Business Process Reengineering

Business Process Reengineering
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operation flow Business Process Reengineering (BPR) was first proposed by Michael Hammer and James Champy in the United States and reached its peak in the 1990s Management thought Usually defined as Enterprise Strategy , Value added Operation process And the restructuring and optimization of the systems, policies, organizations and structures that support them Workflow And productivity optimization. Emphasize the business process as the object and center of transformation, and care about customer needs and Satisfaction For the purpose of fundamentally rethinking and thoroughly redesigning the existing business processes, and using advanced manufacturing technology, information technology and modern Management means , maximize implementation technique On Function integration And management functions to break the traditional Functional organization structure , establish a new process type organization structure To achieve enterprise operation Breakthrough improvements in cost, quality, service and speed.
operation flow The most important thing for restructuring is to have a sound business process restructuring management plan and implementation steps at the level of the organization's senior executives, as well as a clear understanding of the expected obstacles and obstacles.
Chinese name
Business Process Reengineering
Foreign name
Business Process Reengineering
Through restructuring and optimizing the enterprise strategy, value-added operation process and the systems, policies, organizations and structures supporting them, the purpose of optimizing the workflow and productivity is achieved
Also called
Business Process Reengineering

brief introduction


essential information

BPR (Business Process Reengineering/Business Process Re engineering/Business Process Redesign) is also translated as: business process reengineering, business process reengineering. This theory is a hot research topic in today's business and management academia. BPR theory was first famous in the United States in 1990 business management Master Michael Hammer proposed that some large American companies, such as IBM , Kodak general motors Ford Automobiles and others have launched BPR, trying to use it to develop themselves, Practical proof These large enterprises have achieved great success after implementing BPR.
There are many references to the definition of BPR. For example, some people think that BPR refers to intra organizational and inter organizational Workflow And program analysis and design; Some people think that BPR is a fundamental change using information technology business process To achieve the main Enterprise objectives Methodological procedures; There are also views that BPR is about enterprise processes Basic analysis And redesign to achieve significant changes in performance. Its founders, Michael Hammer and James Champy, defined it as "BPR is for enterprises operation flow The purpose of fundamental thinking and thorough reconstruction is to make significant improvements in cost, quality, service and speed, so that enterprises can adapt to the needs of customers compete Modern times characterized by competition and change enterprise operation Environment ". Although their descriptions are different, their connotations are similar, that is, the essence of BPR is a brand new enterprise business process (here, the enterprise business process refers to achieving a certain Business objectives This process is not limited by the division of existing departments and processes. It is designed in the simplest and most direct way organization structure To realize the reorganization of the enterprise.
Therefore, a more comprehensive definition of BPR should refer to the adoption of Resource integration resource optimization , to maximize the satisfaction of enterprises and supply chains management system A method required by rapid development, which is more embodied as a Management thought , has gone far beyond management tool Its purpose is to make significant improvements in cost, quality, service and speed, so that enterprises can adapt to the modern era characterized by customers, competition and change to the maximum extent business environment
BPR is a foreign management team in TQM( Total Quality Management )、JIT( Just in time production )、WORKFLOW( Workflow Management), WORKTEAM( Team management )、 Benchmarking management It is based on a series of management theories and practices that are fully launched and successful. It's the West developed country At the end of the century, it was a reflection and significant improvement on the specialized division of labor and organizational stratification system that had been in operation for more than 100 years. BPR is an important tool for enterprises bureaucracy A radical reform of.
The professional division of labor and the hierarchical system of organization are the preconditions for the success of large-scale industrialization in western industrial countries《 The Third Wave 》In the book "Big is good" mass production The era is described in the most detailed way, and the end of its era is predicted. However, more than ten years later, large enterprises have not disappeared, but have adopted BPR and other advanced ideas to make themselves reborn.
In the process of enterprise management informatization in China, especially ERP project Implementation process BPR is an indispensable key step in Enterprise management informatization An important factor in success. [1]
The best IT application support tool for BPR is BPM Business Process Management Software [2] The international products of this kind of software are: IBM Microsoft Mainly, Xieda Software UFIDA Kingdee Mainly, including UFIDA and Kingdee BPM software All of them are from Xieda Software Workflow Engine Technology.


