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Mammals are in the animal world morphological structure Highest, physiological function The most perfect animal. Compared with other animals, the most prominent feature of mammals is Viviparity And its young are fed by the milk secreted by the mother. Mammals have relatively developed brains, so they can produce more complex behaviors than other animals, and can constantly change their own behaviors to adapt to changes in the external environment.
There are more than 4000 kinds of mammals in the world. Although they have been highly evolved, they still have many similarities: almost all mammals are warm-blooded animal The body temperature is basically constant, and the body is covered with hair to protect the body from cold and heat.
Chinese name
Mammalia Mammals mammalia
Foreign name
Animal kingdom Animalia
Protozoa, Fauna, Euzoa
Lower door
Topical Outline

Life habits

Although the nest of mammals is not as good as birds It is exquisite, but has many patterns and varied locations. mole The underground caverns of; Most squirrels build their nests in tree holes, but Grey Squirrel Built nests on top of trees Branches Room; female Polar bear Dig holes for nests in the snow; some marine animal as Sea Dogs Seals Generally, they do not live in water, but nest on the bank.
Many mammals go out to hunt at dusk every day. Because the temperature rises during the day, Reptiles insect Such cold-blooded animals are not easy to catch because they are active. Mammals have different methods of hunting. Cheetahs often catch their prey at a high speed; giraffe Wrap it with a smart tongue leaf , twigs, and then pull down the leaves with canine teeth; Chipmunks Use your paws to rotate the food so as to scrape off the loose parts of the food and find out the parts that are easy to bite.
Viviparity Fertilization in mammals takes place in the mother's body. Zygote After many splits, it finally becomes a fetus. In placental mammals, the fertilized egg passes through the uterus umbilical cord And the placenta connected with the uterine wall to obtain nutrients. By supplying blood to the placenta, the mother provides food and oxygen for the fertilized egg and takes away the waste. The fetus grows in the womb until birth.
During the period of newborn, female mammals will use Autocrine The milk is fed to the young by breast Secretion. When the baby sucks, milk will flow out of the breast. Breastfeeding is important for young babies, because milk is not only rich in glucose And fat, can accelerate the growth of young, and contain antibiotics, can help young resist disease.
Growth of cubs
Compared with other animals, mammals spend more time and energy on their young. Generally, mammals produce fewer cubs each time, and the cubs need a lot of care to grow smoothly. Most female mammals should not only feed their young to keep them clean, but also protect them and teach them how to survive until they can live independently.

Origin of species

Hadrocodium wui
Mammals are composed of reptile It evolved. Due to its unique constant temperature advantage and mesozoic Warm and humid climatic conditions , mammals have developed greatly. contain Longnose Odd hoofed species Artiodactyla Carnivore primates and angiosperm And the famous Shanwang Biota [1]
The immediate ancestors of mammals
paleontologist It is believed that the caniodonts living in the Triassic are the direct ancestors of mammals. Canodont Small to medium size Carnivorous A few monotreme animals can exceed 90cm in length. They have many similarities with mammals, for example, they all have several different types of tooth The limbs are under the body and can run quickly.
Mammals from therodonts reptile , but it is not sure which type Theriodont Because in therodontoids, the nature of progress and the nature of primitive interlace, very complex. Such as early Theropods Many of its features are primitive, but Temporal foramen But it has increased, and the mammalian toe form of 2-3-3-3 has appeared. Trident has many progressive properties, and can almost be put into mammals, but it still remains reptile On mandible Connection mode, i.e Articular bone The connection of one bone. Therefore, various speculations have been made about the ancestors of mammals, such as canine teeth Mammals , Bao's mammals ictidosauria , Tridentate. The consensus is that mammals are of multiple origins, that is, the vast majority of mammals (including Placenta (dominant) originated from canids, but in a wide range of Mesozoic mammals There are also some from other animal teeth.
since late jurassic Since then, mammals have begun to step onto nature historical stage The earliest mammal fossils were found in China Hadrocodium wui Hadrocodium wui ), which lived 200 million years ago jurassic period Conghua From the stone, the most important difference between mammals (especially early mammals) and reptiles is their teeth. Every reptile tooth They are all the same. They are not different from each other. Mammalian teeth differentiate into different shapes according to their different positions on the jaw, Zoologist Different kinds of animals can be identified through the arrangement (dentition) of various tooth types. In addition, reptile tooth The teeth of mammals are no longer renewed except for deciduous teeth. stay Animal kingdom Only mammals have three bones in their ears. They are two pieces of reptiles Jawbone It evolved. Up to the Tertiary, all mammals were very small. stay Dinosaur extinction Post mammals occupy many Niche By the Quaternary, mammals had become land occupation dominance Of animals. [1]

Important features

Mammals have many unique characteristics, which greatly improves the Survival rate , enhanced natural environment Of adaptability The most important features are: Further development of intelligence and sensory ability; Keep constant temperature The improvement of reproduction efficiency; Get food And the ability to handle food; There are hairs on the body surface, which are viviparous, and generally divided into five parts: head, neck, trunk, limbs and tail; Breathe with the lungs; Body temperature constancy , Yes Thermostatic animal The brain is large and developed. Lactation and Viviparity It is the most prominent feature of mammals. The embryo develops in the mother, and the mother gives birth to the fetus directly. Both parent breast It can secrete milk to feed the fetus. All these involve changes in the structure of various parts of the body, including Brain volume Increase and Neocortex The appearance of the sense of sight and smell is highly developed, and the sense of hearing is better than others vertebrate Greater specialization; tooth and digestive system The specialization of food is conducive to the effective use of food; The specialization of limbs enhances the ability to move. Help to obtain food and escape from enemies; Breathing circulatory system The perfect and unique fur covering the body surface helps to maintain its constant body temperature, thus ensuring that they can environment condition To survive. Viviparity , lactation and other unique characteristics, to ensure a higher survival rate of their offspring and the complexity of some species Community behavior Development of.
Another characteristic of mammals is that they have breast (male or female), in which the mammary glands of female mammals are highly developed. In identifying male and female mammals Sweat gland , hair middle ear Auditory ossicle And the brain Neocortex To make a difference. Except five Monopore All mammals produce offspring directly, except for about 50% of mammals. Most mammals have specialized adaptations Living conditions Teeth. Mammals use the brain to regulate body temperature and circulatory system (including the heart).

