
[yī lì yà tè]
Homer wrote epic poems in ancient Greece
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synonym Eliat Iliad generally refers to Iliad
The Iliad (Greek: Homer (Homer, about the 9th century to the 8th century [13 ] )Epic.
The Iliad consists of 15693 lines and is divided into 24 volumes. The main content is about the Trojan War. Under the leadership of Agamemnon, the "king of the people", the Greek coalition forces, consisting of soldiers and fleets from all over the country, arrived and landed on the coast of Troy after many setbacks. However, in the first nine years of the war, the war had been deadlocked without any progress. In the tenth year, Agamemnon damaged the Greek coalition because of his own decision-making mistakes, and had a dispute with the leaders of the Greek Federation, including Achilles, who came to persuade him. During the fierce quarrel, Agamemnon decided to take back or take away all the spoils of Achilles, including his female companion, which made Achilles refused to go to war because of humiliation and anger. The Trojans, led by Hector, the leader of the Trojans, "wearing shining copper helmets", continued to win. They even once reached the naval ship defense line and headquarters of the Greek Allied Forces, burned the warships, and were about to drive the Greek Allied Forces back to the sea. After Hector killed Achilles' friend Patroclus in the battle, Achilles was angry and finally decided to go into battle. After returning to the battlefield, he withstood the attack of Trojans and killed Hector, and Achilles also died in the battle. [11]
Homer's Epic is one of the most important spiritual wealth of ancient Greece, an indispensable part of the source of Western civilization, and one of the classics of the whole West. [9] As a heavyweight narrative epic, Iliad plays an important role in the history of world literature. In particular, its narrative method had an important impact on the later European narrative poetry, and even later the formation of novel narrative methods and techniques. [10]
In 2004, the film based on the epic Iliad《 TROY 》It was released. [12]
Foreign name
Alias of works
Creation era
800 BC - 600 BC
literary genre
Number of words
About 670000 words

content validity

The Iliad is mainly about war, with emphasis on description Troy War The story happened in 51 days of the tenth year. At the beginning of the epic“ Achilles Anger is my theme ". Although the war has been going on for more than nine years, the two sides are still deadlocked. Greek Allied Commander Agamemnon And generals Achilles Because a female prisoner had a dispute, Achilles He withdrew from the battlefield in anger. His withdrawal led to a series of failures on the Greek side, and the situation was critical. Achilles 's friend Patrocklaus Achilles Their armor rushed to the battlefield and saved the Greek army, but was commanded by Troy Hector Kill. Achilles Angered again, returned to the battlefield to avenge his friend, and finally killed him Hector Hector's father, the old king of Troya Priam find Achilles , hoping that he would return his son's body. Achilles Moved, he returned the body to the old king. The Iliad is here Hector It ended in a grand funeral. [1]

Creation background

Whether the Iliad was written by one person or by many people has always been controversial. Most modern scholars support the view that among many Greek speaking minstrels, there really was a singer named Homer An outstanding poet.
In ancient Greece, the Greeks of Asia, the most powerful in the eastern Mediterranean region, besieged Troy It is said that the city fell into the hands of Asians in 1184 BC. But after about a hundred years, a group of invaders from northern Europe (usually called Durex) plunged the whole Mediterranean world into chaos, which forced those already very rich Asians to flee on the wind, and as refugees or immigrants, they crossed the Aegean Sea eastward with their living customs and their poems.
Asia People in Ionia New tribes were established, and then gradually merged with local residents, until this originally stable city transformed into a mixed product. The old habits are gradually swallowed up by the new civilization. The social situation is relatively stable, but the glory is much less than before. A kind of aristocratic alliance, originally dominated by a general commander, has now become a kind of aristocratic politics in which all aristocrats are equal. In short, the original monarchy has given way to the new aristocratic system.
The ruling class only looks back on the glorious past without pursuing a bright future Ionia These Asiatic immigrant nobles who enjoyed their new life to the fullest still clung to their folk songs and poems, but the theme of these poems had to be changed. Because the audience is no longer interested in new poetry or boring modern works that lack vitality. They want to listen to the great achievements of their ancient heroes, and they want to listen to the glorious history when their brave ancestors dominated their own destiny.
Under the request of this historical background, a kind of description was produced Heroic era A short poem of. There are two special themes: one is to besiege Troy, which is the supreme glory created by their ancestors, and it is very attractive to readers who remember the glorious history; The second is the great exile abroad, which is the painful experience of the invincible Durex people to their ancestors. So the Iliad was born. [2]




