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How can expectant mothers spend the Mid Autumn Festival safely?

Abstract: The Mid Autumn Festival is a time when people and the moon are reunited. On this day, the pregnant mother should take extra care of her body during the Mid Autumn Festival. Don't do something unpleasant in such a happy day. What should we pay attention to during the Mid Autumn Festival?

How can expectant mothers spend the Mid Autumn Festival safely?

   [Mid Autumn Festival Moon Appreciation Chapter]

Pay attention to adding clothes is the key

When it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival, the first thing to do is to enjoy the moon. Although the moonlight is beautiful, pregnant mothers should pay attention to adding clothes. Now it's autumn, and the weather is getting cold. Especially at night, sometimes I feel the cold wind blowing, so we must pay attention to prevent catching cold. Pregnant mothers are prone to all kinds of pregnancy discomfort, especially the pregnancy cold.

Mid Autumn Festival weather tips

This Mid Autumn Festival, Xiao Bian did some homework in advance. According to the official weather forecast, the weather in most parts of China this Mid Autumn Festival is sunny and cloudy. But this Mid Autumn Festival, most cities in China will be affected by cold air, thus cooling down. The most severe cooling is in Shanghai, and Guangdong has a great impact. So pregnant mothers in these two regions must take good measures to keep warm.

In addition, when appreciating the moon, pregnant mothers should pay attention not to look at the moon. They are in a daze for a long time, which makes their necks stiff. It is recommended to walk more on the night of Mid Autumn Festival. It is also a good choice to enjoy the moon while walking in the park.

   [Mid Autumn Festival Diet]

When mooncakes are on fire, pregnant mothers can easily get "hot" if they eat more

From the perspective of TCM nutrition, most mooncakes are "heavy oil and heavy sugar" products, and most of the production procedures include frying and baking, which is easy to produce "heat", or gastrointestinal stagnation. Therefore, more oily and sweet mooncakes are not always good. So although the mooncakes are fragrant, pregnant mothers should not be greedy for the baby in their belly.

Pregnant mothers should avoid eating spicy, warm, dry, greasy and indigestible food. The following three types of pregnant mothers must not touch moon cakes.

1. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are not suitable for pregnant women with GDM because the mooncake contains more sugar.

2. If a pregnant woman gains too much weight, the moon cake contains very high fat and calories, which will have a greater impact on her weight.

3. Long term ill pregnant women, due to the heavy oil and sugar of moon cakes, are not easy to digest, so it is not suitable for weak and long-term ill pregnant women.

Crab in Mid Autumn Festival

The Mid Autumn Festival food has to mention crabs, so can pregnant mothers eat crabs? What are the precautions for eating crabs?

Because crabs have the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, they may upset the fetal qi, play the role of moving the fetus, and may also lead to miscarriage.

In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Tao Hongjing, a famous doctor of the Liang Dynasty, wrote the classic book of Chinese herbal medicine, "The Record of Famous Doctors", which recorded "crab claw, broken package abortion". Because crabs are cold in nature and have the function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, eating them will cause bleeding and abortion in early pregnancy. In particular, crab claw has an obvious abortion effect, so some doctors will remind pregnant mothers not to eat it. But at present, there is still controversy about this statement.

Some doctors said that pregnant mothers are not completely forbidden to eat crabs, unless they are pregnant women with cold and weak constitution. To be on the safe side, you can taste the delicacies of hairy crabs a little, not to eat more, not to eat crab claws. Another thing to note is that hairy crabs, a high protein food, are easy to deteriorate, so you should be careful when eating them. Otherwise, if you eat dead crabs by mistake, you will suffer from dizziness, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and even miscarriage. Just a reminder, pregnant mothers should try not to touch crabs 3 months ago.

   [Meeting Friends in Autumn]

Don't walk too often

On the Mid Autumn Festival, many people will take advantage of this long holiday to visit their relatives and friends with moon cakes. During this period, pregnant mothers with large bellies should not be too active and move too frequently. In order to prevent overwork and for the safety of your baby, you can choose one or two families to visit in 8 days.

Don't rush to pick up mooncakes

In order to make their mooncakes look high-grade, the package is exaggerated, and the box is also large. Only four mooncakes make people feel very heavy. Let the father to be mention these things.

When pregnant mothers lift heavy objects, their lower abdomen will exert force, which will cause uterine muscle contraction and increase abdominal pressure. At this time, accidentally bumping into the abdomen will also lead to bleeding and placental abruption.

Don't take playing mahjong as your only pastime

During the festival, relatives and friends get together, and the biggest entertainment is playing mahjong. But pregnant mothers, you'd better sit aside and watch. There are three major drawbacks to playing mahjong.

1. Too fond of fighting to forget the time. Sitting for a long time will lead to varicose veins and serious edema of the lower limbs, making the lower legs more prone to cramps.

2. While playing mahjong, pregnant mothers can't help themselves. They can't stop their interest, and they can't eat. They are excited and sleep irregularly.

3. When pregnant women play mahjong, they are often in a bad mood of great joy and great sorrow, thinking about gains and losses. It is common for them to have fierce arguments and rude language, and sometimes even make moves. Such overexcited nerves will cause abnormal hormone secretion in pregnant mothers, which will cause serious harm to the brain development of the fetus and baby.

   [Mid Autumn Festival Birth]

Many hospitals are on duty as usual on Mid Autumn Festival, so pregnant mothers who are about to give birth need not panic. In addition, we are always ready to rush to the hospital to give birth to the baby. During the Mid Autumn Festival, we will stay at home and go out as little as possible. Count all kinds of supplies needed when entering the hospital.

Be mentally prepared

Pregnant mothers are expected to give birth on the Mid Autumn Festival. They are 38 weeks pregnant. When the Mid Autumn Festival approaches, uterine contractions are severe. Hurry to the hospital to have a look. Maybe the baby will be born early. In addition, it should be noted that the traffic may be a bit congested during holidays, so it is necessary to think ahead of time which road is closer and more convenient. The most terrible thing is to have a baby in the hospital and encounter a traffic jam. It didn't happen that the baby was born directly in the car.

In addition, the phenomenon of dragon babies being born in a pile this year is obvious, so you should be prepared. During the Spring Festival this year, too many dragon babies were born in a hurry, leading to the tension of hospital beds. Therefore, in the Mid Autumn Festival, we should also prepare for bed tension in advance.

   Suggestion on naming babies born on Mid Autumn Festival

It is suggested that girls born on the Mid Autumn Festival should be named. As for boys, please refer to the following form!

Recommendation 1: Ling Yue

Smart: cute and clever. Girls are big and clever; Yue: It's a kind of precious jade, which means that a daughter is not only the apple of her parents' eyes

Recommendation 2: Frost Moon

This is Frost Moon from Li Shangyin

At first, I heard that there were no cicadas in the wild goose chase, and the hundred foot building was high enough to reach the sky.

All green girls are resistant to cold, and the moon is full of frost.

Recommendation 3: Yue Jie

Yue yu è (ancient) is a legendary divine pearl. Homophone with the moon, intended to remember the birth of the mid-autumn festival eve; Jie: It means the moon, bright and beautiful.

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