Lobular hyperplasia

Medical terminology
zero Useful+1
The disease may occur at any age after puberty. The lesion is composed of glandular lobule and breast catheter End Expansive, proliferative and cystic Pathological process Its occurrence and development and ovarian endocrine Dysfunction Related, mostly due to Progesterone Inadequate secretion and estrogen Relatively or absolutely excessive, resulting in menstruation In the cycle, the hyperplasia and involution of mammary gland tissue are disordered and become ill. However, depression, loneliness and anxiety caused by bad mental stimulation are Hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule The "catalyst" of the syndrome is mostly found in women aged 25-45 with irregular menstruation, less menstruation, short menstruation, unmarried, childless, or non breast-feeding and poor breast-feeding. [1]
Lobular hyperplasia
Multiple population
25-40 years old menstruation Irregular, unmarried, childless, or non breast-feeding and poor breast-feeding women.
Common causes
Endocrine disorder Or mental emotion
common symptom
breast Distention pain , tingling or dull pain, discomfort, severe pain, untouchable
Non infectious


There are many reasons for hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule, but the main reason is Endocrine disorder Or mental emotions are closely related. Women of childbearing age Of breast Controlled by ovarian endocrine, once the ovarian function is affected by some factors, such as emotional instability, uncomfortable mood, overwork, sexual disharmony environment Changes, or overeating supplements containing hormone and long-term use of cosmetics containing hormone can affect women's body Estrogen and progesterone The mammary gland is caused by the imbalance of secretion proportion or secretion rhythm Tissue hyperplasia Lobular hyperplasia is the relative increase of estrogen secretion, which makes the mammary duct expand into a saclike, Cyst wall Of epithelial cells Exuberant growth, forming one or more cyst It shows that there are many lumps of different sizes on one side or both sides of the breast, which are round or irregular in shape. When touching, the texture is hard and tough, and there is a feeling of touching rubber blocks.
Lobular hyperplasia of breast It happens because the ovaries in the body Dysfunction The secretion of estrogen is relatively increased, and there is a feeling of touching a rubber lump. There is no adhesion between the lump and the skin and deep tissue, and it can be pushed, but the boundary between the lump and surrounding tissue is not clear. The lump can be confined to a part of the breast or scattered throughout the breast. The patient often feels breast tenderness It is periodic, especially 3 to 4 days before the onset of menstruation. When menstruation comes, the pain is relieved, but often does not disappear. Most patients with lobular hyperplasia of the breast often relieve themselves after a few months to 1~2 years of onset, which is usually available Bra Holding up the breast can relieve pain, but it cannot be treated fundamentally.
The so-called lobular hyperplasia is just that the breast lobules of a small number of women have grown a little too much. Do not put on the hat of lobular hyperplasia for women who have breast phenomenon in the menstrual cycle.
Therefore, lobular hyperplasia of breast will not become cancerous, while cystic hyperplasia has a cancerous rate of 4%, please pay attention to this.

clinical manifestation

The main clinical manifestations of lobular hyperplasia of breast are: Menstruation In the first 5-7 days, breast fullness and pain, menstrual cramps and breast fullness and pain alleviated, or even disappeared, and there will be periodic changes before the next menstrual cramps. Generally, there are three manifestations:

Breast pain

One or both breasts are distended and painful, tingling or dull pain. If the pain is severe, it is not allowed to touch or walk. The pain is mainly breast lumps armpit Sternoclavirus , shoulder, back and upper limb radiation papilla Pain or itch The pain fluctuates with the change of mood and menstrual cycle, and is often heavier before menstruation. The pain is obviously relieved or disappeared after menstruation. But there are also a small number of people appear in the menstrual cramps about a week after the onset of pain.

Breast lump

One side or both sides of the breast, single or multiple lumps, mostly located at the outer upper part of the breast, are lumpy and nodular, Granular Or strip shaped, mostly in pieces. The boundary of the mass is not clear, medium or slightly hard. There is no adhesion between the activity and the surrounding tissue, but there may be tenderness. The size of the mass varies from small to small, such as sand particles, and large to more than 3-4 cm. Breast lump Increase before menstruation, shrink and become soft after menstruation.

Accompanying symptoms

Patients often feel depressed or upset and irritable dysmenorrhea , irregular before and after menstruation, and a few patients have brown or light yellow fluid spilling from their nipples.



