plain boiled water

[bái kāi shuǐ]
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Boiled water, also known as cold boiled water and frozen boiled water, is the drinking water that people drink most in daily life. It is light and tasteless, extremely ordinary, but it is very important for the physiological mechanism of the human body Recuperation
morning Fasting Drinking a cup of warm boiled water is good for your health. For middle-aged and elderly people, it can not only dilute blood, but also reduce blood Viscosity , promote blood circulation It can also reduce the risk of thrombosis and prevent heart disease fastigium ”Of Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases Occurrence of; For young people, it can quench thirst and promote diuresis due to the physiological distribution of water in the body after sleep at night, and also make the skin smooth and tender.
Chinese name
plain boiled water
Foreign name
Plain boiled water
Cool and white; Frozen boiling water
chemical formula
H two O
molecular weight
Melting point
0 ℃
Boiling point
100 ℃
1 g/cm³
Colorless Transparent Liquid

Development history

Because there is nothing else added, it is called boiled water. When it is cooled, it is called cold boiled water.
In 2016, Liangbaikai became a brand new bottled water Subdivide categories. [2-3]

Body efficacy

plain boiled water
Boiled water transports oxygen to blood; The wastes metabolized in the body are discharged from the body through urine or feces. Lubricating tissues and joints; Moisten eyes, nose and mouth; Make skin soft and elastic. Regulate body temperature by evaporating or sweating. Water is very important to human body, whether nutrient Digestion, absorption, transportation and metabolism, or waste discharge, or physiological function And the regulation of body temperature. If the water in the body is regarded as a river, various metabolic activities of life will sail in it. If there is no water, metabolic activities cannot be carried out, and various nutrients are like gravel scattered on the dry river bed.
According to traditional Chinese medicine regimen, plain boiled water is a neutral substance, which can take away yin, cold, dampness and poison from the body, and carry these body impurities out of the body through excretion and perspiration. stay Traditional Chinese Medicine It has become the top of the hundred medicines.
boiling water
For people, water is an important substance next to oxygen. In adults, 60% of the weight is water. The proportion of water in children's bodies is even greater, reaching nearly 80%. If a person does not eat, he or she can survive for 7 days by only relying on the nutrients stored in his or her body or consuming his or her own tissue. But if you don't drink water, even three days is difficult. in vivo water loss 10% is a threat to health. If 20% of water is lost, life is in danger, which shows the importance of water to life.
Water is not only the main component of the body, but also a lot of physiological function Watery Solubility Very strong, many substances can dissolve in water and dissociate into ionic state, playing an important role.
Water-insoluble protein And fat can be suspended in water to form colloid or emulsion, which is convenient for digestion, absorption and utilization; Water participates directly in human body Redox reaction To promote various physiological activities and biochemical reaction Conduct of; Without water, it is impossible to maintain blood circulation, respiration, digestion, absorption, secretion, excretion and other physiological activities, and metabolism in the body is also impossible; Watery Specific heat capacity Large, it can regulate the body temperature and keep it constant. When the external temperature is high or the body Thermogenesis For a long time, water evaporation and sweating can help dissipate heat.
When the weather is cold, because water has a great potential for storing heat, the body temperature will not be lowered due to the cold outside, and water has a great fluidity. On the one hand, it can transport oxygen, nutrients hormone On the one hand, it can pass stool, urination and sweating Metabolites and Toxic Substances Excrete. Water is also the lubricant provided by the body, such as skin moisturizing, tears and saliva, Articular capsule and Serous membrane Cavity fluid is the lubricant of corresponding organs.
In China, this drinking method was noticed in the Tang Dynasty as early as the beginning of the seventh century AD. famous doctor Sun Simiao Authorship《 Golden Wing Square 》In Volume 13, there is one volume called "The Water Suiting Classic".
When boiled water enters the human body, it can immediately exert its metabolic function, regulate body temperature and deliver nutrients. American scientists found that after boiling Natural cooling The cold boiled water of immunity Improve the disease resistance of the body.
People who are accustomed to drinking plain water have high activity of deoxidase in their bodies and less accumulation of lactic acid in their muscles, so they are not prone to fatigue.

Fight against cancer

A study found that a person who drinks four or more glasses of water every day is more likely to suffer from Colon cancer Our chances will be nearly halved. If you can drink every day 8 cups of water Or above will have better results.
The reason why water can resist cancer is that water can accelerate the peristalsis of the intestinal tract, so that the waste in the intestinal tract can not stay and reduce Carcinogen The opportunity to stay in the gut. In the same way, a large amount of water can also be reduced urinary system Cancer, such as bladder cancer renal carcinoma prostatic cancer Etc. In addition, drinking more water can also prevent breast cancer Function of.

