because the top of the cane is turtledove The statue of a bird gets its name. In 1958, two such dove sticks were unearthed from the Han Tomb. The wooden body at the lower part of the dove stick had been charred away, while the statue of the turtle dove on the head was still as bright as new after more than 1800 years because of the protection of the paint film.
1981 Gansu Wu Wei A batch of bamboo slips of the Han Dynasty were found, which recorded several criminal cases. The first one said Runan A man surnamed Wang, a civilian, beat the old man with a staff and was later sentenced to beheading Abandon the market The second one is about a village level junior official in the Han Dynasty. Because an old man with a stick was suspected of violating the law, he detained the old man without authorization. Although he did not beat, he was also sentenced to capital punishment and beheaded in public. In 32 BC, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty The edict issued stipulates that elderly couples who have no children to support can be allowed to operate liquor Business, and all tax-free.
But after the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the walking stick of Shouxing changed, and the king's stick of the turtledove was replaced by Mahogany Walking stick, its politics Didactic function Gradually weakened. It is said that peach wood can cure diseases and strengthen the body and prolong life. In the past, the king's staff, which used to symbolize privilege, has become the mascot of longevity in the hands of longevity stars. The government of the Ming Dynasty ordered the cancellation of Qin and Han Dynasties Hereditary National Sacrifice Shouxing system. Shouxing was completely removed from political color, and from then on, he entered the folk society with great strides, becoming the most secular immortal in ancient China.