Achilles His humanity can be seen from his two indignations. The first volume of the work begins with: "Sing, goddess! Sing the son of Peleus Achilles The anger of ". From the word "anger", we can see that Achilles Character is very sensitive, especially to personal dignity and honor, and no one is allowed to violate it. This is the life values formed under the background of the heroic era at that time Achilles The essential requirement of existence is the true expression of human nature. Achilles It can be seen from his first anger that he has no sense of hierarchy, let alone collective. He ignored the so-called authority and the so-called king, and insisted on his own principles. The first reason why the author was angry about the war was because Agamemnon Captured the sun god Apollo The daughter of the priest Cruces refused to return it, thus bringing plague to the Greek coalition. later Achilles Ask him to return it Apollo The priest's daughter Cruseis, he took Achilles 's female prisoner Briseis , which caused Achilles And withdraw from the war. then Zeus To make Tethys 's son Achilles Obtaining honor, helping Troy's army, and making the Achaeans suffer repeated defeats. [3]
Agamemnon He said that Achilles was a "typical example of violence", but he did not realize that what he did really hurt a brave soldier. originally Achilles It was for the overall interests of the Greek coalition that he persuaded the king. He knew he would be scolded, but he did it anyway. After being greatly insulted, he resolutely withdrew from the war. Later, no matter how defeated the Greek Allied Army was, he refused to go to war. This action fully shows that for a hero, honor and dignity are the most important. It is the human life value that people should pursue in that "heroic era". Achilles Under the repression of power, he is still fearless of the consequences, and demands his dignity and deserved honor frankly and bravely. This is the true and innocent side of his personality. He is headstrong and stubborn like a child. The second anger was due to the death of his good friend Patroclos. It is hard for us to imagine that such a willful hero would have a childlike side. When he heard the news of his friend's death, "the dark clouds of grief and indignation covered his heart", and his huge body fell to the ground. For him at this time, although Olympus His great god has fulfilled his wish, but he said, "What joy does all this have for me?". So he went back to the battlefield angrily, Hector To kill his dearest friend is an insult to him. The fate of heroes has already been fulfilled in various prophecies of gods, but despite knowing their own fate, Achilles He still ignored his parents' worries and returned to the battlefield to find his glory. It is described as follows in Volume 18: [3]
"Once I die, I will lie down in peace, but now I must strive for glory." Only then did he realize that he and Agamemnon A quarrel can only help Hector So he returned to the collective. He was cruel on the battlefield. Even after killing Hector, he insulted his body in every way, like a child. At this time, we can see his character of revenge, very frank. On the other hand, we can see that he has a deep affection for his friends. He is not a cruel man. Although, after he killed his enemy, the chief general of Troy Hector Previously, he had rejected Hector's suggestion that the winner of the two would return the body of the other party, and vowed to return the body of the other party regardless of the amount of ransom Hector And feed the dog. But in Priam Sneak into the military camp alone to get it back Hector "The old man said Achilles The passion of crying over my father was aroused in my heart. He held the old man's hand and gently pushed him away; A smoky memory hung over their hearts Achilles Sometimes he cried for his father, and sometimes he mourned the death of Patroclus; The cry of grief turned in the camp. [3]
When excellent Achilles Having shed enough bitter tears, the passion of wailing left his body and soul. He got up from his seat, held the old man's hand, helped him to stand up, looked at his gray hair, and felt pity. " He thought of his old father, admired his courage and moved his love for his son, so he let the old man take him away Hector And promised a twelve day truce. We can see the gentleness, kindness and respect for the elderly in others' nature, which are all indispensable parts of pure human nature. Hegel Said:“ Achilles He is the youngest hero, but on the one hand, he has the strength of young people, on the other hand, he also has some other qualities of people, Homer Through a variety of different situations, his multifaceted character has been revealed. " "As for Achilles, we can say:" This is a man! The multifaceted nature of noble personality shows its full richness in this man. "He is a straightforward and sentimental Greek hero in the" heroic era ". [3]