Constant body temperature

Skin and hair are mammalian Protective layer They can block the wind, rain and cold. Therefore, no matter how cold the weather is, mammals can rely on them to keep their body temperature constant to adapt to various complex Climatic environment


Mammals have larger brains than other vertebrates, and can better control their own thinking primate (e.g monkey , orangutan). Mammals have more complex behaviors than other animals because of their developed brains. They will learn and can constantly change their behavior to adapt to changes in the external environment.

Keep clean

Mammalian hair is easy to hide dirt and become parasite Of hotbed Therefore, mammals have formed the habit of keeping clean to prevent disease transmission. They are kept clean in a variety of ways, such as licking, scratching, shaking, rolling, bathing, rubbing, gently biting, etc.

Body structure

Skeletal structure
Every mammal has a pair Occipital condyle It is the skull and the first cervical vertebra that form a joint, so that you can move more freely. The secondary oral bone hard jaw isolates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity. When breathing air, the gas will not enter the oral cavity, enabling mammals to breathe air while chewing food. In addition, the ribs of the mammalian neck heal on the cervical vertebra and become a part of the cervical vertebra.
Most mammals have ears that grow outside and can make sounds enter the brain directly, such as the funnel shape of cats auricle It can guide sound waves into the inner ear so that cats can quickly capture sound and judge sound source Direction of. Instead Canidae Many mammals represented by animals can erect their ears and turn to the direction of sound in order to better capture sound.
Mucosa at the back of the nose in many mammals Much greater than Anthropogenic Nasal mucosa Therefore, the sense of smell is more developed than that of humans. Sometimes, mice caught by people will spill Urinate , warn your companions to escape quickly with smell; Africa lion Available Olfactory trace Indicating the territory of its population; Trained pigs can smell underground Truffle
The tongue of mammals is very developed and can move flexibly in the mouth. For example, deer, cattle, etc Herbivores Its tongue can roll the fodder into the mouth freely; Tiger lion etc. Carnivore Can lick water into the mouth with tongue; In hot summer or after running violently, dogs tend to stretch out their tongues and use them to dissipate heat in their bodies.
Mammalian teeth include incisors, canines Anterior molars Different from molars in shape and function. In addition, the tooth morphology of mammals is further specialized due to differences in food habits, such as Carnivore Its canine teeth are developed, and its premolar and molar teeth are sharp, which is conducive to tearing and cutting food; The incisors and molars of herbivores are developed to break and grind the slender and soft plants.
The tail of a mammal is an extension of its spine. The tails of different kinds of mammals are different in size, shape and function. Horsetail is thick and long, which can drive away mosquitoes, flies and insects; The fox's tail is covered with thick hair, which has a good heat preservation effect; Beaver Their tails are used when they swim Rudder Sometimes, some mammals can also use their tails for defense.

Main categories

Mammals belong to Animal kingdom Chordate Vertebrate Mammalia The industry estimates that there are 5400 species of mammals, which are divided into about 1200 genera, 153 families and 29 orders. Mammals are divided into 2 Subclass : Protomammalia (including Oogenesis Of Monopore Animals) Fauna (contains placental mammals and Egg viviparity Of Marsupial Animals). Most mammals (including the six largest orders) belong to placental mammals. The three largest items are Rodentia Chiroptera and Soricomorpha Rodents include rats, Chiroptera includes bats, and Shrews include Shrew mole and Rattus guttatus The other three largest items are Carnivora (Dogs, cats, weasels, bears Seals Etc.), whale cloverleaf( Ungulates whale ), Primates (including humans). Mammals are divided into three main categories according to the mode of reproduction Lower Outline : Monotremes, marsupials, placental mammals.
Mammals are various and widely distributed, mainly according to shape, skull, teeth Appendage It is divided into three categories according to birth mode Subclass Protozoa (including the following 1-3) Metazoa (including the following 4~9) Eucerata (including 10-28 below), there are more than 4000 kinds of 28 orders.
mammal Means Vertebrate lower Mammalia Latin Mammalia )Class I of Pulmonary respiration Warm blood of air vertebrate , can pass breast It secretes milk to feed the young.
According to the data in the book Mammal Species of the World in 2005, Mammalia About 5676 (2008 version of IUCN red data book 5488), distributed in 1229 genera, 153 families and 29 orders, accounting for about Chordate 10%, 0.4% of all species on the earth. Rodentia (mouse porcupine beaver capybara Etc.) Chiroptera (Bats, etc.) and Soricomorpha Shrew ) is the order with the most species in mammals.
The body structure of mammals is complex and different from that of other groups brain Structure, thermostatic system and circulatory system , have the ability to breastfeed for offspring, most of them belong to Viviparity , with hair follicles and Sweat gland And other common external characteristics. They have various shapes, as small as 30mm long with wings Concave faced bat , as large as 33 meters long fish Of Blue whale They have a good environment adaptability , distributed in a wide range of areas from the ocean to the mountains, from the tropics to the polar regions. Humans are also members of mammals.

Classification summary

Summary of mammal classification:
10. Anodonta
15. Primates
20. Odaria
21. Pyrola
25. Rodentia
28. Finopoda

