Continuous improvement

Japanese management concept
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Kaizen method was originally a Japanese Management concept It refers to gradual and continuous increase and improvement. It's Japan Continuous improvement Father Massaki Imai In the book "Improvement - the Key to the Success of Japanese Enterprises", Kaizen means improvement, involving continuous improvement of every person and every link: from the top management department, managers to workers. The strategy of "continuous improvement" is the most important concept in Japanese management and the key to the success of Japanese competition. Kaizen is actually a philosophy of lifestyle. It assumes that we should constantly improve every aspect of our lives.
Chinese name
Continuous improvement
Foreign name
Continual improvement
Massaki Imai
It is a Japanese management concept


The key factors for continuous improvement are: quality, the efforts of all employees, intervention, voluntary change and communication.
Continuous improvement is applied and improved as part of the system level. Through flow and Pull system To improve Delivery time , process flexibility and customer satisfaction response speed , improvement activities have improved the company's process from beginning to end.


1. Long term, continuous, peaceful, but not significant
2. Many small ranges
3. Continuous and incremental
4. Gradual and stable
5. Everyone involved
7. Traditional know-how and up to date technology Development level Objectives of
8. Maintenance and improvement
9. Emphasize small investment, but make great efforts to maintain
10. Tilt to personnel
11. The process of striving for better results (capabilities)
12. Effective for slow growing economies
13. Only by forming a cultural atmosphere can we persist and make progress in a spiral way for a long time


Continuous improvement refers to "improving the quality of products in different fields or Working position Continuous improvement and perfection "originated from TWI (Training Within Industries) and MT (Management Training).
TWI means Front line managers Skill training , originated in Britain in the 1920s, developed in World War II The United States in the 1950s, and the real improvement was in Japan in the 1950s. "Industry" widely adopted by the US arms industry after World War II Internal training ”It was developed in the United States in the 1940s. When TWI was introduced in many countries, it had the greatest impact in Japan. At least 10 million Japanese business leaders, professionals and employees were trained by TWI, which had a profound impact on the theory and practice of Japanese business management.
TWI includes four standard training contents:
First of all, JIT (Job Instructional Training) makes leaders realize the importance of getting enough vocational training for employees and how to conduct such training;
Secondly, JMT (Job Methods Training) is about how to improve and perfect Working methods And put it into practice;
Third, JRT (Job Relations Training) is about supervisor-subordinate Guanxi and Leadership methods Of. In Japan, these trainings are organized by different professional organizations such as Japanese industry Training Association. At the same time, many leading Japanese companies use TWI to train their potential leaders after making appropriate changes as needed.
Fourth, JST (Job Safety Training) is a countermeasure and method that enables grass-roots supervisors to learn how to make similar disasters never happen again.
MT is US Air Force It was also introduced by Japan after World War II. With the unremitting efforts of the Ministry of Industry and International Trade of Japan for nearly 50 years, more than 3 million Japanese business leaders had received MT training by the end of 1994. In Japan, in order to enter the upper leadership of enterprises, obtaining MT training certificate is almost a necessary means.
MT training enables Japanese business leaders to acquire the following three aspects of knowledge:
Understand the relationship between employees and Personal relationship Importance of
Methods and values of continuous improvement and improvement of processes and products
Connect people with Working methods The benefits of scientific and reasonable use of "plan execution inspection"
In short, the Japanese business community, through the introduction of TWI and MT Digestion and absorption In combination with the actual situation of Japanese enterprises management theory as Total Quality Management (TQM), just in time production system (JIT), etc., gradually forming a complete KAIZEN system.


