
A system that uses the relative position (motion) of celestial bodies to explain (predict) fate (behavior)
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astrology , also called astrology, refers to the relative position and relative motion of celestial bodies (especially solar system The system that explains or predicts human destiny and behavior.
It is a primitive astrologer who observed celestial bodies, Sun, moon and stars After the location of and various changes in, make an explanation to predict various things in the world. Astrologers believe that celestial bodies, especially planets and constellations Causality Or non accidental way to predict the changes of all things on earth. It tries to use the place and time of birth of human beings and the position of celestial bodies to explain human character and destiny. Different cultures in the world have very different astrological systems and theories. The opinions of astrologers on the scope of use of astrology are also inconsistent. Some astrologers believe that astrology can objectively predict events that can be verified in the future, while some astrologers believe that the explanation of astrology is only tendentious and cannot be used for prediction.
Chinese name
Foreign name

Contemporary Astrology

Mesopotamian astrology (English: Mesopotamian astrology )Yes Mesopotamian Plain (Now Iraq )According to the research on the emergence of human individuals and the position of constellation, the magicians of. About 3000 BC, shepherds in Mesopotamia divided the twinkling stars in the night sky according to the shapes of gods or animals. This division is the origin of "constellation".
The star chart in astrology (also called Astrolabe )It is used to describe the energy generated by different positions of stars on organisms when they are born Congenital and acquired A chart of the various influences of. The observer's star solar system For example, the structure of the star map from the outside to the inside is usually as follows: congenital house area Ecliptic Longitude zone the day after tomorrow The house area, the astral area and the geocenter.


The first good or bad star of the constellation is based on the distance from the ground Sequential arrangement The second good or bad star is based on Apparent magnitude In the order of.

Astral body

In astrology, stars refer to unconscious objects in the universe objective existence And Subjective image , corresponding to real stars and imaginary stars respectively. Real stars are also divided into major real stars and minor real stars: there are 16 major real stars in the solar system, which refer to the sun, the moon, the seven planets (excluding the earth) and seven dwarf planet Charon Except); Secondary real star refers to Zhishen Star , Female Kailong, etc asteroid Virtual stars are also divided into primary virtual stars and secondary virtual stars: generally, there are six primary virtual stars, which refer to the two intersections of the moon's orbit and the sun's orbit (south intersection North intersection ☊) and the day after tomorrow Aries Palace Palace head (rising point), the day after tomorrow Cancer Palace Palace Head (Tiandi Point, also called Lower Midheaven ), the day after tomorrow Libra Palace head (falling point), the day after tomorrow Capricorn Head of palace( zenith Point, also called Zhongtian); Secondary imaginary stars refer to the heads of the other 12 acquired 16 houses. Generally, stars refer to real stars.
Astral body
Bird God Star
Gonggong Star
Good or bad luck


Phase in astrology refers to an angle with an allowable degree of less than 7.5 ° or 8 ° formed by taking the Earth as the vertex and taking the line from any other two stars (including virtual stars) to the vertex as the edge. There is no difference between good and bad in the aspect itself, but there is a difference between good and bad in the stars. Therefore, the good or bad of the aspect is determined by the good or bad of the stars.
Phase closing, 3/16 phase, 4 Phase separation 5/16 and 2/16 are the five main phases, also called Ptolemy Phase. 16 split phase, 3 split phase, 5 split phase and 7 split phase are the traditional 12 split phase (30 °), 6 split phase (60 °), 3 split phase (120 °) and 5 split phase (150 °) within the tolerance range.
16 split phase
8 phase separation
3/16 phase
4 phase separation
5/16 phase
3/8 phase
7/16 phase
2 split phase
Angular distance

Palace position

Astrological Palace position It refers to the sixteen celestial regions after the ecliptic is divided evenly, which are divided into the sixteen houses of nature (usually in the outer circle of the star chart counter-clockwise direction Arrangement) and the 16th house of the day after tomorrow (usually arranged counterclockwise in the inner circle of the star chart). Do not use any Uterine division system The effect of the Sixteen Palaces is equivalent to that of the Sixteen Palaces acquired. General palaces refer specifically to the 16 palaces of the day after tomorrow.
The house with the primary aspect to the first house is the auspicious house, and the house with the secondary aspect is the evil house.
Palace position
slave servant
Good or bad luck

Classical astrology


brief introduction

The Chinese ancients did not study people in terms of people, but put people in the big system of universe and heaven and earth, and studied people as the son of nature, which is the "unity of heaven and man". As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, astronomers and mathematicians Shi Shen (In the fourth century BC, one of the four major astronomers in ancient China) found that human beings and nature are essentially the same in the study of natural phenomena, so he applied the research results of nature to human beings and human society In his research, he founded early astrology, and wrote 8 volumes of Astronomy. After the Western Han Dynasty, this book was honored as the Shishi Star Sutra. Shi Shen's contribution to astronomy is that he and Gander Near the ecliptic as measured and accurately recorded Stellar position And its relationship with arctic It is the oldest star table in the world. It is said that he has measured 138 stars, 880 in total. Back of the Moon Of Crater , named after Shi Shen because of his outstanding contributions to astronomical research.
Astrology uses the relative position and relative motion of celestial bodies (especially solar system The system that explains or predicts human destiny and behavior. It tries to use the place and time of birth of human beings and the position of celestial bodies to explain human character and destiny. Different cultures in the world have very different astrological systems and theories. There is also disagreement among astrologers about the scope of use of astrology. Some astrologers believe that astrology can objectively predict events that can be verified in the future, while others believe that the explanation of astrology is just Tendency It can't make predictions.
In all cultures in the world, people have believed or still believe that Astronomical phenomenon It has influence on people. According to astrology, Zodiac It is closely related to everyone's fate. The most common view is that the twelfth house Average distribution In a year, each person can be classified into a certain constellation according to his/her date of birth, just like the Chinese traditional 12 zodiac signs with a 12 year cycle, and each constellation person has his/her specific personality characteristics, which will lead to his/her specific destiny and future, which constitutes the main content of astrology. [1]
In astrology, any specific impact of astronomical phenomena is limited to a specific place and time on the earth, and the impact is different in other places and times. Because the astronomical phenomena seen by all people on the earth are basically the same, astrological objectivity Only superficial. This is also the main criticism of natural science on astrology. Astrological predictions are generally symbolic and cannot be verified by physical science, so astrologers believe that their knowledge It has nothing to do with physical natural science.