Business Reengineering Theory There is a profound background for the emergence of. Since the 1960s and 1970s, Information technology revolution Make enterprise's business environment And the way of operation has changed a lot National economy The long-term low growth of market competition With the increasingly fierce, enterprises are facing severe challenges. Some management experts use 3C theory Expounds this new challenge:
Against this background, in combination with the practical exploration of American enterprises to challenge the threats from Japan and Europe, Hamer and Qian Pi published Reengineering the Correction in 1993, which believed that "in the past 20 years, no management trend of thought can reverse the competitiveness of the United States, such as management by objectives, diversification Z theory Zero based budget value analysis , decentralization Mass circle , pursuit of excellence, restructuring file management Walking management Matrix management Internal innovation And one minute decision, etc. ". In 1995, Qian Pi published Reengineering Management Hammer and Qian Pi proposed that the original Workflow To make the enterprise more suitable for the future survival and development space. This new idea shocked the management academia for a while“ Enterprise reengineering ”、“ Process reengineering ”Be talked about hot topic The works of Hammer and Qian Pi were translated and disseminated in large quantities at an extremely fast speed. Various publications and lectures related to this were also popular for a time. In a short time, this theory has become a research hotspot of enterprises and academia all over the world.


It is urgent to establish a theoretical framework for business process reengineering and study the implementation strategies of business process reengineering, including development Process analysis model And standardized procedures, and construct the organizational system and management structure of business process reengineering, which is to guide enterprises Process reengineering The foundation for the successful implementation of the project is also the need for the theory to mature.
Business Process Reengineering Framework
The framework of business process reengineering includes all parts of the process of reengineering, mainly including the following aspects: a series of guiding principles; The process of business process reengineering (a series of activities and their internal relations); A series of methods and tools, and the role of these methods and tools in supporting the process of business process reengineering. The enterprise process reengineering framework covers an important part of reengineering, and enterprises can successfully complete the process of enterprise process reengineering according to the content of the framework. Figure 2-1 depicts the enterprise process reengineering framework, and the upper part of the figure illustrates the Basic structure The process of business process reengineering is the core content of the framework, including the activities that make up the process and the relationship between the activities. The principle of business process reengineering is the guiding ideology of business process reengineering, covering Management scientist And the practical experience of various enterprises implementing BPR. The methods and tools of business process reengineering promote the practice of business process reengineering, provide specific analysis, design and implementation technologies for business process reengineering, and ensure the smooth progress of business process reengineering.


BPM of Xieda Software Business Process Management After the implementation of BPR for the software system, the organization presents the following characteristics:
1、 Customer focus
All employees regard customers rather than superiors as Service Centre , everyone's Quality of work Customers make comments, not company leaders. [3]
2、 Enterprise management Business process oriented
Compare the business review with Decision point Shorten the execution of business processes Information communication Channel and time, so as to improve the overall reaction rate [3]
3、 The system idea of focusing on the optimization of the overall process
Redesign various activities in the business process according to the goal of optimizing the overall process, and emphasize that the activities in each link of the process should maximize the value added and minimize the ineffective Or not Value added activities. [3]
4、 Pay attention to the role of everyone in the whole business process
promote team work And consider the success of individuals and the success of the process they are in as a whole. [3]
5、 Emphasize Customer facing Integrate enterprise business processes with suppliers
In the process of implementing BPR, enterprises should not only consider the internal business processes of the enterprise, but also the whole process of the enterprise, customers and suppliers Value chain And try to realize that there is only one contact point between the enterprise and the outside, so as to make the interface between the enterprise and the supplier more interfaced and streamlined. [3]
6、 Use information technology to coordinate the contradiction between decentralization and centralization
When designing and optimizing enterprise business processes, it is emphasized that information technology should be used as far as possible to realize the one-time processing and sharing mechanism of information, transform serial workflow into parallel workflow, and coordinate the contradiction between decentralization and centralization. [3]

Technical means

The technical means of BPR mainly include flow chart The design and analysis of and the benchmarking method. stay Cloud computing era The best way to implement BPR is to use cloud computing and SOA BPM for IT technology concept Business Process Management Software system.

Core content

In the definition of BPR, fundamental, thorough Dramatic ,, and business processes have become the four core contents of concern.


The fundamental rethinking shows that BPR focuses on the core issues of the enterprise, such as "why should we do this work now", "why should we use this way to complete this work", "why must we do this work instead of others", and so on. By Enterprise operation Thinking about the most fundamental issues, enterprises will find that the business assumptions on which they rely for survival or operation are outdated, or even wrong.