If an enterprise wants to use Kaizen strategy to achieve success, it must import the following systems:


(Total Quality Management)
Total Quality Management (TQM) is created by Total quality control TQC )Evolved from, the early TQC only emphasized the quality control in each process Priority , i.e. comprehensive quality control; Now TQM includes all aspects of the enterprise.
People should not only regard TQC/TQM as a quality control activity, but also through continuous improvement in all aspects of the work Be treated as Enterprises' ability to enhance competitiveness and profit potential development strategy The "Q" in TQC/TQM means quality - priority, and also includes the control objectives of cost and delivery time. "T" stands for "comprehensive and full staff", which means that all employees in the enterprise, from top to bottom, from the top leadership to the middle leadership, to the production line operators, must participate. In addition, suppliers, agents and distributors are also involved. "T" also means top management, which requires senior leaders of enterprises to take management responsibilities and obligations for the success of TQC/TQM implementation in the enterprise. "C" stands for control, that is, process control. With the help of TQC/TQM, people can understand the essence of the process, monitor and constantly improve it, so as to achieve successful improvement. The task of enterprise leaders in TQC/TQM activities is to evaluate the process with the help of the results. The results of this evaluation are the basis for improving the process, not the reason for criticizing employees. TQC/TQM theory includes the following Working methods Or tools: Enterprise strategic restructuring Quality assurance system Standardization, training cost control And quality group work Etc.


(Total Productive Maintenance)
implement Full production maintenance Mode has become a fashion. The focus of Total Quality Management (TQM) is generally to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, specifically to improve product quality And the whole staff Production maintenance TPM )It focuses on improving the efficiency of equipment. The goal of TPM is to establish Prevention first Of device management And maintenance system to extend the service life of the equipment and maximize the overall efficiency of the equipment. TQM requires the participation of all employees of the whole enterprise, while TPM requires the participation of all employees related to production, including production personnel and maintenance personnel. About cleaning and order 5S activities (i.e., rectification, sorting, cleaning, inspection, and literacy) is the foundation of TPM. The implementation of 5S alone can bring amazing results to enterprises.


(Just In Time)
Just in time Originated from Japan Toyota Motor Company Its purpose is to create a flat production system that can flexibly respond to changes in market demand by eliminating every value-added activity within the enterprise. establish Just in time production The methods or strategies used in the system are as follows: the adjustment of beat time and cycle time Single piece flow "Pull" type production, eliminate hidden dangers that cause equipment downtime, "U" type Production structure , "Kanban" and reducing equipment time.
In order to realize this ideal just in time production system, Kaizen needs to be continuously promoted and thus eliminate all value-added working process Just in time production system for enterprises cost reduction Remarkable results can be achieved while ensuring the delivery date of products and improving the profitability of the enterprise.
To sum up, in order to achieve the control objectives of quality, cost and delivery date (QCD) and Customer satisfaction Enterprises must introduce three basic systems: Total Quality Management (TQM), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Just in time (JIT)。
These three basic systems have their own emphasis Total Quality Management (TQM) takes the overall quality as the main objective; TPM focuses on the running quality of machines and equipment; And just in time (JIT) takes the other two very important aspects, namely cost and delivery time, as control objectives. Only when total quality management (TQM) and total production maintenance (TPM) have been effectively implemented in an enterprise can we further consider introducing just in time (JIT) production system.


(Policy Deployment)
Although Kaizen's goal is to improve, if Kaizen doesn't Define goals If it is allowed to develop, its role will be limited. In the process of Kaizen activities, enterprise leaders should actively formulate clear goals and undertake Leadership responsibility To ensure that the intended goal is achieved. Careful preparation and control shall be carried out during the import period of Kaizen. The top leadership of the enterprise must first plan a long-term development strategy, and then refine it into medium-term and Annual objectives
The top leadership of the enterprise must also formulate the corresponding "implementation" plan according to its long-term development strategy system, and then pass it organization structure From top to bottom, it is refined and decomposed layer by layer to gradually form an action plan. For example, if the goal of an enterprise is "to maintain competitiveness, we must reduce costs by 10%", then we can improve throughput , reduce inventory and scrap rate or improve production process And so on. Kaizen without a goal is like a journey without a destination. Kaizen is the most efficient if everyone is working towards a common goal, which is supported by enterprise leaders.