Representative animals

Human( Highest (mammals), lions, tigers, gray wolves, red foxes, white rhinoceroses, hippos, giraffes, ordinary zebras, zebras with fine stripes, mountain zebras, yellow muntjacs, donkeys, mules, ligers, tiger lions, Japanese hippos, Hokapi, mice, small shrews, moose, mouse deer, milu deer, sika deer, sable, monkeys, camels, malay tapirs, Sino American tapirs, lowland tapirs, mountain tapirs sloth , Greyhound, British Bulldog, Border Collie, French Bulldog, Pekingese, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu, Teddy, Irish Wolfhound, Samoyed, Alaskan Sled Dog, Chihuahua, Husky, Schnauzer, Chai Dog, Kirky, Beagle, Doberman, Yorkshire Terrier, Bulldog, Maltese, Baggy, Butterfly, Beagle West Highland White Terrier, Chinese Crested Terrier, Havana Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Afghan Hound, bristle Fox Terrier, Great Dane, Bitter Dog, Kemundo Dog, Bloodhound, Bajidou Dog, Boxer Dog, Rowena Dog, German Shepherd Dog, Akita Dog, Dachshund, Spotted Dog, Cockapo Dog, Labrador Dog, Hillotti Shepherd Dog, Belgian Shepherd Dog Scottish Shepherd Dog, Golden Retriever, Labrador Dog, Horse Dog, Tibetan Mastiff, Persian Cat, Myanmar Cat, Siamese Cat, Singapore Cat, Somali Cat, British Shorthair Cat, Muppet Cat, Jinjila Cat, Man Island Cat, Maine Cat, Coyote, Mink Bear, Pig Badger, Dog Badger, Honey Badger, American Badger, Beluga, Yangtze Finless Porpoise, White fin Porpoise, Rat Dolphin, Tiger Weasel, Sichuan Golden Monkey, Yunnan Golden Monkey Guizhou golden monkey, Asian wild dog, deer dolphin, argali, sheep, goat, hyena, cheetah, black backed jackal, brown bear, Malay bear, lazy bear, cobra bear, Asian black bear, American black bear, porcupine, Australian wild dog, Asian elephant, African elephant, mammoth, American mastodon, saber tooth elephant, shovel tooth elephant, phobic elephant, cross ridge tooth elephant, ancestor elephant, Uinta, Bucky whale, Anshi Chinese animal Double door toothed beast, giant short faced kangaroo, carved toothed beast, star tailed beast, leopard, musk ox, small panda , warthog, meerkat, impala, Thomson gazelle, springbok, longhorn antelope, long necked antelope, pronghorn, big horn antelope, pronghorn, Tibetan antelope, purple antelope, curved horn antelope, mink antelope, dog antelope, donkey antelope, civet, red and white squirrels, ferret badger, hairy deer, African wild dog reindeer , koala bear Lynx Pangolin , giant panda, giant panda Anteater , small anteater, red hair chimpanzee , gorilla, chimpanzee, gibbon Manatee , Dugong Otter , sea otter, small Civet , civet, tree bear monkey, tarsier, camel, golden jackal, eland, wombat, tree kangaroo, plateau pika, Atlantic black and white dolphin, hairrat, dormouse, jerboa, jumping rabbit, bowhead whale, grey whale, Indian rhinoceros, Sumatran rhinoceros, Java rhinoceros, black rhinoceros, ear fox, prairie fox, big ear fox, grey fox, elephant seal, sea dog, sea lion, bee monkey, broad snout dolphin walrus platypus , echidna, star nosed mole, ring tailed lemur, collar lemur, white headed lemur, white collar lemur, grey headed lemur, red collar lemur, Guanmei lemur, blue eyed black lemur, brown lemur, black beauty lemur, mongoose beauty lemur, red bellied beauty lemur, red fronted beauty lemur, Sang's beauty lemur, Alautra Lake tamed lemur, Jinzhu tamed lemur, grey tamed lemur, Sanghe tamed lemur Broad nosed tamed lemur, bamboo lemur, red collar lemur, blue antelope, running rhinoceros, canine bear, ancient giant pig, fear jaw pig, fear wolf, hole lion, horse island mongoose hedgehog Arctic fox , polar bear kangaroo , kangaroo, beaver, weasel, coyote, lion, archaeopteryx, horned gopher, sloth, blade toothed tiger, bag sword tiger, zebra, arrow toothed beast, king lei beast, Egyptian heavy foot beast, plate toothed rhinoceros, woolly rhinoceros, archaeopteryx, sand wild beast, big horned rhinoceros, ancient forest apes, Caribbean monk seal, giant rhinoceros, Thai pig nosed bat, marmoset, musk deer, grassland Xizhu, white lipped rhinoceros Ring neck armadillo Greenland seal, narwhal, humpback whale, blue whale, sperm whale, killer whale, pseudo killer whale, fin whale, brandt whale, minke whale, minke whale, weasel, yellow throated mink, stone mink, horse, cow, donkey, pig, sand fox, giant squirrel, ground squirrel, rabbit, squirrel, guinea pig, hamster, blue sheep, alpaca, camel, southern raccoon, horned horse, takin, beaver, Tasmanian devil, raccoon, mandrill Baboon, roe deer, roe deer, roe deer, lemming, gerbil, marmot, clouded leopard, black footed cat, leopard cat, African buffalo, red river pig, yellow rat, Mongolian wild donkey, African wild donkey, Tibetan wild donkey, wild boar, Indian bison, American bison, Proctor's wild horse, European wild horse, puma, leopard, yak, long nosed raccoon, skunk, bear civet, red deer, caracal, serval, snow leopard, mane wolf Monkey, black footed weasel, chimera civet, fox ferret, capybara, aardvark, fox bat, blood sucking bat.
Among them, platypus Echidna (or called Tachygolssus aculeatus ), Yuanmole (or Long snouted echidna )It is a special mammal. They are not viviparous, but Oogenesis However, it is still classified as a mammal and belongs to egg laying mammal. They all live in Australia

Research findings

July 2022, USA University of Illinois Ebana - University of Champaign biologist Kevin Johnson and Co author To mammals“ Lice Tree " genome Research shows that lice parasitized on mammals today can be traced back to the same ancestor parasitized on mammals before the extinction of non avian dinosaurs. The research results were published in Nature Ecology and Evolution on July 4. [2]
December 2022, Japan Nagoya University The research team pointed out that the brain Preoptic area EP3 of neuron It plays a key role in regulating mammalian body temperature. [3]
In April 2024, the research team of Peking University found through research that the neuronal cluster called "suprachiasmatic nucleus" (SCN for short) in the deep brain region of mammals can calculate time through the "collective decision-making" of many neurons, and the accuracy rate of time decoding can reach 99%. This achievement was published online in the international authoritative journal Cell Research. [4]