Thorough redesign indicates that BPR should trace back to the source of things. Instead of making superficial changes or adjusting repairs and improvements to the things that already exist, we should abandon all stereotypes, and do not need to consider all the prescribed structures and processes, innovate the way to complete the work, and reconstruct the business process of the enterprise, rather than improving, enhancing or adjusting.


Dramatic improvement indicates that business process reengineering is not pursuing performance improvement or slight improvement or slight improvement in the general sense, but to make enterprise performance have significant growth, great leap and dramatic change, which is also the characteristics of business process reengineering and the sign of success.

Process simplification



Due to imperfect design, changing requirements, outdated technology, and the breeding of bureaucracy, many processes in the organization will involuntarily include a large number of processes that are not efficient, or that are not satisfactory in terms of output and value creation. Process is an effective technology to solve this problem.


Generally speaking, in the process of implementing BPR, if the following three types of phenomena are found, enterprises can consider to selectively carry out process simplification.
(1) Problem solving Process occupied Time cost There is possibility of improvement.
(2) Sighting post The results of competitor Compared with the enterprise's Distribution cost Or includes services or technical support Of response speed There are obvious disadvantages.
(3) In the process of analyzing the problem solving process, it is found that the activities have little or no contribution to meet customer needs.


By eliminating non value-added steps from business processes or simplifying them as much as possible, we can improve the efficiency of providing products and services to customers and improve the efficiency of Quality Assurance Link Monitoring capability The role of process simplification is mainly shown in the following four points:
(1) Improve responsiveness. This is mainly reflected in the product distribution link of providing support services for customers. As the cycle speed of each sub link is accelerated, it promotes the follow-up dynamic change of the following link, and ultimately improves the customer's Satisfaction
(2) cost reduction Completely eliminate invalid budgets.
(3) Decrease times/ Scrap rate With the invalidity of those easy to lead to secondary/waste products low-energy With the reduction of links, the times/scrap rate will also decline significantly.
(4) Improve Employee satisfaction Reducing the inefficiency and complexity of the process means that employees will be given more power to make specific decisions on their own work, which will undoubtedly greatly improve the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of employees to participate in work.

Simplify categories

(1) Cost oriented process simplification. This is the most basic process simplification method, which aims to cost analysis To identify and reduce the factors that induce the increase of resource input or cost. This method is applicable to those activities that have a greater impact on the price or cost of products. The premise of operation is not to damage those necessary or critical processes or activities that can ensure that customer needs are met.
(2) Time oriented process simplification. This is a kind of Product cycle The process simplification method with more and more extensive operation of aspect. Its feature is to focus on the time occupied by each link of the whole process and the coordination time between each link Quantitative analysis
(3) Restructuring process simplification. A long-term foothold Process capability Substantial improvement, while radically improving the entire business process Redesign Method. This method emphasizes that business organization Find gaps and improvement space between the existing business process performance and its strategic development needs. Implementation requires the organization to develop a cross departmental and cross enterprise implementation plan from top to bottom, and the corresponding resource investment is also considerable.