Reasonable suggestions

Reasonable suggestions are an integral part of Kaizen's strategy, which can be improved through the active participation of employees professional ethics Japan business The reason for valuing rationalization suggestions is that it can increase employees' interest in participating in Kaizen. They encourage employees to put forward rationalization suggestions as much as possible, although sometimes some suggestions seem almost useless. Enterprise leaders do not expect that every proposal will bring huge benefits to the enterprise. It is important for them to cultivate active participation in Kaizen and Self discipline Employees of. The western business community's view of rationalization proposals mainly focuses on what they can bring economic interest

group work

(Activities of Groups)
Generally, it refers to an informal organization connected by specific work to achieve certain goals within an enterprise. The most famous form is Mass circle (Group).
The quality team is not only committed to quality, but also cost, safety and production capacity.
The first task of enterprise leaders is to ensure product quality - by establishing Quality assurance system Staff training Enterprise strategic objectives The planning, formulation and implementation of, and the interconnection of various systems will enable the entire enterprise to achieve the predetermined goals of quality, cost, and delivery time.
If the activities of the enterprise quality team are successful, it can indicate the support of the enterprise leaders for such team activities.
In short, the ultimate goal of Kaizen's strategy is to achieve simultaneously through cross departmental plans Enterprise quality , cost and delivery date.

follow a principle

1. Lose the rigid view of the original process
2. Consider how you can do things instead of finding reasons not to do them
3. No excuses, questioning existing methods
4. Don't pursue perfection, and put it into practice immediately, although only 5% of the agreed goal is achieved
5. Correct errors immediately
6. Kaizen activities don't have to cost money
7. Remove obstacles and find resolvent
8. Ask "why?" five times and find the real reason
9. Gather everyone's opinions rather than just individual ideas
10. Kaizen's possibilities are endless


1. Select Task
First, explain the reason for selecting this project or task. These tasks are usually determined according to the development goals of the enterprise, but sometimes the current situation of the enterprise will also affect this choice - based on its importance, urgency or Economy
2. Find out the current situation
Before the project starts, the essence of the current situation of the project must be clarified and analyzed. This requires people to go to the site to understand the situation and apply KAIZEN's five "gold" principles, or collecting data
3. The collected data should be analyzed in depth so as to clarify the real background and reasons of the event.
4. The countermeasures are studied on the basis of analysis.
5. Import and implement countermeasures.
6. Observe and record the impact of countermeasures.
7. Revise or reformulate the standard to avoid the recurrence of similar problems.
8. Check the whole process from step 1 to 7 to introduce the next action.
This procedure is also consistent with the principle of PDCA cycle: from step 1 to 4, it is mainly planning (P), step 5 is doing and executing (D), step 6 is checking (C), and steps 7 and 8 are adjusting (A). This kind of program is a kind of Data analysis To solve problems. In addition, visualizing the problem solving process and actively communicating in the problem solving process, as well as establishing efficient documentation, will also help promote Kaizen's activities.

Motivate employees

Commend and reward minor progress
Record the work correctly completed by employees
(Leaders) adopt an open attitude towards problems
Create a culture of "dare to speak"
Open the process to further improve the standard
Conduct assessment
Involve customers
Establish quality assurance team
Establish reward mechanism
Make employees understand (leaders') expectations
Give feedback on the test results
Create an atmosphere of cooperation
Issue specific instructions
(Leaders) participate in the formulation of standards
Explain why
Give examples and convince people with facts
Training, how and why
Visualize progress
Remove obstacles
Require positive and serious thinking
Create a relaxed environment (no threat)


Visual management The purpose is to make enterprise leaders and employees understand and become familiar with QCD (quality, cost date of delivery )Each element of the control goal - from the overall strategy of the enterprise to the production data and the latest rationalization proposals.
introduce Visual management Reason for:
1. Expose the problem
2. Help employees and enterprise leaders keep in touch with reality