Overcome tiredness

Some people often feel tired, especially in summer. They are often weak or sleepy. Some people think it is the relationship between mental tension or low blood sugar, but the real reason may be dehydration. It turns out that our bodies are thirsty Sensitivity , lower than "hungry".
When the body's moisture gradually decreases, the body will not immediately tell us that we need to drink water, but if the situation continues and the water is not replenished in time, the body will become more and more tired and weak, making us often feel unwell for no reason. Drinking more water can solve this problem and keep the body energetic.

Improve immunity

The first task of improving immunity is to Drink more Boil water to keep the mucous membrane in the nose and mouth moist; Drinking more water can also make people feel fresh and energetic.
Boiled water is a good catalyst to promote human metabolism. Water is easy to be absorbed by our body, which enhances the lactate dehydrogenase So as to enhance human immunity and disease resistance. Get up in the morning and have a drink warm water Or normal temperature water is better for the body. [4]

Detoxify and beautify

Boiled water 3 Great health effect
1. Blood circulation up+ Basal metabolism Up+fat burning up
By drinking plain water, stimulate the gastrointestinal and other internal organs to warm up, warm the body from the inside out, and improve blood circulation When the visceral temperature rises by 1 ℃, the basic metabolic rate will increase by 10-12%, increasing fat Burning rate , burn excess fat, and let the body become Emaciability constitution
2. Activate visceral function, relieve visceral fatigue, and discharge aging waste
Drinking boiled water can warm the viscera, activate the activation of the viscera, alleviate visceral fatigue, and improve the operation quality of the viscera. At the same time, the auxiliary body digestive system It can operate, activate metabolism, and accelerate the excretion of aging waste from the body. Once the aged waste is successfully discharged from the body, it will be cleaned up Internal garbage , reactivate liver and kidney functions internal environment More clean and pollution-free.
three Urine output Increase, discharge excess water from the body, Eliminate constipation Condition, detoxification and beauty maintenance
Drinking plain water can promote the circulation of blood and lymph, and can take away the excess water remaining in the body to form urine. At the same time, toxins in the body are discharged with urine. Weight loss can be alleviated when urine volume increases and excess water is taken away Edema Phenomenon. Boiled water warms intestines and stomach, lubricates intestines and softens Excreta It can effectively prevent and relieve constipation symptoms.
Under normal circumstances, the pH value of healthy human body fluid is 7.35~7.45, so the Weak alkalinity Status is very important. Of course, the human body has Acid-base property Of Balancing machine Yes, but it is not good for long-term health if you rely too much on your own balance function. If tap water conforming to national standards is used as raw water, the pH value of plain water can usually reach more than 9, belonging to Alkaline water Drinking boiled water regularly is beneficial to neutralizing Acids , which is conducive to maintaining a healthy body fluid state.
Correct method of boiling water
Drink 800ml of boiled water every day, avoid swallowing in large gulps, and drink slowly in small gulps to achieve health effects.
Do not stop heating after the water boils. Open the lid and continue heating for 1~2 minutes to remove Trichloromethane Make water calcium precipitate, and the taste of boiled water will be better.
Pour boiling water into the cup to stop heating. Pour boiling water into the cup until the water temperature reaches about 50 ℃. It is a cup of nutritious boiled water. Drink 800ml every day, Detoxify and beautify , keep away from diseases.

Drink water to lose weight

1. Drinking water in the morning - less belly
breakfast Drink a glass of plain water, light honey water or water with salt before, which can speed up stomach Wriggle, expel the garbage and metabolites from the body the night before, and reduce the chance of small belly.
plain boiled water
2. Drinking water before meals - reducing appetite
Drinking a glass of water before a meal can reduce hunger and food intake, and appetite will be reduced after a long time. At the same time, it can also supplement the water needed by the body and accelerate metabolism.
3. Drinking water in the afternoon - minus Dewlap Obesity
The main form is fat, which is caused by sedentary and high calorie foods afternoon tea When people feel tired and tired, they can have a drink Herbal tea To dispel the desire to eat, while the smell of flowers and plants can also reduce appetite.