Hector Although not as good as Achilles Brave and good at fighting, but good at doing Troy War The second hero in. He was "respected as a god like mortal by the Trojans." He compared Achilles Caring for the clan collective, he is a relatively mature leader and is generally loved by the Trojans. He regarded it as his duty to defend Troy and considered it shameful to show weakness in front of powerful enemies. The scene of his parting with his wife and children on the tower described in Epic Volume VI is very solemn and stirring. Especially when he reached out his arms to embrace his newborn son, the baby saw the copper on his helmet and the mane that nodded to him grimly, and was afraid, he took off the helmet and put it on the ground, and then went to hug and kiss the baby, which is more vivid. Volume 22 writes that his parents cried bitterly on the tower and begged him not to Achilles If we fight, we will not lose our lives. "But we cannot change his mind." Even if he dies, he will gain glory in the war. He was keenly aware of the glorious responsibility he had to shoulder. Lu Xun Said: "Tragedy is to destroy beautiful things for others to see!" Hector It is such a ruin that we can see ancient Greek The tragedy of fate. Works with Hector "The Trojans were buried Hector , the heroism of horse training ". While mourning, we are wondering whether anyone will continue his career after such a hero who has dedicated his life to the country and citizens has left. These can only be looked forward to in our hearts. More importantly, we mourn and admire the hero. [3]
In the Iliad, Achilles It's for honor, but Hector It is to fight for his country, people and honor. When Achilles Because he and Agamemnon Despite the contradiction between the two countries, Hector But he had to give up his wife and son to fight for the city people. But they are the same, Achilles The pursuit of honor, dignity and Hector The responsibility they pursue is the inevitable requirement of their specific living environment, the combination of individual subjective initiative and objective reality, and the achievement of their pure personality experience, that is, the practice of pure human nature. In addition, the fate of the two heroes is also doomed, which is foreshadowed in many places in the works Achilles The death of. Tethys I told my son many times not to go back to the war, because death would not be far away, Hector After his death, he was next. and Hector Is a tragic hero in itself. This huge war between the Akeyans and the Trojans is a home Olympus It's a game of gods. They can't understand people's pain, so we can see it Hector The last tragic fate of this flesh and blood man. [3]


Agamemnon, as the highest actual commander of the Greek coalition army, mentioned at the beginning that his reckless decision had brought plague to the army, and he did not want to solve the problem but also wanted to deprive his subordinates of the spoils. This directly led to the refusal of Achilles, the most powerful general, to go to war. When Hector, the leader of Troy, was overwhelmed, the Greek coalition was unstoppable, and even the warships were burned. But when the old man Nestor said that Agamemnon was blinded by arrogance and anger, so that he humiliated the strongest soldier of the coalition, Agamemnon not only accepted the criticism and admitted his mistake, "I am crazy... blind, let the anger drive me", but also was willing to make up for his mistake with rich financial gifts even as the highest leader of the army, He is willing to marry his daughter to compensate. It can be said that Agamemnon not only shows the shortcomings of greed, irritability and recklessness, but also shows a leader's mind and personality that is good at taking suggestions and correcting mistakes. [11]