Expose problems

The most basic principle of visual management is to expose problems in the spotlight.
Visual management Five elements of (5M)
Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement
Powerful tools in visual management( 5S
Namely Seiri (sorting), Seiton (rectification), Seiso (cleaning), Seiketsu (inspection) and Shitsuke (literacy)
Post the standard on site
All walls on site can be used as visual management tools. In order to make everyone understand the latest situation of QCD (quality, cost, delivery date), the following latest information should be published on the wall or station:
Quality: about Scrap rate Daily, weekly Monthly report Typical accidents should be made public in order to educate everyone.
Cost: capacity, trend and target
work efficiency : For example Unit product Man hours consumed (number of people × working hours : Output)
Daily output
Equipment downtime, trends and targets
Overall equipment efficiency
Number of rationalization proposals
Activities of the quality team, etc

Setting goals

The third function of visual management is to visualize the goal of continuous improvement and perfection. One of the functions of setting goals is to motivate employees.
Visual management It helps to identify problems and deviations between reality and goals. It is a tool that can not only keep the technological process stable but also improve it continuously. Visual management is an extremely effective means of motivating employees, which enables employees to achieve Enterprise objectives At the same time, they also recorded their role in it.

Implementation steps

1. Select the key processes that need to be improved;
2. Draw Value Flow Chart
3. Development Continuous improvement Seminar;
4. Create corporate culture
5. Promote to the whole enterprise.

Introduction standard

Up to now, many enterprises have introduced some products such as ISO9000 or QS9000 Standards. These standards attach great importance to the standardization and continuous improvement of key processes.
Kaizen regards standards as the best way or method to guide how to do a good job. However, its precondition is that Gemba Kaizen activities, such as eliminating waste, cleaning and order (especially 5S), should be carried out before standards are formulated. If there is serious waste and disorder on the spot, it is meaningless to just record the current working mode.
If standards are introduced, they must be constantly improved on this basis. Kaizen activities must be carefully implemented both in the preparation stage of standards import and after standards import.
It is often heard that people are so busy in the preparation stage of importing the standard ISO9000 or QS9000 that they have no other time to do Kaizen, which may lead to a danger that if Kaizen is not imported at the same time, ISO9000 or QS9000 will only become a dead letter - employees are unfamiliar with it and seldom abide by it in their daily work. This has little impact on improving the efficiency of enterprises.
Therefore, enterprises should introduce Kaizen while introducing ISO9000 or QS9000 and apply it flexibly in practice to continuously improve and perfect Working standards