Western astrology originated from primitive Mesopotamia
In the first two thousand years, the primitive and ancient Sumerians lived in Ur and Uruk Seven levels of temples have been built. Each level represents a celestial body: the moon sunlight Mercury Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. These seven celestial bodies should pave the way for the priests to the gods. Sumerians have their own constellations. They divide the sky into three parts. In addition, they also know that Bai Dao They believed that the heavenly bodies operated according to the will of God.
In the first 2778 years Ancient Egypt The most accurate calendar of the time was born. The Egyptians realized that the rise of Sirius the Nile The relationship between floods. They tried to infer the political development from the position of Sirius. Ancient Egypt Pyramid Of Quadrilateral They are determined according to the four directions of the sky. They should pave the way for the pharaoh's soul to ascend to heaven after his death, and the pharaoh's soul is Polaris Under the influence of Babylon, they divided the zodiac into twelve constellations.
In Europe, Britain Stonehenge (circa 2200 BC) may also have astrological significance.
Chinese astrology began in ancient times. It is mainly used to set the calendar and measure the world's major events. It is a kind of star gazing in general. Such as《 Yisi Zhan 》《 Kaiyuan Zhanjing 》And so on. And it is called five-star technique for measuring personal destiny, Star Life Skill Etc. Such as Guolao Xingzong [2] It represents its peak.


All ancient countries or nations, such as Egypt, India, China Greece arab They all had their own astrology, but the main function of astrology at that time was mostly used in divining "physical things", because people at that time believed that the gods in the sky, like their king, could change the will of heaven by appeasing them.

Western Astrology

In the fifth century BC, Mesopotamia Primitive on the plain Babylon People, for the first time Ecliptic It was divided into twelve houses of thirty degrees, and later the first "star map" was invented at the end of the century. In 334 BC Alexander the Great Expanded the territory of Greece to Asia Minor And in Egypt, the development of civilization made Egypt become the center of astrology at that time Chaldeans At this time, with the knowledge of astronomy, science and philosophy were rapidly pushed to another peak.
Then in the third century BC, Greece And Egyptian astrologers Cosmic model The relationship between stars and the distance from the earth is generally defined as the "Chaldean order". Later, Greek astrologers quoted the names in the myths and stories deeply believed by the Babylonians greek god They are connected to each other, giving stars mythical names. However, the Greek Roman Stoic School also proposed that“ Microcosm ”( Small universe The human world) and the "macro universe" (the big universe, the heavenly world) are integrated, so we strongly advocate the "theory of the unity of heaven and man", and believe that astrology is interpreting this theory.
However, after the Middle Ages, Europe had been arguing about the value of astrology for a long time, but at that time it was not about scientific position or rationalism, but about religious doctrine This led to the development of astrology, which was rejected by the church and became a private activity instead of a full“ Mystery ”On behalf of.
Then from the 17th century, some highly influential scientists believed that astrology was part of ancient superstition and lacked the basis for thorough research, so astrology and astronomy, which originally belonged to the same astronomical category, were separated from each other and went their separate ways. But at the beginning of the 19th century, astrology was developed in the United States Theosophy And the Rose Cross Club encourage people to take a new direction, combine science, religion and philosophy, and emphasize spiritual thinking and Morality , started another stage of development, hoping to lead the world out of the shackles of self restriction.

Chinese Astrology History

In ancient China, due to the influence of the idea of heaven man interaction, astronomy and astrology have always been attached great importance, so Chinese Astrology It existed in ancient times and was called "Guolao Xingzong" at that time“ Seven policies and four surpluses ”(Keep abreast of the seven policies and the four others Ziping , which is now known as“ Four columns and eight characters ”, when fashionable“ Ziwei Doudou ”The reason why Chinese astrology did not continue to develop after the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang After taking advantage of Liu Bowen, who was well versed in astronomy and astrology, he thought that those who knew astronomy and astrology should not neglect it, so he ordered that folk learning be banned, and those who violated it were all punished. As a result, after the middle of the Ming Dynasty Astronomical calendar It is already in a state of disorder and cannot continue to develop. Later, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Guangqi worked hard with many people to Western Christianity The missionaries learned the astronomical calendar, and the Chinese calendar was completed at that time, so the Chinese astrology was continued.
After that, Qing Dynasty At the beginning of the empire, Emperor Kangxi attached great importance to and loved astronomy, but the west The missionaries also intended to use the advanced Astronomical knowledge As an exchange tool for preaching Coordinate system and Spherical trigonometry The knowledge and instruments used in astronomy were completely introduced into China. At the same time, what we now call Western astrology (Western astrology originated from Greek astrology) was introduced into China. "Tianbu Zhenyuan" was the first Chinese Western astrology book (at this time, astrology was really applied to people as the exploration and prediction of life structure).
Although he also began to have his own works later, such as "The Origin of Celestial Phenomena" and "Suwa Ji Shuzheng", it was still not long ago. With the deterioration of the relationship between the Qing Empire and the Holy See, as well as Britain and France Eight-Nation Alliance The destruction of Astronomical instrument and observed data Once again, China suffered a serious blow in astronomy and astrology. As for the well-known Indian astrology and the Persian astrology in Western Asia, they were introduced to China in the third and ninth centuries respectively.




Astrologers believe that there is a universal connection between things, and they try to find it from thousands of years of practice and experience Celestial motion The relationship between astrology and human beings' daily fortunes has summarized a set of methods to predict human destiny by observing the actual movement of celestial bodies, so astrology and astronomy were inextricably linked. However, with the continuous development of astronomy, many ancient astrology cannot be explained, such as Zodiac 12 The displacement of the virtual star and the introduction of the virtual star. Today, astrology can be said to have been far away from astronomy. As an ancient and primitive prediction divination, it does not belong to the category of natural science. Astrology believes that the sky at a certain time and place is related to something, and there is a corresponding relationship, while the sky phenomenon at a certain time and place can be inferred, so the fate can be predicted to a certain extent.