Appreciation of works



Praise heroes
The theme of Iliad is to praise the ancient heroes for their strong, powerful, witty and brave, and their great achievements and heroism Collectivism Spirit.
The Iliad created a series of ancient hero images. In their bodies, they not only concentrated the good morality required by the tribal collective, but also highlighted the personality characteristics of each person. Achilles He is brave and good at fighting. Every time he goes into battle, he makes the enemy sweep away. He cherishes friendship. When he heard the news of his friend's death in battle, he was so sad that he ran to the battlefield to avenge his friend. He was also sympathetic to the old man and promised the white haired old king of Troy to return Hector's body. However, he was arrogant and headstrong. He fell out with the commander in chief for a female prisoner and withdrew from the fight, causing a disastrous defeat of the coalition forces. In order to vent his anger, he tied Hector's body to his chariot and circled the city three times. In contrast, Troy's commander Hector Is a more perfect image of the ancient hero. He took the lead, was mature and prudent, and consciously shouldered the responsibility of protecting his homeland and tribal collective. He pursues honor and is fearless of powerful enemies. At the critical moment when there is a great disparity between the strength of the enemy and ours, he still shows no fear and goes out of the city to meet the enemy and fight bravely. He respected his parents, loved his wife and children, and said goodbye to his relatives before the final battle. The moving scene was full of strong human feelings and moving tragic colors.
The era reflected in Iliad is changing from primitive Gentile society towards slave society The transitional period of great change. In the original Gentile society Clans and tribes are characterized by blood relationship, that is, phratry, family and tribe. People's moral concepts also take this blood relationship as the starting point. Everything is correct to the leader who is loyal to the family's blood relatives, and as long as it is to safeguard the family's interests, it is correct. In addition, in the process of the transformation of ancient Greece from a clan commune to a slave state, it was not interfered by any external or internal violence. This transition is mainly caused by two reasons: on the one hand, the emergence of people's private concept, and on the other hand, the progress of social productivity leads to the surplus of products. This makes ancient Greek The state organization of "Li" was directly generated from the clan commune purely through the generation of private property and class differentiation, which was reflected in the epic "Iliad". [4]
Epic with“ Achilles The anger of "is the main line of the whole story. In the epic, Achilles was angry twice, and the first time Achilles was angry because of the commander of the Greek coalition Agamemnon He took away his favorite female prisoners and angrily withdrew from the war. It can be seen that slavery in ancient Greece began to prevail during this period. Moreover, the surplus products produced by the slaves' labor are also quite abundant, such as gold and silver jewelry, ivory amber, and slave owners enjoy various luxuries. They live a life of wine and meat all day long, as described in the epic: "They either plunder the sheep and goats of their own people, or rob the laurels on the dance floor", while slaves and soldiers provide them with this life. In the primitive clan society, its political system was primitive democracy, and the patriarch of the family only acted as the convener, without decision-making and command power. Moreover, the distribution of products and property is also in the form of average distribution. In Iliad, the commander of the Greek coalition Agamemnon There are many trophies and female slaves that ordinary soldiers fought for on the battlefield. He and Achilles The quarrel was caused by the fight for female prisoners. It can be seen that people at this time have already had the "my" consciousness, that is, the generation of people's private ideas. On the distribution of specific property, it reflects the conflict between primitive clan society and slavery society. [4]
Thinking about life
Plato It is believed that, Homer Epic Belongs to the category of tragedy, and Homer He is "the first tragic poet". The Iliad describes the most tragic page of a vigorous war. It shows the violence of war and the value of peace; Express the joy of victory and the pain of failure; It describes the performance of the hero and the difficulty of the expedition. It explains the relationship between man and God, examines the attributes and values of man; It assesses the gains and losses of people in the war, and explores the internal and external factors that urge people to act; In a literary plane where God and man are mixed, facts and imagination coexist, and the past and the present blend, a series of major issues that affect people's lives, determine people's thoughts, and guide people's behavior are seriously, seriously, and deeply discussed. One of the most fundamental problems touched by the Iliad is the limitation of life and the value of life and existence in this limited life Life is wonderful Cattle and sheep walk on the hillside, and girls wash beside the spring stream; Young people shuttled through the laughter and gleefully picked the grapes with high yield. The poet plays the harp and sings with emotion; The girls and boys wore beautiful clothes and danced happily. However, even the happy life in the typical sense inevitably contains the seeds of sadness, and man's generic category makes him unable to escape the threat of death. People will die, whether they want to see death come or not. Life is short, so short that people shudder: God of the Earth, you will think that I am hot headed. If I fight with you, for the sake of poor mortals. Like leaves, they are full of splendor and vitality, like fire, eating the fruits of the earth; However, the good times did not last long. They were exhausted and aged, and their bodies were destroyed and people died. Life is like the hastening and withering of leaves; In Volume VI, lines 145-49, Homer This idea has been expressed.