Species anatomy



Mammalian skin is dense and well structured, which has important protective effects and good anti Water permeability , control body temperature and acute Sensory function In order to adapt to the changeable external conditions, its skin texture, color, smell, temperature, etc environment condition Coordination.
The main characteristics of mammalian skin are:
Perfect structure
Mammalian skin consists of epidermis and dermis. The surface of epidermis is cuticle , the deep layer of the epidermis is Living cell Constituent Germinal layer The epidermis has many derivatives, such as various glands, hairs, horns, claws, nails and hooves. Developed dermis Collagen fiber and Elastic fibre Of connective tissue Composition, two fibers Staggered arrangement There are various kinds of Connective tissue cell , sensory organs Motor nerve endings And blood vessels, lymph nodes, etc. Under the dermis is developed honeycomb tissue, where most mammals store rich fat, so it is also called subcutaneous fat Cell layer.
Diversified derivatives
Mammalian Skin derivatives , including Skin gland Hair, horns, claws, nails, hooves, etc.
one Skin gland : It is very developed and comes from the germinal layer of epidermis. According to different structures and functions, it can be divided into breast Sweat gland Skin gland Odorant gland Musk gland )Etc.
breast by Mammals The unique gland can secrete rich Nutrients To feed the young. Mammary gland is a kind of compound gland composed of tubular gland and vesicular gland, usually opening at the protruding papilla On. The nipple is divided into real nipple and Pseudopapilla There are two types: one or more ducts open out directly from the true nipple; Pseudopapillary Mammary duct The utility model is opened in the cavity at the base of the nipple, and then opened outwards through the nipple by the general pipe. The number of nipples varies with species, from 2 to 19, and is often related to the litter size. Lower mammal Monotreme Without nipples, the milk secreted by the mammary gland flows out along the hair and the baby directly licks it. Mammals without lips, such as whales, have muscles in the mammary gland area that can automatically press milk into the mouth of young whales.
Another kind of skin gland is Sweat gland It is a tubular gland. Its main function is to evaporate heat and remove some metabolic wastes. Body surface moisture Evaporative heat dissipation Sweating is an important way for mammals to regulate body temperature. Some species with underdeveloped sweat glands mainly rely on evaporation from the surface of the mouth, tongue and nose to dissipate heat.
sebaceous glands It is a vesicular gland, opening at the base of hair follicle Whole plasma secretory gland Its secretion is oily, has the function of lubricating hair and skin, and is also an important source of exogenous hormones. The odor gland is a derivative of sweat gland or sebaceous gland. Its main function is to mark the field, transmit information, and some also have the role of self-defense. There are dozens of odor glands, such as musk glands Anal gland Abdominal gland , lateral gland Dorsal gland Prepuce gland Etc. The appearance and development of odor glands are usually related to mammals' sense of smell as the main way of hunting, while vision as the main way positioner The olfactory and odor glands of.
2. Hair: It is a unique structure of mammals Cuticular keratosis The product of. Trichome Hairdo and Hairy root form. Hair shaft is composed of cortex and medulla Component composition; Hair roots are inserted into hair follicles Coat Sheath, with bulbous end Hairball Its base is made of dermis Dermal papilla There are abundant blood vessels in it, which can transport the nutrients necessary for hair growth. There are openings of sebaceous glands in hair follicles, which can secrete oil and lubricate hair and skin; At the base of hair follicle Pili erector muscle Attaches and shrinks to make hair stand upright, which helps Thermoregulation Hirsute morphological structure , which can be divided into long, tough and with certain hair direction Needlehair Prickly hair ), soft and hairless hair, and special needle hair Tentacle The external coat of mammals often forms a coat, which is mainly used for heat insulation and heat preservation. Aquatic mammals are basically hairless, such as whales, with developed subcutaneous fat To keep the body temperature constant. The hair is often worn and faded, and there are usually one or two periodic hair changes every year. Generally, the hair in summer is short and sparse, with extremely poor heat, and the hair in winter is long and dense, with good heat preservation performance. The hair color of terrestrial mammals environment The color of the mammal in the lower layer of the forest or dense vegetation is usually dark, gray in the open area, and sandy yellow in the desert area.
3. Horn: It is the specialized product of the epidermis and dermis of the mammalian head. The epidermis produces horny horns, such as the horny sheath of cattle and sheep and the epidermal horn of rhinoceros, and the dermis forms bone horns, such as deer horn. The horns of mammals can be divided into Cave corner Real angle Pronghorn horn , long necked antler, epidermal horn, etc.
Cave corner , composed of bone core and horny sheath, which is commonly called horn and is born in pairs Frontal bone On the other hand, there is a growing trend that they will not be replaced throughout their lives. The hole angle is Bovidae Unique.
Real angle , is the forked bone horn, without horn sheath. The new horn has tender skin on the bone core, commonly known as antler, such as Deer Antler After the horn grows, the velvety skin gradually ages and falls off, and finally only the forked bone horns, such as antlers, are retained. The antlers fall off and grow again periodically every year Deer Family Animal characteristics. With the exception of a few bisexual horns such as reindeer , or without horns, such as musk deer and roe deer. Generally, only males have horns. Pronghorn horn It is a kind of horn between the cave horn and deer horn. The bone heart does not bifurcate, but the horn sheath has a small fork. The forked horn sheath has fused hairs, and the hairy horn sheath Reproductive period After replacement, the bone core does not fall off. This horn is male Pronghorn The female pronghorn has only a short horn heart and no horn sheath.
4. Claw, nail and hoof: they are all derivatives of the skin, referring to the deformation of the cuticle of the epidermis at the (toe) end, but their shapes and functions are different. The claw is possessed by most mammals, and the claw of the species engaged in digging activities is particularly developed. Carnivore Its claws are all sharp, such as catamount Its claw is sharp and can be retracted. It is an effective predator weapon. A, essentially a flat claw, is primates Unique. The hooves are thickened claws, Ungulates It is especially developed and can be continuously increased to compensate for the wear part.