Procedural methods


Main procedures

Enterprise "reengineering" is to redesign and arrange the entire production, service and business process of the enterprise to rationalize it. Through the original Production and operation All aspects and links of the process Research And detailed analysis to thoroughly reform the unreasonable and unnecessary links. In the specific implementation process, the following procedures can be followed.
  1. one
    Conduct a comprehensive function and efficiency analysis of the original process, and find its problems.
Operation process
When market demand technical conditions The changes have made the existing Operating procedures When it is difficult to adapt, Operation efficiency Or the effectiveness of the organizational structure will be reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the current operation process from the following aspects:
dysfunction : With the development of technology Inseparability Team work (TNE), the amount of work that can be completed by individuals will change, which will increase the original work flow or fragmentation administration cost , or the accounting unit is too large, resulting in the disconnection of rights, responsibilities and interests, and the unreasonable design of the organization Enterprise development Bottleneck of.
② Importance: different operation processes have different impacts on the enterprise. With the development of the market, customers' demands for products and services have changed, and the key links in the operation process and the importance of each link are also changing.
③ Feasibility: according to the characteristics of market and technology changes and the actual situation of the enterprise, identify the priorities of the problems and the entry point of process reengineering. In order to have a more targeted understanding of the above issues, it is also necessary to Go to the site Specifically observe and analyze the functions, constraints and key performance issues of the existing work processes.
2. Design new process improvement plans and evaluate them.
In order to design a more scientific and reasonable operation process, we must pool our wisdom and encourage innovation. When designing a new process improvement scheme, you can consider:
① Consolidate several businesses or work combinations into one;
② Each step of the workflow is carried out in its natural order;
③ Give to employees Participation in decision-making Power;
④ Set several execution methods for the same workflow;
⑤ The work should go beyond the boundaries of the organization and be carried out in the most appropriate place;
⑥ Minimize inspection, control, adjustment and other management work;
⑦ Set the case manager.
BPR, as an idea of redesigning working mode and workflow, is of universal significance, but in terms of specific practices, it must be carried out according to the actual situation of the enterprise. Many large enterprises in the United States have conducted BPR to varying degrees, and the specific contents of some major programs are as follows:
Consolidate related work or workgroups
If a job is divided into several parts, and each part is subdivided and completed by different people, then everyone will appear conscientiousness Weak and inefficient. Moreover, once a problem occurs in a certain link, it is not easy to find out the cause, and it is more unfavorable to the overall work progress. In this case, the enterprise can merge related work or complete the whole work by one, which not only improves efficiency, but also gives workers a sense of work achievement, thus encouraging morale. If the combined work still needs several people to take on jointly or the work is relatively complex, a team shall be established, and the team members shall Joint responsibility For a job from beginning to end, you can also establish a database, Information Exchange Center To guide the work. In this case Workflow We can make correct judgments faster and better by sharing information and making ideas together.
Make the steps of the workflow follow their natural sequence
In traditional organizations, work is divided into Organizational unit If one step is not completed, the next step cannot be started. This linear workflow makes working hours It is greatly extended. According to the natural order of the work itself, it can be carried out simultaneously or alternatively. This non linear working mode can greatly accelerate the working speed.
The position of the same business in different jobs is different
The traditional approach is to deal with a business in the same way, so it is necessary to design the business for the most difficult and complex work processing method , put this Working methods Apply to all applicable to this business working process Medium. There are a lot of Tuition and miscellaneous expenses Therefore, you can set several processing methods for this business according to different work. In this way, the efficiency can be greatly improved and the work can be simplified.
Blur organizational boundaries
In traditional organizations, the work is completely Division of departments In order to avoid friction in the work of various departments, a lot of coordination work has been added. Therefore, BPR can blur or even surpass the strictly defined organizational boundaries. As per P&G supermarket The sales and inventory conditions transmitted by the information network decide how many products are produced and delivered. They do not rely solely on their own sales departments for statistics, which also avoids a lot of coordination work.
For the proposed multiple process improvement schemes, the cost, benefit, technical conditions and risk level shall be evaluated to select the scheme with strong feasibility.
3. Develop the organizational structure matching the process improvement plan Human resource allocation and Business specifications And other aspects to form a systematic enterprise reengineering plan.
The implementation of enterprise business processes is based on the corresponding organizational structure, human resource allocation, business standards Communication channels even to the extent that corporate culture As a guarantee, only by forming a systematic enterprise reengineering program with process improvement as the core, can the expected purpose be achieved.
4. Organization, implementation and Continuous improvement
The implementation of enterprise reengineering plan will inevitably touch the original Interest pattern Therefore, we must carefully organize and advance. We should be firm in attitude, overcome resistance, and actively promote to form consensus to ensure the smooth progress of enterprise reengineering.
The implementation of enterprise reengineering does not mean the end of enterprise reengineering. In the era of accelerating social development, enterprises are always facing new challenges, which requires continuous improvement of enterprise reengineering programs to meet the needs of the new situation.