Drinking water taboo


Avoid overdose

Drinking less water is not good, but drinking too much water can also cause poisoning. People may be unfamiliar with this view. In fact, as early as the 1930s, the United States had reported that drinking too much water caused poisoning Water poisoning Cases.
Water accounts for 60% to 70% of human body weight and is relatively stable in the body. Human cells Of cell membrane yes Semipermeable membrane , water can permeate freely, if drinking too much, blood and Interstitial fluid Will supplement Heng Shi, osmotic pressure The water will permeate into the cells and make Cell swelling Water poisoning occurs. Especially Brain cell The response is the fastest. Once the brain cells become edema, the intracranial pressure will increase, leading to dizzy Brain distension headache , vomiting, fatigue Blurred vision Lethargy , slow breathing Rhythm Slow down, and in serious cases, coma, convulsion and even life-threatening will occur. When water poisoning occurs, there is too much water in the blood sodium chloride When the concentration drops, there will be stable hyponatremia, and the patient will have muscle pain and spasm all over the body.
Water poisoning often occurs in our daily life, but the degree of water poisoning is not serious enough. In hot summer, after people sweat a lot, the sodium salt in the body electrolyte It will also be lost. If you drink a lot of plain water without replenishing salt, you will have muscle twitching or Spasmodic pain Muscle pain in the arms, thighs and calves is generally the manifestation of mild water poisoning. Therefore, in hot summer, people had better put some salt or drink water containing salt soda water
If you are not used to drinking salty drinks, you should stir fry the vegetables and eat them. In this way, the lost salt and water can be replenished. When salt water enters the body, it will rapidly penetrate into the cells, so that the body that is constantly sweating and dehydrated can be timely replenished with water, and can effectively pre waterproof poisoning.
Don't drink a lot of water before meals, which can easily dilute gastric juice and weaken the digestion and absorption function of the stomach.

Abstinence from raw water

plain boiled water
Don't drink raw water. Drinking raw water has many disadvantages, because the chlorine It can be mixed with the residue in the unburned water Organic matter Interaction, resulting in Bladder cancer rectal cancer Increased opportunities. Don't drink water that has been stored for too long. Such water not only has no minerals, but also may contain some Hazardous substances And cause poisoning.
Water needs to be boiled for 3 minutes before drinking, because it is easy to drink water that is not completely boiled cancer Boil the fresh boiled water for 3 minutes, not only sterile Chlorine and some harmful substances in the water have also evaporated, while maintaining the necessary Nutrients
Research proves that, Halohydrocarbon chloroform Content and water temperature change and boiling Duration The length is closely related.
When the water temperature reaches 90 ℃, the content of halogenated hydrocarbons increases from 53 micrograms per liter to 191 micrograms, and the content of chloroform increases from 43.8 micrograms per liter to 177 micrograms, both exceeding national standard 2 times. When the water temperature rises to 100 ℃, the content of halohydrocarbon and chloroform drops to 110 μ g and 99 μ g respectively, still exceeding the national standard. If the boiling continues for 3 minutes, the content of halohydrocarbon and chloroform will drop to 9.2 microgram and 8.3 microgram respectively, and then it will become safe drinking water.
Of course, the longer you boil the water, the better, because the longer you boil the water, the less volatility Hazardous substances and nitrite , will be concentrated due to the evaporation of water, and the content is relatively high. Drinking such water is also harmful to the body.
Five kinds of boiled water cannot be drunk
Reboiled boiling water will cause water Nitrite The content exceeds the standard. It is well known that excessive or excessive nitrite in water can cause fatigue, fatigue, lethargy, coma, cyanosis, blood pressure drop abdominal pain Diarrhoea and vomiting can also cause malignant diseases over time.
The method to prevent boiling water pollution is simple: resolutely eliminate boiling water pollution reuse , boil repeatedly. In particular, the boiled water mentioned below cannot be drunk.
1. After burning on the stove for a whole night or a long time, the water is already lukewarm when drinking;
2. Overnight boiled water in automatic water heater;
3. Residual boiled water after repeated boiling;
4. Install in vacuum flask Boiled water in Central Africa on the same day;
5. Boiled water left after steaming food.