At the same time, Homer Epic As the "ancient Greek《 Bible 》”, because heroism It is praised as "heroic epic". Among these heroic qualities, courage plays an important role. Fate is a tragedy that people cannot escape. Achilles could not escape the fate. Although he was called "the fastest man" and "the bravest man", he would die early after all, so his mother Tethys lamented sadly at the beginning of Iliad: "My child, why did I give birth to you unfortunately?...... Your fate is short, and you cannot live for many years. You are doomed to die early, suffering more than ordinary people." Hector it is the same with. Because the balance fell to the keeper Hades On the one hand, although he is still fighting bravely in the world, the shadow of death has been buckled. Goethe once lamented that the heroes were doomed to die. Looking at the whole epic, what Goethe told us was only: "Man is doomed to a tragedy like hell. When Zeus , the greatest god, foresees his son, the leader of the Lysians Sarpedon He was killed by Patroclus, who wanted to take him out of the battlefield and send him back to his hometown, but Hera asked him: "What do you say? A mortal who has long been just and doomed to die, but you want him to avoid a tragic death?" Zeus I had to watch my parents and children become the dead under the sword and sigh in the air. In one of the most widely quoted Homer's epics, this kind of fate and short life lament is exaggerated: "Just like the withering and glory of leaves, so are generations of human beings. The autumn wind blows the leaves to the ground, and when spring comes, the forest will sprout again and grow new green leaves. Human beings are also born and withered from generation to generation." In the eyes of the ancient Greeks, Is there only passive escape waiting for death under the concept of destiny? On the contrary, the response of mortality is a response to fate. Since human life has been doomed to the final destination, how to exert the maximum potential in a limited time to become a respected hero rather than a mediocre ordinary person has become the first consideration of heroes. The whole Iliad is not about how much the heroes gain, but about "the way they do things, and their performance in the face of suffering and death." [5]
Heroes rely on "courage" to sublimate the dignity of life in the battle; Rely on the brave and fearless spirit, from "people" to "heroes". They have "courage" to meet the challenge in the face of any opponent, whether mortal or divine, or even fate itself. therefore Diomedes In the face of Agamemnon Shi Linran said, "He gave you a scepter to make you respected, but he didn't give you courage. Courage is the most powerful." There are two forms of life, one is the life of a hero, short and glorious, and the other is the life of ordinary people, long and decaying without glory; To be a hero, you must appear brave and tenacious. It is based on this understanding that "courage" has become an important tool for seeking progress under the concept of destiny, which shows the spiritual world of ancient Greece from another aspect. Therefore, heroes would rather die a glorious death than live a life. "Don't let me hear people say that the hero's blood flows in vain, and it poses a formidable challenge to future generations of people." [5]
Homer Epic The "courage" praised everywhere not only shows the mental state at that time, but also reflects the background of the times. As Marx said, the growth of Greek epic "is the result of a certain social stage, and is inseparable from the fact that the immature social conditions in which it was generated and can only be generated can never be returned." Here, it is advisable to start from "courage" and explore the era imprint. [5]
stay Heroic era Behind the advocacy and praise of "courage" is the reflection of a certain stage of social productivity. Due to the limitation of the times and the limitation of tool manufacturing, the war at that time was characterized by Othismos, that is, pushing and bumping each other, and hand to hand combat became the main means, which naturally required a high degree of "courage". At the same time, the level of "courage" is directly related to the spoils, and the amount of spoils is closely related to social status. The age of heroes has seen differences between rich and poor and between classes. At that time, the Greeks bartered goods, including utensils, livestock and people. The possession of livestock became the main difference between the rich and the poor. If the upper class wants to maintain its status, it needs to reward its followers, which requires corresponding land and material resources. As food trade was still very scarce at that time, looting became the main means. stay ancient Greek In people's opinion, "looting is a way of life. Obtaining booty not only makes leaders and followers rich, but also tests their masculinity, skills and courage, and then brings honor and glory." Behind wealth is not only material, but also honor, so they are more a "shame culture" than a "crime culture" for war. Soldiers should give full play to their own energy to realize their own values. Those who have made great contributions have become "heroes" praised by later generations. [5]
Of course, the struggle is not only reflected in the confrontation with foreign enemies, but also within the country, such as Achilles And Agamemnon The conflict between the two countries, the division and contradiction in the Greek system also appeared. stay Heroic era In order to live a better life, one must be brave and good at fighting. This is the background of the times reflected by "courage". As the book "World Ancient Myths" said: "Without artistic, sacrificial and social contexts, mythical epics will have no vitality and lose any meaning." [5]
One of the most fundamental problems in Iliad is ancient Greek Simple humanistic ideological tendency. On the body of Achilles, the "god like hero", it embodies the limitation of life and the quest for life and existence value in this limited life. In the sixth volume of the epic poem, the poet Homer expressed this idea of the ancient Greeks. In the war of death and death, people screamed and fell to the ground, "face down", "hands grasping the dirt". Even if it is brave and invincible Achilles , but even so, Achilles It is better to choose to become a well-known short-lived hero than to live a life of mediocrity. This reflects the ancient Greeks' recognition of the value of life and their pursuit of the realization of their own personal value. The insignificance and greatness of human beings appear incisively and vividly here. [4]


