
One of the 88 constellations in the whole sky
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Herdsman Latin : Bo ö tes/bo ʊ ˈ o ʊ ti ː z/) is one of the 88 constellations in the whole sky, located in the northern sky Virgo The width is about 30 degrees and the height is about 50 degrees. Hercules is one of the 88 modern constellations, and also one of the 48 constellations described by Ptolemy, an astronomer in the second century. It contains the fourth bright star in the whole night sky, the orange giant star Arcturus Hercules is also home to many other bright stars, including 8 stars brighter than 4 and 21 stars above 5. There are a total of 29 stars that can be easily seen by the naked eye. [14]
Hercules can be divided into two parts: Arcturus and the stars on the east and west sides, and many in the north pentagon The stars of. In the constellation of Shepherds Arcturus It is the fourth brightest star in the night sky, second only to Sirius Elderly Star and Alpha , than Vega Still bright, 37 light years from the sun. [1]
Chinese name
Latin name
Latin abbreviation
907 km²
Area ranking
Number of bright stars
3( Arcturus izar Right camera lift I
Brightest star
Arcturus (Andromeda alpha)
meteor shower
January Bootids/June Bootids/Quadrantids
Adjacency constellation
Virgo ursa major Beagle Corona Borealis Hercules the dragon Backseat Serpent
Best observation time
May June
Optimum observation latitude
+Between 90 ° and - 50 °
Fully visible area

Constellation characteristics

The Shepherdess seen by the naked eye
Herdsman is one of the northern sky constellation , on celestial sphere Position span on Declination 0 ° to+60 °, Right ascension 13:00 to 16:00. Name from Greek Βοώτης, It means shepherd or farmer (literally, cattle driver, and Latin Bovis "cattle" homologous). It is written as Bo ö tes in Latin, and the "ö" in the name is Diatonic The symbol means that each "o" should have a clear individual pronunciation. Shepherd is one of 88 constellations in modern times, and also an astronomer in the second century Ptolemy One of the 48 constellations described. [2] It contains the fourth bright star in the whole night sky, the orange giant star Arcturus Hercules also includes many other bright stars, including 8 stars brighter than 4 and 21 stars above 5. There are a total of 29 stars that can be easily seen by the naked eye. Hercules is composed of several medium brightness stars pentagon , like a big one kite , the brightest star in this constellation, Arcturus( Apparent magnitude -0.04m), like a light hanging under a kite. Arcturus is one of the three brightest stars in the northern sky (the other two are Vega and Capella )The ancient Greeks praised it as "the most beautiful star among the stars". ancient Greek People think of the star map of Hercules as a fierce hunter, holding a spear in his right hand and holding it high in his left hand ursa major In late spring and early summer, the constellation of Shepherd is zenith Location. [3]



Major constellations

Bayer designation Franstide nomenclature Other names Chinese Star Officer Apparent magnitude remarks
Hercules alpha Herdsman 16 Arcturus arcturus ---- It means "bear guardian"; The brightest star in Shepherd; The third bright star in the whole day
Herdsman beta Herdsman 42 Nekkar Increase by five for seven public works ---- It means "cattle herder"
Herdsman gamma Herdsman 27 Seginus Swagger 3.04 etc It means "keeper"; The fourth bright star of Shepherd; Dwarf cepheid variable
Herdsman δ Herdsman 49 Princeps Seven public seven 3.46 etc The fifth bright star of Shepherd
Herdsman ε Herdsman 36 Izar izar 2.35 etc It means "belt"; The second bright star in Shepherd; binary star
Zeta of Shepherd Herdsman 30 ---- Left camera lift III 3.78 etc binary star
Herdsman η Herdsman 8 Muphrid Right camera lift I 2.68 etc It means "silent"/"gunman"; The third bright star of Hercules
Shepherd θ Herdsman 23 Asellus Primus Sky Gun Three 4.04 etc It means "the first donkey"
Herdsman Herdsman 21 Asellus Secondus Sky Gun II 4.75 etc It means "the second donkey"; Dwarf cepheid variable
Herdsman κ Herdsman 17 Asellus Tertius Sky Gun One 4.53 etc It means "the third donkey"; Dwarf cepheid variable
Herdsman λ Herdsman 19 Aulad al Thiba Xuange 4.18 etc It means "hyena cub"
Herdsman μ Herdsman 51 Alkalurops Seven for six 4.31 etc It means "stick"; binary star
Shepherd ν 1 Herdsman 52 ---- Seven for five 5.04 etc ----
Shepherd ν 2 Herdsman 53 ---- Seven public funds increase nine 4.98 etc ----
Herdsman ξ Herdsman 37 ---- Left photography increased by one 4.54 etc Dragon BY variable star Close star
Shepherd's Seat o Herdsman 35 ---- Left camera lift I 4.60 etc ----