Avoid remaining water

plain boiled water
Everyone knows that drinking more boiled water is good for health in daily life, but there are still many concerns about how to cook and drink boiled water.
Many people like to drink cold boiled water in summer, but it is better not to drink it for more than 24 hours If the water is placed for too long, it will produce a large number of bacteria and other substances.
Boiling water can kill bacteria and remove substances harmful to human body. Because tap water is chlorinated, chlorine interacts with residual organics in water to form toxic carcinogenic compounds such as halohydrocarbons and chloroform. When the water temperature reaches 90 ℃, the content of halogenated hydrocarbon rises to 191 μ g/L, and the chloroform rises to 177 μ g/L, both exceeding the national standard by twice; When the water temperature just reaches 100 ℃, the content of halohydrocarbon and chloroform is 110 μ g and 99 μ g per liter respectively; If the boiling continues for 1 to 2 minutes, these two substances will rapidly reduce to 9.2 micrograms and 8.3 micrograms per liter, respectively, reaching drinking standards. Therefore, it is best to boil the water for 1-2 minutes.
In order to save water, some people often reheat the leftover boiled water, which is a bad habit. Because repeatedly boiling water will cause the loss of minerals beneficial to human body, and also produce some harmful substances such as nitrite Etc. Once nitrite enters human body in large quantity, it can make red blood cell Losing the function of carrying oxygen will lead to tissue hypoxia. People who drink this water for a long time will have nausea, vomiting, headache, purple nails and lips, panic and other symptoms. In serious cases, it can also cause hypoxia, and even cancer. (Note that nitrite in boiled water Content ratio Mineral water is low, but usually harmless)
When drinking water, people will bring the bacteria in the mouth and saliva into the cup and water. Under the appropriate temperature and environment, they will grow and multiply in large numbers. But don't worry too much. In order to avoid the above situations, qualified tap water and bottled water contain a small amount of germicidal substances—— chloride Environmental microbiologist of Johns Hopkins University Kellogg Schwab pointed out that Bactericidal action , which can last for 1-2 days (don't drink water that has been put for too long). If the water is stored for too long, it may be infected by bacteria and produce nitrite. Once nitrite enters the human body in large quantities, it can cause tissue hypoxia, nausea, vomiting, headache, panic and other symptoms. In serious cases, it can also cause people to die from hypoxia. Nitrite can also be formed in human body Nitrosamine , trigger liver cancer gastric cancer Etc. After the boiling water in the thermos bottle becomes warm, the bacteria multiply faster and reduce more nitrite.

Avoid staying overnight

plain boiled water
Many people have a cold bottle of water in their house, which can be drunk at any time. However, this convenience may bring health risks. If you haven't finished drinking that day, you must pour it out.
This is because the nitrogen containing organics in the long standing boiled water will continue to be decomposed into nitrite. At the same time, it is inevitable that the involvement of microorganisms will accelerate the decomposition of nitrogen containing organics. The harm of nitrite to the body is well known, and it has a strong hemoglobin The ability to combine will hinder the normal oxygen transport function of the blood. Therefore, it is best to drink boiled water on the same day.
In addition, many families are accustomed to drinking Barreled water The barreled water that seems to be well sealed should also be drunk within three or four days. Because the barreled water has been open for a long time, the bacteria will follow Water inlet Slip in, and the water dispenser will form negative pressure when it comes out of the water, and it is inevitable to inhale some air, while bacteria and microorganisms in the air will also "take advantage of the weakness". If not drunk in a short time, the bacteria will exceed the standard, purified water Is no longer pure [1]

Suitable for people

Boiled water is suitable for men, women and children. It is the best beverage product.
Children should drink more plain water. Promote metabolism immunity Improve the disease resistance of the body. People who are accustomed to drinking plain water are deoxidized enzymatic activity High, intramuscular Lactic acid accumulation Less, not easy to fatigue.
Drinking more boiled water for the elderly can prevent Myocardial ischemia , Lung ischemia Cerebral vascular blockage miocardial infarction And other diseases blood viscosity This kind of disease is most likely to occur in summer, especially from July to August. Blood viscosity is clinically referred to as blood viscosity When the blood viscosity increases, the blood flows slowly, and the oxygen and nutrients obtained by the body tissues are relatively reduced. When the blood viscosity increases to a certain extent, the blood will coagulate, that is, there will be blood clots, causing Vascular embolism , causing ischemia Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
Physiologists have tested the blood viscosity ratio of the elderly, and summer is the period of the highest blood viscosity. Research shows that the changes of blood viscosity in the elderly are related to Senile disease The seasonal comorbidity is obviously related, and ischemic diseases mainly occur in hot summer.
The simplest and most effective way to prevent the increase of blood viscosity in summer is to drink a cup of light tea or cold boiled water in the morning, middle and evening respectively. For the healthy elderly, simply drinking water can prevent the increase of blood viscosity. about Cardio cerebrovascular disease For patients, besides drinking water, they also need to choose a drug suitable for their condition under the guidance of doctors, stick to using it in summer, and monitor their blood viscosity changes to prevent ischemia Cardiovascular disease The purpose of. [3]