The theory of astrology comes from the experience of ancient astrologers accumulation , which contains strong vitality. Astrology has its own terminology and its own symbols, but as mentioned above, astrology does not depend solely on mathematical physics It requires astrologers to learn from the wisdom of their predecessors and their own understanding to make truly accurate predictions. Therefore, an excellent astrologer needs enough creativity in addition to extensive knowledge. Astrology does not need an advanced computer!
However, due to astrological Theoretical system It is not as systematic and precise as astronomy, which has also attracted criticism from many people. They believe that astrological predictions are not objective enough and therefore lack reliability Just imagine that the so-called real science does not need scientists to add their own understanding and creativity? (Astrology advocates often refute the censure of natural science from this point of view, but natural science obviously has a detailed demonstration system. All natural science achievements are based on observation and logical deduction, and inspiration and innovation cannot be violated. This is beyond the reach of astrology.)

Development in Europe

In the original ancient Greek Astrology and astronomy are not clearly decomposed. The Greeks used the names of the Babylonians' planets, but they used the sun as Primary star The Greek astrology later alchemy Manichaeism and Christ Teaching has influence.
The early Christian view of astrology is quite contradictory. On the one hand, astrology believes that human destiny can be predicted, which is contrary to one of the most basic Christian doctrines (human will is determined by himself). on the other hand Christ Jesus The birth of Astronomical phenomenon It seems that God himself is using astrology. Some people in the church regard astrology as an enemy, while others believe in astrology themselves.
The Renaissance During this period, astrology also gained favor again. Many kings, popes, and many reformers believed in astrology. But at this time, more and more criticisms of the rationality of astrology began.
By this time, astronomers were also astrologers. Tycho Brahe Johannes· Kepler They are astronomers and astrologers. Kepler also clearly regarded astrology as an academic discipline. Although he does not believe that the position of celestial bodies can be used to predict the occurrence of things on the earth, he believes in the influence of celestial bodies on things on the earth.
After the telescope was invented, astronomy and astrology were completely separated. But until romanticism In the era (or later), astrology has always had a high impact in the high-level stratum.

Current status

Up to now, there are still many believers in primitive astrology. Whether it is credible or not, it seems that it can meet the needs of many people supernatural The illusory desire of.
Astrology has developed various sects, and there are differences among them.
About 400 years ago, Johannes Kepler discovered the law of planetary motion, and became the founder of astrology for this reason. The seemingly wise history erases Kepler's reputation as an astrologer. As the "father of modern astrology", Kepler put his lifelong work on mathematics, astrology, astronomy geometry And music. At the same historical period, astrology was excluded by the natural science community.


from History of Natural Science or Science of Science From the point of view of, a general science always tries to summarize the laws of the natural world. It should simplify the things that happen in nature into some clear rules that can explain these things. If a natural science has to use more and more rules to explain its observed phenomena in its development process (such as Geocentric theory Later, more partial theories were introduced to explain the differences in planetary orbits), which often indicates that this science is on the wrong path. (Astrologers and their supporters claim that modern Scientific system Compared with the ancient times, astrology has become more complex, while astrology has studied stars, constellations Palace position , phase, obviously more concise than science. However, there is no evidence for this. In fact, astrology has been adding more and more rules since its inception, so that its rules are so cumbersome that even professional astrologers cannot list them all.)
In addition, so far there is no physical theory that can explain how the position of celestial bodies affects the fate of people. Some people say that the gravity of stars can affect a person, but in fact, the walls, doors and windows of the hospital where a person was born Material What kind of gravity changes may have greater influence than the gravity of all stars in the universe. So most natural scientist Think astrology is a Pseudoscience (Astrologers and their supporters think that the above statement is ridiculous, because noble celestial bodies and secular doors and windows can not be compared at all, and naturally can not be compared.)
To sum up, we can see that the debate between science and astrology cannot be answered at all, because science is rational Inductive deduction The logical conclusion is not accepted by astrology; The laws of astrology are not supported by evidence at all in the scientific level, but "rely on conjecture, unable to provide hypotheses, and difficult to falsify".

Main impacts

Astrology and Belief
Astrology may satisfy many people's supernatural metaphysics However, any metaphysical explanation from its definition has proved that the natural scientists have made a pointed criticism of it. Obviously astrology is more like a superstition advocated by primitive astrologers. No matter how high it is promoted by some believers, it cannot be compared with faith and religion.
Astrology and Psychology
Astrology describes people's character and future, so it may contribute to the formation of similar character and future. If a person believes that something will happen, he may unconsciously or consciously cause it to happen. He may also unconsciously adopt a specific personality. The result is that astrological predictions are consistent with actual observations. From the perspective of natural science, such practical observation does not mean that astrology is really realistic.
From a psychological point of view, such self influence shows that astrology can be used as a tool for self reflection and self understanding. At this point astrology and other means of prophecy such as Tarot The function of is the same. This, of course, does not involve predictions made to the third party who does not participate.
From a psychological point of view, in addition to self reflection External influences The problem is to influence another person's character by making astrological predictions for others. Some studies show that these effects can be very strong. From this point of view, the influence of the real stars seems insignificant.
Anyway, astrology is one of the oldest superstitions of mankind. The reason why it can last so long may be that its theory connects a person's life directly with the whole universe, thus giving a person a special, illusory feeling.