Milk pain

Milk pain It is common for women in their 20s to breast tenderness Is the main symptom, Menstruation It is more obvious in the front, and is more likely to occur outside and above the bilateral breasts.

Breast disease

Adenosis of breast It is commonly seen around 30 years old. Sometimes there are multiple nodules in the breast. During the examination, palpation can feel like a soybean at the bottom of a bowl. Sometimes the hyperplasia is obvious, especially before menstruation, which is often localized thickening, and is not easy to tumour difference.

Cystoid formation

cyst It is often found in patients with anamorphosis Distention pain Dull pain A burning sensation. At palpation, it is usually cystic with clear boundary tumor Sometimes, multiple cysts gather in a pile, which is difficult to differentiate from cancer during examination, so special care should be taken.

TCM treatment


General treatment

Internal administration: Internal administration of Wentong in TCM breast Meridians, Dredging Qi depression , scattered stasis of blood To tackle difficulties and resolve problems to solve both symptoms and root causes.
External application External application of traditional Chinese medicine.

TCM Theory

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the pathogenesis of this disease is mostly related to the dysfunction of the zang fu organs and the loss of qi and blood. The liver and spleen are responsible for the pathological changes of the zang fu organs, especially those with weak spleen soil or spicy overeating Fat and sweet , damage the spleen soil, and cause the spleen soil to migrate Dysfunction , wet accumulation is phlegm or inborn introverted, depressed, sulky or impatient, irritable or Injured by Seven Emotions , excessive anxiety Liver Loss and Dredging , stagnation can lead to phlegm, etc Phlegm dampness concentrate and aggregate, Stagnation of qi and blood And formed tumor


1. Massage: Patient withdrawal Seating or Lateral decubitus position , fully expose the chest. First, sprinkle some talcum powder on the affected breast or apply a little Paraffin oil , and then the whole palm of both hands from the periphery of the breast Mammary duct Gently massage the nipple for 50~100 times.
2. Rubbing Pressing method : on the palm of the hand Hypothenar or Thenar Apply the force to the affected part, gently massage the red, swollen, swollen and painful part, and repeatedly massage the hard part for several times until the lump is soft.
3. Rubbing, kneading Nafa : Use the five fingers of the right hand to grasp the breast of the affected side, apply kneading technique, grasp and loosen it, and repeat the operation for 10 to 15 times. Gently pull the nipple with the left hand several times to expand the nipple Lactiferous duct
4. Oscillation method: Apply force to the hypothenar part of the right hand, shake and push from the swollen breast to the nipple at high speed, and repeat for 3-5 times. The effect is better when there is a slight heat feeling locally. Or borrowing Breast Angel Massage to diminish inflammation. [2]

Decoction method

1、 Lactopyrene drink : 12g Bupleurum, 12g Paeonia lactiflora, 12g Cyperus, 12g Yujin, 9g Qingpi, 9g Salvia miltiorrhiza, Trigonopsis 9 g, raw Oysters 30g( Fry first ), Hedyotis diffusa 15g, 30g for Prunella vulgaris, 15g for Astragalus membranaceus. Water frying Take one dose every day, twice a day.


Operation: 1~1.5 inches Filiform needle stay Tanzhong acupoint Stab the patient's breast root obliquely, Pannus The acupoints also pierce the milk root obliquely; The remaining acupoints are mainly straight needling. After twisting and airing Tanzhong Two acupoints and Wuyi, the other 10 minutes Row stitch Once, with certificate Purgative 20 minutes for each time, 10 times is a course of treatment, and the interval between courses is 3-5 days; Treatment is suspended during menstruation.

