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How much homework do pupils have

http://www.sina.com.cn    09:31, October 10, 2012    Evening News  

Evening News reporter Shao Lirong Li Shengnan reports

"At 90 o'clock every night when homework is done, grade one pupils can't afford to be hurt..." Just a month after school began, Lele's mother sighed on her microblog. His son Lele entered a famous primary school in Pudong in September this year, but hours of homework every day has become a heavy burden for children and parents. It was not easy to wait until the weekend break, and it would take another day and a half to add a triple sheet math volume to the language and number external skill class.

In 2008, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission issued the "2008 Annual Curriculum Plan and Description for Primary and Secondary Schools in Shanghai", requiring all primary and secondary schools to strictly control the amount of students' homework, and the first and second grades of primary schools do not leave written homework; The homework of other grades in primary school should be completed within 1 hour by most students; The extracurricular work of junior high school students should be completed within 1.5 hours by most students; The extracurricular work of all grades in high school should ensure that most students can complete it within 2 hours.

What is the actual situation? This newspaper interviewed several parents, listened to them talk about how long children should spend on homework now, and interviewed several people at random, presenting schoolchildren's homework in different ages.


How long does the child spend on homework

We would like to ask the children who just went to primary school how long they spent doing homework every day, and whether they like to do homework at home. However, the parents interviewed said that their children were too young to say anything and whether they liked it or not. Therefore, the reporter can only restore the real homework situation of the child as true as possible through the oral statement of the parents.

Lele, first grade boy

Daily operation time: 2.5 hours - 3 hours

Lele has just entered the first grade and is very proud of being able to enter this famous primary school in the district. However, after a month of study, he found himself "very poor" from a large number of homework. Lele's mother said that every afternoon, she would receive homework text messages from teachers, which wrote about homework content in various subjects, as well as praise and criticism of children in class that day. Generally, homework is available for all three subjects, including written homework and online homework. Children can do written homework by themselves after school, such as writing, word dictation, tape listening, etc. But online homework must rely on the help of parents. First, you have to enter the school website, enter the student account, so that you can see the homework requirements of the day, then download the attachment, open the PPT and start doing homework. Many online PPT homework needs the help of parents to operate the computer. Some homework needs parents to explain to children because they can't read much. Parents come home from work, cook dinner and have dinner. At the earliest, they can start doing homework with their children at 7:00 pm. Do it faster. Lele can go to bed at 9:30 pm; If you work slowly, or if your parents work late, Lele's bedtime will be delayed to after 10 o'clock.

After the children finish their homework, Lele's mother will check all the homework and sign. Lele Ma said that it would take ten minutes just to open each book and write a signature every day. Some parents also jokingly suggested to the teacher whether to sign by hand or not, so that it could be faster.

Lele's mother said that in order to go to this school, the child had taken the "remedial" work in the kindergarten transition class, and had already known 500 words before entering school. She had learned Little Earth for three years in kindergarten, and had a certain foundation in English. She also knew simple addition and subtraction in mathematics. However, because the primary school uses its own textbooks, which are difficult, Lele obviously feels unable to keep up with the progress after class. English, listening and speaking level is OK, but the spelling of words is weak; In terms of Chinese, it is difficult to do homework because there is not enough literacy.

Lele's mother said that since the first day of school, parents have been "kidnapped" by homework, and they really feel angry. It's really heartbreaking to see my son start being "stuffed" at such a young age and can't sleep enough every day. But I bought the school district house before I entered this famous school. I really can't give up. She said that children's creativity is not so easy to be stifled by homework. In the first semester, they will develop good study habits and gradually adapt to them later. If you want to be better than your peers, you must redouble your efforts. To her surprise, the child seemed to be ready to bear hardships. In the last week of summer vacation, the son said to his mother, "Take me out for a trip. There will be no good life after school starts."

Xiao Xiang, a junior boy

Daily operation time: 11 p.m

Xiao Xiang is in the third grade of primary school this year. He can't go to bed until 11:00 pm every day. He has to get up at 7:00 am the next morning. He doesn't have enough sleep. Xiaoxiang's mother said that the child had finished his homework very late since the first grade, but this was mainly because he was slow and did not grasp. However, Xiao Xiang's mother also said that compared with children of this age group, there must be more homework. Fortunately, Xiao Xiang was very good. Although he was a little tardy, he did his homework carefully and his mood was basically unaffected by it.

However, Xiao Xiang's mother believes that some homework can be exempted. For example, when correcting homework, the teacher asked to copy the topic again, and then correct it again. The child is small and writes slowly. It takes a long time to copy a long list of topics. I don't think it's necessary, but Xiao Xiang will say that this is what the teacher asked, and we must do it according to the teacher's requirements.

Xiaoxiang's mother said that she had no objection to the children's homework. It is almost impossible to learn anything without doing it. Now the competition is so fierce, the better the primary schools are, the tighter they will be. Unless you choose not to participate in the competition from the beginning, you may not do your homework, but how many children's parents can be so smart?