Mammalian Skeletal system Developed, with complete functions of support, protection and movement. Mainly by Axis bone and Appendage skeleton It consists of two major parts. The main features of its structure and function are: the skull has great specialization, with two occipital ankles, mandible By single Odontoid bone Composition, tooth profile; The spinal column has obvious zoning, solid and flexible structure, and 7 cervical vertebrae; Move the limbs down to the abdomen, and when they appear, press the body up with the knee to adapt to the rapid movement on land.
Axis bone
Including skull and spine( vertebra )、 sternum (sternum) and rib (rib).
1. Skull: Due to the development of mammalian brain and senses and the production of oral chewing configuration Be big. Cranial cavity from Frontal bone Parietal bone , occipital bone Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone Squama bone Tympanic bone The occipital bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone, etc. are all formed by the healing of most bone blocks. The reduction and healing of bone blocks make the skull hard and light, which is an obvious feature of mammals. The brain is located in the cranial cavity Foramen magnum occipitalis It is connected to the spinal cord. There is an occipital ankle joint and the first cervical vertebra joint on both sides of the foramen magnum. The orbit, nasal cavity and oral cavity of mammals are mainly composed of Lacrimal bone , bone observation, nasal bone Nasal concha Maxilla Premaxillary bone , palatal bone Pterygoid bone Vomer bone mandible Hyoid bone Etc. The mandible is composed of a pair of mandibles (dental bones), which is a landmark feature of mammalian skulls. The back end of the mandible is jointed with the squamous bone.
2. Spine: consists of a series of Vertebrae Composition, which can be divided into cervical vertebrae( cervical )、 thoracic vertebra (thercic), lumbar spine( lumbar ), sacrum and Coccygeal vertebra ( caudal )Five parts. There are usually 7 cervical vertebrae, and only a few of them are 6 (such as Manatee )Or 8-10 pieces (such as Three-toed sloth )The vast majority of mammals, regardless of the length of the neck (such as giraffes and hedgehog )All of them have 7 cervical vertebrae. The first cervical scale atlas , the second cervical scale axis The atlas is annular, forming a pair in front Articular surface Joint with occipital and ankle joint, formation of the front end of the axis vertebral body Odontoid process Atlantic Vertebral foramen , allowing the head to turn flexibly. There are usually about 13 thoracic vertebrae, each of which is connected with the rib and ribs and sternum Common composition chest The sternum is segmented. Bats with flying ability and those living in underground caves mole And other mammals, such as birds Similar keel protuberance. There are 4-7 lumbar vertebrae. Sacrum 3 to 5, and fused into one, which is articulated with the waist belt; Limbless Cetaceans The sacrum is not obvious. The number of coccygeal vertebrae varies greatly with the length of the tail, ranging from 3-150.
Appendage skeleton
1. Shoulder belt: Scapula coracoid clavicle Composition. The shoulder blade of the shoulder strap of terrestrial mammals is very developed, and the crow's peck bone degenerates into a protuberance on the shoulder blade. Most clavicles tend to degenerate, and some have no clavicles, such as Odd hoofed species and Artiodactyla The clavicle is developed in the groups suitable for climbing, digging and flying. It can be seen that the development of the clavicle is closely related to the movement mode of the forelimb. The clavicle degenerates for the type of forelimb that moves forward and backward, and the clavicle is developed for the type of forelimb that moves left and right.
2. Belt: from the bone Ischium and Pubic bone Composition. The joint between the ilium and the sacrum, the left and right ischia and pubis Midabdomen Healing to form a piece of marrow bone, forming a closed pelvis. The waistband of mammals is healed, strengthening the support for the hind limbs Firmness
3. Forelimb bone and hind limb bone: its structure is general Terrestrial vertebrates The pattern of is similar, but the front and rear soles (metatarsals) and fingers (toes) of the feet vary greatly with different lifestyles. For example, bats are specialized into winged limbs, and whales are Flipper , odd hoofed and cloven hoofed are quick walking limbs. except Cetaceans Hymenoptera Chiroptera And section Marsupials In addition, most mammalian species have Kneecap Knee joint Forward turning improves the ability of support and movement, which is different from other mammals Terrestrial Characteristics of vertebrates. According to the different ways of terrestrial mammals walking on the ground, foot types can be divided into plantigrade Phalangeal line And hoof walking. Among them, hoof walking has the smallest contact with the ground, which is a foot type suitable for fast running.


Mammalian Muscle system And Reptiles Basically similar, but Structure and function Are further improved. Main characteristics: the muscles of the limbs and trunk are high Plasticity In order to adapt to their different ways of movement, different muscle models have emerged, such as hoofed and carnivorous animals that are adapted to fast running have strong limb muscles.
Skin muscle Very developed. The skin muscles of mammals can be divided into two groups: one is Lipomembranous muscle It can make the whole body or local skin tremble to expel mosquitoes and flies and shake off attached foreign objects. Lipid membrane muscle can also curl up the body Balling Or erect thorns to defend against enemies, such as Dace carp porcupine Hedgehog. In mammals, the lipid membrane muscle degenerates only in the chest, shoulder and groin Occasionally reserved. The other group of skin muscles is the neck physiological sphincter , its surface Latissimus colli It extends down the chin and face along the neck ventral surface to form facial muscles and Emotive muscle The lower type of expressionless muscle in mammals, Carnivore There are expression muscles. The expression muscles of primates are well developed, while the expression muscles of human beings are the most developed, with about 30. There are complex lip muscles around the mouth, which play a very important role in sucking. In addition, distributed in Cranial side and Zygomatic arch , mandibular Temporalis muscle And chewing muscles are strong, which is closely related to predation, defense and chewing in the mouth.
Septum muscle A muscle peculiar to mammals Transverse position Of Voluntary muscle The visceral cavity is divided into the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity. The activity of the septum helps to breathe.

digestive system

Mammalian digestive system include Alimentary canal and Digestive gland The main characteristics in structure and function are that the digestive tube is highly differentiated, oral digestion occurs, and the digestive ability is significantly improved. Related to this is that the digestive glands are very developed.
Alimentary canal
Including mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, etc.
1. Oral cavity: Mammalian oral mastication and oral digestion have caused great changes in oral structure. There are fleshy lips, which are important organs for sucking milk, feeding, and assisting mastication, and are part of the articulation organs. herbivorous Mammalian lips are particularly developed, and some upper lips have cleft lip , such as rabbits. To adapt to oral chewing activities, mammals Oral fissure It shrinks, and the cheeks appear on the outside of the teeth on both sides. Some kinds of cheeks also develop pocket shaped structures Buccal pouch Used to store food, such as monkeys. The parietal wall of the mouth is composed of bone Hard palate and soft palate To open the nasal cavity( Internal nostril )Separated from the oral cavity, the nasal passage is along the hard palate. The soft palate moves backward until it faces the throat, Posterior nostril Opening at Pharyngeal cavity The palate is often lined with keratinocytes to prevent food slippage. The herbivorous and carnivorous species have developed horny ridges. There is a well-developed muscular tongue in the mouth, which is helpful for feeding, stirring and swallowing, and is an auxiliary organ for human pronunciation. Taste buds are distributed on the tongue surface Gustatory organ Onset of upper and lower mandible Profiled tooth , teeth by Alveolar Growing out, medium Medullary cavity , filled with connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves. Due to different shapes and functions of teeth, they can be divided into incisors to cut food, dogs to tear food, molars to bite, cut, press, grind food and other functions. In mammals, there are auricular glands Submandibular gland and Sublingual gland Wait for 3 pairs salivary glands , with a catheter opening in the mouth, which can secrete Salivary amylase To digest food in the mouth. In addition, some mammals Evaporation loss , as a form of thermoregulation. Rabbit and deer have four pairs of salivary glands.
2. Pharynx: The pharynx structure of mammals is perfect, connecting the oral cavity in the front and the throat and esophagus in the back. because Secondary palate The inner nostril also opens to the pharynx, so the pharynx is the digestive tube and respiratory tract At the intersection of. On both sides of the pharynx Eustachian tube Euclidean tube )The opening of the middle ear cavity can be adjusted for protection Tympanic membrane Lymphatic glands (tonsils) are distributed around the pharynx. There is an operculum outside the throat cartilage It is opened and closed to solve the contradiction between breathing and swallowing at the intersection of pharynx and larynx.
3. Esophagus: a slender tube immediately after the pharynx, connecting the stomach at the lower end. The esophagus is the passage through which food passes, without digestion.
4. Stomach: It is an important part of the digestive tract of mammals. Its shape often changes due to different feeding habits. Most mammals are Monogastric Herbivorous Mammals are called Fuwei, also known as Ruminant stomach , generally composed of 4 rooms, namely rumen Honeycomb stomach( Reticulum )、 Omasum stomach and Glandular stomach abomasum )。 Only the glandular stomach is the stomach body, with Glandular epithelium It can secrete gastric juice. The other three gastric chambers are deformed esophagus. The herbivorous animals with regurgitation need to carry out many times during food digestion Rumination , until the food is fully decomposed.
5. Small intestine: The small intestine of mammals is the longest part of the digestive tract, including duodenum jejunum and ileum The small intestine is highly differentiated, and its mucosa is rich in villi, blood vessels, lymph and Chyle duct , strengthening the absorption
6. Large intestine: shorter than small intestine, no villi on mucosa Mucous gland It can secrete alkaline mucus to protect and lubricate the intestinal wall and facilitate the excretion of feces. The first blind branch at the beginning of the large intestine is cecum There is a vermicular process at the end. Cecum in univentricular stomach Herbivores Particularly developed, except walrus armadillo Giant anteater Hyrax Except for one pair of cecum, other mammals have only one cecum. The large intestine of mammals can be divided into colon and rectum, and the rectum directly opens from the anus( Cloaca Disappeared), is a mammal and Amphibian , reptiles and birds.
Digestive gland
In addition to three pairs of salivary glands, there are liver and pancreas , secreted separately bile and Pancreatic juice , injected into the duodenum. In addition to secreting bile, the liver also has storage Glycogen Regulate blood sugar to make excess amino acid Deoxygenation forms urine and other compounds Toxic Substances Convert to non-toxic substances and synthesize Plasma protein And other functions.