Implementation steps

  1. one
    Startup of BPR project
  2. two
    Develop a change plan
  3. three
    Establish project team
  4. four
    Analyze target process
  5. five
    Redesign the target process
  6. six
    Implement new design
  7. seven
    Re improvement
  8. eight
The details are as follows:
Understand the problems existing in the enterprise and determine the goals to be achieved
First of all, the reengineering team needs to carry out systematic research and interviews with front-line staff, so as to understand the problems faced by enterprise operation, put forward requirements for process reengineering, and determine the goals to be achieved after process reengineering.
Select the business process to be reorganized
The choice is of great significance. It is related to the performance that can be achieved after the event and the exemplary role for future transformation. To select an appropriate process, it is necessary to consider the key processes that seriously affect the efficiency, cost or value-added of the enterprise and lead to the existing problems; It is necessary to consider the most important process for customers, and the list of business processes to be prioritized for reorganization can be drawn up according to the content most concerned by customers; It is necessary to consider the process that is easiest to implement successfully, so as to Easy before difficult , to obtain relatively considerable benefits with less risk, so as to make a great success and achieve the role of example.
Analyze the existing process and find out the crux
For the selected business process to be reorganized, conduct detailed and accurate process analysis, clarify the core links of the existing process, advantages and disadvantages, and existing outstanding problems, examine the departments that may be involved in the reorganization, and make a preliminary impact analysis. This link is an important process to diagnose the original process and find problems.
Design new business processes
According to the set goals, the shortcomings of the existing processes and the principles of restructuring, new processes should be redesigned, core processes should be identified, non value-added processes should be simplified or merged, and duplicate and unnecessary processes should be reduced or eliminated to build a new business process model. This is to transform the original process and solve the problem Key steps
Evaluate new business processes
According to the enterprise built-in agenda Evaluate the new process according to the actual conditions to evaluate whether it is feasible, how its benefits are and whether it can effectively achieve the original goals.
Implement and revise the new process
Implement new processes and improve them through practice [4]

critical factor

  1. one
    Combination with IE technology
  2. two
    Senior management must directly lead the reorganization
  3. three
    The organizational management of enterprises must be reformed
  4. four
    Take appropriate strategies to guide reorganization
  5. five
    Employees actively support and participate in restructuring
  6. six
    Flexible composition of team members
  7. seven
    Professional consulting companies participate in restructuring
  8. eight
    Establish a sound long-term plan
  9. nine
    Develop stable performance metrics
  10. ten
    Detailed system evaluation

Feature Application



  1. one
    Emphasize customer satisfaction
  2. two
    Use performance improvement measures
  3. three
    Focus on broader, fundamental and comprehensive business processes
  4. four
    Emphasize teamwork
  5. five
    Transform the values of the enterprise
  6. six
    Promotion of senior managers
  7. seven
    Lower the level of decision-making in the organization


Business process reengineering can create optimized business processes for enterprises and enhance their core competitiveness. The focus of business process reengineering is to eliminate Value transmission Non in chain Value added activities And adjusting core value-added activities. The principles to be followed here are as follows.
Non value-added activities such as overproduction or oversupply waiting time , transportation, transfer and movement, processing links in non value-added or out of control processes, inventory and documents, defects, failures and rework, repetitive tasks Information format Reorder or transfer, mediation, inspection, monitoring and control, etc.
After eliminating unnecessary activities as far as possible, the remaining necessary activities should be simplified, such as procedures and processes, communication processes, technical analysis processes and problems Locale Process, etc.
Business Process Reengineering
The simplified tasks need to be further integrated to make them smooth, coherent and able to meet customer need For example, to realize order oriented Single point contact The whole process service of Task Integration; In order to meet the needs of customers with high efficiency and quality, a team with a series of tasks that cannot be undertaken by a single member is formed; Integrate customers and supplier Resources, etc.
On the basis of completing the clearing, simplification and integration of processes and tasks, we fully use and develop the powerful functions of information technology to accelerate and improve the process Customer service accuracy Automation for the target.
Generally, the business process after reorganization will show the following characteristics: Flattening of organization Decision making power Lower or move outward; Audit and control are significantly reduced; Cancel the assembly line type work link; Synchronous work replaces sequential work; The work style dominated by generalists or project personnel; Manager's operating duty Turn into guidance, help and support.