Hengheng, a boy in grade one

Daily operation time: less than 1 hour

Hengheng, the first grade of primary school this year, studied in an experimental primary school near his home. Hengheng's mother said that children spend about 40 minutes on homework every day. There is not much to write about, but a lot to read and read. Heng Heng's English textbook is equipped with a point reader. If the children have standard pronunciation, they can say praise words like "You are so smart" and "You are so talented". Heng Heng will read the pronunciation over and over again and enjoy it.

Homework assigned by the teacher will be sent to the parents' mobile phones through SMS every day. Hengheng's mother said that she can check the children's completion after returning home. There are also assignments for copying. For example, after learning 1, 2, and 3 in mathematics, children will be asked to write a line 1, 2, and 3 on the checkerboard. Sometimes, the teacher will also assign some homework online, and Hengheng's parents will accompany him to complete the homework. This kind of homework is often more cognitive and exploratory.

Hengheng's mother thinks that children should have some homework, or they will only have fun when they go home. Just started school, this stage is mainly to cultivate children's learning habits. The so-called "learning" is to learn new content, review old knowledge and learn new from the past, which can enhance children's confidence and cultivate their sense of responsibility for themselves. In a word, I can't do without homework.

Feifei, a sophomore girl

Daily homework time: 1 hour for written homework, and other time for learning in the game

Speaking of homework, Feifei's mother said that the total amount was not much. The first grade of primary school basically has no written homework, and the second grade teacher only assigns some dictation homework, which can be basically completed in an hour. However, this does not mean that children can play after finishing their homework. The teacher skillfully used the "parental supervision" technique to let students' homework extend indefinitely. For example, the teacher will ask the children to write the new words of the previous day from memory before the new class every day, and the parents are required to sign the scores. In this way, even if the teacher does not assign homework, parents will review, recite, and copy the content of the day to ensure that the performance of dictation the next day is not too ugly. In order to do these things, parents have to accompany their children to study for more than an hour every day. The teacher asked to write in the notebook twice for each word, not many times, but he asked to write neatly and beautifully in the "Tian Zige". In order to meet this requirement, children should practice every word at least four or five times. If they write poorly, they should erase and rewrite it, which is equivalent to copying repeatedly. In her spare time, Feifei's mother installs math games for her iPad, and only watches Disney English cartoons.

Feifei's mother said that the teacher would not violate the workload regulations, but could use the "test" tool to urge parents and children. However, she was satisfied with the relatively relaxed teaching in her daughter's school. She remembered that her child had issued two exercise volumes for one course a month, but she heard that another famous school had issued 20 exercise volumes for the same course a month.


"Remarkable homework" not only covers circles

In the interview, many parents said that there are many types of homework nowadays, perhaps the purpose is to make homework colorful, but some topics are really "shocking", which makes children spend too much time in "circling" and "thinking".

Add a radical to the word "manifest" to form a new word. What other words can you think of besides the word "wet"? After pondering for a long time, a post-80s netizen sent the homework of his daughter in grade three of primary school to Weibo for help. What she did not expect was that the question of the third grade of primary school failed a group of netizens. After the netizens gathered their wisdom on this microblog, someone found a rare word "Xiang" to answer. Some netizens suggested that she look up the Kangxi Dictionary for answers.

For another example, a routine Chinese question in grade two adds a radical to "hao" to form five different words. Faced with such a problem, I'm afraid it will take a lot of thinking for children who do not know much.

The reporter "taobao" some summer homework of primary school Chinese and mathematics from the Internet, and found that many questions, in addition to examining knowledge points and embodying interest, did detour too much.

"Two fathers gave their own money to their son. One father gave 150 yuan to his son, and the other father gave 100 yuan to his son. Why didn't the money from the last two sons add up to 150 yuan?"

"A bear fell into a 10 meter deep pit and took one second to ask what color the bear was?"

"My relationship with him is not very ordinary", "My relationship with him is not ordinary", "My relationship with him is ordinary", "My relationship with him is not ordinary", "My relationship with him is very ordinary", rank these sentences according to the closeness of the two people.

Write down "We keep the motherland in mind" in five other forms, requiring that the meaning cannot be changed and the form cannot be repeated.

The couplet of Tang Bohu and Zhu Zhishan reads "Water wheel, water wheel, water wheel, water wheel, water wheel. Fan, fan, wind out of the fan, fan out of the wind." Please point out the meaning of "car" and "fan" respectively.

There is also a summer homework. In a question of guessing idioms, there are two riddles written, one is "five sentences", the other is "air raid". After a search on the Internet, the reporter learned that the first answer was "three words and two words", and the last answer was "a bolt from the blue".


It is better to learn in advance or follow the best development period

The difficulty of teaching materials has increased, and the curriculum contents of the first and second grades of the first grade... Many parents find that the reason why teachers have to assign a lot of homework is largely due to "learning in advance".

A senior high school teacher who did not want to be named said that although the public kindergartens basically did not teach knowledge and adopted a "free range" attitude, the private kindergartens were crammed. Some large classes finished teaching Chinese Pinyin, knew thousands of words, and taught mathematics in the unary linear equation. At the primary school stage, the school will default that the children have learned these things. Pinyin will pass by, and addition and subtraction within 10 will not be taught at all. It will speed up the teaching process and teach something deeper.