respiratory system

Mammalian respiratory system Very developed, especially in Respiratory efficiency Significant improvements have been made in this regard. Air passes through external nostrils, nasal cavity, throat trachea And into the lungs.
nasal cavity
Mammalian nasal cavity can be divided into upper olfactory part and lower respiratory part. The upper end of the nasal cavity has developed Turbinate , there are Olfactory cell In addition, there are Paranasal sinus , enhancing the warming, wetting and filtering effect of the nasal cavity on the air. At the same time, it is also vocal Resonator It is generally an external nostril, but cetaceans are specialized as Spray hole , for Single nostril
The structure of mammalian larynx is perfect. The larynx is the distended part of the front end of the trachea, which is both the breathing channel and the Articulatory organ Laryngeal origin cartilage , ligament, muscle and mucosa. Entrance scale of throat Laryngeal orifice The operculum cartilage at the front edge of the throat wall abdomen can cover the throat mouth when swallowing, and food and water enter the esophagus through the operculum, which can prevent food and water from entering the trachea by mistake. At ordinary times, the throat opening is the door of the air inlet and outlet pipes. from Thyroid Cartilaginous and cricoid Laryngeal cavity The vocal cords formed by mucosal folds on the side wall in the middle are Vocal organ , began to appear in tailless amphibians, but mammals are the most developed (only monotremes and Marsupial Absence).
It is located on the ventral surface of the esophagus and bifurcates into a pair after entering the thorax a bronchial tube To the lungs. The main structural feature of the trachea and bronchus is that the tube wall is supported by many cartilage rings whose backs are not connected, thus ensuring the smooth flow of air. Tracheal mucosa It has ciliated epithelium and mucus glands, which can filter air. The mucus secreted by the mucus glands can stick to the dust particles in the inhaled air. The dust particles are moved to the throat under the promotion of cilia, and discharged through the nose or mouth.
Lung and thorax
The structure of mammalian lung is the most complex, which is composed of“ Bronchial tree ”Bronchobranched Blind end mean Alveoli The number of alveoli is very large, which greatly increases breathing Surface area For example, the total area of alveoli in sheep can reach 50~90m2, that in horse can reach 500m2, and that in human can reach 70m2, which is equivalent to Body surface area 40 times, significantly increased gas exchange The effect of. Elastic fibers are distributed between the alveoli, which can passively retract the lungs with the cooperation of breathing.
The chest cavity holds the lungs Coelom , which is unique to mammals. When breathing activities are in progress, the elastic mouth position of the lung makes the thorax in a negative pressure state, thus making the pleural Parietal layer Keep close to the dirty layer. In addition, it is unique for mammals to separate the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity Diaphragm During exercise, the volume of thorax can be changed, and the rise and fall of ribs can expand or reduce the volume of thorax, so that the lungs of mammals can expand and retract passively to complete exhalation and inspiration.