The Iliad is Homer Epic The heroic epic that directly describes the Trojan War in China has a rigorous structure and exquisite layout. It takes "the anger of Achilles" as the main line of the whole book, and other characters and events revolve around this main line to form a rigorous whole. Epics are good at using animal movements, or using natural landscapes and life phenomena as metaphors to form interesting“ Homeric metaphor ”。 For example, it is written that Achilles withdrew from the battle, Hector The Greek army fled from place to place. The epic used this metaphor: "It's like a savage lion attacking a herd of cattle, eating one and scaring the rest to flee." There is a famous saying "My life cannot be sold at a low price. I would rather fight and die than go to an ignominious end, so that the outstanding deeds can be passed on to the next world." The epic has a strong rhythm and high tone, It is not only suitable for representing major events, but also convenient for oral recitation. The superb artistic technique of Iliad is often praised by later generations.
Generally speaking, epic belongs to the category of narrative poetry. There are two kinds of narration in Iliad, one is the narration made by the poet as the narrator, the other is the expression, confession and dialogue made by the poet as the character. Aristotle Call the first form "description" and the second form "performance". In Iliad, Direct quotation About half, and the direct speech is the narration (including retelling) of the characters, which is similar to Person in the play (dramafis personae). There is no doubt that such language forms provide ready materials for performative narration. In this sense, the Iliad is between pure narrative poem (that is, the poet narrates completely or basically as the narrator) and drama (poetry).
Metrical rhythm
The Iliad uses the six tone step short grid [6] (i.e Raise, suppress and restrain ), take the forward long and backward short downward momentum. But Homer's epics are not short and long“ rule all the land ”。 In fact, in addition to the fifth step, other steps can also accept the long form (that is, Yang Yang); In addition, the sixth step is short and long“ penalty zone ”, generally using long and short grids (i.e Sublation lattice )Instead. In this way, we can use the following symbols or combinations of symbols to represent the metrical or rhythmic forms of Homer's epics (or six tone short narrative poems, heroic epics): - UUI - UUI - UUI - UUI - U Homer is a bard who lives in a place where there is no written word, or written words have been lost, revived or re entered (at least not yet widely popular) The era of. Therefore, Iliad is first and foremost an oral literary work.
Linguistic modification
A common and prominent feature of oral epic recitation is that a whole set of fixed or relatively fixed Adjective , phrases, and paragraphs. Obviously, this way of creation is conducive to the construction of poets. Memory, difficult recitation and inevitable improvisation. In Iliad, Agamemnon is "the commander of the army" (or "the leader of the army"), and Menelaus is "the general of the roaring battlefield"; We read about Zeus, "The thunder spreads far away.". "White armed" Hera "Resourceful" Odysseus , "shiny helmet" Hector , "Foot catching" Achilles The "hard toed" Achaeans, the "wine blue" sea and the "fertile" Troy. These stylized terms not only point out some or some characteristics, attributes and categories of the modified person (noun, person or thing), but also help to render and ink the solemn, grand and solemn poetic features of the epic. The heroes were "tall", "burly" and "handsome". After satisfying their desire to eat and drink, they eloquently talked, uttered "words with wings", or lay down to enjoy the sweet sleep. The heroes dared to act. When they were angry, they "stared at" their opponents viciously. After they were killed in the battle, they suddenly fell to the ground, "with a roar, the armor clanged on their bodies". First, they were fully armed. Then they rushed to the battlefield, jumped out of their chariots, cursed each other with their opponents, put down several generals, drove the enemy away, let alone fled. Then they were frustrated and wounded, and raised their hands to ask for advice God bless , regain courage and strength, continue to fight and kill the enemy's head of state. Then, the two armies launched a fierce battle around the corpse, with heavy casualties. With God's help, they rescued the fallen generals and friends from the rain of guns and arrows. The Iliad describes five such "feats" (aristeiai), using a similar pattern, although there are slight differences in some individual items.
A long retelling helps to reduce the poet's labor intensity, lengthen the length of the epic, and deepen the audience's impression of some content. The formation and development of stylized terms have gone through a long period of time. A reference to certain terms, especially certain deities, such as Algiphontes( Hermes ), Atrutone (Athena), etc Homer The age of life may have been "fossil" or "antique". As Adjective "Bull eyed" may have originated in the era of totem worship Homer Epic Li has lost its literal meaning and has become synonymous with "beautiful" and "beautiful". A god or hero often has more than one or even dozens of adjectives or formulaic terms. The poet can Metrical pattern And the need to choose appropriate adjectives. With Zeus For example, in different contexts and rhyme combinations, the poet uses different modifiers, including "resourceful", "gathering dark clouds", "thunder spreading far away", and so on. Similarly, according to the needs of rhythm and melody, poets sometimes use "long hair", sometimes use "strong shin armor", and occasionally use "bronze armor" to decorate the Akeyans.
