
Astronomical constellations
zero Useful+1
Eridana Eridanus /ᵻ r ɪ d ə n ə s/) is a southern constellation, which symbolizes a river. Its name is Po River It is also the Latin name of a river in Athens. This constellation is in the second century astronomer Ptolemy One of the 48 constellations listed, it is still one of the 88 modern constellations. It is modern 88 constellations The sixth largest in. [3]
Right ascension
Name of celestial body
Latin name
Latin abbreviation
Rivers( Po River [3]
Area ranking
Number of bright stars
Brightest star
Water Commission I (Poseidon α)
meteor shower
August Borneo Meteor Shower (Now extinct)
Adjacency constellation
Taurus Cetus Cupola Aplysia phoenix Hydra Rhododendron (one corner), Carving base Clock base Orion
Best observation time
Optimum observation latitude
+Between 32 ° and − 90 °
Apparent magnitude of brightest star
zero point four six
Fully visible area
32°N-89°S [2]
Constellation area
one thousand one hundred and sixty-eight Square degree

Introduction to constellations

Eridanus star map
Eridanus is one of the constellations in the southern sky, including the ancient Chinese star official: Tianyuan, Jiuzhou Shukou , Tianyuan, Jiuqi, Yujing and Water Commission , the largest constellation in the north-south span, is also one of the major southern constellations in the northern hemisphere in winter nights. Eridanus from Orion Starting near the southern end, it winds and twists in Taurus Cetus And Aplysia It flows between, until the southern sky comes close Hydra The place. The constellation Eridanus lies between Cetus and Orion celestial equator It extends southward to about declination - 60 °. Most of the stars in the whole constellation are dark, with only one star at the head and one star at the tail attracting attention.

Major constellations

Bayer designation Franstide nomenclature Other names Chinese Star Officer Apparent magnitude remarks
Poseidon alpha ---- Achernar Water Commission I 0.45 etc The 9th bright star in the whole day, the brightest star in the constellation Eridanus
Eridana beta Eridanus 67 Cursa Cursa ---- The second bright star in the constellation Eridanus
Ganges gamma Eridana 34 Zaurak Tianyuan No.1 2.97 etc The fourth bright star in the constellation Eridanus
Sagittarius δ Eridana 23 Rana Tianyuan Three ---- The fifth bright star in the constellation Eridanus; Close star; RS type variable
Ripple ε Sagittarius 18 Sadira Tianyuan IV 3.72 etc There may be a type of Jupiter( Epsilon b ); Dragon BY variable star [1] [4]
Zeta of Eridana Poseidon 13 Zibal Tianyuan Five 4.80 etc ----
Eridanus η Eridanus 3 Azha Tianyuan VI ---- ----
Sagittarius θ 1 ---- Acamar Tianyuan VI 2.88 etc The third bright star in the constellation Eridanus
Sagittarius θ 2 ---- ---- Tianyuan VI 4.35 etc It is composed of wave seat θ 1 Conjoint star
Sagittarius ---- ---- Tianyuan Zengyi 4.10 etc ----
Eridanus κ ---- ---- Tianyuan IV 4.24 etc ----
Wave seat λ Eridanus 69 ---- Yujing I 4.25 etc Cepheus beta variable
Eridanus μ Eridana 57 ---- Nine Qi Two 4.01 etc ----
Sagittarius ν Eridanus 48 Beemim Jiuzhou Shukou Four 3.93 etc ----
Eridanta ξ Eridanus 42 ---- Jiuzhou Shukou Three 5.17 etc ----
Bojiangzuo o 1 Eridanus 38 Angetenar Jiuzhou Shukou Two 4.00 etc ----
References in the table above: [4]
The bright star at the southernmost tip of the constellation Eridanus is Water Commission I Only the south of China can see it. The stars of this constellation have always been associated with various terrestrial rivers, including Euphrates River the Nile And Italian Po River In the vast area south of 32 degrees north latitude, the complete constellation of Eridanus can be seen, including 79 stars brighter than 5.5, including one first-class star and three third-order stars. Included in the 200 bright stars list throughout the day are Water Commission I, β (127th), θ (154th) and γ (159th). Although most of the stars in the constellation of Eridanus are relatively weak, there are not many stars near this constellation, so people can still easily identify it.
Water Commission I It is one of the 20 brightest stars in the whole day (ranking 9th) with a brightness of 0.45. Its Latin name Achernar comes from the Arabic word "Hewei". It is a big blue white star with a radius of 8 times the sun's radius and a surface temperature of 15000 Kelvin. Due to high-speed rotation, the equatorial radius is 50% longer than the polar radius.
The Chinese name of β star of Eridanus is "Yujing San", and its western name is Kursa or Cursa, Apparent magnitude 2.79, etc, Absolute magnitude =0.0, distance=65 Light year
Chinese name of γ - star in Eridanus“ Tianyuan No.1 ”, named Acamar in the west, with an apparent magnitude of 3.24 and a distance of 93 light-years, it is a pair of binary stars with θ 2 in the constellation Eridanus. As companion The apparent magnitude of θ 2 star is 4.42.
Ripple ε( Tianyuan IV )Similar to the sun, with at least one planet (similar to Jupiter )。

