Three men in Beijing were investigated for drug trafficking and tried to drive into police

The police arrested the drug traffickers at the scene. Pictures provided by the police
              The police seized drugs from the interlayer of the luggage.

Three drug trafficking suspects hid heroin in the luggage compartment and were caught by the police on the spot when they took it to the trading place to prepare for trading. Recently, the Anti drug Squadron of Fengtai Public Security Bureau beat up a drug trafficking gang, arrested three suspects and recovered 2236 grams of heroin. At present, three suspects have been detained by Fengtai police.

At the end of 2015, Fengtai persuaded the team members to provide clues to the police. There was a gang selling drugs in Taipingqiao, Liuliqiao, Xiju and other areas of Fengtai District. The drug trafficking network has a large organization, clear division of labor and frequent activities. Fengtai Branch immediately set up a special case team to investigate.

After nearly 10 months of careful investigation, the special team determined the backbone members of the gang. In October this year, the task force got important clues. One of the main suspects of the drug trafficking gang, Wang Mou, planned to bring a large number of drugs from Yunnan to Beijing for trade. The task force immediately conducted a comprehensive investigation and control of Wang Mou and his surrounding contacts.

The suspects of the gang have a strong sense of anti investigation and have no signs of activity for many days. In order to avoid alarm, the police of the special task force monitored every move of Wang and others 24 hours a day. Through 10 days of stay, the task force finally obtained the time and place information of the drug trafficking gang's agreed transaction.

In the early morning of October 29, Mr. Wang went to Xiaotun New Village, Fengtai District, where he agreed to trade drugs. When Wang and 2 associates waited for the buyer to appear, the police arrested him.

Seeing the police suddenly appear, Wang and others want to drive away and try to speed up the gas to collide with the police, who quickly break the window to subdue the suspect. Police found 3 bags of suspicious white powder in the interlayer of Mr. Wang's suitcase, and 8 bags of suspicious white powder in plastic bags in the bungalow of the suspect's temporary residence. After identification, 2236 grams of heroin were seized in this case.

It is understood that the police action also cut off an important channel for transporting heroin from Yunnan to Beijing. At present, three suspects including Wang have been detained by Fengtai police.

Beijing Times: reporter Zhang Sijia

Editor in charge: Guo Haixia

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