Simulation diagram of Tau Bo ö tis Ab
As early as 1996, Conjoint star Right camera lift II (Tau, Tau Boo) is found to have a mass of 4.13 ± 0.34 M J The exoplanet Tau Bo ö tis Ab exists. This is a Hot Jupiter [4] It is also the first batch to be discovered Extrasolar planets one of. Other stars that have found exoplanets include HAT- P-4 , HD 128311, HD 132406, HD 131496, HD 132563, HD 136418, WASP-14, WASP-23, etc.

stellar structure


Globular clusters and galaxies

Shepherd is far away from the sky Silver plate A constellation of Open cluster And nebulae, but there are many bright Globular cluster And dim galaxies. [5] Globular cluster NGC 5466 The brightness of is more than 9.1, etc, Apparent diameter Is 11 Angular second [6] It is a globular cluster with very loose structure and only a few stars, so it looks like an open cluster with a large number of stars under the telescope. NGC 5466 at Sharpley Sawyer concentration classification It belongs to the most loose level 12, reflecting its decentralized nature. [5] The apparent diameter of NGC 5466 is large, which obviously leads to Face brightness Low, so the brightness seems to be far lower than 9.1 on the star list, requiring large amateurs Astronomical telescope Come and watch. Ordinary amateur telescopes can only see more than ten stars. [5] There are two brighter Galaxy NGC 5248 (Codwell 45, Caldwell 45) On Hubble sequence Divided into Sc type galaxies( Swivel arm Slack Spiral galaxy ), apparent magnitude 10.2, apparent diameter 6.5 and 4.9 angular seconds. [6] NGC 5248 is 50 million light years away from the earth Virgo Galaxy Cluster Of the galaxy, its Spiral arm The outer edge is dim and can be seen Ionized hydrogen region Dust belt And young stars. NGC 5676 is another Sc type galaxy , apparent magnitude 10.9, apparent diameter 3.9 and 2.0 angular seconds. [6] NGC 5008 is a Sc type Emission line galaxy [7] NGC 5548 It's an S-shaped Siver galaxy [8] NGC 5653 is an S HII type galaxy. [9] The classification of NGC 5778 is the same as that of NGC 5825 Elliptical galaxy [10] And is Galaxy cluster The brightest in. NGC 5886 And NGC 5888 SBb type galaxy NGC 5698 Yes Barred spiral galaxy In 2005 Supernova SN 2005bc, The peak luminosity reaches 15.3, etc., so it is noted.

Shepherd Hollow

At a further distance, there is a diameter of 250 million Light year Of Shepherd Hollow It is an empty giant without galaxy cosmic voids The Andromeda hole is about 700 million light years away from the earth Robert Kirshner (Robert Kirshner) and colleagues in 1981. There are two boundaries behind this hole Supercluster , about 830 million light years and 1 billion light years away from the earth respectively. [6]

meteor shower


Quadrant Meteor Shower

In January every year, the active quadrant meteor shower radiation point is in the constellation Hercules
Quadrant Meteor Shower (Quadrants, QUA) is the largest number of meteors meteor shower One, discovered in January 1853, by William Herschel Named after Alexander Stewart Herschel, grandson of William Herschel. [11] Quadrant meteor shower Radiant point In Shepherd, near Sky Gun One (Herdsman κ), [11] The previous constellation name is Quadrant pedestal In 1920, the quadrant pedestal was International Astronomical Union Incorporated into the constellation of Shepherd. The meteors in the Quadrant Meteor Shower are very dim, but during the maximum period of January 3-4, the number of meteors per hour is about 100. [12] The peak number of meteors per hour in the zenith of the Quadrant Meteor Shower is about 130, which is also a meteor shower with a very narrow occurrence period. The Quadrant Meteor Shower is famous for its difficult observation because of its low radiation point and bad weather. The mother body of this meteor shower has been controversial for decades, [11] Peter Jenniskens believes that the matrix is asteroid 2003 EH one However, this asteroid may be associated with comet C/1490 Y1 (Ming Dynasty Qingyang The meteor shower event), C/1490 Y1 was considered as the potential parent of the Quadrant meteor shower in the past. 2003 EH one Originally belonged to Jupiter family Of Short period comet , which may have been catastrophic 500 years ago Impact event The disintegration resulted in C/1490Y1 and quadrant meteor shower. The quadrant meteor shower is generally Sleep state However, it was very active in 1982, 1985 and 2004. Meteors from this meteor shower often seem to have blue and white colors and moderate speed, 41.5 to 43 kilometers per second. [13]

Alpha Andromeda meteor shower

On April 28, 1984, visual inspection Observer Frank Witte, from 00:00 to 2:30, observed a remarkable explosion in the normally calm star Arcturus. Through his 6cm telescope, he observed 433 meteors with a diameter of less than 1 ° near Arcturus field Appears in. Peter Janis commented that the eruption was similar to "typical passing through comet dust tail". Alpha Bootids usually starts on April 14, peaks on 27 and 28, and ends on May 12 [26]. Its meteor speed is slow, about 20.9 kilometers per second, probably Schwarzman Waszman Comet 3 (73P/Schwassmann Wachmann 3), but this is only theoretical speculation. [13]