Astrology Astrology, or astrology, refers to astrologers observing celestial bodies, Sun, moon and stars After the location of and various changes in, make an explanation to predict one of the various things in the world Alchemy
Astrology believes that celestial bodies, especially planets and constellations Causality Or non accidental way to predict the changes of all things on earth. Astrology The theoretical basis of Ancient Greek philosophy This philosophy Jiangxing Xiangxue and Ancient Mesopotamia The "omens" of human celestial bodies are combined. Astrologists believe that the movement changes and combinations of some celestial bodies are specifically related to the occurrence and extinction of the four elements of fire, gas, water and earth on the earth. The complexity of this connection reflects the complexity of the ever-changing human world. This ever-changing human world can not be mastered by the world, so it is easy to find excuses for any mistakes made by astrologers. Astrology There are different views on the role of God. Some people believe that the universe is completely mechanized, and they reject the two possibilities of God's intervention and human's free will. Others believe that astrology is not a precise science like astronomy, which can only point out that Development of things This trend can be controlled by the will of man or God. Others believe that the planets themselves are powerful gods whose will can be changed through prayer, and stars Only those who know astrology can show the will of God. The latter view is very close to the thought of ancient Mesopotamians, who mainly foretold the imperial court about the coming blessings and disasters, which may affect the growth of human beings, animals and plants in the form of weather or disease, or affect the national affairs or the life of royal family members in some form, and so on. But they think that the omen of the celestial body does not determine the future of things, but just shows the will of God to people as a sign.
The original purpose of astrology is based on the planet and Zodiac To predict the fate of their lives. Later, it developed into several branches, one specialized in studying major astronomical phenomena (such as solar eclipse or Vernal equinox The relationship between) and human beings is called total astrology; An auspicious moment for choosing actions is called timing astrology; The other is called decisive astrology, which answers the diviner's questions according to the celestial phenomena when he asks questions.
Astrology originated from the celestial omens of the primitive Mesopotamians. 18th to 16th century BC Babylon, Cuba Dynasty, there appeared the first book to discuss the omen of celestial bodies in categories. From the 6th to the 4th century BC, the celestial omen theory was introduced Egypt Greece Near East Regional and India. Later, it was spread to Central Asia Since the 3rd century BC, some people Small universe The corresponding concept is mathematized. The so-called "small universe" refers to the human body. They also took the zodiac Zodiac It is further subdivided that the five stars are different in the ecliptic Arc segment The role of the above has its primary and secondary. some Star pair The influence of a person depends on the arc he is in and his relationship with other enemies and friends. The Twelve Palaces correspond to specific parts of the human body and are ever-changing Material world It is more or less related to the character of the person and the zodiac. According to the astrologer's Five Stars of the Sun and the Moon Coordinate and the position of the zodiac, as well as the complex geometric relationship between them, calculate the influence of the planets, and then use astrology Heavenly Palace Map Find out the corresponding relationship between the above factors and the events on the ground, and get the astrological results. This result sometimes contradicts itself, which requires astrologers to be flexible according to the situation of astrologers and their own experience. By the first century AD, the above method had been finalized.
Greek astrology was also introduced to India, Iran , enter Islamic Culture After the 17th century Heliocentric theory And the rise of modern science, Astrology Lost scientific support. However, astrology has begun to rise in the West in recent years outer planet It introduces astrology and tries to find out the statistical relationship between the position of planets and human life.

Four schools

Natal Horoscope
That is, common individuals Life chart Judgments related to individual personality and various fields of life. Take personal birth time and place, or other important time and place as a lifetime fortune, or a judgment on the year of great fortune. It is mainly based on the overall profile of an individual's life, including the analysis of his basic personality, his family, marriage interpersonal relationship , career and work, money Financial position And other aspects of life are entered into the field of modern astrology research Basic courses
Mundane Horoscope
Astrology related to the current situation, such as political astrology, financial astrology, international situation astrology, climate astrology, and all astrological predictions related to the whole human race. Mainly divided into natural disaster And the world situation. Natural disasters are used to predict what will happen on the earth natural phenomena And the world situation is used to predict the whole human race Possible Important events and possible events
Horary Horoscope
Used as a prediction of a single matter or a search for possible answers. The answer is Affirmation and negation One of two, as we usually do Divination Same, look manifestation of a divination To decide whether or not to. But its judgment is based on the astrology of the celestial bodies, not the divination of the Eight Diagrams. It also includes the analysis of causes and consequences before some events. It mainly provides answers to a special question, and its life chart is drawn by asking the time at that time. Its limitation is that you can only ask one question at a time. For example: * How about selling the house** Can you find the lost bag* Generally speaking, divination and astrology are quite practical because people always ask questions.
Election Horoscope
And traditional Chinese Eight character learning The meaning of choosing a day is the same. They all choose the most auspicious time as the starting time for a matter. The principle is to choose a good time for the position of the planet as the starting time of a certain matter. Sometimes it is necessary to consider the nature of the matters to be carried out. For example, the opening of a company should be based on the nature of the industry the company operates to choose a time when the planets and constellations that dominate the industry form a good angle.


School 1: Modern astrology
Characteristics: schools of thought that have sprung up in modern times. Massively Applied Psychology Knowledge, emphasizing the influence of constellations and planets
It is the mainstream of Taiwan's astrology.
Representative: About from Theosophical Society Of Alan Leo From to Dane Rudhyar And Stephen Arroyo as representatives. There are too many Chinese books to enumerate.
School 2: Traditional/classical astrology
Features: It is about the predecessor of modern astrology. use House ruler , pay attention to the power of planets, which are commonly used in divination.
Representative: William Lily, Chinese books Munige Truly, Zhong Yiming talked a little about the practice of choosing the day by the star.
School 3: Ancient astrology
Features: retro astrology, including the early astrology of various countries, such as the Greek astrology, using the Profile house.
Representative: Vettius Valens, no Chinese book available.
Genre 4: Uranus astrology
Features: Use the midpoint of the planet to judge by the combination of planets.
Representative: The combination of stellar influence by Ebertin, without Chinese book.
Genre 5: Harmonic astrology
Features: Draw a new chart to judge by using the multiple of astrological points.
Representative: Eddey's Harmonic astrology, and Japanese Ishikawa's wave modulated astrology (Differential astrology) are its extensions. There is no Chinese book.
Features: Application Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches There are many Chinese books and teaching.
Sub school 1: It focuses on degree, with Guolao Xingzong as the representative. Zheng Fusheng, Lu Qinghe and Li Guangpu all have works.
Sub school 2: The theory is based on the palace, represented by Shu Yinggan's secret edict, such as Huo Minqing and Wu Shiqing. Jiang Dahong Pai's Tianxing Chosun is its extended application.
Genre 7: Indian astrology
celestial bodies
Features: use the planetary pattern (yoga) and sub disk. Representative: Hong Nengping's teaching is available in China, but there is no Chinese book.
Genre 8: Arabic astrology (Arab astrology Hijri)
Feature: Application Arabic dot , ALMUTEN.
Representative: Translator Astronomical book Wang Zhonghe's practical astrology.
Sect 9: Suyao Sect
Features: Twenty seven (eight) nights.
Sub school 1: China's performance birds are mostly used to choose the day and the battle array, such as Chi Benli, the bird stars are easy to see, and Zhong Ximing's choice of the day Quintessence
Sub school 2: spread in Japan Obsidian Tao, such as the Tripitaka Ministry Sutra of Obsolescence
Genre 10: Related Applications
It should not be regarded as astrology, but as an extended application, such as tarot Psychic mathematics
School 11: Constellation Name
It is also the extension school of astrology, which is the western astrology and Chinese tradition Name science The combination of. [3]

