
Natural satellite
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Ganymede, also known as "Himalia", is Jupiter A satellite of Irregular satellite , which is also the largest irregular satellite. On December 3, 1904, it Lick Observatory By Charles Dillon· Perrain find [1] In 1975, International Astronomical Union Name it "Himalia".
Chinese name
Foreign name
Charles Dillon Perrine
Discovery time
December 3, 1904
9.56✕10 eighteen kg
Average density
About 2.8 g/cm ³
surface temperature
Approx. 124 K
Escape speed
0.1 km/s
zero point zero four
Apparent magnitude
14.6 etc
Rotation period
7.782 h
Semimajor axis
zero point zero seven six four two AU (relative to Jupiter)
zero point one five seven nine eight
Revolution period
250.5662 d
Rail inclination
29.59 degrees (relative to Jupiter's equator)
Near wood point
0.065 AU
Farwood point
0.087 AU
Orbit circumference
0.478 AU
Average track speed
3.34 km/s
Surface area
About 90800 km ²
About 2570000 km ³
Surface gravity acceleration
About 0.062 m/s ²

Discovery and naming

Ganymede (English: Himalia) 1975, the International Astronomical Association named it Himalia( Himaria )。 stay MYTHOS In Chinese, Hemalia is a goddess. She and Zeus yes Three sons
It was not until 1975 that Ganymede was named after the Greek myth of Himalia. Before then, Ganymede simply Jupiter VI (Jupiter VI) or Jupiter satellite VI (Jupiter Satellite VI). But with Europa The discovery of Ganymede began to appear Official name So the astronomer A C. D. Cromerin wrote:
"Unfortunately, Jupiter It is no longer feasible to use the number as the name of the satellite of Jupiter satellite The number of is as messy as that of Saturn before. However, Saturn's satellites have changed their names. Therefore, I strongly suggest that we learn Saturn satellite Similarly, the number is changed to the name, which is more poetic. [2]
So finally Ganymede was named Himaria , sometimes I will call it Hestia (Hestia)。

Track characteristics

Blue dot: Jupiter; Pink: Ganymede; Middle: Ganymede
Ganymede is Himali Subgroup The largest member of the group, so the Himalian group is named after it. This constellation includes five satellites orbiting Jupiter. They are within 11 to 13 million kilometers of Jupiter. Their Autorotation shaft Inclination They are all around 27.5 degrees. Ganymede has 9782900 kilometers near the log point and 13082000 kilometers far from the log point, while its orbit is similar to the ecliptic Angle of intersection 27.50 °, the intersection angle between the orbit and Jupiter's equator is 29.59 °, which meets the requirements of the Himalian Group Eccentricity of track 0.15798, the average revolution speed is 3.34 km/s.

physical characteristics

Like other satellites, Ganymede's surface is gray, with Color index B-V=0.62、V-R=0.4, This value is similar to the C-shaped asteroid [3] In addition, Cassini found a frequent and ordinary Electromagnetic spectrum The absorption wavelength is 3 μ m. This electromagnetic spectrum indicates that there may be water on Ganymede. [4]


Ganymede photographed by New Horizons
In 2000, Cassini On the way to Saturn, the probe took several photos of Ganymede, some of which were even taken from a distance of 4.4 million kilometers. But the resolution of those photos was very low, and they only occupied a few pixels of the image, and did not show any details of the surface of Ganymede. According to the photos taken, Ganymede has about 150 ± 20 × 120 ± 20 km, which is similar to the value observed on Earth [5] In addition, in March 2007, I will go to Pluto Of New Horizon No Photos of Ganymede were also taken at 8 million kilometers, and the resolution of these photos is also very poor.