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Chemical essence

The slightest cause of chemical reaction
Chemical essence refers to the most subtle and fundamental reason for chemical reaction. It can be understood as Theory of molecular motion The collision theory of molecules, later, can be understood as the microscopic energy problem, the fracture and recombination of chemical bonds.
Chinese name
Chemical essence
Foreign name
Chemical essence
Applicable fields
Chemical research


Chemical essence refers to the most subtle and fundamental reason for chemical reaction. It can be understood as Theory of molecular motion The collision theory of molecules, later, can be understood as the microscopic energy problem, the fracture and recombination of chemical bonds.

Basic Introduction

Most enzymes are proteins, and a few are RNA
The essence of antibody is protein
The essence of prokaryotic cell wall is peptidoglycan (except mycoplasma and chlamydia)
Fehling's solution And Biuret reagent The essence of is NaOH solution and CuSO4 solution (where the mass fraction of CuSO4 is different. CuSO4 solution in Fehling reagent is 0.05g/ml, and CuSO4 solution in biuret reagent is 0.01g/ml. NaOH solution is 0.1g/ml)
The essence of interferon is glycoprotein (released by cells)
Plant cell wall The ribosome is composed of rRNA and protein
There are many chemical natures of hormones: Amino acid derivatives , polypeptides and proteins, steroid hormones, fatty acid derivatives
For example: insulin, growth hormone , Thyrotropin , Gonadotropin Etc Its essence is protein