circulatory system

Mammalian circulatory system Including blood, heart, blood vessels and lymphatic system Its remarkable feature is that it is very prominent in maintaining rapid circulation to ensure that there is enough oxygen and nutrients to maintain a constant body temperature. With left Arcus arteriosus corporis red blood cell Nuclear free.
Mammalian blood and others vertebrate The difference is that red blood cells have no nucleus and are in the shape of two concave oblate disks, only Camelidae and Cervidae The red blood cells of; The volume of red blood cells is smaller than that of other vertebrates. For example, the long and short diameter of red blood cells of frogs is 22.8 μ mX15.8 μ m, that of pigeons is 14.7 μ mX6.5 μ m, that of cattle is 5.1 μ mX5.1 μ m, and that of musk deer is 2.5 μ mX2.5 μ m; The number of red blood cells in mammals is also more than that in other vertebrates, such as Mammals 6 to 13 million. These features greatly increase its surface area and improve its ability to combine with oxygen.
The mammalian heart is located in the middle left of the thorax pericardium There is a small amount of liquid in the cavity, which can reduce the friction when the heart beats. The internal structure of the heart is basically the same as that of birds. It is also four cavity, complete Double circulation (First appeared, mammals originated earlier than birds) veinal blood Do not mix in the heart. right atrium right ventricle Composed of pulmonary artery and vein Pulmonary circulation The walls of right atrium and ventricle are thin, storing venous blood, and there are Tricuspid Valve left atrium Left ventricle Composed of body arteries and veins Systemic circulation The left atrium and ventricle wall are thick, with internal storage Arterial blood , compartment mitral valve The function of all these valves is to ensure that the blood flows in one direction and prevent the blood from reflow. The blood supply to the heart muscle is Coronary circulation Completed.
blood vessel
Including arteries, veins and blood capillary The prominent feature of mammalian arterial system is that it only has left body arterial arch. The left body artery arch turns back Great arteries Go straight to the tail and send out branches to the whole body along the way. Mammalian Venous system Tends to be simplified to a single Anterior great vein Superior vena cava )And after Great vein Inferior vena cava )Replaced the lower level Quadruped Paired Anterior main vein and Posterior main vein Renal portal vein It disappears, and the blood in the tail and hind limbs is directly injected into the posterior great vein to return to the heart. This reduces the steps of passing through microvessels once, and helps to speed up Blood flow velocity And raise blood pressure. In addition, mammalian Abdominal vein Disappear in adults. Azygos vein (right side) and Semiazygos vein (Left) instead of the posterior main vein.
The lymphatic system of mammals is very developed, which may be related to the high pressure of blood vessels in arteries and veins, Tissue fluid It is difficult to return to the heart directly via vein. lymph gland Originating between tissue spaces, with a blind tip Lymphatic capillaries Some tissue fluid enters lymphatic capillaries by osmosis. The composition of tissue fluid entering the lymphatic capillaries is similar to that of plasma, but protein Low content, no red blood cells and platelet The lymphatic capillaries converge into larger lymphatic vessels and then pass through Thoracic duct The anterior great vein was injected back to the heart. so Lymph Only for one-way flow from tissue to vein to heart. There are valves in the lymphatic vessels to prevent lymphatic reflux. Lymphatic vessels play an important role in maintaining blood volume by assisting the return of tissue fluid. In addition, lymphatic vessels are also the main way of fat transportation. The lymphatic vessels of the small intestine (chyle ducts) carry fat through the thoracic duct into the anterior great vein and return to the heart. lymph gland Section is generated lymphocyte It has the function of blocking foreign bodies and protecting the body. Mammalian lymph nodes are extremely developed, which are distributed throughout the lymphatic system, especially in the neck, armpit, mouse stream mesentery And other parts are relatively concentrated. In addition, tonsils, spleen and thymus are also Lymphoid organ

excretory system

Mammalian excretory system Well structured, including kidneys ureter , bladder and urethra. In addition, the skin is also unique to mammals Excretory organ The main function of the excretory system is to Cellular metabolism The waste discharged from the body and the internal environment Relatively stable. Kidney is the main excretory organ. Mammalian kidneys usually consist of a pair, located at the back of the abdominal cavity and on both sides of the spine. The kidney is bean shaped, and its inner edge is concave Hilum of kidney It is the entrance and exit of arteries, veins, nerves and ureters. The kidney consists of cortex and medulla. At the hilum of the kidney, the beginning of the ureter expands into Renal pelvis The cortex is in the outer layer of the kidney and consists of numerous Renal corpuscle Renal tubule And vascular composition. Each renal corpuscle and renal tubule form a Nephron Each kidney has hundreds of thousands or even millions of nephrons, and the renal corpuscle is formed by the coiled capillaries glomerulus And double wall Renal vesicle form. The renal tubules from the renal capsule are long and thin and coiled, extending from the cortex to the medulla. Renal tubules converging into medulla Manifold , many manifolds are also composed of Renal papilla It opens in the renal pelvis, from which urine flows into the bladder through the ureter, and then out of the body through the urethra.
The formation of urine includes glomerular Filtration , renal tubule to collecting duct Reabsorption and Secretory action When blood flows through the glomerulus arteriole Pipe diameter Afferent arteriole Small, so the blood pressure in capillaries increases, so the water in plasma and protein Most substances other than Capillary wall And the wall of the renal capsule. Therefore, urine production is caused by high and low blood pressure filtration. Mammalian urine is produced by urea Composition, while others Amnion It is composed of uric acid. Urea is produced by the secretion of renal tubules and can thicken urine.