case analysis

With Automobile manufacturing enterprises Of Representativeness Case study to discuss the working methods and benefits of importing Kaizen.
Case 1: Kaizen's continuous improvement of assembly alternative logistics. The steps for improvement actions are as follows:
1. First step: environmental review
By 2006, TQM, TPM, JIT, PD, Proposal and QC have been successfully imported in this field management system It has been continuously applied in practice, and the introduction of Kaizen has an environmental foundation.
2. The second step is to determine the task and grasp the current situation.
In 2006, the logistics field implemented the "APOLO" improvement action with the theme of improving the logistics distribution mode and optimizing the layout of assembly stations. Final assembly line The distribution mode of border logistics has realized the transformation of "alternate logistics", with an annual income of 80000 yuan. However, the improvement of the layout of the final assembly station has not yet been fully carried out.
3. Step 3: Data analysis
adopt economic analysis When the final assembly station is improved and implemented, the annual income will be 280000 yuan. Through the integrated improvement of the general assembly station and logistics distribution, Payback period It will be shortened to 0.9 years.
Through the man hour analysis of the operation in 2007, an alternative logistics improvement action project was established in 2008. The purpose of the project is to improve labour productivity , reduce logistics Comprehensive cost The goal is Logistics resources 10% less than that in 2007, 70% of the green work station of General Assembly 1, and create a continuous improvement of logistics Working mechanism
According to the line side distribution process, Field analysis It is carried out for three links, namely harvesting, tallying and line side supply.
(1) Receiving: Receiving area It is composed of four areas: direct delivery parts, KD parts, power assembly parts and synchronous parts. The problems that affect the efficiency focus on the imbalance of arrival trucks, insufficient forklift operation area, and platform area People and vehicles Mixed flow, unreasonable layout of operation area and weak management of empty container return.
(2) Tallying: the tallying methods include synchronous distribution and Powertrain Piece forklift tallying, high consumption piece forklift tallying Low consumption piece Manual carrier There are 4 ways to tally goods and general integrable goods ground tally. The problems affecting efficiency focus on failure to comply Standard procedures Operation and nonstandard placement of parts in supermarkets.
(3) Line side supply: 4 line side supply modes are adopted for line side supply, including small piece traction train, bundled piece traction train, large piece traction train and large piece forklift. Problems affecting efficiency focus on non implementation Operating specifications The position of parts on the traction train is inconsistent with the line edge layout, and the line edge is moved at will Station apparatus The position of.
In order to allocate resources reasonably, priority shall be given to the above problems, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort and improve the effect.
Select the time interval that can reflect the real operation condition, calculate the working hours and statistical analysis Based on the quantitative data, the main obstacle recognition table is established. Through weighted calculation, identify the main contradictions and build a foundation for establishing solutions.
4. Step 4: Research and establish solutions
(1) Work hour analysis: the method of work hour analysis is based on Operation Instructions Split the operation phases, time the man hours of each phase, and continuously review and record a reasonable cycle time Analyze the data difference within a cycle, find the waste in the operation process, and improve it by establishing Operation procedures , skill training, operation path optimization, layout rationalization and other ways to eliminate waste.
Perform work hour analysis on the receipt phase: first, break down actions; Then fill in Work Calculation Table, again, analyze the data (normal Cycle time , abnormal cycle time, comparison of operation specification time, calculation of problem occurrence frequency), finally, list and summarize to determine improvement goals.
(2) Process analysis: the purpose of process analysis is to find waste in the process, and process analysis is carried out on the transfer and warehousing link through the process: the original process is to place the parts in the transfer area after unloading by the transfer forklift, and then put the parts in the transfer area into place by the tally forklift; After the process is reorganized, the unloaded parts are directly put into place with the transfer forklift, which reduces the links and saves equipment. Process reorganization eliminates waste,
(3) Set improvement goals: according to the results of data analysis, use existing resources to carry out targeted improvement and calculate the improvement effect.
(4) Rationalization of improvement objectives: there is a certain error between the theoretical calculation and the actual operation. According to the on-site situation and the difficulty of improvement, the improvement objectives should be adjusted from the perspective of rationalization to reduce the difficulty and investment of improvement and save the improvement cycle.
5. Step 5: After implementation and evaluation, save 1 forklift, save 3.7 minutes of working hours and 8.5% of operating costs for each process.
Project implementation necessary condition It is the implementation of organization, plan and resources; The correct attitude towards the success of the project is Kaizen's work philosophy of "looking for countermeasures with a positive attitude, rather than looking for reasons that are difficult to advance passively"; The key elements of success are process control and standardization (the Kaizen project is being promoted).
6. Step 6: The effective process of standardization Practical test New standards and norms, and develop assessment indicators for the implementation of norms; Carry out training for all staff (relevant persons), track the operation effect, and do a good job in the basic work of the next improvement.
Continuous improvement is an eternal theme and a way for any organization and individual to progress and succeed. The pursuit of "success in one move" has never been successful; For continuous improvement, the first thing is to change the concept. Kaizen and even any management A guarantee of success. It can be said that continuous improvement is the basis of innovation and change.