Despite the prevailing trend of learning in advance, some schools are still moving against the current. As early as around 2000, some schools in Shanghai launched the measure of "no mathematics required course in grade one of primary school". Now the number of such schools is increasing. What they advocate is the educational concept of "the best development period".

In an interview with the media, the relevant school authorities explained that the time and effect spent by students at different ages in learning a certain subject are different. If the age at which students learn a subject with the highest benefit is defined as the "best development period", then the curriculum should conform to the "best development period" of students. They believe that children in lower grades are sensitive to language, have soft tongues and strong imitation ability, and strengthen language learning in this period to get twice the result with half the effort; At this time, children's abstract thinking ability is weak, deductive reasoning ability is relatively poor, and mathematics and other sciences are relatively difficult. With children's experience increasing, their abstract thinking ability will continue to grow, and it will be easier to learn mathematics and other disciplines.

For example, the knowledge points of "how many and how many" were taught in grade one, and many students made mistakes because they could not distinguish between left and right. After the first grade study, the children's language understanding ability has improved, and it is much easier to learn this knowledge point again. For another example, the concept of "yuan, jiao and fen" in coins and the conversion of "hour, minute and second" in time are difficult to teach in the first grade of primary school, while in the third grade, many students have gained direct experience through daily life, and it is not difficult to learn at all. There are not many mathematical knowledge points in the first and second grades of primary school, and it can be easily mastered within one year by cutting branches and strengthening cadres.


The homework we did together in those years

This year is 2012. The children in Grade One of primary school this year should be called Grade 2012. Most of these pupils' homework is not easy. But those adults who have been working now have also experienced the first grade of primary school. Did they have to write their homework late at that time? What do they think of their childhood homework? Our reporter interviewed several people of different ages at random.

Jiang Xue, female, enrolled in the mid-1970s

When Jiang Xue was in primary school, the college entrance examination had not yet resumed, and the Cultural Revolution was almost over. The learning atmosphere in the school was very strong, and the teachers also paid close attention to it. She remembered that since the first grade of primary school, the teacher had left a lot of homework at home, and sometimes she had to copy several pages. However, Jiang Xue said that he likes to study, so he likes to do homework. Even if there is a lot of homework, he does not feel it is a burden. She said that when she came home from school, she often played with her friends for a while, and did her homework when she had had enough. However, her homework is very conscious, and her parents never care. Jiang Xue said that she still remembered a comment written on her homework book by her teacher, "read carefully, write attentively, learn culture for the revolution". Although it was a comment in that era, the praise made her proud to this day, because it came from a text in primary school. Such comment was the highest evaluation at that time.

Mei Mei, female, enrolled in the mid-1980s

Mei Mei recalled that when she was in primary school, she did a lot of homework, basically copying new words in Chinese and solving exercises after the book. However, Mei Mei never felt that homework was a burden. On the contrary, she found it very interesting to copy and write. Every time the Chinese homework is "excellent" by the teacher because of its neat handwriting, or "100 points" in mathematics, she can exchange a pentagram if she gathers several "excellent" points. The teacher will also reward corresponding stationery, such as pencils, erasers, rulers, etc., according to the number of pentagrams. She is very happy. Her parents ignored her homework when she was young.

Sayno, male, enrolled in the 1990s

Sayno recalled that when he was in primary school, he only had Chinese and math at the beginning. His most impressive homework was to practice writing. He remembered that there was a set of literacy cards at that time. Homework was mechanical repetition, reading, writing, and sometimes dictation. The time for homework is sometimes long and sometimes short. He has also done homework very late and was scolded by his mother and beaten by his father. However, Sayno said that he never felt tired doing homework when he was young.

For the homework of primary school students now, he thinks it is not necessarily a bad thing to leave homework at home. However, the form of homework can be diversified. It can be to draw a picture, to make a manual work, to guide them to think about a problem. The key is to be inspired. Children can really like it, which is the most important.

Xiao Mao, male, enrolled in the 1990s

Xiaomao's primary school was in the countryside. In the first and second grades, he took the time to finish all the work at school, and basically "played" at home. He didn't start to write homework until the third grade of primary school. When he was in primary school, he went to bed at seven or eight every night. Although I recall now that most of my homework in primary school was repetitive work of copying and writing, which was nothing new, Xiao Mao felt that the educational philosophy at that time was just like that, and he could not be blamed.

Xiao Mao believes that children in Grade 1 and Grade 2 of primary school can not stay home to do homework, but this is a bit extravagant in the current environment. Now, many parents want to send their children to various interest classes from kindergarten for fear that their children will lose at the starting line. Even if the teacher does not leave homework, parents will also arrange many tasks for their children. Children are always not easy.

(At the request of interviewees, all interviewees in the article are pseudonyms)

(Original title: How many schoolchildren recall their homework in those years when they go home for homework)

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