Homer He is a language master with profound skills, rich imagination and good innovation. In Iliad, "the words are gorgeous and witty, and wonderful and vivid words and metaphors abound. Homer knows how to use metaphors, such as" the barrier of battle "(referring to the bravery of battle)," the mother of sheep "(referring to the mountain), but he is more familiar with them and is better at using similes. The similes in Iliad can be divided into two types, one is the simple type, and the other is the complex type developed from the simple type. The structural feature of simple similes is that A is like B. Aas The battle shield "looks like a wall", and the soldiers fight like wolves or lions. Apollo came down from Olympus "like the night"; Setis came out of the sea "like a mist". Homer can use this kind of simile with ease and ironing skill, which can be said to have reached the level of perfection. Another kind of simile, the complex simile, rarely appears in the early epics of other nations, but it is a common language phenomenon with many use cases in Homer's epics. The structural feature of this kind of simile is that a whole paragraph of complete content is appended after A image B, and the object of its modification or interpretation is not A, which receives the metaphor, but B, which is the metaphor. For example, like a Mayonian or Carian woman, she painted ivory with bright red paint to make the cheek piece of a riding horse. Although many riders are salivating over it, it lies quietly in the inner room. As a treasure of the king, it is doubly treasured. It is not only a horse's ornament, but also can add glory to the riding horse. Usually, the poet ends the simile with "like this..." and continues the story: like this, Menelaus The blood has stained your strong thighs, your calves and your well-defined ankles.
Zeus on Olympus
God's participation runs through the whole process of Iliad. God can go down to the earth at any time he or she needs (unless prevented by Zeus), find any mortal to find, and talk about anything to talk about. As a way of communication, ordinary people can ask God for help through prayer. Like ordinary people, God exists in the form of family or clan, and Zeus is the head of the divine world. The authority of the divine world is even more obviously determined by pure and undisguised strength or physical strength than that of the human world. With unparalleled divine power, Zeus Overthrew his father Cronos And won the throne of the divine world. Olympus None of the gods dare to compete with him. They dream of competing with him because Zeus The power of the other gods is far from equal. He warned against meddling Hera , the words are quite rough and harsh: close your mouth and sit quietly to one side. Do as I say - otherwise, when I walk over and shake off my arms to show you my irresistible power, Olympus Even if all the gods on the ground go out, they can't help you! This is a world of naked power.
And in the Iliad Zeus He is an expert who knows how to use politics and is good at political balance. Compared with happy gods, mortals are "pitiful" or "pathetic". A stylized term of human is deiloisibrotosi (miserable beings). God's life, because it transcends the prohibition of death, has neither the hardship of life nor the seriousness and heaviness of life. According to the poet's point of view, gods naturally have what ordinary people want but are not so easy to get, and give them to poor ordinary people who are greatly limited in physical, mental and intellectual strength.
There is nothing in Iliad that cannot be explained. Major decisions made on the characters, Homer Generally, the solution of "double motivation" is adopted (from which we can also see the role of human Homer Epic In spite of many disasters, people are by no means insignificant. Agamemnon made the decision to take Achilles' female companion, for one thing, because he was tough, and for another, because he was driven by divine power. Similarly, Athena's dissuasion and Achilles' choice made him avoid and Achilles The merger of. In Volume 9, Diomedes prophesy Achilles Will return to the battlefield, driven by (his own) soul, urged by the gods. Homer also used this method to deal with some major wars (and events). Patroclus died of a mixture of divine and mortal forces; Similarly, Hector 's death belongs to Achilles And Athena's help. According to Homer's theology, in addition to God, life is also restricted and manipulated by another supernatural force, that is, destiny, aisa. Homer generally does not personalize the description of fate; In addition, moira also has no genealogy, unlike ordinary gods and deities, it can find three generations of ancestors. Moira's strength mainly lies in limiting the length or limit of life; Mortals have already taken the shadow of death at the moment of birth. Ordinary people can't extricate themselves from the bondage of fate by praying. At least theoretically, fate can be broken or surpassed to a certain extent. In Volume 20, Zeus Said to the gods, with the rage caused by the death of Patroclus, Achilles May break through the constraints of fate, and break through the castle. As the "father of God and man", omnipotent Zeus Nature has the power to break through destiny. In Aizi Sal Pei Dong Before death, Zeus I thought about saving him from the battlefield, just because he was Hera You are going to save him from a tragic death, a mortal, a mortal destined to die? Go ahead, Zeus , but our gods will never agree. It can be seen that if Zeus is willing, he can save Salpedon, but doing so may cause the repugnance of the gods, bring out a series of chain reactions, destroy the harmony of the celestial bodies, and produce unexpected results.