Fundamentals of Astronomy

Astrology and astronomy have been inseparable since ancient times. From a historical point of view, we can see the relationship between astrology and astronomy. Five hundred years ago, they were from the same family. There was no difference between astrology and astronomy. Because people who observe celestial phenomena do it because of the need of astrology, no one is specialized in observing celestial phenomena without astrology. Astrology and astronomy can be said to be studied in the same sky with different views. reach scientific revolution After that, some scientists began to regard astrology as a backward superstition in ancient times, and split with astrology, so a group of people who only cared about the stars in the sky appeared, regardless of whether they were related to what happened on the earth. In order to know the position of stars more accurately, most astrologers have astronomical knowledge as the basis, and the data they use have also been subjected to accurate astronomical operations. Unfortunately, most modern astronomers have lost their astrological ability.
Astrology is closely related to astronomy. Astrology must rely on astronomical observation and calculation to calculate the position of stars. Therefore, to learn astrology, you must first understand the basic astronomical knowledge. To understand astrology, we must understand how astrology is related to the actual astronomical stars. The relationship between planets In constellations and houses, astrology takes the earth as the center, and the earth revolves around the sun. But astrologers are concerned about the relationship between other stars and the earth, so most astrology calculations are based on the earth, that is, the place where things happen Datum point
Stars are the source of influence: astrologers believe that stars in the sky will affect what happens on the earth. Although the way of influence is not clear, it can be said that stars are the source of influence. Constellations and house positions are tools for measurement. Constellations represent 12 basic archetypal symbols, and house positions represent 12 basic scenes of human contact with the world. As for how to measure the influence of stars, there are two main tools in astrology. One is the familiar constellation, that is zodiac An interval divided into twelve equal parts by the vernal equinox; The second is the house position, that is, the zodiac zone is divided into twelve points from the rising point; All stars will fall into a certain constellation and house. Then, according to the relationship between stars, when looking from the earth, there is an angle between the stars; It may be zero or 180 degrees, which is the so-called phase in astrology.
Put the language of astrology into the map with poetry and philosophy. Imagine you are a baby who has just come into the world. The human entity occurs within the horizon of the unfolding meaning around us. He divided the sky into the visible sky in our consciousness and the unconscious invisible sky below the earth. The whole sky, the "universe", revolves around us from east to west every day. The sun, moon, stars and zodiac Our horizon represents the repeated changes of human experience. Just above the local sky is the zenith. He represents the place we will go and the future. On the contrary, passing through the center of the earth below to the corresponding point on the other side is the nadir. This is the past, where we came from, and where we will return. From rotating the immovable of the sky Polar axis To the zenith and the bottom of the sky, and the horizontal line is orthogonal, is the north-south meridian. This is the connection with the center of the universe, and it is also our time and historical line. The intersection of meridian and horizontal line will change the sky Cut out Four quadrant This is the cross we bear and the destiny we assign.
Constellation (prototype)
Constellations usually refer to the constellations in the sky, which are fixed to the earth. They are connected and memorized graphically to identify the positions of celestial bodies. Ecliptic 12 constellations Is located in the 88 constellations zodiac The 12 constellations on the. In astrology, the meaning represented by the constellation is synonymous with the direction of the universe, representing 12 basic patterns and forms of expression. But what most people say sun sign The 12 constellations are classified as prototypes based on the sun, which is different from the 12 constellations on the celestial sphere. There are two levels of each other.
Star (force)
In astrology, the so-called stars refer to the stars in the solar system that are relatively close to us. They are relatively close to the earth, have great gravity, and have a direct impact. For example, the movement of the moon and the tides and women Physiological cycle Relevant, major earthquakes are mostly Jupiter Pluto and Uranus The 90 degree angle proves the influence of stars on the earth. In astrology, stars are the driving force, a person's various abilities and actors on the stage of life.
Palace (life)
Palaces are 12 blocks drawn based on the observer's eastern horizon when an individual was born. In astrology, the house represents the interaction between individuals and the acquired environment, the place where actions take place, and the situation of input. The 12 houses represent different life scenes, such as self, family, marriage, etc.
solar system
The earth is a beautiful planet in the solar system. The solar system is composed of the sun and other stars surrounding the sun. These stars include Nine planets , more than 60 satellites and uncountable asteroid And comets. The solar system is like a big disk in space. The orbits of the planets are elliptical. The planets orbit the sun in the same direction and at different speeds. Therefore, the planets we see from the earth can have Anterograde And retrograde
Differences. The moon is the satellite of the earth, and it is running around the earth. On the earth, we can see the moon is cloudy, sunny, round and short.
celestial sphere
Take the Earth as Spherical center , extending into the space into an imaginary sphere, called the celestial sphere. The planets follow the sun's orbit on the celestial sphere (ecliptic), passing through the 12 constellations of the ecliptic. We set up a set of observation system To facilitate the observation and recording of stars.
The so-called ecliptic refers to the orbit of the sun on the celestial sphere, Earth rotation axis Inclined ecliptic plane is about 23.5 degrees (i.e Ecliptic And equator Angle of intersection About 23.5 degrees), resulting in different changes in four seasons of cold and heat in a year. In astrology, all stars are located in the ecliptic Projection plane Because from the observer's point of view, the earth is stationary Observation point hold zodiac Everyone in the world is the same when it comes to the position of the planets on the earth at any time and the horoscope of the ecliptic. This position reflects Universality Of Semiotic language
Specific interpretation
Astrologers "shape" the star map, which is the sky map of a certain area on the earth at a certain time. The birth astrology is shaped for the birth time, but it can create stars for anything at any time and place.
Criticism of astrology
In addition to the shortcomings of astrology mentioned above History of Natural Science Or from a scientific point of view, a general science always tries to summarize the laws of the natural world, and it should simplify the things that happen in nature into some clear rules that can explain these things. If a natural science has to use more and more rules to explain the phenomena it observes during its development (for example, the geocentric theory has continuously introduced more deflection wheels to explain the differences in planetary orbits later), then this often indicates that the science is on the wrong path. And astrology has been adding more and more rules since its beginning, so that today its rules are so complicated that even professional astrologers cannot list them all. In addition, so far there is no physical theory that can explain how the position of celestial bodies affects the fate of people. Some people say that the gravity of stars can affect a person, but in fact, the gravity change caused by the material of the walls, doors and windows of the hospital where a person was born may be greater than that of all stars in the universe. Therefore, most natural scientists believe that astrology is a pseudoscience. In 1975, 186 well-known scientists in the United States (including 18 Nobel laureates) published a joint article in the Humanist magazine criticizing astrology, which was called pseudoscience. Nowadays, most of the scientific community Barnum effect To explain the personality prediction phenomenon of astrology.
The Apology of Astrology
1. Ancient Chinese and foreign cultures of many civilizations in the world have been observed for years Starlight The analysis and induction of astrology have different methods and name systems, but they still affirm the influence of stars on people.
2. After long-term observation, comparison, statistics, induction, analysis and sorting Rational science Discipline?
3. People who know science and astronomy know that the sun and moon can affect people. Some stars in other constellations may be far away from the Earth, but their volume is even larger than that of the Earth and the Sun Saturn It is hundreds of times larger than the modern human scientific knowledge It is not objective enough to deny the influence of stars on people. For example, Western doctors criticized traditional Chinese medicine decades ago Chinese herbal medicine Acupuncture and moxibustion are superstitions.
4. Authenticity Esoteric The accurate astrology of“ Half bucket of water ”Fool's Fake inaccurate And discredit them.
five 100% The accurate astrology of true and secret transmission may be biased or incomplete due to the selfish intentions of natural and man-made disasters.
6. After thousands of years of operation, the position of stars has changed. Ancient astrology may not be 100% accurate in modern times.
7. The astrological chart must be based on the accurate birth year, month, day, hour, minute, and even the place of birth Longitude and latitude Information. If the birth data is inaccurate and the life chart is wrong, the mistake is not in astrology itself.
8. Ancient astrology can complement and activate: modern people can actually use computers to transform hospitals, university tax bureaus, police bureaus prison The birth of waiting specific date Only when the data start from the Chinese and Western life charts, and then compare with the life experience data, summarize, analyze and sort out, can we just dialectical astrology.
9. Know the real astrology (not the "super simplified version" or the "bread and butter version" in the newspaper) to know the fate of people Destiny There are periodic ups and downs, which not only bring hope to those who are in low tide, but also reassure people by predicting the possibility of good fortune and avoiding bad luck.
10. Although it is claimed that astrology has been counted, it has never been read Astrologer I came out to make personality statistics on astrology, which was impossible in ancient times, that is to say, astrology had no reasonable scientific statistics.