deep space

NGC 1407 It is E0 type Elliptical galaxy , apparent star magnitude is 9.8;
NGC 1232 It's type Ss Spiral galaxy The apparent magnitude is 9.9.

Constellation myth


Legend I

It is said that one day, the son of Helios, the sun god Phaethon Driving his father's solar car in the sky. As Phaethon whipped the steed with a whip, the steed lost its normality and ran away from the heaven with the solar cart. The solar car skimmed over the clouds and hit the mountains, turning the earth into a sea of fire. Main God Zeus In order to stop this disaster and avoid the destruction of the whole universe Alistair Danas River Li. At this time, the runaway solar car returned to the heaven, and the earth slowly returned to normal order. Later, Zeus moved the Eridanus River to the heaven and became the constellation of Eridanus in the sky.

Legend II

In early Greek mythology, the sun god was named Helios (Later Greek mythology called him Apollo). He and the forest goddess Clumene He had a son named Phaethon and five daughters. Once, Phaethon's companions humiliated him, saying that he was an illegitimate son. Phaethon Very angry, in order to prove that he is the son of the great sun god, he asked his father Helios. The kind father said to him: "My dear child! You are indeed my son, and I can help you to realize any wish you have." Fa Etong asked to drive his father's carriage to prove himself to his companions. Helios knew that not everyone could drive the chariot of Helios; But he also understood that a father should keep his word. He decided to let his son play with his carriage. After Phaethon jumped onto the carriage, the carriage took him to run wildly, and soon left the track in the sky and drove to the ground.
The earth suddenly became hot, the rivers began to dry up, and the forests burned. In order to save all living beings on the ground, Zeus, the main god, had to shoot lightning at Phaethon. Phaethon was caught off guard, hit by lightning, and fell into Po River And die. The Helios family was in great sorrow. The sisters of Phaethon cried bitterly. Their bodies turned into poplar trees on the bank of the Po River, and their tears turned into tears amber In order to comfort Helios, Zeus moved the Po River to the heaven and became the constellation of rivers in the sky.

meteor shower

This one is not noticeable Meteor group It was discovered by Gary Kronk when checking the 39145 radio meteors observed by Zdenek Sekanina in the 1960s. A total of six clusters appeared from August 2 to 27, with the maximum appearing on August 12, Radiant point It is located at 49.6 degrees of right ascension and - 4.9 degrees of declination. Its parent comet should be the periodic comet Pons Gambart (1827 II Pons Gambart), with very similar orbits, but the perihelion distance is about 0.2AU different, and the difference in orbital half length diameter is about 3.5 times.
Interestingly, although there is no visual data about this group of direct contacts, the American Meteor Association has observed strong activities at 8-10 degrees in the north. Dr. H.L. Alden and Ronald A. McIntosh observed activities in 1926 and 1929 respectively, similar to Franklin Institute in 1941, Charles E. Worley in 1954 and Eli Metzger in 1958. Cuno Hoffmeister listed 5406 radiation points in his "Meteor Nighttalk" published in 1948, and said that in 1937, he South West Africa Similar meteor clusters have also been observed. It can be concluded from the above that the August Borneo meteor shower is very old, so the radio group and the visual group may have been divided into two parts.
Comet Ponce Gambart has been observed for only one month, and its period is thought to be 57.5 years, but it has never been found again. In 1979, someone calculated the orbit of a comet that appeared in 1110, and found that this may be the last return of Comet Ponce Gambart. It seems that its period may be about 1000 years.