Dietotherapy method

Hyperplasia of breast lobule is common in women Breast disease It mostly occurs in women aged 30 to 50 years old, and it is rare before 30 years old. Adult women in big cities Detection rate It is 10-15%, and the detection rate among knowledge women is 30% or higher. Western medicine mostly believes that the hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule is related to spirit and Endocrine disorder In Chinese medicine Lactophilia , it is believed that Liver qi stagnation There are also reasons Chong Ren imbalance Causer.
First pork Wash 50 grams, cut into thin slices, put into a bowl with refined salt Wet starch Appropriate amount, grasp and knead evenly for standby. take sword bean 50g, Papaya Wash 100 grams, cut papaya into pieces, put them in the casserole together with knife beans, add appropriate amount of water, boil for 30 minutes, filter with clean gauze, take the juice and then put it into the casserole, add appropriate amount of water depending on the amount of filtrate, boil it over high heat, add Meat slice , mix well, mix in Yellow Wine In proper amount, boil it again, add some chopped green onion, ginger powder, and a little refined salt. Mix it well. It can be used as soup to accompany meals, and can be eaten at will on the same day.
take ternip Wash 200g, cut into filaments, and mix thoroughly with 2g refined salt. take Jellyfish skin 100g cut into shreds, first rinse with cold water, then rinse with cold water, squeeze dry, and Shredded Radish Put them together in a bowl and mix well. Frying pan Catch fire , bottom vegetable oil Heat 50 ml, put 3 g of chopped green onion into it, fry until fragrant, pour it into a bowl while hot, add 5 g of white sugar Sesame oil Mix 10ml and serve with food.
Food therapy for hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule, and Qingpi Hawthorn Congee : 10g Jiangqingpi, raw Hawthorn Wash 30g separately, cut them into pieces and put them into the casserole together. Add proper amount of water, fry them for 40 minutes, filter them with clean gauze, and take the juice for later use. take polished round-grained rice 100 grams of washing, put into the casserole, add some water, simmer with low heat to cook Thick gruel When the porridge is ready, add the green peel and hawthorn thick frying juice, mix well, continue to simmer until boiling. Eat breakfast and dinner separately.
Kelp 65g (wash away impurities with clean water, soak and expand the cut block), Turtle shell 65 g (crushed), pig lean meat 65 g, Pleurotus sajor caju 65g, boil soup in total, add proper amount of salt and sesame oil to taste the soup. Take it twice a day.
Fangzhong Sea Zone is salty and cold Soft and hard disintegration Pleurotus sajor caju Delicious It is cool in nature and has anti-cancer effect. Drinking this soup often can not only prevent and cure the hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule, but also prevent mammary cancer Effective, cheap and high-quality Dietotherapy prescription
Wash 50g of kumquat cake, drain and cut it into pieces, put it into a casserole, add proper amount of water, and boil it for 15 minutes over medium heat. Morning and evening Separate service , chew while drinking the fried juice crushed kumquat preserved with sugar
Grind the antler plate into powder, 5g each time Boiling Drink it twice a day.
Trina Solar Jujube tea
Asparagus 15 g, Albizia julibrissin 8g flower, red Jujube Five, Hyperplasia nodule of breast The patient makes tea and eats it with a little honey.
Hawthorn orange cake tea
10 grams of raw hawthorn and 7 pieces of orange cake are soaked in boiling water. When the tea is boiling, add 1-2 spoons of honey. Patients with breast hyperplasia nodules should eat tea frequently.
2 scorpions, sandwiched in steamed bread or Cakes and Pastries Chinese medicine, once a day, seven days as a course of treatment, should be used for two courses. Patients with hyperplastic nodules of the breast can rest for 2 days during the course of treatment. If they fail, they can use other methods.
Eel Braised in soy sauce
2-3 eels, Black fungus 3 small flowers, 10 red dates, three pieces of ginger, seasoning, breast hyperplasia nodules patients as usual braised food.
prevention hyperplasia of mammary glands In addition to keeping a good mood, women should eat more kelp in their normal diet. If women are fat and have breast pain, they should eat more kelp. After investigation by foreign experts, kelp can Adjuvant therapy Breast hyperplasia, because kelp contains a lot of iodine, which can promote the ovary Follicles Luteinization It can reduce the estrogen level in the human body, restore the normal function of the ovary, correct the endocrine imbalance, and eliminate the hidden danger of breast hyperplasia.
In addition, eat less fried food , do not eat chicken fed with estrogen beef Eat more vegetables and fruits Coarse grain , walnut Semen sesami nigrum Mushroom Black soybeans , no abuse acyeterion And some chemical products such as estrogen containing beauty products.