Uterine system

Palace position Yes Observer Mainly, observe the relative position with the celestial body, and the relative position generated by the correction of the earth's common rotation angle Azimuth relation When a baby is born horizon and meridian The zodiac is rounded at four points. Determines the angles of the four ecliptic cosmic symbols on the star map
(1) Lifting position ASC ,Ascendant, Ascending constellation The ecliptic is in the east level The angle of rise. It refers to the contact between oneself and the world, which is the body and characteristics of the actual individual.
(2) Drop<DES, Descendant, Descending constellation >It is the angle from which the western horizontal line falls. Contrary to ascending position, it indicates the connection with others, so it is the combination of partner and sex.
(3) The highest point beyond the upper meridian is Midheaven meridian connect zenith The highest point, so MC represents achievement, career and power.
(4) The opposite of MC is ImumCoeli. It is at the lowest point, representing the family, ancestors and the root of a person. Every quadrant Divided into three parts, the star map represents all levels of life Zodiac 〈House〉。 The quadrants are generally different in size on the ecliptic. Although astrologers look closely at the interpretation of constellations, there are many different ways to distinguish houses. This means that the complete constellation system produces different positions of the ecliptic for the central house of stars. The most popular system is the method of Placidus, an Italian monk in the 17th century. In modern times, it is similar to the ground Point method Topocentric Uterine division system 〉。 The other method gives up the concept of the trisection quadrant, and only uses the rising point to calculate the twelve 30 degree ecliptic to divide the stars (equal house system). There are several different ways to draw a star chart.
the earth 's axis There is an inclination of 23 ° 26 ', so there is Ecliptic surface Unlike the equatorial plane, the sun moves on the ecliptic. Every year, the sun will follow Equatorial surface In spring and autumn, there will be two trade fairs. This is Vernal equinox And Autumnal equinox Relative to other stars, the position of the sun is different each time it meets at the vernal equinox. The average retreat to the west at the vernal equinox every year is 50.2 second (The annual difference is 20.396 minutes), which is called "precession". It will take about 26000 years to complete the circle. From the beginning, the vernal equinox was set as Aries More than 2000 years later, the vernal equinox has retreated nearly 30 degrees, and the vernal equinox is located at Pisces , approaching the junction of Pisces and Aquarius. This is why the so-called "Aquarius Century" is coming. Because the precession causes the change of the constellation position, the constellations in the world are changed every 25 or 50 years. You can buy a constellations to go back and have a look. You will find that the vernal equinox now points to Pisces. But astrology still uses Aries as the vernal equinox. Over time, the relationship between astrology and astronomy has become more and more distant Twelve constellations Of Life chart It becomes a virtual image, which is quite controversial.
Different systems
You can say that in the large system (celestial body 12 constellations )The next one belongs to the earth's middle system (Sun 12 Constellation), under which a small system (12th house) is generated according to the birth time of the individual. The big system is entirety The middle system belongs to the whole earth (if a person lives on Venus, his middle system should be determined by the Vernal Equinox of Venus), and the small system is personal. So if you are Pisces, it represents the classification model of the middle system, which is closely related to the relationship between the earth and the sun (four seasons).
Constellation knowledge
Star year: Earth revolution Time required for 360 degrees, 365.256354 ordinary days
Regression year: the time required for the earth to pass through the vernal equinox twice, 365.24219 ordinary days (365.256354-365.24219) × 24 × 60=20.396 minutes (365.256354-365.24219)/365.256354 × 360 × 60 ≈ 50.25 arc seconds per year Zodiac Moved since now: 50.25 seconds × 2120 years (about)/60 minutes/60 degrees ≈ 29.59 degrees
Constellation system during regression (medium system)
The twelve constellations of the so-called regression time system are the constellation symbols of traditional astrology applied to the regression time system by western astrology. The regression system is determined by the relative relationship between the earth and the sun. Twelve Palaces and Harmony Stellar time system Using the Earth and Stellar cluster The position of the zodiac is different. The plane of the earth's orbit around the sun is called the ecliptic. The circle of the earth itself equidistant from the north and south poles is called the equator. When the ecliptic plane and the equatorial plane are expanded, the two circles will cut each other. In the arc of phase cutting, there will be Line It is the diameter of the ecliptic plane and the equatorial plane. The two ends of this line (both on the ecliptic and equatorial plane) are called the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox. The two points are 180 degrees apart. Then follow these two points. The zodiac is 30 degrees and one minute, which is 12 minutes in total. This is the twelve constellations.
Sidereal time Constellation system (large system)
There are two major systems for the division of the twelve constellations in astrology: one is the regression time system used in western astrology, and the other is that of India and before the Qing Dynasty Chinese Astrology The stars used are the twelve constellations of the system. The star time system in China is the warring states times Qi State Of Gander Wei Of Shi Shen Anecdotal“ Gan Shi Xing Jing ”To infer that the 28 constellations can be reached Western Yuan Four hundred years ago, the Warring States Period. The so-called 28 constellations, each of which is an obvious cluster of stars in the sky, can be used as Astronomical observation This is just a difference in the division. Westerners see 12 constellations, while Chinese people see 12 constellations 28 constellations In fact, they just classify the stars in the sky. The Chinese ancients first divided the sky into four parts, the so-called four signs of the zodiac: Qinglong white tiger Basalt , Suzaku. Then divide the sky area into 28 small coordinates according to the stars, which is called:
Seven Constellations of Oriental Green Dragon: (Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei, Ji)
Western White Tiger Seven Constellations: (Kui Lou, stomach, Pleiades, Bi, mouth, reference)
Southern Rosefinch Qisu: (Well. Ghost. Liu. Star. Zhang. Wing. Zhen)
Northern Xuanwu Seven Nights: (Dou. Niu. Female. Xu. Wei. Room. Wall)