Follow the principle

Business processes within the enterprise Reorganization process The following basic Process improvement Principle: 1. Eliminate waste; 2. Reduce waste; 3. Simplify the process; 4. Process steps may be combined when necessary; 5. Design processes with optional paths; 6. Parallel thinking; 7. On data source collecting data 8. Apply information technology to improve the process; 9. Let users participate Process reengineering One of the most important is to "simplify the process".
The method to be followed is:
  1. one
    Organize around results rather than processes
  2. two
    The system idea of focusing on the optimization of the overall process
  3. three
    Incorporate information processing into the actual work of generating such information
  4. four
    Regard scattered resources everywhere as one
  5. five
    Linking parallel work, not just their outputs
  6. six
    Make the decision point at the place where the work is executed, and establish control procedures in the business process
Pay attention to the following points during actual operation:
  1. one
    Establish flat organization
  2. two
    Feasibility experiments should be conducted before the application of new processes
  3. three
    Reengineering must estimate the personal needs of the affected people, and the parties must be invited to participate in the design of the change plan
  4. four
    Reengineering should achieve initial results within 12 months

Strategic factors

Business process reengineering can only be strengthened in enterprises strategic role It is really possible to implement when. Therefore, before business process reengineering, the enterprise's management strategy Becomes extremely important. Some strategic factors that need to implement BPR include:
  1. one
    Recognize that competitors will have advantages in cost, speed, flexibility, quality and service.
  2. two
    Strategies needed to increase operational capability.
  3. three
    The need to reassess strategic choices: enter new markets or reposition products and services.
  4. four
    Core operational processes are based on outdated business assumptions or technologies.
  5. five
    It seems that the strategic objectives of the enterprise cannot be achieved.
  6. six
    There have been new changes in the market. For example, the market share needs to be expanded and new competitors appear. When the above factors occur in enterprises, BPR will be implemented more effectively.

Effectiveness issues

Reengineering ”On Europe and America Has been highly valued by the enterprises of economic performance A large number of successful examples have emerged. In early 1994, CSCIndex (Strategy Management consulting company )Yes North America 621 samples were taken with 6000 major European companies questionnaire investigation The result of the survey is that 69% of 497 companies in North America and 75% of 124 companies in Europe have carried out one or more reengineering projects, and half of the remaining companies are also considering such projects. American Express has reduced the cost by more than $1 billion annually through reengineering. Texas Instruments The semiconductor department of the company, through reengineering Integrated circuit The cycle time of the order processing program of Satisfaction , from the worst to the best, and the enterprise has reached unprecedented revenue. At the same time of the success of enterprise reengineering, another part of scholars are also seriously discussing its high level in enterprise implementation Failure rate Reason for. It is believed that the problems that are easy to appear in the implementation of the enterprise reengineering theory are:
① BPR does not consider the overall operation of the enterprise strategic thinking
② Ignore the Coupling action
③ Not considered Business process Design and Management process The relationship between.
In general, the theory of enterprise reengineering conforms to the creation of enterprises through reform New vitality This makes more and more scholars join in the research of BPR. Some management scholars, through a large number of examples of process re-engineering, have developed a new type of process re-engineering called“ MTP ”(Manage Through Process) Process management New method of. Its content is based on the process control unit , according to the enterprise management strategy And all links such as process planning, design, construction, operation and regulation system management , comprehensively consider the interaction between various operation processes Configure Relationship , and management process Adaptation issues It can be said that "MTP" is the expansion and deepening of reengineering, which enables enterprises to operating activities All processes of the project shall be subject to unified command and comprehensive coordination. Therefore, as a new management theory And methods, enterprise reengineering is still developing.
Since 1999, Haier Started process reengineering and implemented“ concurrent engineering ”And make Haier's "Meigaomei" color TV set product design I played a beautiful speed game. As is Development program It takes 6 months from the design to the overall launch of the product; According to the fastest product development program in the world, it took three months, while Haier's "MGM" color TV set only took two months.

matters needing attention

Business restructuring Its successful implementation plays an important role in the continuous development of everything, and the understanding of its precautions is the prerequisite to ensure its successful implementation.
When an enterprise is at a low ebb, it cannot give up. Enterprises should strive to pass Enterprise restructuring , vigorously strengthen Intensive operation Level, we should keep up with the first-class enterprises, practice our internal skills hard, constantly enhance our core competitiveness and ability, and strengthen our resistance to market shocks.
The competition of enterprises is the competition of talents. The competitiveness of talents and teams will be an important factor for Chinese enterprises to participate in market competitiveness. from human resources development From a perspective, some private enterprises have neglected talent strategy and team building , especially the construction of marketing team Enterprise market competitive power Low.
To improve sustainability Development capacity Through financing, enterprises tap internal forces, vigorously strengthen R&D strength, concentrate resources, and enhance product Self development Ability to take the initiative in market competition.