Introduction to mode



Status measurement: formulation Regional data Information collection plan; Improve key areas; Summarize the current situation and take photos to record
Analysis: improve opportunity prioritization; Define area category; Classified sites; Visual identification of the area Planning and design
Improvement: develop feasible solutions; Optimize the selection scheme
Control: establish standards and maintenance system for on-site improvement; Run and maintain improvement effect
Improvement: feed back problem solutions and improve implementation
Kaizen's Common Tools and Skills( a) Value Stream VSM
Introduction to the concept and content of value stream
Drawing of current value stream map (explained with cases)
Improved process future state value stream diagram (case)
management layer Tasks in Value Stream Improvement
Specific application of value stream: process improvement
Confirmation of improvement effect
Visual Management
(c) Other tools
Statistical manufacturing control( SPC
Causal matrix Figure (C&E MATRIX)
QC technique
value engineering /Value Analysis (VE/VA)
Poka Yoke theory
Creative thinking
5W1H put questions to

Improvement activities

QCC activities
Improve the proposal system
Business and work improvement


1. Standardization
In order to achieve the QCD goal of the enterprise, the enterprise must make reasonable use of all available resources, and make plans for the use of personnel, information, equipment and raw materials every day. The use of standards on the use of these resources will help to improve the efficiency of the plan. If problems or deviations occur in the implementation of the plan, the enterprise leaders should find out the real causes of the problems in a timely manner, The existing standards will be modified or improved to avoid the recurrence of problems. Standards are a fixed part of KAIZEN and provide a basis for further improvement. The meaning of standardization in the work field is to convert the process or design requirements of engineers into work orders that workers must follow every day.
5S stands for five Japanese words, which means neatness and orderliness. For any processing enterprise, if it is a responsible manufacturer and wants to become a world-class company, 5S should be implemented as the basis. For each position and individual, 5S rules must be determined separately, and relevant 5S standards must be formulated and complied with.
3. Elimination Muda (waste)
Muda is "waste" in Japanese, which has another deep meaning. Work is composed of a series of processes or steps, from raw materials or information to Finished products Or at the end of the service, it should add value in each process, and then enter the next process. In each process, people and equipment as resources can either add value to the product or not. Muda refers to every activity or process that does not add value to the product. Generally, the reasons that may cause Muda are divided as follows:
Muda caused by overproduction
Muda caused by inventory
Caused by defective products/rework Muda
Muda of action
Muda in production
Wait for the generated Muda
4. Follow the five "golden" rules of KAIZEN:
If problems occur, go to the site first
Check for objects with problems
Take temporary measures immediately
Find the real cause of the problem
Standardize response measures to avoid similar problems happening again


everything Full participation Improvement of suggestion system You may be familiar with it. We have a proposal system. But the improvement proposal here is different from the proposal improvement. The improvement proposal is to improve first and then propose, that is to say, to do first, to improve first, and then to propose. Our original proposal system is completely different.
The improvement proposal system is the basis for all staff to participate in continuous improvement. Start by reducing waste for all staff.
The second is to improve the system for middle and high level subjects. Every leader and every cadre needs to lead a project, which is called a big project, a focus project, and involves the improvement of processes and other major aspects.
The third is the public meeting system for all staff. Whether it is a proposal for improvement or a major project for improvement, the release of results should be taken as the result of appraisal results. This publication or result should not only be made in the conference room, but also reflected in the actual improvement on the site. For example, the improvement of tooling is easier to use than before, and how much time and money have been saved; How much time and money has been saved if a manufacturing process or business process has been improved; wait
The fourth is the expert diagnosis and the diagnosis system of the general manager/chairman. What are the current problems? Where do we need to go next? This requires guidance from external experts and the General Manager/Chairman. At the same time, the process of diagnosis is also the process of testing the improvement effect of the previous stage.
Fifth, the related improvement tools All staff training This is the foundation. You can't improve without mastering the improvement tools. Even if you do, you can't start. So the training of improving tools is required course This includes training and learning at all levels, from new employees to old employees, from the grass-roots level to leaders.
The above five aspects: improvement proposal, big topic improvement, publication, expert diagnosis and tool training constitute the cycle of continuous improvement, so as to create an atmosphere and culture of continuous improvement for enterprises.