Comprehensive understanding

Astrology belongs to the discipline of explaining or predicting human destiny and behavior. There are also such disciplines in China, such as fortune telling disciplines such as geomantic omen and eight characters. Why do some Chinese people now believe in astrology instead of eight characters? People are always easily influenced by other things and views, Psychological suggestion It refers to the psychological characteristics of people who accept the influence of the outside world or other people's wishes, ideas, emotions, judgments and attitudes. Astrology affects people through psychological hints, because people are always confused about what they don't know or know very little. People know very little about things outside the earth and want to know the future, so they always want to know, At this time, astrology was recognized by people relying on psychology, at least psychological suggestion Psychological mechanism In terms of the above, it is a hypothesis affirmed by the subjective will, which is not necessarily ground-based, but because its existence has been confirmed subjectively, the psychology tries to tend to this content. It would be totally wrong to say that astrology is a pseudoscience. Astrology has a lot of astronomy, psychology and medical knowledge. The most accurate calendar was born in Egypt in 2778 BC. The Egyptians recognized the relationship between the rise of Sirius and the flood of the Nile. They tried to infer the political development from the position of Sirius. In 1975, 186 well-known scientists in the United States Nobel Prize Under the leadership of the winner, they jointly criticized astrology, while the American philosopher of science Feyerabend However, he severely criticized this move. In fact, Feyerabend did not want to support astrology. He pointed out that these famous scientists in the 20th century were far inferior to those in the 15th century in scientific spirit Holy See Some Nobel Prize winners who signed the statement publicly admitted that they had not studied astrology and did not know the relevant details, but they believed that this did not prevent them from openly opposing astrology. However, the criticism of witchcraft in the book "The Hammerbone of Evil" issued by the Roman Catholic Church in 1484 is based on a very comprehensive and detailed study. The description of related phenomena is very accurate, and people can even accurately identify the symptoms of mental illness.
European experience in the 18th century French Revolution British Industrial Revolution A series of revolutions have changed the people political thought While further developing scientific progress The idea of. At this time, astrology gave way to science in Europe, but it still had some influence in the civil society, and astrologers absorbed scientific research Spirit, silently reform astrology.
To sum up, in short, astrology is to use the relative position and relative motion of celestial bodies (especially the position of planets in the solar system) to explain or predict human destiny and behavior.
Astronomy should be separated from astrology. The latter is an attempt to pass through the celestial body running state To predict a person's fate Pseudoscience In 1975, 186 well-known scientists in the United States (including 18 Nobel laureates) published a joint article in the Humanist magazine criticizing astrology, which was called pseudoscience.
Although their origins are similar, they were often mixed together in ancient times. However, there are obvious differences between contemporary astronomy and astrology: modern astronomy uses scientific method , the subject of celestial bodies; Astrology, on the other hand, corresponds the positions of celestial bodies with personnel by means of comparison and association. In a word, astrology focuses on predicting people's fate.