June Shepherd Meteor Shower

June Shepherd Meteor Shower (June Bootids) also known as the dragon Meteor shower, and Comet Ponce Winnick (7P/Pons – Winnecke) was first discovered by William F. Denning on May 27, 1916 [28]. This meteor shower, the speed of meteors is slow, and there was no observed data before 1916. Because the earth has not passed through this star before comet Until the orbit of Comet Ponce Winnick Jupiter The perturbation of Earth orbit It is close to 0.03AU, and the Shepherd meteor shower in June was observed for the first time. In 1982, E. A. Reznikov found that the explosion in 1916 was the material released by the comet in 1819 [29]. But because the orbit of Comet Ponce Winnick was not in the right place, another explosion was not observed again until 1998. However, the radiation point of the meteor shower on June 27, 1998 was in the constellation Hercules, which was later confirmed to be related to Comet Ponce Winnick. These meteors have a long life span, and the brightest meteor trace lasts for several seconds. From the eruptions observed everywhere, there are many fireballs dragging long green wake , and even cast some shadows. The maximum number of meteors per hour at the zenith reaches 200-300 meteors per hour. [11] In 2002, two Russia Astronomers confirmed that the comet's eruption in 1825 caused the eruption of the 1998 meteor shower, and predicted that the particles from the eruption in 1819, 1825 and 1830 would enter the Earth on June 23, 2004 atmosphere The expected meteor shower is not as spectacular as that in 1998, and the confirmed number of zenith meteors per hour is 16-20 meteors per hour. It is predicted that in the next 50 years, there will be no particularly significant outbreak of the Herculean meteor shower in June. Under normal circumstances, only 1-2 slow and dim meteors can be seen per hour; Average of the Shepherd Meteor Shower in June the magnitude It is 5.0, radiating from Draco alpha and Hercules Draco. The meteor shower lasted from June 27 to July 5, with the maximum period on June 28. [13] The Shepherd meteor shower in June belongs to the third type of meteor shower, which is changeable average velocity It is 18 cm/s, and the radiation point is about 7 degrees north of beta star in Hercules. [11]

Constellation myth

There are four versions of the origin of the Greek mythology of Herdsman, but most of them are related to the main god Zeus (Zeus) and Callisto (Callisto)'s son Akas (Arcas).
In 1825, Herdsman was drawn in the constellation card of London. On the right side are Hound and Backhair

Myth 1

The shepherd is Zeus and Callisto Son of (Callisto) Akas (Arcas) One day, the father of Zeus and Callisto Lecanon (Lycaon) After having dinner, Lucaon cut Arcas into Meat paste (It is also said that this was done by the son of Lycaon.) When Zeus learned of his rage, he killed the son of Lycaon and changed Lycaon into Jackal , pick up the remaining meat of Arcas for reorganization, and deliver it to Maia (Maia) Care.

Myth 2

The shepherd is Dionysus, god of wine His apprentice Icarius once tried a new wine for a shepherd. The shepherd was drunk and thought Icarius had poisoned the wine, so he killed Icarius. The dog of Icarios escaped and told Erigone, the daughter of Icarios, that Erigone hanged himself in grief, and the dog died of grief. Zeus turned Icarios into a shepherd's seat, and Erigone Virgo , turn the dog into Canis Major (It was also said that Canis Minor )。

Myth 3

Zeus coveted Callisto's beauty and raped him. Later, Callisto gave birth to his son Arcas, Zeus Wife of Hera (Hera) To punish Callisto for colluding with her husband, hold Callisto's neck and press her on the ground, turning her into a black bear Carlisto has lived in seclusion in the forest for 15 years. One day, she met her son Akas again, but Akas did not know that the black bear in front of her was his mother, and was ready to raise a spear to defend herself. Between lightning and flint, Zeus swept them to heaven with a whirlwind, and Callisto became ursa major And Akas becomes the Shepherd. In 1679 poland In the star map drawn by astronomer Hervelius, Hercules is depicted as facing the direction of Ursa Major, as if Arcas is looking for his mother. [6]

Myth IV

stay MYTHOS Medium, Olympus The main god Zeus and his wife Hera , using magic to turn the beautiful fairy Callisto and his child Akas into ursa major (Its symbol is the Big Dipper) Ursa Minor (Its tail is Polaris )。 The arrogant and jealous Hera was not reconciled and invited the sea god Poseidon (Poseidon) Send a hunter with two hounds( Beagle )Chase these two bears in the sky and never allow them to arrive horizon Go down and have a rest. This hunter is Herdsman.