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"Zero year education" creates smart babies

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Today, when early childhood education is highly valued, when it is most suitable has become the most hot issue. Some education experts advocate "zero year education", that is, to carry out timely and appropriate early education from the day the baby is born. What is the matter? How should parents operate?

Nowadays, more and more people begin to pay attention to zero year education. Young parents become extremely nervous from the birth of their children and even from the beginning of pregnancy, for fear of missing the critical period of their children and delaying their growth. However, in the face of numerous educational concepts and methods passed on by many educational experts, young parents are even more at a loss as to how to implement correct and effective zero year education.

In fact, young parents, you needn't be so nervous. Although zero year education has a very important impact on people's life, we are not professional educators, and excessive tension will only make us more pointless. How can we make education simple and let each of our young parents relax and create their own unique zero year education?

   About zero year old education

Many experts define zero year education as education from birth to one year old, but I prefer the term "education that is infinitely close to zero year old". Because many examples prove that the fetus can receive different information when it is pregnant in the mother's belly. Children have different personalities from the moment they are born. Education does not begin at the moment of birth, but during pregnancy. Therefore, if we focus on the moment of birth, zero year education should cover the period before (during pregnancy) and after (before 1 year old).

   Zero year education, what to teach

How to make zero year education simple? I think we should first think about what is the most important content of zero year education, and what should we teach children to achieve a truly successful zero year education?

It is undeniable that a large number of parents praise early education so much because they want their babies to become smarter, even genius. Indeed, early education focusing on knowledge and skills can cultivate talents, and many famous figures, such as Mozart and Beethoven, grew up in such an educational environment. However, on the other hand, we should also note that these children receiving special education will have other "complications" due to their amazing achievements in the growth process. The lives of these talented great people are not only colorful and happy, but also have ups and downs and different spiritual hardships. Take Mozart as an example. He was seriously ill. After his father died, he lived in poverty and was like a beggar. Yinghua died early in delusion and depression at the age of 35. Beethoven was addicted to alcohol. He got jaundice at 52, vomited blood at 53, and died at 57.

Although pure knowledge and skill cultivation can create genius, without the cultivation of mind and personality, it is impossible to give genius a happy life. So I think that zero year old education is not only to cultivate smart babies, but also to cultivate talents and high IQ. What is more important is to cultivate a good mind and personality. We can call it "spiritual education". The problem of knowledge can be remedied through later efforts, but the problem of mind cannot be remedied. It will be lost forever because of the missed opportunity.

   Children's "special abilities"

When it comes to spiritual education, it seems that it is very difficult. In fact, it is not difficult. Because every child has the "special ability" of "type awareness".

We may have noticed that babies who are only a few days old can distinguish their mothers' voices and remember their mothers' faces; Young children can point to the sign of "coca cola" and say it is Coca Cola even though they don't know the word. I don't think it is rare for adults to be surprised like this.

That is because both infants and young children have the "special ability" to receive images intact, and they can play this "special ability" because there are differences in the cognitive styles of children and adults. Babies know their mothers not only by looking at their mothers' appearance, but also by their comprehensive feelings such as smell, voice, cuddling style and posture. For a baby, "mother" is a mother who includes all her feelings.

When adults see the sign of "coca cola", they recognize it from letter to letter, and then read "coca cola", while young children read the font on the sign as a whole, and then read "coca cola". That is to say, children have the ability to see things as a whole. On this basis, Japanese educator Ishikawa put forward the "type education theory". The word "type" comes from the English word "pattern". Through "type", infants can not only know sounds and words, but also know intangible things and abstract matters. For example, when a mother says "thank you", the baby recognizes all the polite behaviors, atmosphere, language and expression contained in "thank you" as a type. That is to say, before the baby understands the meaning of "thank you", he accepts all the contents of "thank you", such as language, behavior and atmosphere, as a whole.

If we can call the accumulation of this type of knowledge education, then whether it is spiritual education or zero year education can become very simple and natural?

   Let the baby learn love from childhood

Now, let's start with the ability to help children learn to love from an early age and start our simple journey of zero year old education!

Just because children have the "special ability" of "type awareness", so to let children learn what love is, we only need to show what love is to smart babies in daily life. The baby has grown up in a loving family since she was in her mother's belly. The family members are full of love, mutual care and mutual understanding; After birth, adults often care for babies gently. In this way, infants can easily feel the love of their families through "type awareness" and absorb it. Of course, the baby still doesn't understand that this is "love". But when a baby grows up and knows the word "love", he will understand what love is and understand it deeply through his own feelings. At this time, his understanding of love will no longer stay in the abstract understanding of the word, and love will become a natural ability.

However, if an infant does not receive this type of education on love in this period, it is difficult for him to really understand "love" even when he grows up, and even if he knows in his heart, he will not have love behavior, because he has not learned love behavior.

   Let your baby be like you

I believe that every parent has an expectation of what kind of person their children will become. However, to make this expectation come true, it is not enough to just tell him in words. What should we do? Don't be nervous. Don't forget that children have "special abilities"!

People's abilities, personalities and hobbies are not innate, but different because they have felt different types of education since they were in their mother's belly. If it is a loving family, parents are considerate and respect the elderly, then even if they do not use language to teach, infants can naturally learn how their parents behave and speak. When the baby grows up, the parents' behavior will reappear in the child, making the child become a gentle and considerate person. On the contrary, if it is a family full of violence, can you imagine what will happen?

Therefore, if you want your children to become what kind of people, you should first become that kind of people!

   Create unique zero year education

Now, will you still feel confused and nervous because you don't know how to implement effective zero year education for children? I think the answer is obvious. No matter what others say, every parent has its own personality, and every family can give children different types. From this moment on, start happily and create your own unique zero year education!

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