Modern science's evaluation of astrology
Modern science generally judges astrology as a discipline Pseudoscience Critics of astrology include that it depends on conjecture, cannot provide hypothesis, is difficult to falsify, and will natural phenomena What can't be proved by modern science supernatural Describe the reason. Some studies believe that the reason for the continued popularity of astrology can be explained as a cognitive bias through psychological methods. For example, most astrologers believe that all planets should be considered in astrology, but they failed to predict due to errors in the star map Neptune The exists of. Neptune's existence finally passed Newton Law of universal gravitation It has been confirmed.
In addition to the shortcomings of astrology mentioned above History of Natural Science Or from a scientific point of view, a general science always tries to summarize the laws of the natural world, and it should simplify the things that happen in nature into some clear rules that can explain these things. If a natural science has to use more and more rules to explain its observed phenomena in its development process (such as Geocentric theory Later, more deflection wheels were introduced to explain the differences in planetary orbits), which often indicates that this science is on the wrong path. And astrology has been adding more and more rules since its beginning, so that its rules are so cumbersome that even professional astrologers cannot list them all.
In addition, so far there is no physical theory that can explain how the position of celestial bodies affects the fate of people. Some people say that the gravity of stars can affect a person, but in fact, what kind of materials are used for the walls, doors and windows of the hospital where a person was born may have a greater impact on the gravity than the gravity of all stars in the universe. Therefore, most natural scientists believe that astrology is a pseudoscience.
In 1975, 186 well-known scientists in the United States (including 18 Nobel laureates) published co signed articles in the Humanist magazine to criticize astrology, which was called pseudoscience.
In a lecture in 2001, Stephen Hawking Said, "The reason why most scientists don't believe in astrology is that it has been proved through experiments scientific theory Not in conformity. "
Nowadays, most of the scientific community Barnum effect To explain the personality prediction phenomenon of astrology.

negative effect

People always say that they read articles such as "The black side of the twelve constellations must cry" just for entertainment. However, after in-depth research, we found that focusing on the constellation may not be as harmless as people think, but just a kind of entertainment. Now let's see why believing in astrology will cause potential harm to us.
Dissemination of pseudoscience
National Science Foundation (National Science Foundation) recently conducted a survey to understand the public's ability to identify pseudoscience. The result is surprising: more than 40% of Americans think astrology is a science. It is also frustrating that this is the case since 1983 percentage The highest one.
from statistical data Looking up, most of the young people aged 18-24 in the United States believe that astrology has at least some scientific basis. Many Americans aged 35-44 also believe that astrology is a science. Other research results show that women believe in constellations more than men. According to the 2005 Gallup poll, 28% of women in the United States believe in constellations, while 23% of men believe in constellations. stay Canada 33% of women believe in constellations.
Women's magazines and television channel The content about constellations can be seen everywhere on. York University sociologist Julia Hemphill believes that women are surrounded by all kinds of pseudoscience, so it is reasonable to think about the extent to which women are blocked by these pseudoscience and cannot access real science.
The British short film "Pseudoscience Emergency Room" satirizes various pseudoscience and alternative therapies widely spread among the people, including: Homeopathy , flower therapy, Indian medicine Palmistry , astrology, etc.
Foster fatalism
Astrology is bad critical thinking Astronomer Phil Plait correctly described this. He said: "The more we encourage the public to accept anecdotes, hearsay, data supporting their views, and outright lies, the more people will be unable to keep their heads clear. Clear thinking is a very important ability of human beings. The disappearance of critical thinking is destroying the world. Although astrology may not be the culprit, it also plays a role in it. "
In theory, believing in astrology is equivalent to believing in the universe Predestination theory This is a form of fatalism, and astrology has no scientific basis at all. In astronomers Carl Sagan In his book Cosmos, Carl Sagan mentioned that astrology can exist and become popular because it seems to endow various routines in our daily life with cosmic meanings. It pretends to satisfy our personal desire to connect with the universe. Astrology implies a dangerous fatalism - if our life is dominated by a series of stars in the sky, why try Change your life
In fact, astrology and people believe that "fate" is the same; But at the same time, it ignores the infinite possibility of the future and confuses the innate and the acquired psychological development Role in the process. Unless someone follows the strict universe determinism (Cosmological determinism), then this is an exciting philosophical question about free will, but it is certainly not within the scope of astrologers' thinking.
Promote discrimination and prejudice
Astrology is very important to us and interpersonal relationship It also has disadvantages, because it allows us to label others according to their constellations before we really know them. As Benjamin Radford said on the Discovery Channel, "This practice is no different from racial discrimination".
Astrology and race Stereotype It is based on the idea that if a person belongs to a certain special group For example, Jews, blacks, Aries, Pisces, etc., you can judge some behaviors or personality characteristics of this person, such as stubbornness, laziness, arrogance, etc. before contacting this person. When an astrologer knows a person's constellation, he/she will have a series of pre-existing assumptions (prejudices) about the person's behavior, personality and personality. In both cases, prejudice will drive people to look for evidence that can confirm their hypothesis. This is the problem: those who believe in constellations usually "observe Selection effect (objective selection effect) victim Observation selection effect is a kind of feature that we want to focus on while ignoring other features Cognitive bias This will cause us to be affected by these presuppositions when we evaluate others. In this way, we will get a distorted and biased impression. Translation and annotation Virgo Cry in the toilet.)
Common "12 constellations personality characteristics" table. Some personality characteristics of different people are preset in a way similar to labeling.
Constellation prediction also has the same effect. They are usually similar to what we call“ Personality type ”Then the observational selection effect comes into play. Although I may have given constellation writers too much credit, in fact, their daily "predictions" are usually very ambiguous, so that they can be put on anyone at any time.
It should also be pointed out that astrology is also potentially harmful to our sense of self. If we feel that we should act or feel in a certain way, it may conflict with our nature. Disturbingly, astrology may also change our character, behavior, and even decision-making process So that we can become more consistent through self suggestion Astrology Results predicted on.
It's really worrisome to see people refer to their constellations when making important decisions in life. Dating websites are a good example. It is very common to refuse to pair just because the constellations do not match. In fact, it is very likely to miss the right person.
Another famous example: against the then President of the United States in 1981 Ronald Reagan After the assassination attempt of Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, then the first lady, turned to astrology. She consulted the astrologer Joan Quigley, who put forward opinions on which days are "good", "ordinary" or "bad", and used them to plan the president's agenda - from signing bills to visiting abroad and other matters of all sizes. Nancy later wrote: "The assassination almost took my husband's life. This fear haunts me all the time, and astrology is just a way for me to get through this pain. As for whether astrology prevented the later assassination of my husband? I don't believe it is, but I can't rule it out." [4]