nervous system

Mammalian nervous system Highly developed, mainly in brain and cerebellum The volume increases and develops Neocortex Complex folds (sulci and gyri) have been formed on the surface of the brain, greatly increasing the surface area of the new cortex.
Is created by Lateral ventricle The nerve substance on the outer wall grows and surrounds the primary cerebral cortex( Procephalum )The remnant of the protocortex is called the hippocampus, which is still the olfactory center in the lateral ventricle. Cerebral cortex It is composed of developed neocortex, which receives various Sensory organ The impulses transmitted will be reflected according to the established neural connections through analysis and synthesis. about Cerebral hemisphere Through many nerve fiber Contact each other. The pathway formed by nerve fibers is called corpus callosum , is a mammal( Placenta )Unique structure.
It is covered by the cerebral hemisphere and has Pineal gland The pineal gland of mammals tends to shrink. From the ventral surface of diencephalon optic nerve , forming cross scale Optic chiasma , followed by a handle the pituitary Connect. Diencephalic cavity Also known as Third ventricle , very developed. The neural structures in the diencephalon wall are mainly dorsal thalamus Also known as the thalamus and ventral Hypothalamus The thalamus is the lower center and cerebral cortex analyzer Between Intermediate station , sensory impulses from the whole body are concentrated here Cerebral gray matter Replace with another neuron and reenter the cerebral cortex. The ventral hypothalamus is Autonomic nerve The activity center is closely related to the coordination of visceral activities and is Thermoregulatory center
The midbrain of mammals is underdeveloped and very small. The midbrain cavity is narrow and forms a tube, called Midbrain aqueduct , and the third Fourth ventricle Transportation. The dorsal midbrain has Quadruplex , the front pair is visual Reflex center The back pair is the auditory reflex center. Bottom of midbrain descending motor nerve Fasciculus The brain and foot constitute a significant part.
mammal Hindbrain The back of Muscle movement And the balance center for maintaining the normal posture of the body. The unique structural feature of mammalian cerebellum is Cerebellar cortex , whose ash is covered on the surface, forming Cerebellar cortex white matter It is dendritic and deep into gray matter. In addition, in two Cerebellar hemisphere Horizontal between Nerve fiber bundle Constitute mammalian Pons The pons are the intermediate station of the communication pathway between cerebellum and brain.
Connected to the spinal cord, both Structural similarity In addition to the pathway connecting the spinal cord and the higher central nervous system, the medulla has ascending and descending conduction pathways in the white matter. Grey matter is dispersed into some Nucleus nervi , the nerve fibers of the nerve nucleus and the corresponding sensory and Motor organ Contact. The medulla is also an important center for visceral activities, which can regulate breathing, digestion, circulation, sweat gland secretion and various Defensive reflex There is a fourth ventricle on the back of the medulla.
Each part of mammalian brain emits 12 pairs Cerebral nerve , respectively, the functions of sensation and movement. These 12 pairs of names, sending sites, distribution and main functions of brain nerves will be discussed later. Mammalian Autonomic nervous system It is very developed. Its main function is to regulate visceral activities and metabolic processes, and maintain the body internal environment Balance of. The autonomic nervous system can be divided into Sympathetic nervous system and Parasympathetic nervous system sympathetic nerve The system includes nerve fibers originating from the thoracolumbar segment of the spinal cord and distributed to the internal organs through the sympathetic nerve chain. parasympathetic The system consists of part of the brain nerves Oculomotor nerve facial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve vagus It is composed of nerves originating from the sacrum of the spinal cord. The effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves on visceral organs are antagonistic, that is, most visceral organs are doubly innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, such as stimulation Cardiac sympathetic nerve Accelerate the heart beat, and stimulate the vagus nerve (parasympathetic) to slow the heart beat.
The mammalian nervous system is highly developed, especially the brain becomes more complex. The new brain cortex emerging from reptiles is highly developed by mammals, forming Advanced nervous activity the central administration. neuron The number increased greatly, and the transverse nerve fibers, namely the corpus callosum, were connected between the two cerebral hemispheres. Moreover, the cerebellum is developed, and the cerebellar hemisphere appears for the first time. The unprecedented development of mammalian cerebral cortex provides a necessary basis for operation and logic. This is not available to all animals before mammals. Therefore, the intelligence of mammals is higher than that of other non mammals.
sensory organs
Mammals rely on highly developed senses to find food, avoid enemies, and find suitable habitat. At the same time, it is also a communication link between species and a series of behavioral reactions Indivisible Organs of. Of course, not all group senses have reached a high level of development. Some species are in a state of degeneration in many aspects, while in one aspect they are highly specialized. For example, some kinds of mammals with vision deterioration have also developed special high and low frequency acoustic pulse systems when they are moving fast echo To locate, bats use high-frequency sound waves Echolocation dolphin High frequency and low frequency acoustic echo are used for positioning. This is bionics The research is of great significance.
The senses of mammals are highly developed, mainly reflected in their Perfect visual, auditory and olfactory structures.
Most mammals have an enlarged nasal cavity and developed nasal concha bone, and are sensitive to smell. Such as eating meat, cloven hooves and Rodent The sense of smell is quite developed. But the sense of smell of whales and primates is not developed, so their sense of smell is not sensitive. Dolphins and Porpoise Is lacking Olfactory organ
Mammalian Visual organ Similar to most amniotic animals. Most mammals have well-developed eyeballs. But some of them live underground Insectivores The eyeballs of rodents and cetaceans are extremely degenerated, and even some species only maintain the ability to distinguish between light and dark. In general, mammals are sensitive to light waves, but Color vision Is poor, which is different from most Mammals All are related to night activities. Primates are more accurate in color discrimination and in judging the size and distance of objects.

endocrine system

Mammalian endocrine system Extremely developed. It consists of endocrine glands scattered throughout the body, including the brain the pituitary , thyroid Parathyroid gland adrenal gland Islet gland, thymus gland and gonad. The different hormones they secrete have different functions and are related to each other to form an endocrine system.

reproductive system

mammal reproductive system The main characteristics of the female animal are that both ovaries have organic energy, and the eggs Fallopian tube Filled with fluid in the uterus amnion Development in cyst, embryonic development The nutrients needed come from Maternal placenta Blood.
male Gonad
The male gonad of mammals is a pair of testes, and its position often varies with species. Most kinds of testicles Breeding period There is displacement or falling phenomenon. except Monopore Animal elephant rhinoceros The testis of most mammals will drop from the abdominal cavity to the scrotum outside the abdominal cavity through the groin during the embryo. Testicular displacement can be classified into three types: ① abdominal testicle. The testis does not change position, and is located behind the kidney, such as monotremes Long Nose Pyrola , Manatees and Insectivora Animals of some families. ② Inguinal testis. The testicles move into the groin, as Erinaceae Lepidoptera Tracheodonta Sealidae Tapiridae and Microbats 。③ Scrotal testis. The testicle moves into a scrotum that is pendulous or not, such as Ruminant Primates And most marsupials are suspensory scrotum; Rodentia , Anamorpha Carnivora Equidae Swine family Sea Dogs Section Megabats The scrotum is not hanging.
The testicles are made up of Convoluted seminiferous tubule It is the organ that produces sperm. There are Interstitial cell , can secrete Androgen And convoluted seminiferous tubules Output tubule Connected the epididymis , its pipe wall Cell secretion Weak acid mucus to ensure the proper conditions for sperm survival. Lower end of epididymis and Vas deferens Associated, the lower end of the vas deferens reaches the urethra. Semen transurethral Penis All over the body. In addition, Seminal vesicle gland prostate Bulbar gland of urethra They are important accessory glands. Their secretions are the main body of semen and can promote sperm activity. The prostate secretes prostaglandin Can promote Uterine contraction , which is helpful for fertilization. The penis is the mating organ, mainly composed of Cavernous body The urethra runs through it.
Female gonad
It is a pair of ovaries, and its surface layer is Genital epithelium , which is produced by the reproductive epithelium and is in different development stages Follicles , each follicle contains one Egg cell , with follicular fluid outside, containing estrogen , mature follicles rupture, eggs and ovarian follicle The liquid is discharged. Other residual follicles atrophy and are filled with a yellow cell Corpus luteum , can secrete hormones, promote the uterus and breast Development, preparing for pregnancy. After the mature eggs are discharged, they enter the opening in the front of the fallopian tube. After fertilization is completed in the upper part of the fallopian tube, they reach the uterus along the fallopian tube, and the fertilized eggs are planted on the uterine wall for development. The uterus opens outside the body through the vagina. There are many types of mammalian uterus, some of which are primitive Double uterus , such as Lagomorpha , Rodentia and Hyalus; Some are bisected uterus, such as cetaceans; Some are Bicornical uterus , such as Insectivora, Lepidoptera, Carnivora, Manatee, Long Nose Odaria Artiodactyla , some species of Chiroptera and Primate; Another one is for two uterus to completely heal into one Single uterus , such as some species of Chiroptera and Primate. The development of these different types of uterus is from the original twin uterus to the single uterus. The number of babies born in a single uterus is usually less than that in a double uterus

The most important part of this program

Largest mammal: blue whale
Largest terrestrial mammals: African elephant
Highest terrestrial mammal: giraffe
The fastest mammal: Cheetah
The smelliest mammal: America skunk
The lowest mammal: platypus