Later influence

Homer Epic 》(Iliad《 Odyssey 》)It is a model of western narrative poetry and has made great achievements in art. In terms of subject treatment and structural arrangement, the epic adopts flashback, focusing on the stories of dozens of days, interspersed with many events that have occurred in several years. This makes the content appropriate and the plot structure compact. The language of epic is also very distinctive, with the characteristics of oral literature. There are a lot of vivid and strange metaphors in the epic, most of which come from the familiar natural phenomena. Epics also use fixed modifiers to describe characters, which can not only highlight a certain feature of the character image, but also help to enhance the sense of gravity of the epic. As the highest achievement of ancient Greek literature, Homer's Epic has had a profound impact on the European literature of future generations. Many later writers, such as Virgil Dante Goethe And so on, from which they draw rich nutrients. [1]
Iliad is one of the two series of Homer's Epic, which contains a rich view of the fate of ancient Greece: the theme is fatalism, and the fate of twists and turns and death is the absolute existence prior to human beings; People's struggle against fate bursts out with a strong and fresh sense of life. These thoughts not only emphasize the inevitability of fate, but also emphasize the life subject's struggle against fate, and have a profound and lasting impact on the philosophical thinking of the fate of future generations, especially on the fate of Marx's historical materialism. [9]

Work evaluation

[ Italy ] Dante "Standing next to the Iliad, I felt that the book was 10 feet tall, which was amazing." [7]

About the author

Homer , about 9~8 centuries BC, was born in Ionia, ancient Greece. He has been blind since childhood, but his hearing is extremely sensitive and he has a good voice. At the age of 8, out of his hobby and to make a living, he followed a famous local tramp singer to learn art. After years of hard work, Homer has become a very excellent blind singer. After the teacher died, Homer went to various places to perform alone with the seven string harp left by the teacher. He drifted around, almost every inch of Greece. Everywhere he went, he sang his own epic poems to people while playing the piano. [8]