Taboo Food

1. Avoid coffee, cocoa Chocolates Etc. This kind of food contains a lot of xanthine, which will promote breast hyperplasia. Therefore, women should eat less of this kind of food. Drinking is also considered the enemy of breast disease. A study found that women who drink liquor every day suffer from Breast tumor The opportunities for.
2. Female abuse includes Estrogens Health care products or long-term use cosmetics, and Climacteric women Long term excessive use of estrogen is considered to be the cause of breast disease. Avoid spicy and pungent condiments or foods, such as ginger, garlic Pepper Leek , Chinese prickly ash, fried food, animal fat sweet food And too much tonic food.
In addition to paying great attention to diet, the most important thing for patients is to adjust their mentality and mood, relieve pressure, cooperate with treatment, and regularly go to the hospital for reexamination or use Mammary gland red light examination and treatment instrument self-examination. Because although it is a kind of chronic disease Although it does not endanger life for a while, it will also bring many hidden dangers to women, so it should be treated as soon as possible.

Prevention and control methods

1. Keep your mood comfortable, Emotional stability Emotional instability will inhibit the ovulation function of the ovary progesterone Decrease, make estrogen relatively increase, cause hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule. Avoid emotional fluctuations, and do not have long-term mental depression, especially in the pre menstrual period.
2. Marriage and childbearing should be timely. We should advocate late marriage and late childbearing, but it should not be too late. It is better for women to get married at the age of 28 and give birth before the age of 30. Late childbearing is also bad for eugenics.
Secondly, contraception should be done well. Because at the 6th week of pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone secreted by embryonic villi will stimulate breast Hyperplasia. If it is an abortion, the hyperplastic breast tissue is not easy to shrink, and it is more difficult to restore its original shape, which is easy to form lobular hyperplasia.
3. Avoid using creams and drugs containing estrogen. Some women use cream containing estrogen for skin beauty for a long time, which can induce hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule after a long time. Do not use cosmetics containing hormone for a long time Beauty products But food contains Hormones The tonic and use of Hormone drugs Treat the disease.
4. Pregnancy and lactation are physiological adjustments to the function of the breast. Therefore, timely marriage, childbearing and lactation are beneficial to the breast; On the contrary, women over 30 years old who are unmarried, childless or breast-feeding less are prone to breast lobular hyperplasia.
5. Sex is regular. Be harmonious sex life It is not cold to maintain hormone levels in the body and physiological regulation of breast tissue. For women, breast is not only a breast feeding organ, but also a Sexual organ During sexual life, breast will occur Periodic change : During the period of sexual excitement, breast Venous congestion Breast enlargement and fullness; Sexual duration When, Areola Hyperemia, papilla Erection; orgasm These changes also reached a peak when; After orgasm, the congestion of areola subsided rapidly, and the enlarged breast gradually recovered after a quarter of an hour.
6. Combine work and rest, avoid overwork, and participate appropriately Sports activities , enhance your own immunity
7. Attention dietary structure Avoid or eat less spicy and irritant food, especially during treatment Doctor's order
Once found Breast lump Or menstrual cycle, breast swelling and pain Nipple discharge In case of such phenomenon, it is necessary to go to the specialized hospital for inspection in time to prevent hidden dangers.

Other related


Relationship with cancer

Relevant data show that more than 90% of lobular hyperplasia is caused by endocrine out-off-balance The nature of the physiological changes is neither inflammation, nor tumor, nor precancerous lesions.
Hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule It's neither inflammation nor tumor, it's breast tissue Physiological hyperplasia Normal organizational disorder caused by incomplete restoration menstruation Cycles related breast pain and swelling, or lumps with unclear boundaries, usually subside with the change of menstrual cycle. This is a common disease, 70%~80% of women have had it. No treatment is needed for those without obvious general symptoms. Those with obvious symptoms can take orally vitamin E For patients with severe pain, symptomatic treatment such as anti-inflammatory and pain relief can be given. clinical medicine It shows that only 1% of lobular hyperplasia will become malignant, and women need not worry too much. [3]

Sexual relationship

According to some data Time of birth The incidence of breast hyperplasia is high for women over 30 years of age, who have never given birth, who do not breastfeed after childbirth, who have too many abortions, and who have too little sexual life. It can be seen that the relationship between hyperplasia of mammary gland lobule and sexual activity is very close.
In addition to the lack of harmonious sexual life, Long term Depressing, not getting Sexual pleasure In addition, it is also related to the fact that the age of first birth is over 30 years old, has never given birth, is unmarried at an advanced age, does not breastfeed after childbirth, and has many abortions Sexual dysfunction And the disharmonious relationship between husband and wife.